1 | mycpp
2 | =====
3 |
4 | This is a Python-to-C++ translator based on MyPy. It only
5 | handles the small subset of Python that we use in Oils.
6 |
7 | It's inspired by both mypyc and Shed Skin. These posts give background:
8 |
9 | - [Brief Descriptions of a Python to C++ Translator](https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2022/05/mycpp.html)
10 | - [Oil Is Being Implemented "Middle Out"](https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2022/03/middle-out.html)
11 |
12 | As of March 2024, the translation to C++ is **done**. So it's no longer
13 | experimental!
14 |
15 | ---
16 |
17 | `mycpp` started as a **hack**, but it worked because its output is fairly
18 | strongly-typed C++.
19 |
20 | That is, the C++ type system catches many errors! But it doesn't catch all of
21 | them, so we've gradually made `mycpp` more strict.
22 |
23 | As of December 2024, `mycpp` is a pretty clean program, although there are
24 | still many heuristics. This doc explains the heuristics.
25 |
26 | (I'd like to gradually rewrite mycpp as a more principled "yaks" language,
27 | although this isn't a high priority.)
28 |
29 | ---
30 |
31 | Source for this doc: [mycpp/README.md]($oils-src). The code is all in
32 | [mycpp/]($oils-src).
33 |
34 |
35 | <div id="toc">
36 | </div>
37 |
38 | ## Instructions
39 |
40 | ### Translating and Compiling `oils-cpp`
41 |
42 | Running `mycpp` is best done on a Debian / Ubuntu-ish machine. Follow the
43 | instructions at <https://github.com/oilshell/oil/wiki/Contributing> to create
44 | the "dev build" first, which is DISTINCT from the C++ build. Make sure you can
45 | run:
46 |
47 | oil$ build/py.sh all
48 |
49 | This will give you a working shell:
50 |
51 | oil$ bin/osh -c 'echo hi' # running interpreted Python
52 | hi
53 |
54 | To run mycpp, we will build Python 3.10, clone MyPy, and install MyPy's
55 | dependencies. First install packages:
56 |
57 | # We need libssl-dev, libffi-dev, zlib1g-dev to bootstrap Python
58 | oil$ build/deps.sh install-ubuntu-packages
59 |
60 | You'll also need a C++17 compiler for code generated by Souffle datalog, used
61 | by mycpp, although Oils itself only requires C++11.
62 |
63 | Then fetch data, like the Python 3.10 tarball and MyPy repo:
64 |
65 | oil$ build/deps.sh fetch
66 |
67 | Then build from source:
68 |
69 | oil$ build/deps.sh install-wedges
70 |
71 | To build oil-native, use:
72 |
73 | oil$ ./NINJA-config.sh
74 | oil$ ninja # translate and compile, may take 30 seconds
75 |
76 | oil$ _bin/cxx-asan/osh -c 'echo hi' # running compiled C++ !
77 | hi
78 |
79 | To run the tests and benchmarks:
80 |
81 | oil$ mycpp/TEST.sh test-translator
82 | ... 200+ tasks run ...
83 |
84 | If you have problems, post a message on `#oil-dev` at
85 | `https://oilshell.zulipchat.com`. Not many people have contributed to `mycpp`,
86 | so I can use your feedback!
87 |
88 | Related:
89 |
90 | - [Oil Native Quick
91 | Start](https://github.com/oilshell/oil/wiki/Oil-Native-Quick-Start) on the
92 | wiki.
93 | - [Oil Dev Cheat Sheet](https://github.com/oilshell/oil/wiki/Oil-Native-Quick-Start)
94 |
95 | ## Notes on the Algorithm / Architecture
96 |
97 | There are four passes over the MyPy AST.
98 |
99 | (1) `const_pass.py`: Collect string constants
100 |
101 | Turn turn the constant in `myfunc("foo")` into top-level `GLOBAL_STR(str1,
102 | "foo")`.
103 |
104 | (2) Three passes in `cppgen_pass.py`.
105 |
106 | (a) Forward Declaration Pass.
107 |
108 | class Foo;
109 | class Bar;
110 |
111 | This pass also determines which methods should be declared `virtual` in their
112 | declarations. The `virtual` keyword is written in the next pass.
113 |
114 | (b) Declaration Pass.
115 |
116 | class Foo {
117 | void method();
118 | };
119 | class Bar {
120 | void method();
121 | };
122 |
123 | More work in this pass:
124 |
125 | - Collect member variables and write them at the end of the definition
126 | - Collect locals for "hoisting". Written in the next pass.
127 |
128 | (c) Definition Pass.
129 |
130 | void Foo:method() {
131 | ...
132 | }
133 |
134 | void Bar:method() {
135 | ...
136 | }
137 |
138 | Note: I really wish we were not using visitors, but that's inherited from MyPy.
139 |
140 | ## mycpp Idioms / "Creative Hacks"
141 |
142 | Oils is written in typed Python 2. It will run under a stock Python 2
143 | interpreter, and it will typecheck with stock MyPy.
144 |
145 | However, there are a few language features that don't map cleanly from typed
146 | Python to C++:
147 |
148 | - switch statements (unfortunately we don't have the Python 3 match statement)
149 | - C++ destructors - the RAII ptatern
150 | - casting - MyPy has one kind of cast; C++ has `static_cast` and
151 | `reinterpret_cast`. (We don't use C-style casting.)
152 |
153 | So this describes the idioms we use. There are some hacks in
154 | [mycpp/cppgen_pass.py]($oils-src) to handle these cases, and also Python
155 | runtime equivalents in `mycpp/mylib.py`.
156 |
157 | ### `with {,tag,str_}switch` → Switch statement
158 |
159 | We have three constructs that translate to a C++ switch statement. They use a
160 | Python context manager `with Xswitch(obj) ...` as a little hack.
161 |
162 | Here are examples like the ones in [mycpp/examples/test_switch.py]($oils-src).
163 | (`ninja mycpp-logs-equal` translates, compiles, and tests all the examples.)
164 |
165 | Simple switch:
166 |
167 | myint = 99
168 | with switch(myint) as case:
169 | if case(42, 43):
170 | print('forties')
171 | else:
172 | print('other')
173 |
174 | Switch on **object type**, which goes well with ASDL sum types:
175 |
176 | val = value.Str('foo) # type: value_t
177 | with tagswitch(val) as case:
178 | if case(value_e.Str, value_e.Int):
179 | print('string or int')
180 | else:
181 | print('other')
182 |
183 | We usually need to apply the `UP_val` pattern here, described in the next
184 | section.
185 |
186 | Switch on **string**, which generates a fast **two-level dispatch** -- first on
187 | length, and then with `str_equals_c()`:
188 |
189 | s = 'foo'
190 | with str_switch(s) as case:
191 | if case("foo")
192 | print('FOO')
193 | else:
194 | print('other')
195 |
196 | ### `val` → `UP_val` → `val` Downcasting pattern
197 |
198 | Summary: variable names like `UP_*` are **special** in our Python code.
199 |
200 | Consider the downcasts marked BAD:
201 |
202 | val = value.Str('foo) # type: value_t
203 |
204 | with tagswitch(obj) as case:
205 | if case(value_e.Str):
206 | val = cast(value.Str, val) # BAD: conflicts with first declaration
207 | print('s = %s' % val.s)
208 |
209 | elif case(value_e.Int):
210 | val = cast(value.Int, val) # BAD: conflicts with both
211 | print('i = %d' % val.i)
212 |
213 | else:
214 | print('other')
215 |
216 | MyPy allows this, but it translates to invalid C++ code. C++ can't have a
217 | variable named `val`, with 2 related types `value_t` and `value::Str`.
218 |
219 | So we use this idiom instead, which takes advantage of **local vars in case
220 | blocks** in C++:
221 |
222 | val = value.Str('foo') # type: value_t
223 |
224 | UP_val = val # temporary variable that will be casted
225 |
226 | with tagswitch(val) as case:
227 | if case(value_e.Str):
228 | val = cast(value.Str, UP_val) # this works
229 | print('s = %s' % val.s)
230 |
231 | elif case(value_e.Int):
232 | val = cast(value.Int, UP_val) # also works
233 | print('i = %d' % val.i)
234 |
235 | else:
236 | print('other')
237 |
238 | This translates to something like:
239 |
240 | value_t* val = Alloc<value::Str>(str42);
241 | value_t* UP_val = val;
242 |
243 | switch (val->tag()) {
244 | case value_e::Str: {
245 | // DIFFERENT local var
246 | value::Str* val = static_cast<value::Str>(UP_val);
247 | print(StrFormat(str43, val->s))
248 | }
249 | break;
250 | case value_e::Int: {
251 | // ANOTHER DIFFERENT local var
252 | value::Int* val = static_cast<value::Int>(UP_val);
253 | print(StrFormat(str44, val->i))
254 | }
255 | break;
256 | default:
257 | print(str45);
258 | }
259 |
260 | This works because there's no problem having **different** variables with the
261 | same name within each `case { }` block.
262 |
263 | Again, the names `UP_*` are **special**. If the name doesn't start with `UP_`,
264 | the inner blocks will look like:
265 |
266 | case value_e::Str: {
267 | val = static_cast<value::Str>(val); // BAD: val reused
268 | print(StrFormat(str43, val->s))
269 | }
270 |
271 | And they will fail to compile. It's not valid C++ because the superclass
272 | `value_t` doesn't have a field `val->s`. Only the subclass `value::Str` has
273 | it.
274 |
275 | (Note that Python has a single flat scope per function, while C++ has nested
276 | scopes.)
277 |
278 | ### Python context manager → C++ constructor and destructor (RAII)
279 |
280 | This Python code:
281 |
282 | with ctx_Foo(42):
283 | f()
284 |
285 | translates to this C++ code:
286 |
287 | {
288 | ctx_Foo tmp(42);
289 | f()
290 |
291 | // destructor ~ctx_Foo implicitly called
292 | }
293 |
294 | ## MyPy "Shimming" Technique
295 |
296 | We have an interesting way of "writing Python and C++ at the same time":
297 |
298 | 1. First, all Python code must pass the MyPy type checker, and run with a stock
299 | Python 2 interpreter.
300 | - This is the source of truth — the source of our semantics.
301 | 1. We translate most `.py` files to C++, **except** some files, in particular
302 | [mycpp/mylib.py]($oils-src) and files starting with `py` like
303 | `core/{pyos.pyutil}.py`.
304 | 1. In C++, we can substitute custom implementations with the properties we
305 | want, like `Dict<K, V>` being ordered, `BigInt` being distinct from C `int`,
306 | `BufWriter` being efficient, etc.
307 |
308 | The MyPy type system is very powerful! It lets us do all this.
309 |
310 | ### NewDict() for ordered dicts
311 |
312 | Dicts in Python 2 aren't ordered, but we make them ordered at **runtime** by
313 | using `mylib.NewDict()`, which returns `collections_.OrderedDict`.
314 |
315 | The **static type** is still `Dict[K, V]`, but change the "spec" to be an
316 | ordered dict.
317 |
318 | In C++, `Dict<K, V>` is implemented as an ordered dict. (Note: we don't
319 | implement preserving order on deletion, which seems OK.)
320 |
321 | - TODO: `iteritems()` could go away
322 |
323 | ### StackArray[T]
324 |
325 | TODO: describe this when it works.
326 |
327 | ### BigInt
328 |
329 | - In Python, it's simply defined a a class with an integer, in
330 | [mylib/mops.py]($oils-src).
331 | - In C++, it's currently `typedef int64_t BigInt`, but we want to make it a big
332 | integer.
333 |
334 | ### ByteAt(), ByteEquals(), ...
335 |
336 | Hand optimization to reduce 1-byte strings. For IFS algorithm,
337 | `LooksLikeGlob()`, `GlobUnescape()`.
338 |
339 | ### File / LineReader / BufWriter
340 |
341 | TODO: describe how this works.
342 |
343 | Can it be more type safe? I think we can cast `File` to both `LineReader` and
344 | `BufWriter`.
345 |
346 | Or can we invert the relationship, so `File` derives from **both** LineReader
347 | and BufWriter?
348 |
349 | ### Fast JSON - avoid intermediate allocations
350 |
351 | - `pyj8.WriteString()` is shimmed so we don't create encoded J8 string objects,
352 | only to throw them away and write to `mylib.BufWriter`. Instead, we append
353 | an encoded strings **directly** to the `BufWriter`.
354 | - Likewise, we have `BufWriter::write_spaces` to avoid temporary allocations
355 | when writing indents.
356 | - This could be generalized to `BufWriter::write_repeated(' ', 42)`.
357 | - We may also want `BufWriter::write_slice()`
358 |
359 | ## Limitations Requiring Source Rewrites
360 |
361 | mycpp itself may cause limitations on expressiveness, or the C++ language may
362 | be able express what we want.
363 |
364 | - C++ doesn't have `try / except / else`, or `finally`
365 | - Use the `with ctx_Foo` pattern instead.
366 | - `if mylist` tests if the pointer is non-NULL; use `if len(mylist)` for
367 | non-empty test
368 | - Functions can have at most one keyword / optional argument.
369 | - We generate two methods: `f(x)` which calls `f(x, y)` with the default
370 | value of `y`
371 | - If there are two or more optional arguments:
372 | - For classes, you can use the "builder pattern", i.e. add an
373 | `Init_MyMember()` method
374 | - If the arguments are booleans, translate it to a single bitfield argument
375 | - C++ has nested scope and Python has flat function scope. This can cause name
376 | collisions.
377 | - Could enforce this if it becomes a problem
378 |
379 | Also see `mycpp/examples/invalid_*` for Python code that fails to translate.
380 |
381 | ## WARNING: Assumptions Not Checked
382 |
383 | ### Global Constants Can't Be Mutated
384 |
385 | We translate top level constants to statically initialized C data structures
386 | (zero startup cost):
387 |
388 | gStr = 'foo'
389 | gList = [1, 2] # type: List[int]
390 | gDict = {'bar': 42} # type: Dict[str, int]
391 |
392 | Even though `List` and `Dict` are mutable in general, you should **NOT** mutate
393 | these global instances! The C++ code will break at runtime.
394 |
395 | ### Gotcha about Returning Variants (Subclasses) of a Type
396 |
397 | MyPy will accept this code:
398 |
399 | ```
400 | if cond:
401 | sig = proc_sig.Open # type: proc_sig_t
402 | # bad because mycpp HOISTS this
403 | else:
404 | sig = proc_sig.Closed.CreateNull()
405 | sig.words = words # assignment fails
406 | return sig
407 | ```
408 |
409 | It will translate to C++, but fail to compile. Instead, rewrite it like this:
410 |
411 | ```
412 | sig = None # type: proc_sig_t
413 | if cond:
414 | sig = proc_sig.Open # type: proc_sig_t
415 | # bad because mycpp HOISTS this
416 | else:
417 | closed = proc_sig.Closed.CreateNull()
418 | closed.words = words # assignment fails
419 | sig = closed
420 | return sig
421 | ```
422 |
423 | ### Exceptions Can't Leave Destructors / Python `__exit__`
424 |
425 | Context managers like `with ctx_Foo():` translate to C++ constructors and
426 | destructors.
427 |
428 | In C++, a destructor can't "leave" an exception. It results in a runtime error.
429 |
430 | You can throw and CATCH an exception WITHIN a destructor, but you can't let it
431 | propagate outside.
432 |
433 | This means you must be careful when coding the `__exit__` method. For example,
434 | in `vm::ctx_Redirect`, we had this bug due to `IOError` being thrown and not
435 | caught when restoring/popping redirects.
436 |
437 | To fix the bug, we rewrote the code to use an out param
438 | `List[IOError_OSError]`.
439 |
440 | Related:
441 |
442 | - <https://akrzemi1.wordpress.com/2011/09/21/destructors-that-throw/>
443 |
444 | ## More Translation Notes
445 |
446 | ### Hacky Heuristics
447 |
448 | - `callable(arg)` to either:
449 | - function call `f(arg)`
450 | - instantiation `Alloc<T>(arg)`
451 | - `name.attr` to either:
452 | - `obj->member`
453 | - `module::Func`
454 | - `cast(MyType, obj)` to either
455 | - `static_cast<MyType*>(obj)`
456 | - `reinterpret_cast<MyType*>(obj)`
457 |
458 | ### Hacky Hard-Coded Names
459 |
460 | These are signs of coupling between mycpp and Oils, which ideally shouldn't
461 | exist.
462 |
463 | - `mycpp_main.py`
464 | - `ModulesToCompile()` -- some files have to be ordered first, like the ASDL
465 | runtime.
466 | - TODO: Pea can respect parameter order? So we do that outside the project?
467 | - Another ordering constraint comes from **inheritance**. The forward
468 | declaration is NOT sufficient in that case.
469 | - `cppgen_pass.py`
470 | - `_GetCastKind()` has some hard-coded names
471 | - `AsdlType::Create()` is special cased to `::`, not `->`
472 | - Default arguments e.g. `scope_e::Local` need a repeated `using`.
473 |
474 | Issue on mycpp improvements: <https://github.com/oilshell/oil/issues/568>
475 |
476 | ### Major Features
477 |
478 | - Python `int` and `bool` → C++ `int` and `bool`
479 | - `None` → `nullptr`
480 | - Statically Typed Python Collections
481 | - `str` → `Str*`
482 | - `List[T]` → `List<T>*`
483 | - `Dict[K, V]` → `Dict<K, V>*`
484 | - tuples → `Tuple2<A, B>`, `Tuple3<A, B, C>`, etc.
485 | - Collection literals turn into initializer lists
486 | - And there is a C++ type inference issue which requires an explicit
487 | `std::initializer_list<int>{1, 2, 3}`, not just `{1, 2, 3}`
488 | - `for` loops, i.e. Python's polymorphic iteration → `StrIter`,
489 | `ListIter<T>`, `DictIter<K, V`
490 | - `xrange()`
491 | - `enumerate()`
492 | - `reversed(mylist)` → `ReverseListIter`
493 | - `d.iteritems()` is rewritten `mylib.iteritems()` → `DictIter`
494 | - TODO: can we be smarter about this?
495 | - Python's `in` operator:
496 | - `s in mystr` → `str_contains(mystr, s)`
497 | - `x in mylist` → `list_contains(mylist, x)`
498 | - Classes and inheritance
499 | - `__init__` method becomes a constructor. Note: initializer lists aren't
500 | used.
501 | - Detect `virtual` methods
502 | - TODO: could we detect `abstract` methods? (`NotImplementedError`)
503 | - Python generators `Iterator[T]` → eager `List<T>` accumulators
504 | - Python Exceptions → C++ exceptions
505 | - Python Modules → C++ namespace (we assume a 2-level hierarchy)
506 | - TODO: mycpp need real modules, because our `oils_for_unix.mycpp.cc`
507 | translation unit is getting big.
508 | - And `cpp/preamble.h` is a hack to work around the lack of modules.
509 |
510 | ### Minor Translations
511 |
512 | - `s1 == s2` → `str_equals(s1, s2)`
513 | - `'x' * 3` → `str_repeat(globalStr, 3)`
514 | - `[None] * 3` → `list_repeat(nullptr, 3)`
515 | - Omitted:
516 | - If the LHS of an assignment is `_`, then the statement is omitted
517 | - This is for `_ = log`, which shuts up Python lint warnings for 'unused
518 | import'
519 | - Code under `if __name__ == '__main__'`
520 |
521 | ### Optimizations
522 |
523 | - Returning Tuples by value. To reduce GC pressure, we we return
524 | `Tuple2<A, B>` instead of `Tuple2<A, B>*`, and likewise for `Tuple3` and `Tuple4`.
525 |
526 | ### Rooting Policy
527 |
528 | The translated code roots local variables in every function
529 |
530 | StackRoots _r({&var1, &var2});
531 |
532 | We have two kinds of hand-written code:
533 |
534 | 1. Methods like `Str::strip()` in `mycpp/`
535 | 2. OS bindings like `stat()` in `cpp/`
536 |
537 | Neither of them needs any rooting! This is because we use **manual collection
538 | points** in the interpreter, and these functions don't call any functions that
539 | can collect. They are "leaves" in the call tree.
540 |
541 | ## The mycpp Runtime
542 |
543 | The mycpp translator targets a runtime that's written from scratch. It
544 | implements garbage-collected data structures like:
545 |
546 | - Typed records
547 | - Python classes
548 | - ASDL product and sum types
549 | - `Str` (immutable, as in Python)
550 | - `List<T>`
551 | - `Dict<K, V>`
552 | - `Tuple2<A, B>`, `Tuple3<A, B, C>`, ...
553 |
554 | It also has functions based on CPython's:
555 |
556 | - `mycpp/gc_builtins.{h,cc}` corresponds roughly to Python's `__builtin__`
557 | module, e.g. `int()` and `str()`
558 | - `mycpp/gc_mylib.{h,cc}` corresponds `mylib.py`
559 | - `mylib.BufWriter` is a bit like `cStringIO.StringIO`
560 |
561 | ### Differences from CPython
562 |
563 | - Integers either C `int` or `mylib.BigInt`, not Python's arbitrary size
564 | integers
565 | - `NUL` bytes are allowed in arguments to syscalls like `open()`, unlike in
566 | CPython
567 | - `s.strip()` is defined in terms of ASCII whitespace, which does not include
568 | say `\v`.
569 | - This is done to be consistent with JSON and J8 Notation.
570 |
571 | ## C++ Notes
572 |
573 | ### Gotchas
574 |
575 | - C++ classes can have 2 member variables of the same name! From the base
576 | class and derived class.
577 | - Failing to declare methods `virtual` can involve the wrong one being called
578 | at runtime
579 |
580 | ### Minor Features Used
581 |
582 | In addition to classes, templates, exceptions, etc. mentioned above, we use:
583 |
584 | - `static_cast` and `reinterpret_cast`
585 | - `enum class` for ASDL
586 | - Function overloading
587 | - For equality and hashing?
588 | - `offsetof` for introspection of field positions for garbage collection
589 | - `std::initializer_list` for `StackRoots()`
590 | - Should we get rid of this?
591 |
592 | ### Not Used
593 |
594 | - I/O Streams, RTTI, etc.
595 | - `const`
596 | - Smart pointers
597 |