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7 | Oils 0.27.0 Quality
8 | ===================
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16 | This is a supplement to the [main release page](index.html).
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21 | ## Test Results
22 |
23 | ### Spec Tests
24 |
25 | - [OSH Survey](test/spec.wwz/osh-py/index.html). Test OSH with existing shells,
26 | and compare their behavior.
27 | - [OSH in C++](test/spec.wwz/osh-cpp/compare.html). The progress of the C++
28 | translation.
29 | - [YSH](test/spec.wwz/ysh-py/index.html). The legacy-free language.
30 | - [YSH in C++](test/spec.wwz/ysh-cpp/compare.html). The progress of the C++
31 | translation.
32 | - [Stateful Tests](test/spec.wwz/stateful/index.html). Tests that use
33 | [pexpect]($xref).
34 |
35 | ### Primary Test Suites
36 |
37 | - [Gold Tests](more-tests.wwz/suite-logs/gold.txt). Compare OSH with bash
38 | (using implicit assertions, not golden output.)
39 | - [Wild Tests](test/wild.wwz/). Parse and translate thousands of shell scripts
40 | with OSH.
41 | - [Python Unit Tests](more-tests.wwz/unit/).
42 | - [C++ Test Coverage](test/coverage.wwz/unified/html/index.html) measured by
43 | Clang.
44 | - [Log Files](test/coverage.wwz/log-files.html)
45 | - [Process Table](more-tests.wwz/process-table/). Are child processes in the
46 | right state for job control?
47 |
48 | ### More Tests
49 |
50 | - [Smoosh][] test suite (from [mgree/smoosh][]):
51 | - [smoosh](test/spec.wwz/smoosh/smoosh.html)
52 | | [smoosh-hang](test/spec.wwz/smoosh/smoosh-hang.html)
53 | - [parse-errors](more-tests.wwz/suite-logs/parse-errors.txt). A list of all parse errors.
54 | - [parse-errors-osh-cpp](more-tests.wwz/suite-logs/parse-errors-osh-cpp.txt).
55 | With the native binary.
56 | - [runtime-errors](more-tests.wwz/suite-logs/runtime-errors.txt). A list of shell runtime
57 | errors.
58 | - [ysh-runtime-errors](more-tests.wwz/suite-logs/ysh-runtime-errors.txt). YSH
59 | runtime errors.
60 | - [ysh-parse-errors](more-tests.wwz/suite-logs/ysh-parse-errors.txt). YSH
61 | parse errors.
62 | - [ysh-every-string](more-tests.wwz/suite-logs/ysh-every-string.txt). String
63 | literal stress test.
64 | - [ysh-large](more-tests.wwz/suite-logs/ysh-large.txt)
65 | - [lossless](more-tests.wwz/suite-logs/lossless.txt). Test an invariant of the parser.
66 | - [osh-usage](more-tests.wwz/suite-logs/osh-usage.txt). Misc tests of the `osh` binary.
67 | - [tools-deps](more-tests.wwz/suite-logs/tools-deps.txt). Tests for a subcommand in
68 | progress.
69 | - [syscall](more-tests.wwz/syscall/-wwz-index). How many syscalls do we make,
70 | and how many processes do we start?
71 | - [ysh-ify Tests](more-tests.wwz/suite-logs/ysh-ify.txt). Test OSH to YSH
72 | translation.
73 |
74 | [Smoosh]: http://shell.cs.pomona.edu/
75 |
76 | [mgree/smoosh]: https://github.com/mgree/smoosh/tree/master/tests/shell
77 |
78 | ## Benchmarks
79 |
80 | - [Parser](benchmarks.wwz/osh-parser/). How fast does OSH
81 | parse compared to other shells?
82 | - [Runtime](benchmarks.wwz/osh-runtime/). How fast does OSH run shell
83 | scripts?
84 | - [Compute](benchmarks.wwz/compute/). How fast does OSH run small programs
85 | without I/O?
86 | - [Build](benchmarks.wwz/ovm-build/). How long does it take for end users to
87 | build Oils? How big is the resulting binary?
88 | - [Virtual Memory Baseline](benchmarks.wwz/vm-baseline/). How much memory do
89 | shells use at startup?
90 | - [mycpp](benchmarks.wwz/mycpp-examples/). Compares Python and generated C++
91 | on small examples.
92 | - Memory Management Overhead. How much time do we spend managing memory,
93 | compared with the shell interpreter?
94 | - [benchmarks/gc](benchmarks.wwz/gc/). Stats from the OS and our GC runtime.
95 | - [benchmarks/gc-cachegrind](benchmarks.wwz/gc-cachegrind/). Stable
96 | measurements.
97 | - [uftrace](benchmarks.wwz/uftrace/). Stable measurements for parsing and
98 | runtime.
99 |
100 | ## Metrics
101 |
102 | - Lines of source, counted in different ways:
103 | - [overview](pub/metrics.wwz/line-counts/overview.html). The whole Oils
104 | repo, organized by type of source file.
105 | - [for-translation](pub/metrics.wwz/line-counts/for-translation.html). An
106 | overview of the "compiler engineer" project.
107 | - [cloc-report](pub/metrics.wwz/line-counts/cloc-report.txt). Significant
108 | lines of code, as measured by the [cloc][] tool.
109 | - Generated C++ code
110 | - [oils-cpp](pub/metrics.wwz/line-counts/oils-cpp.txt). The C++ code in the
111 | `oils-for-unix` tarball.
112 | - [preprocessed](pub/metrics.wwz/preprocessed/-wwz-index). How much code is
113 | passed to the compiler?
114 | - [cxx-dbg](pub/metrics.wwz/preprocessed/cxx-dbg.txt),
115 | [cxx-opt](pub/metrics.wwz/preprocessed/cxx-opt.txt)
116 | - [Binary code size](pub/metrics.wwz/oils-for-unix/-wwz-index) reported by
117 | [Bloaty][]. How much code is output by the compiler?
118 | - [overview](pub/metrics.wwz/oils-for-unix/overview.txt),
119 | [symbols](pub/metrics.wwz/oils-for-unix/symbols.txt)
120 | - [Doc Metrics](doc/metrics.txt)
121 |
122 | [cloc]: https://github.com/AlDanial/cloc
123 | [Bloaty]: https://github.com/google/bloaty
124 | [OVM]: //www.oilshell.org/cross-ref.html?tag=OVM#OVM
125 |
126 | ## Source Code
127 |
128 | These files may help you understand how Oils is implemented, i.e. with
129 | domain-specific languages and code generation.
130 |
131 | - [_gen/frontend/id_kind.asdl_c.h](pub/src-tree.wwz/_gen/frontend/id_kind.asdl_c.h.html).
132 | A list of language elements, used in the lexer and in multiple parsers and
133 | evaluators.
134 | - The regex-based lexer uses two stages of code generation:
135 | - [frontend/lexer_def.py](pub/src-tree.wwz/frontend/lexer_def.py.html)
136 | | [_gen/_tmp/match.re2c-input.h](pub/src-tree.wwz/_gen/_tmp/match.re2c-input.h.html)
137 | | [_gen/frontend/match.re2c.h](pub/src-tree.wwz/_gen/frontend/match.re2c.h)
138 | - [frontend/syntax.asdl](pub/src-tree.wwz/frontend/syntax.asdl.html). The syntax tree
139 | for OSH and YSH.
140 | - [ysh/grammar.pgen2](pub/src-tree.wwz/ysh/grammar.pgen2.html). The
141 | expression grammar for YSH. In contrast, the OSH parsers are hand-written.
142 |
143 | Also see the [oils-for-unix/oils](https://github.com/oils-for-unix/oils) repository.
144 |
145 | ## Old
146 |
147 | These links describe the CPython / "[OVM]($xref)" build, which should become
148 | the "experimental" version of Oils.
149 |
150 | #### OPy / OVM Metrics
151 |
152 | - Lines of dependencies:
153 | - [pydeps](pub/metrics.wwz/line-counts/pydeps.txt). Oils code plus the Python
154 | standard library.
155 | - [nativedeps](pub/metrics.wwz/line-counts/nativedeps.txt). Oils code plus a
156 | slice of CPython.
157 | - Bytecode Metrics
158 | - [overview](pub/metrics.wwz/bytecode/overview.txt) - Compare OPy vs. CPython.
159 | - [oil-with-opy](pub/metrics.wwz/bytecode/oil-with-opy.txt) - Oils compiled with
160 | OPy.
161 | - [oil-with-cpython](pub/metrics.wwz/bytecode/oil-with-cpython.txt) - Oils
162 | compiled with CPython (for comparison).
163 | - [src-bin-ratio-with-opy](pub/metrics.wwz/bytecode/src-bin-ratio-with-opy.txt) -
164 | How big is the compiled output?