1 | ---
2 | css_files: web/base.css web/release-index.css
3 | all_docs_url: -
4 | version_url: -
5 | ---
6 |
7 | Oils 0.27.0
8 | ===========
9 |
10 | <!-- NOTE: This file is published to /release/$VERSION/index.html -->
11 |
12 | <span class="date">
13 | <!-- REPLACE_WITH_DATE -->
14 | </span>
15 |
16 | This is the home page for version 0.27.0 of Oils, a Unix shell. To use it,
17 |
18 | 1. Download a source tarball.
19 | 2. Build it and do a "smoke test", as described in [INSTALL][].
20 |
21 | These steps take 30 to 60 seconds on most machines. After installation, see
22 | [Getting Started](doc/getting-started.html).
23 |
24 | [INSTALL]: doc/INSTALL.html
25 |
26 | ## Download
27 |
29 |
30 | The [Oils Deployments](https://github.com/oilshell/oil/wiki/Oils-Deployments)
31 | wiki page has other ways of getting Oils. These versions may not be
32 | up-to-date.
33 |
34 | ## Documentation
35 |
36 | - [Published Docs](doc/published.html) - these are ready to read
37 | - [All Docs](doc/index.html) (in progress)
38 | - The [**Oils Reference**](doc/ref/index.html)
39 | - [Github Wiki for oilshell/oil](https://github.com/oilshell/oil/wiki)
40 |
41 | ## Packaging
42 |
43 | Summary of [Oils Packaging Guidelines]($wiki):
44 |
45 | - The `oils-for-unix` tarball is the fast shell in C++, completed in
46 | 2024. The distro package should be called `oils-for-unix`.
47 | - The `oil` tarball is the slow reference interpreter based on CPython.
48 | - Don't rename old distro packages. They can remain `oil`.
49 | - It's not worth packaging `oil` in new distros. It may be removed at some
50 | point.
51 | - The project is now called **Oils**, or [Oils for
52 | Unix](https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2023/03/rename.html). There is no more
53 | `oil`!
54 |
55 | ## What's New
56 |
57 | - Details are in the [raw git change log](changelog.html). Not all changes
58 | affect the release tarball.
59 | - I sometimes write a [release announcement](announcement.html) with a
60 | high-level description of changes.
61 |
62 | ## Links
63 |
64 | - The **[quality page](quality.html)** shows test results, metrics, and
65 | benchmarks.
66 |