1 | ---
2 | title: Builtin Functions (Oils Reference)
3 | all_docs_url: ..
4 | body_css_class: width40
5 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
6 | preserve_anchor_case: yes
7 | ---
8 |
9 | <div class="doc-ref-header">
10 |
11 | [Oils Reference](index.html) —
12 | Chapter **Builtin Functions**
13 |
14 | </div>
15 |
16 | This chapter describes builtin functions (as opposed to [builtin
17 | commands](chap-builtin-cmd.html).)
18 |
19 | <span class="in-progress">(in progress)</span>
20 |
21 | <div id="dense-toc">
22 | </div>
23 |
24 | ## Values
25 |
26 | ### len()
27 |
28 | Returns the
29 |
30 | - number of entries in a `List`
31 | - number of pairs in a `Dict`
32 | - number of bytes in a `Str`
33 | - TODO: `countRunes()` can return the number of UTF-8 encoded code points.
34 |
35 | ### func/type()
36 |
37 | Given an arbitrary value, returns a string representing the value's runtime
38 | type.
39 |
40 | For example:
41 |
42 | var d = {'foo': 'bar'}
43 | var n = 1337
44 |
45 | $ = type(d)
46 | (Str) 'Dict'
47 |
48 | $ = type(n)
49 | (Str) 'Int'
50 |
51 | Similar names: [type][]
52 |
53 | [type]: chap-index.html#type
54 |
55 |
56 | ## Conversions
57 |
58 | ### bool()
59 |
60 | Returns the truth value of its argument. Similar to `bool()` in python, it
61 | returns `false` for:
62 |
63 | - `false`, `0`, `0.0`, `''`, `{}`, `[]`, and `null`.
64 |
65 | Returns `true` for all other values.
66 |
67 | ### int()
68 |
69 | Given a float, returns the largest integer that is less than its argument (i.e. `floor()`).
70 |
71 | $ = int(1.99)
72 | (Int) 1
73 |
74 | Given a string, `Int()` will attempt to convert the string to a base-10
75 | integer. The base can be overridden by calling with a second argument.
76 |
77 | $ = int('10')
78 | (Int) 10
79 |
80 | $ = int('10', 2)
81 | (Int) 2
82 |
83 | ysh$ = Int('foo')
84 | # fails with an expression error
85 |
86 | ### float()
87 |
88 | Given an integer, returns the corresponding floating point representation.
89 |
90 | $ = float(1)
91 | (Float) 1.0
92 |
93 | Given a string, `Float()` will attempt to convert the string to float.
94 |
95 | $ = float('1.23')
96 | (Float) 1.23
97 |
98 | ysh$ = float('bar')
99 | # fails with an expression error
100 |
101 | ### str()
102 |
103 | Converts a `Float` or `Int` to a string.
104 |
105 | ### list()
106 |
107 | Given a list, returns a shallow copy of the original.
108 |
109 | Given an iterable value (e.g. a range or dictionary), returns a list containing
110 | one element for each item in the original collection.
111 |
112 | $ = list({'a': 1, 'b': 2})
113 | (List) ['a', 'b']
114 |
115 | $ = list(1:5)
116 | (List) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
117 |
118 | ### dict()
119 |
120 | Given a dictionary, returns a shallow copy of the original.
121 |
122 | ### runes()
123 |
124 | TODO
125 |
126 | Given a string, decodes UTF-8 into a List of integer "runes" (aka code points).
127 |
128 | Each rune is in the range `U+0` to `U+110000`, and **excludes** the surrogate
129 | range.
130 |
131 | runes(s, start=-1, end=-1)
132 |
133 | TODO: How do we signal errors?
134 |
135 | (`runes()` can be used to implement implemented Python's `ord()`.)
136 |
137 | ### encodeRunes()
138 |
139 | TODO
140 |
141 | Given a List of integer "runes" (aka code points), return a string.
142 |
143 | (`encodeRunes()` can be used to implement implemented Python's `chr()`.)
144 |
145 | ### bytes()
146 |
147 | TODO
148 |
149 | Given a string, return a List of integer byte values.
150 |
151 | Each byte is in the range 0 to 255.
152 |
153 | ### encodeBytes()
154 |
155 | TODO
156 |
157 | Given a List of integer byte values, return a string.
158 |
159 | ## Str
160 |
161 | ### strcmp()
162 |
163 | TODO
164 |
165 | ### shSplit()
166 |
167 | Split a string into a List of strings, using the shell algorithm that respects
168 | `$IFS`.
169 |
170 | Prefer `split()` to `shSplit()`.
171 |
172 |
173 | ## List
174 |
175 | ### join()
176 |
177 | Given a List, stringify its items, and join them by a separator. The default
178 | separator is the empty string.
179 |
180 | var x = ['a', 'b', 'c']
181 |
182 | $ echo $[join(x)]
183 | abc
184 |
185 | $ echo $[join(x, ' ')] # optional separator
186 | a b c
187 |
188 |
189 | It's also often called with the `=>` chaining operator:
190 |
191 | var items = [1, 2, 3]
192 |
193 | json write (items => join()) # => "123"
194 | json write (items => join(' ')) # => "1 2 3"
195 | json write (items => join(', ')) # => "1, 2, 3"
196 |
197 | ## Dict
198 |
199 | ### keys()
200 |
201 | Returns all existing keys from a dict as a list of strings.
202 |
203 | var en2fr = {
204 | hello: "bonjour",
205 | friend: "ami",
206 | cat: "chat"
207 | }
208 | = keys(en2fr)
209 | # => (List 0x4689) ["hello","friend","cat"]
210 |
211 | ### values()
212 |
213 | Similar to `keys()`, but returns the values of the dictionary.
214 |
215 | var person = {
216 | name: "Foo",
217 | age: 25,
218 | hobbies: :|walking reading|
219 | }
220 | = values(en2fr)
221 | # => (List 0x4689) ["Foo",25,["walking","reading"]]
222 |
223 | ### get()
224 |
225 | Return value for given key, falling back to the default value if the key
226 | doesn't exist.
227 |
228 | var book = {
229 | title: "Hitchhiker's Guide",
230 | published: 1979,
231 | }
232 |
233 | var published = get(book, 'published', null)
234 | = published
235 | # => (Int) 1979
236 |
237 | var author = get(book, 'author', "???")
238 | = author
239 | # => (Str) "???"
240 |
241 | If not specified, the default value is `null`:
242 |
243 | var author = get(book, 'author')
244 | = author
245 | # => (Null) null
246 |
247 | ## Float
248 |
249 | ### floatsEqual()
250 |
251 | Check if two floating point numbers are equal.
252 |
253 | = floatsEqual(42.0, 42.0)
254 | (Bool) true
255 |
256 | It's usually better to make an approximate comparison:
257 |
258 | = abs(float1 - float2) < 0.001
259 | (Bool) false
260 |
261 | ## Obj
262 |
263 | ### first()
264 |
265 | Get the Dict that contains an object's properties.
266 |
267 | ysh$ = first(obj)
268 | (Dict) {x: 42}
269 |
270 | The Dict and Obj share the same storage. So if the Dict is modified, the
271 | object is too.
272 |
273 | If you want a copy, use `dict(obj)`.
274 |
275 | ### rest()
276 |
277 | Get the "prototype" of an Obj, which is another Obj, or null:
278 |
279 | ysh$ = rest(obj)
280 | (Null) null
281 |
282 | ## Word
283 |
284 | ### glob()
285 |
286 | See `glob-pat` topic for syntax.
287 |
288 | ### maybe()
289 |
290 | ## Serialize
291 |
292 | ### toJson()
293 |
294 | Convert an object in memory to JSON text:
295 |
296 | $ = toJson({name: "alice"})
297 | (Str) '{"name":"alice"}'
298 |
299 | Add indentation by passing the `space` param:
300 |
301 | $ = toJson([42], space=2)
302 | (Str) "[\n 42\n]"
303 |
304 | Similar to `json write (x)`, except the default value of `space` is 0.
305 |
306 | See [err-json-encode][] for errors.
307 |
308 | [err-json-encode]: chap-errors.html#err-json-encode
309 |
310 | ### fromJson()
311 |
312 | Convert JSON text to an object in memory:
313 |
314 | = fromJson('{"name":"alice"}')
315 | (Dict) {"name": "alice"}
316 |
317 | Similar to `json read <<< '{"name": "alice"}'`.
318 |
319 | See [err-json-decode][] for errors.
320 |
321 | [err-json-decode]: chap-errors.html#err-json-decode
322 |
323 | ### toJson8()
324 |
325 | Like `toJson()`, but it also converts binary data (non-Unicode strings) to
326 | J8-style `b'foo \yff'` strings.
327 |
328 | In contrast, `toJson()` will do a lossy conversion with the Unicode replacement
329 | character.
330 |
331 | See [err-json8-encode][] for errors.
332 |
333 | [err-json8-encode]: chap-errors.html#err-json8-encode
334 |
335 | ### fromJson8()
336 |
337 | Like `fromJson()`, but it also accepts binary data denoted by J8-style `b'foo
338 | \yff'` strings.
339 |
340 | See [err-json8-decode][] for errors.
341 |
342 | [err-json8-decode]: chap-errors.html#err-json8-decode
343 |
344 | ## Pattern
345 |
346 | ### `_group()`
347 |
348 | Like `Match => group()`, but accesses the global match created by `~`:
349 |
350 | if ('foo42' ~ / d+ /) {
351 | echo $[_group(0)] # => 42
352 | }
353 |
354 | ### `_start()`
355 |
356 | Like `Match => start()`, but accesses the global match created by `~`:
357 |
358 | if ('foo42' ~ / d+ /) {
359 | echo $[_start(0)] # => 3
360 | }
361 |
362 | ### `_end()`
363 |
364 | Like `Match => end()`, but accesses the global match created by `~`:
365 |
366 | if ('foo42' ~ / d+ /) {
367 | echo $[_end(0)] # => 5
368 | }
369 |
370 | ## Introspect
371 |
372 | ### `shvarGet()`
373 |
374 | Given a variable name, return its value. It uses the "dynamic scope" rule,
375 | which looks up the stack for a variable.
376 |
377 | It's meant to be used with `shvar`:
378 |
379 | proc proc1 {
380 | shvar PATH=/tmp { # temporarily set PATH in this stack frame
381 | my-proc
382 | }
383 |
384 | proc2
385 | }
386 |
387 | proc proc2 {
388 | proc3
389 | }
390 |
391 | proc proc3 {
392 | var path = shvarGet('PATH') # Look up the stack (dynamic scoping)
393 | echo $path # => /tmp
394 | }
395 |
396 | proc1
397 |
398 | Note that `shvar` is usually for string variables, and is analogous to `shopt`
399 | for "booleans".
400 |
401 | If the variable isn't defined, `shvarGet()` returns `null`. So there's no way
402 | to distinguish an undefined variable from one that's `null`.
403 |
404 | ### `getVar()`
405 |
406 | Given a variable name, return its value.
407 |
408 | $ var x = 42
409 | $ echo $[getVar('x')]
410 | 42
411 |
412 | The variable may be local or global. (Compare with `shvarGet()`.) the "dynamic
413 | scope" rule.)
414 |
415 | If the variable isn't defined, `getVar()` returns `null`. So there's no way to
416 | distinguish an undefined variable from one that's `null`.
417 |
418 | ### `setVar()`
419 |
420 | Bind a name to a value, in the local scope. Returns nothing.
421 |
422 | call setVar('myname', 42)
423 |
424 | This is like
425 |
426 | setvar myname = 42
427 |
428 | except the name can is a string, which can be constructed at runtime.
429 |
430 | ---
431 |
432 | You can also bind globals:
433 |
434 | call setVar('myname', 42, global=true)
435 |
436 | which is like
437 |
438 | setglobal myname = 42
439 |
440 | ### `parseCommand()`
441 |
442 | Given a code string, parse it as a command (with the current parse options).
443 |
444 | Returns a `value.Command` instance, or raises an error.
445 |
446 | ### `parseExpr()`
447 |
448 | TODO:
449 |
450 | Given a code string, parse it as an expression.
451 |
452 | Returns a `value.Expr` instance, or raises an error.
453 |
454 | ### `bindFrame()`
455 |
456 | TODO
457 |
458 | ## Hay Config
459 |
460 | ### parseHay()
461 |
462 | ### evalHay()
463 |
464 |
465 | ## Hashing
466 |
467 | ### sha1dc()
468 |
469 | Git's algorithm.
470 |
471 | ### sha256()
472 |
473 |
474 | <!--
475 |
476 | ### Better Syntax
477 |
478 | These functions give better syntax to existing shell constructs.
479 |
480 | - `shQuote()` for `printf %q` and `${x@Q}`
481 | - `trimLeft()` for `${x#prefix}` and `${x##prefix}`
482 | - `trimRight()` for `${x%suffix}` and `${x%%suffix}`
483 | - `trimLeftGlob()` and `trimRightGlob()` for slow, legacy glob
484 | - `upper()` for `${x^^}`
485 | - `lower()` for `${x,,}`
486 | - `strftime()`: hidden in `printf`
487 |
488 | -->