1 | """Methods on Obj that is the io type"""
2 | from __future__ import print_function
3 |
4 | from _devbuild.gen.value_asdl import value, value_e, value_t
5 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import loc_t
6 |
7 | from core import error
8 | from core import num
9 | from core import state
10 | from core import vm
11 | from frontend import typed_args
12 | from mycpp.mylib import log, NewDict
13 | from osh import prompt
14 |
15 | from typing import Dict, List, Optional, cast, TYPE_CHECKING
17 | from _devbuild.gen.runtime_asdl import Cell
18 | from osh import cmd_eval
19 | from ysh import expr_eval
20 |
21 | _ = log
22 |
23 | EVAL_NULL = 1
24 | EVAL_DICT = 2
25 |
26 |
27 | def _CheckPosArgs(pos_args_raw, blame_loc):
28 | # type: (Optional[List[value_t]], loc_t) -> Optional[List[str]]
29 |
30 | if pos_args_raw is None:
31 | return None
32 |
33 | pos_args = [] # type: List[str]
34 | for arg in pos_args_raw:
35 | if arg.tag() != value_e.Str:
36 | raise error.TypeErr(arg, "Expected pos_args to be a List of Strs",
37 | blame_loc)
38 |
39 | pos_args.append(cast(value.Str, arg).s)
40 | return pos_args
41 |
42 |
43 | class EvalExpr(vm._Callable):
44 |
45 | def __init__(self, expr_ev):
46 | # type: (expr_eval.ExprEvaluator) -> None
47 | self.expr_ev = expr_ev
48 | self.mem = expr_ev.mem
49 |
50 | def Call(self, rd):
51 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
52 | unused_self = rd.PosObj()
53 | lazy = rd.PosExpr()
54 |
55 | dollar0 = rd.NamedStr("dollar0", None)
56 | pos_args_raw = rd.NamedList("pos_args", None)
57 | vars_ = rd.NamedDict("vars", None)
58 | rd.Done()
59 |
60 | blame_tok = rd.LeftParenToken()
61 | pos_args = _CheckPosArgs(pos_args_raw, blame_tok)
62 |
63 | # Note: ctx_Eval is on the outside, while ctx_EnclosedFrame is used in
64 | # EvalExprClosure
65 | with state.ctx_TokenDebugFrame(self.mem, blame_tok):
66 | with state.ctx_EnclosedFrame(self.mem, lazy.captured_frame,
67 | lazy.module_frame, None):
68 | with state.ctx_Eval(self.mem, dollar0, pos_args, vars_):
69 | result = self.expr_ev.EvalExpr(lazy.e, blame_tok)
70 |
71 | return result
72 |
73 |
74 | def _PrintFrame(prefix, frame):
75 | # type: (str, Dict[str, Cell]) -> None
76 | print('%s %s' % (prefix, ' '.join(frame.keys())))
77 |
78 | rear = frame.get('__E__')
79 | if rear:
80 | rear_val = rear.val
81 | if rear_val.tag() == value_e.Frame:
82 | r = cast(value.Frame, rear_val)
83 | _PrintFrame('--> ' + prefix, r.frame)
84 |
85 |
86 | class EvalInFrame(vm._Callable):
87 | """
88 | For making "inline procs"
89 | """
90 |
91 | def __init__(self, mem, cmd_ev):
92 | # type: (state.Mem, cmd_eval.CommandEvaluator) -> None
93 | self.mem = mem
94 | self.cmd_ev = cmd_ev
95 |
96 | def Call(self, rd):
97 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
98 | frag = rd.PosCommandFrag()
99 | bound = rd.PosFrame()
100 |
101 | # TODO: EvalCommandFrag()
102 |
103 | return value.Null
104 |
105 |
106 | class Eval(vm._Callable):
107 | """
108 | These are similar:
109 |
110 | var cmd = ^(echo hi)
111 | call io->eval(cmd)
112 |
113 | Also give the top namespace
114 |
115 | call io->evalToDict(cmd)
116 |
117 | The CALLER must handle errors.
118 | """
119 |
120 | def __init__(self, mem, cmd_ev, which):
121 | # type: (state.Mem, cmd_eval.CommandEvaluator, int) -> None
122 | self.mem = mem
123 | self.cmd_ev = cmd_ev
124 | self.which = which
125 |
126 | def Call(self, rd):
127 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
128 | unused = rd.PosValue()
129 | bound = rd.PosCommand()
130 |
131 | cmd = typed_args.GetCommandFrag(bound)
132 |
133 | dollar0 = rd.NamedStr("dollar0", None)
134 | pos_args_raw = rd.NamedList("pos_args", None)
135 | vars_ = rd.NamedDict("vars", None)
136 | rd.Done()
137 |
138 | pos_args = _CheckPosArgs(pos_args_raw, rd.LeftParenToken())
139 |
140 | # TODO: Add debug_frame here, with ctx_Eval or ctx_EvalDebugFrame
141 | with state.ctx_TokenDebugFrame(self.mem, rd.LeftParenToken()):
142 | if self.which == EVAL_NULL:
143 | # _PrintFrame('[captured]', captured_frame)
144 | with state.ctx_EnclosedFrame(self.mem, bound.captured_frame,
145 | bound.module_frame, None):
146 | # _PrintFrame('[new]', self.cmd_ev.mem.var_stack[-1])
147 | with state.ctx_Eval(self.mem, dollar0, pos_args, vars_):
148 | unused_status = self.cmd_ev.EvalCommandFrag(cmd)
149 | return value.Null
150 |
151 | elif self.which == EVAL_DICT:
152 | # TODO: dollar0, pos_args, vars_ not supported
153 | #
154 | # Does ctx_EnclosedFrame has different scoping rules? For "vars"?
155 |
156 | bindings = NewDict() # type: Dict[str, value_t]
157 | with state.ctx_EnclosedFrame(self.mem, bound.captured_frame,
158 | bound.module_frame, bindings):
159 | unused_status = self.cmd_ev.EvalCommandFrag(cmd)
160 | return value.Dict(bindings)
161 |
162 | else:
163 | raise AssertionError()
164 |
165 |
166 | class CaptureStdout(vm._Callable):
167 |
168 | def __init__(self, mem, shell_ex):
169 | # type: (state.Mem, vm._Executor) -> None
170 | self.mem = mem
171 | self.shell_ex = shell_ex
172 |
173 | def Call(self, rd):
174 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
175 |
176 | unused = rd.PosValue()
177 | cmd = rd.PosCommand()
178 | rd.Done() # no more args
179 |
180 | frag = typed_args.GetCommandFrag(cmd)
181 | with state.ctx_EnclosedFrame(self.mem, cmd.captured_frame,
182 | cmd.module_frame, None):
183 | status, stdout_str = self.shell_ex.CaptureStdout(frag)
184 | if status != 0:
185 | # Note that $() raises error.ErrExit with the status.
186 | # But I think that results in a more confusing error message, so we
187 | # "wrap" the errors.
188 | properties = {
189 | 'status': num.ToBig(status)
190 | } # type: Dict[str, value_t]
191 | raise error.Structured(
192 | 4, 'captureStdout(): command failed with status %d' % status,
193 | rd.LeftParenToken(), properties)
194 |
195 | return value.Str(stdout_str)
196 |
197 |
198 | class PromptVal(vm._Callable):
199 | """
200 | _io->promptVal('$') is like \$
201 | It expands to $ or # when root
202 | """
203 |
204 | def __init__(self, prompt_ev):
205 | # type: (prompt.Evaluator) -> None
206 | self.prompt_ev = prompt_ev
207 |
208 | def Call(self, rd):
209 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
210 |
211 | # "self" param is guaranteed to succeed
212 | unused = rd.PosValue()
213 | what = rd.PosStr()
214 | rd.Done() # no more args
215 |
216 | # Bug fix: protect against crash later in PromptVal()
217 | if len(what) != 1:
218 | raise error.Expr(
219 | 'promptVal() expected a single char, got %r' % what,
220 | rd.LeftParenToken())
221 |
222 | return value.Str(self.prompt_ev.PromptVal(what))
223 |
224 |
225 | # TODO: Implement these
226 |
227 |
228 | class Time(vm._Callable):
229 |
230 | def __init__(self):
231 | # type: () -> None
232 | pass
233 |
234 | def Call(self, rd):
235 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
236 | return value.Null
237 |
238 |
239 | class Strftime(vm._Callable):
240 |
241 | def __init__(self):
242 | # type: () -> None
243 | pass
244 |
245 | def Call(self, rd):
246 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
247 | return value.Null
248 |
249 |
250 | class Glob(vm._Callable):
251 |
252 | def __init__(self):
253 | # type: () -> None
254 | pass
255 |
256 | def Call(self, rd):
257 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
258 | return value.Null