1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Run tools to maintain the coding style.
4 | #
5 | # Usage:
6 | # test/lint.sh <function name>
7 |
8 | : ${LIB_OSH=stdlib/osh}
9 | source $LIB_OSH/bash-strict.sh
10 | source $LIB_OSH/task-five.sh
11 |
12 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/.."; pwd)
13 | readonly REPO_ROOT
14 |
15 | source build/common.sh
16 | source build/dev-shell.sh # python2 and python3
17 | source devtools/common.sh # banner
18 |
19 | #
20 | # C++
21 | #
22 |
23 | get-cpplint() {
24 | mkdir -p _tmp
25 | wget --directory _tmp \
26 | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/styleguide/gh-pages/cpplint/cpplint.py
27 | chmod +x _tmp/cpplint.py
28 | }
29 |
30 | cpplint() {
31 | # we don't have subdir names on the header guard
32 | _tmp/cpplint.py --filter \
33 | -readability/todo,-legal/copyright,-build/header_guard,-build/include,-whitespace/comments "$@"
34 | }
35 |
36 | #
37 | # Space checks
38 | #
39 |
40 | find-tabs() {
41 | devtools/repo.sh find-src-files \
42 | | egrep -v 'tools/(xargs|find)' \
43 | | xargs grep -n $'\t'
44 | }
45 |
46 | find-long-lines() {
47 | # Exclude URLs
48 | devtools/repo.sh find-src-files \
49 | | xargs grep -n '^.\{81\}' | grep -v 'http'
50 | }
51 |
52 | #
53 | # pyflakes-based lint
54 | #
55 |
56 | oils-lint() {
57 | local lang=$1 # py2 or py3
58 | shift
59 |
60 | PYTHONPATH=.:~/wedge/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/pyflakes/2.4.0 test/${lang}_lint.py "$@"
61 | #PYTHONPATH=.:vendor/pyflakes-2.4.0 test/oils_lint.py "$@"
62 | }
63 |
64 | py2-lint() {
65 | oils-lint py2 "$@"
66 | }
67 |
68 | py3-lint() {
69 | oils-lint py3 "$@"
70 | }
71 |
72 | # TODO: Use devtools/repo.sh instead of this hard-coded list
73 | readonly -a CODE_DIRS=(
74 | asdl bin builtin core data_lang display doctools frontend osh tools yaks ysh
75 |
76 | prebuilt
77 | pyext
78 | benchmarks
79 | build
80 |
81 | #pylib
82 | #test
83 | )
84 |
85 | py2-files-to-lint() {
86 | if false; then
87 | # TODO: This is better
88 | # Although we should filter by $2
89 |
90 | devtools/repo.sh py-manifest \
91 | | egrep -v 'opy/|tools/find/|tools/xargs/' \
92 | | awk '$1 == "py2" { print $2 }'
93 | return
94 | fi
95 |
96 | for dir in "${CODE_DIRS[@]}"; do
97 | for name in $dir/*.py; do
98 | echo $name
99 | done
100 | done | grep -v 'NINJA_subgraph' # leave out for now
101 | }
102 |
103 | py2() {
104 | banner 'Linting Python 2 code'
105 |
106 | # syntax_abbrev.py doesn't stand alone
107 | py2-files-to-lint | grep -v '_abbrev.py' | xargs $0 py2-lint
108 | }
109 |
110 | py3-files() {
111 | for f in mycpp/*.py pea/*.py; do
112 | echo $f
113 | done
114 | }
115 |
116 | py3() {
117 | banner 'Linting Python 3 code'
118 |
119 | py3-files | xargs $0 py3-lint
120 | }
121 |
122 | all-py() {
123 | py2
124 | py3
125 | }
126 |
127 | #
128 | # More Python, including Python 3
129 | #
130 |
131 | mycpp-files() {
132 | for f in mycpp/*.py; do
133 | case $f in
134 | */NINJA_subgraph.py)
135 | continue
136 | ;;
137 | esac
138 |
139 | echo $f
140 | done
141 | }
142 |
143 | #
144 | # Main
145 | #
146 |
147 | # Hook for soil
148 | soil-run() {
149 | if test -n "${TRAVIS_SKIP:-}"; then
150 | echo "TRAVIS_SKIP: Skipping $0"
151 | return
152 | fi
153 |
154 | #flake8-all
155 |
156 | # Our new lint script
157 | all-py
158 |
159 | check-shebangs
160 | }
161 |
162 | #
163 | # Adjust and Check shebang lines. It matters for developers on different distros.
164 | #
165 |
166 | find-files-to-lint() {
167 | ### Similar to find-prune / find-src-files
168 |
169 | # don't touch mycpp yet because it's in Python 3
170 | # build has build/dynamic_deps.py which needs the -S
171 | find . \
172 | -name '_*' -a -prune -o \
173 | -name 'Python-*' -a -prune -o \
174 | "$@"
175 | }
176 |
177 | find-py() {
178 | find-files-to-lint \
179 | -name 'build' -a -prune -o \
180 | -name '*.py' -a -print "$@"
181 | }
182 |
183 | find-sh() {
184 | find-files-to-lint -name '*.sh' -a -print "$@"
185 | }
186 |
187 | print-if-has-shebang() {
188 | read first < $1
189 | [[ "$first" == '#!'* ]] && echo $1
190 | }
191 |
192 | not-executable() {
193 | find-py -a ! -executable -a -print | xargs -n 1 -- $0 print-if-has-shebang
194 | }
195 |
196 | executable-py() {
197 | find-py -a -executable -a -print | xargs -n 1 -- echo
198 | }
199 |
200 | # Make all shebangs consistent.
201 | # - Specify python2 because on some distros 'python' is python3
202 | # - Use /usr/bin/env because it works better with virtualenv?
203 | #
204 | # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9309940/sed-replace-first-line
205 | #
206 | # e.g. cat edit.list, change the first line
207 |
208 | replace-py-shebang() {
209 | sed -i '1c#!/usr/bin/env python2' "$@"
210 | }
211 |
212 | replace-bash-shebang() {
213 | sed -i '1c#!/usr/bin/env bash' "$@"
214 | }
215 |
216 | # NOTE: no ^ anchor because of print-first-line
217 |
218 | readonly BAD_PY='#!.*/usr/bin/python'
219 | readonly BAD_BASH='#!.*/bin/bash'
220 |
221 | bad-py() {
222 | find-py -a -print | xargs -- egrep "$BAD_PY"
223 | #grep '^#!.*/bin/bash ' */*.sh
224 |
225 | find-py -a -print | xargs -- egrep -l "$BAD_PY" | xargs $0 replace-py-shebang
226 | }
227 |
228 | bad-bash() {
229 | # these files don't need shebangs
230 | #grep -l '^#!' spec/*.test.sh | xargs -- sed -i '1d'
231 |
232 | #find-sh -a -print | xargs -- grep "$BAD_BASH"
233 |
234 | find-sh -a -print | xargs -- egrep -l "$BAD_BASH" | xargs $0 replace-bash-shebang
235 | }
236 |
237 | print-first-line() {
238 | local path=$1
239 |
240 | read line < "$path"
241 | echo "$path: $line" # like grep output
242 | }
243 |
244 | check-shebangs() {
245 | banner 'Checking Python and shell shebang lines'
246 |
247 | set +o errexit
248 |
249 | if true; then
250 | find-py | xargs -d $'\n' -n 1 -- $0 print-first-line | egrep "$BAD_PY"
251 | if test $? -ne 1; then
252 | die "FAIL: Found bad Python shebangs"
253 | fi
254 | fi
255 |
256 | find-sh | xargs -d $'\n' -n 1 -- $0 print-first-line | egrep "$BAD_BASH"
257 | if test $? -ne 1; then
258 | die "FAIL: Found bad bash shebangs"
259 | fi
260 |
261 | echo 'PASS: check-shebangs'
262 | }
263 |
264 | #
265 | # sprintf -- What do we need in mycpp?
266 | #
267 |
268 | sp-formats() {
269 | egrep --no-filename --only-matching '%.' */*.py | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
270 | }
271 |
272 | # 122 instances of these. %() for named
273 | sp-rare() {
274 | egrep --color=always '%[^srd ]' */*.py | egrep -v 'Python-|_test.py'
275 | }
276 |
277 | #
278 | # inherit
279 | #
280 |
281 | # 56 instances of inheritance
282 | inheritance() {
283 | grep ^class {osh,core,ysh,frontend}/*.py \
284 | | egrep -v '_test|object'
285 | }
286 |
287 | # 18 unique base classes.
288 | # TODO: Maybe extract this automatically with OPy?
289 | # Or does the MyPy AST have enough?
290 | # You can collect method defs in the decl phase. Or in the forward_decl phase?
291 |
292 | base-classes() {
293 | inheritance | egrep -o '\(.*\)' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
294 | }
295 |
296 | translation() {
297 | set +o errexit
298 |
299 | metrics/source-code.sh osh-files \
300 | | xargs egrep -n 'IndexError|KeyError'
301 | local status=$?
302 |
303 | echo
304 |
305 | # 4 occurrences
306 | # source builtin, core/process.py, etc.
307 |
308 | metrics/source-code.sh osh-files \
309 | | xargs egrep -n 'finally:'
310 | #| xargs egrep -n -A 1 'finally:'
311 | }
312 |
313 | task-five "$@"