1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Usage:
4 | # devtools/release-note.sh <function name>
5 | #
6 | # Example:
7 | # $0 fetch-issues
8 | # $0 write-template
9 |
10 | set -o nounset
11 | set -o pipefail
12 | set -o errexit
13 |
14 | source build/dev-shell.sh # PYTHONPATH
15 | source devtools/release-version.sh # for escape-segments
16 |
17 | readonly OILS_VERSION=$(head -n 1 oils-version.txt)
18 | readonly PREV_VERSION='0.26.0'
19 |
20 | # adapted from release-version.sh
21 | _git-changelog-body() {
22 | local commit=$1
23 |
24 | # - a trick for HTML escaping (avoid XSS): surround %s with unlikely bytes,
25 | # \x00 and \x01. Then pipe Python to escape.
26 | # --reverse makes it go in forward chronlogical order.
27 |
28 | # %x00 generates the byte \x00
29 | local format='<tr>
30 | <td><a class="checksum"
31 | href="https://github.com/oils-for-unix/oils/commit/%H">%h</a>
32 | </td>
33 | <td>%x00%an%x01</td>
34 | <td class="subject">%x00%s%x01</td>
35 | </tr>'
36 | git log \
37 | --reverse \
38 | --pretty="format:$format" \
39 | --date=short \
40 | -n 1 \
41 | $commit \
42 | | escape-segments
43 | }
44 |
45 | contrib-commit-table() {
46 | # Filter out my commits, then pass back to git log
47 |
48 | # 2023-07: Deoptimized due to git breakage
49 | # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6889830/equivalence-of-git-log-exclude-author
50 |
51 | git log --format='%H %an' "release/$PREV_VERSION..release/$OILS_VERSION" |
52 | grep -v 'Andy C' |
53 | cut -d ' ' -f 1 |
54 | xargs -n 1 $0 _git-changelog-body
55 |
56 | #xargs -n 1 -- git log -n 1
57 | }
58 |
59 | fetch-issues() {
60 | local url='https://api.github.com/repos/oils-for-unix/oils/issues?labels=pending-release'
61 | # For Oils 0.24.0
62 | #local url='https://api.github.com/repos/oils-for-unix/oils/issues?labels=pending-release-2'
63 | curl "$url" > _tmp/issues.json
64 | }
65 |
66 | issues-table() {
67 | cat _tmp/issues.json | devtools/services/github_issues.py
68 | }
69 |
70 | readonly DATE_DIR=$(date +%Y/%m)
71 | readonly BLOG_DIR="../oils.pub/blog/$DATE_DIR"
72 |
73 | write-template() {
74 | ### New blog post
75 |
76 | local out=$BLOG_DIR/_release-$OILS_VERSION.md
77 | print-template > $out
78 | echo "Wrote $out"
79 | }
80 |
81 | write-zulip-thread() {
82 | local bot_email=$1
83 | local bot_api_key=$2
84 | local version=${3:-$OILS_VERSION}
85 |
86 | local out=$BLOG_DIR/release-thread-$version.txt
87 | devtools/services/zulip.sh print-thread \
88 | "$bot_email" "$bot_api_key" oil-dev "Oils $version Release" \
89 | | tee $out
90 |
91 | echo
92 | echo "Wrote $out"
93 | }
94 |
95 | preview-template() {
96 | local out=_tmp/release-note.html
97 |
98 | # This isn't right because it doesn't split the --- front matter
99 | # But good enough for now
100 |
101 | print-template | doctools/cmark.py > $out
102 | log "Wrote $out"
103 | }
104 |
105 | print-template() {
106 | local metric_prev=${1:-$PREV_VERSION}
107 |
108 | cat <<EOF
109 | ---
110 | title: Oils $OILS_VERSION - Foo Foo
111 | date: $(date +%Y/%m/%d)
112 | css_file: blog-bundle-v6.css
113 | body_css_class: width35
114 | default_highlighter: oil-sh
115 | tags: oil-release
116 | comments_url: TODO
117 | published: no
118 | ---
119 |
120 | This is the latest version of Oils, a Unix shell that's our upgrade path from
121 | [bash][]:
122 |
123 | [bash]: \$xref
124 |
125 | <div class="attention">
126 |
127 | [Oils version $OILS_VERSION][release-index] - Source tarballs and documentation.
128 |
129 | </div>
130 |
131 | To build and run it, follow the instructions in [INSTALL.txt][]. The wiki has
132 | tips on [How To Test OSH](\$wiki).
133 |
134 | If you're new to the project, see [Why Create a New Shell?][why-oil] and posts
135 | tagged #[FAQ](\$blog-tag).
136 |
137 | [INSTALL.txt]: /release/$OILS_VERSION/doc/INSTALL.html
138 | [github-bugs]: https://github.com/oils-for-unix/oils/issues
139 | [why-oil]: ../../2021/01/why-a-new-shell.html
140 | [release-index]: /release/$OILS_VERSION/
141 |
142 | [oilshell.zulipchat.com]: http://oilshell.zulipchat.com/
143 |
144 | <div id="toc">
145 | </div>
146 |
147 | I'm trying something different this release. These release notes are
148 | semi-automated with a shell script! See the [last
149 | post](../02/good-parts-sketch.html) in #[shell-the-good-parts](\$blog-tag).
150 |
151 | ## Closed Issues
152 |
153 | <table>
154 | EOF
155 |
156 | issues-table
157 |
158 | cat <<EOF
159 | </table>
160 |
161 | ## Commit Log
162 |
163 | Here are the commits from other contributors. You can also view the [full
164 | changelog][changelog].
165 |
166 | [changelog]: /release/$OILS_VERSION/changelog.html
167 |
168 | <table>
169 | EOF
170 |
171 | contrib-commit-table
172 |
173 | cat <<EOF
174 | </table>
175 |
176 | ## Documentation Updated
177 |
178 | - [Known Differences](/release/$OILS_VERSION/doc/known-differences.html)
179 | - [Interpreter State](/release/$OILS_VERSION/doc/interpreter-state.html) - still
180 | a draft.
181 |
182 | ### Wiki Pages
183 |
184 | - [How Interactive Shells Work](https://github.com/oils-for-unix/oils/wiki/How-Interactive-Shells-Work)
185 |
186 |
187 | ## What's Next?
188 |
189 | Here are some notable Open Issues
190 |
191 | - [Provide APIs to allow users to write their own line editor / interactive
192 | interface](\$issue:663)
193 |
194 | ## Appendix: Metrics for the $OILS_VERSION Release
195 |
196 | These metrics help me keep track of the project. Let's compare this release
197 | with the previous one, version [$metric_prev](/release/$metric_prev).
198 |
199 | [spec-test]: \$xref:spec-test
200 |
201 | ### Spec Tests
202 |
203 | The Python reference implementation foo foo
204 |
205 | - [OSH spec tests for $metric_prev](https://oils.pub/release/$metric_prev/test/spec.wwz/osh-py/index.html): **2023** tests,
206 | **1789** passing, **91** failing
207 | - [OSH spec tests for $OILS_VERSION](https://oils.pub/release/$OILS_VERSION/test/spec.wwz/osh-py/index.html): **2042** tests, **1814** passing, **89** failing
208 |
209 | And the C++ translation foo foo
210 |
211 | - [C++ spec tests for $metric_prev](https://oils.pub/release/$metric_prev/test/spec.wwz/osh-cpp/compare.html) - **1684** of **1792** passing
212 | - [C++ spec tests for $OILS_VERSION](https://oils.pub/release/$OILS_VERSION/test/spec.wwz/osh-cpp/compare.html) - **1801** of **1817** passing
213 |
214 | YSH got a lot of new behavior:
215 |
216 | - [YSH spec tests for $metric_prev](https://oils.pub/release/$metric_prev/test/spec.wwz/ysh-py/index.html): **561** tests, **514** passing, **47** failing
217 | - [YSH spec tests for $OILS_VERSION](https://oils.pub/release/$OILS_VERSION/test/spec.wwz/ysh-py/index.html): **630** tests, **571** passing, **59** failing
218 |
219 | And the C++ tarball is catching up rapidly:
220 |
221 | - [YSH C++ spec tests for $metric_prev](https://oils.pub/release/$metric_prev/test/spec.wwz/ysh-cpp/compare.html): **357** of **514** passing, delta **157**
222 | - [YSH C++ spec tests for $OILS_VERSION](https://oils.pub/release/$OILS_VERSION/test/spec.wwz/ysh-cpp/compare.html): **492** of **569** passing, delta **77**
223 |
224 |
225 | ### Benchmarks
226 |
227 | Bar Bar
228 |
229 | - [Parser Performance for $metric_prev](https://oils.pub/release/$metric_prev/benchmarks.wwz/osh-parser/): **21.8**
230 | thousand irefs per line
231 | - [Parser Performance for $OILS_VERSION](https://oils.pub/release/$OILS_VERSION/benchmarks.wwz/osh-parser/): **26.0**
232 | thousand irefs per line
233 |
234 | G G
235 |
236 | - [benchmarks/gc for $metric_prev](https://oils.pub/release/$metric_prev/benchmarks.wwz/gc/): \`parse.configure-coreutils\`
237 | **1.83 M** objects comprising **62.1 MB**, max RSS **68.9 MB**
238 | - [benchmarks/gc for $OILS_VERSION](https://oils.pub/release/$OILS_VERSION/benchmarks.wwz/gc/): \`parse.configure-coreutils\` **1.83 M** objects comprising **65.0 MB**, max RSS **69.3 MB**
239 |
240 | G G
241 |
242 | - [benchmarks/gc-cachegrind for $metric_prev](https://oils.pub/release/$metric_prev/benchmarks.wwz/gc-cachegrind/) - \`fib\` takes **61.6** million irefs, mut+alloc+free+gc
243 | - [benchmarks/gc-cachegrind for $OILS_VERSION](https://oils.pub/release/$OILS_VERSION/benchmarks.wwz/gc-cachegrind/) - \`fib\` takes **65.4** million irefs, mut+alloc+free+gc
244 |
245 |
246 |
247 | Foo Foo
248 |
249 | - [Runtime Performance for $metric_prev](https://oils.pub/release/$metric_prev/benchmarks.wwz/osh-runtime/): **68.7** and **56.9** seconds running CPython's \`configure\`
250 | - [Runtime Performance for $OILS_VERSION](https://oils.pub/release/$OILS_VERSION/benchmarks.wwz/osh-runtime/):
251 | **35.2** and **22.5** seconds running CPython's \`configure\`
252 | - [bash](\$xref): **26.8** and **16.2** seconds running CPython's \`configure\`
253 |
254 |
255 | ### Code Size
256 |
257 | The executable spec foo foo
258 |
259 | Significant lines:
260 |
261 | - [cloc for $metric_prev](https://oils.pub/release/$metric_prev/pub/metrics.wwz/line-counts/cloc-report.txt):
262 | **19,581** lines of Python and C, **355** lines of ASDL
263 | - [cloc for $OILS_VERSION](https://oils.pub/release/$OILS_VERSION/pub/metrics.wwz/line-counts/cloc-report.txt):
264 | **19,491** lines of Python and C, **363** lines of ASDL
265 |
266 | Code in the \`oils-for-unix\` C++ tarball, much of which is generated:
267 |
268 | - [oil-cpp for $metric_prev](https://oils.pub/release/$metric_prev/pub/metrics.wwz/line-counts/oil-cpp.txt) - **86,985** lines
269 | - [oil-cpp for $OILS_VERSION](https://oils.pub/release/$OILS_VERSION/pub/metrics.wwz/line-counts/oil-cpp.txt) - **90,682** lines
270 |
271 | Compiled binary size:
272 |
273 | - [ovm-build for $metric_prev](https://oils.pub/release/$metric_prev/benchmarks.wwz/ovm-build/):
274 | **1.18 MB** of native code (under GCC)
275 | - [ovm-build for $OILS_VERSION](https://oils.pub/release/$OILS_VERSION/benchmarks.wwz/ovm-build/):
276 | **1.23 MB** of native code (under GCC)
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 | EOF
281 | }
282 |
283 | "$@"