1 | ---
2 | title: Special Variables (Oils Reference)
3 | all_docs_url: ..
4 | body_css_class: width40
5 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
6 | preserve_anchor_case: yes
7 | ---
8 |
9 | <div class="doc-ref-header">
10 |
11 | [Oils Reference](index.html) —
12 | Chapter **Special Variables**
13 |
14 | </div>
15 |
16 | This chapter describes special variables for OSH and YSH.
17 |
18 | <span class="in-progress">(in progress)</span>
19 |
20 | <div id="dense-toc">
21 | </div>
22 |
23 | ## YSH Vars
24 |
25 | ### ARGV
26 |
27 | Replacement for `"$@"`
28 |
29 | ### ENV
30 |
31 | An `Obj` that's populated with environment variables. Example usage:
32 |
33 | var x = ENV.PYTHONPATH
34 | echo $[ENV.SSH_AUTH_SOCK]
35 |
36 | It's initialized exactly **once** per process, in any of these situations:
37 |
38 | 1. At shell startup, if `shopt --set env_obj` is on. This is true when invoking
39 | `bin/ysh`.
40 | 2. When running `bin/osh -o ysh:upgrade` or `ysh:all`.
41 | 3. When running `shopt --set ysh:upgrade` or `ysh:all`.
42 |
43 | Related: [ysh-shopt][], [osh-usage][]
44 |
45 | [ysh-shopt]: chap-builtin-cmd.html#ysh-shopt
46 | [osh-usage]: chap-front-end.html#osh-usage
47 |
48 | ---
49 |
50 | When launching an external command, the shell creates a Unix `environ` from the
51 | `ENV` Obj. This means that mutating it affects all subsequent processes:
52 |
53 | setglobal ENV.PYTHONPATH = '.'
54 | ./foo.py
55 | ./bar.py
56 |
57 | You can also limit the change to a single process, without `ENV`:
58 |
59 | PYTHONPATH=. ./foo.py
60 | ./bar.py # unaffected
61 |
62 | ---
63 |
64 | YSH reads these ENV variables:
65 |
66 | - `PATH` - where to look for executables
67 | - `PS1` - how to print the prompt
68 | - TODO: `PS4` - how to show execution traces
69 | - `YSH_HISTFILE` (`HISTFILE` in OSH) - where to read/write command history
70 | - `HOME` - for tilde substitution ([tilde-sub])
71 |
72 | [tilde-sub]: chap-word-lang.html#tilde-sub
73 |
74 | ### `__defaults__`
75 |
76 | The shell puts some default settings in this `Dict`. In certain situations, it
77 | consults `__defaults__` after consulting `ENV`. For example:
78 |
79 | - if `ENV.PATH` is not set, consult `__defaults__.PATH`
80 | - if `ENV.PS1` is not set, consult `__defaults__.PS1`
81 |
82 | <!-- TODO: consider renaming to DEF.PS1 ? -->
83 |
84 | ### `__builtins__`
85 |
86 | An object that contains names visible in every module.
87 |
88 | If a name is not visible in the local scope, or module global scope, then it's
89 | looked up in `__builtins__`.
90 |
91 | ### `_this_dir`
92 |
93 | The directory the current script resides in. This knows about 3 situations:
94 |
95 | - The location of `oshrc` in an interactive shell
96 | - The location of the main script, e.g. in `osh myscript.sh`
97 | - The location of script loaded with the `source` builtin
98 |
99 | It's useful for "relative imports".
100 |
101 | ## YSH Status
102 |
103 | ### `_status`
104 |
105 | DEPRECATED: Use `_error.code` instead.
106 |
107 | ### `_error`
108 |
109 | A `Dict` that's set by the `try` builtin.
110 |
111 | The integer `_error.code` is always present:
112 |
113 | try {
114 | ls /tmp
115 | }
116 | echo "status is $[_error.code]"
117 |
118 | Some errors also have a `message` field, like JSON/J8 encoding/decoding errors,
119 | and user errors from the [error][] builtin.
120 |
121 | try {
122 | echo $[toJson( /d+/ )] # invalid Eggex type
123 | }
124 | echo "failed: $[_error.message]" # => failed: Can't serialize ...
125 |
126 | [error]: chap-builtin-cmd.html#error
127 |
128 |
129 | ### `_pipeline_status`
130 |
131 | After a pipeline of processes is executed, this array contains the exit code of
132 | each process.
133 |
134 | Each exit code is an [Int](chap-type-method.html#Int). Compare with
136 |
137 | ### `_process_sub_status`
138 |
139 | The exit status of all the process subs in the last command.
140 |
141 | ## YSH Tracing
142 |
143 | ### SHX_indent
144 |
145 | ### SHX_punct
146 |
147 | ### SHX_pid_str
148 |
149 | ## YSH Read
150 |
151 | ### _reply
152 |
153 | Builtins that `read` set this variable:
154 |
155 | read --all < foo.txt
156 | = _reply # => 'contents of file'
157 |
158 | json read < foo.json
159 | = _reply # => (Dict) {}
160 |
161 | ## Oils VM
162 |
163 | ### `OILS_VERSION`
164 |
165 | The version of Oils that's being run, e.g. `0.23.0`.
166 |
167 | <!-- TODO: specify comparison algorithm. -->
168 |
169 | ### `LIB_OSH`
170 |
171 | The string `///osh`, which you can use with the [source][] builtin.
172 |
173 | source $LIB_OSH/two.sh
174 |
175 | [source]: chap-builtin-cmd.html#source
176 |
177 | ### `LIB_YSH`
178 |
179 | The string `///ysh`, which you can use with the [source][] builtin.
180 |
181 | source $LIB_YSH/yblocks.ysh
182 |
183 | [source]: chap-builtin-cmd.html#source
184 |
186 |
187 | At a GC point, if there are more than this number of live objects, collect
188 | garbage.
189 |
190 | ### `OILS_GC_ON_EXIT`
191 |
192 | Set `OILS_GC_ON_EXIT=1` to explicitly collect and `free()` before the process
193 | exits. By default, we let the OS clean up.
194 |
195 | Useful for ASAN testing.
196 |
197 | ### `OILS_GC_STATS`
198 |
199 | When the shell process exists, print GC stats to stderr.
200 |
201 | ### `OILS_GC_STATS_FD`
202 |
203 | When the shell process exists, print GC stats to this file descriptor.
204 |
205 | ## Float
206 |
207 | ### NAN
208 |
209 | The float value for "not a number".
210 |
211 | (The name is consistent with the C language.)
212 |
213 | ### INFINITY
214 |
215 | The float value for "infinity". You can negate it to get "negative infinity".
216 |
217 | (The name is consistent with the C language.)
218 |
219 | ## Module
220 |
221 | ### `__provide__`
222 |
223 | A module is evaluated upon `use`. After evaluation, the names in the
224 | `__provide__` `List` are put in the resulting module `Obj` instance.
225 |
226 | <!--
227 | `__provide__` may also be a string, where 'p' stands for --procs, and 'f' stands for funcs.
228 |
229 | Or we could make it [1, 2] insetad
230 | -->
231 |
232 | ## POSIX Special
233 |
234 | `$@ $* $# $? $- $$ $! $0 $9`
235 |
236 | ## Shell Vars
237 |
238 | ### IFS
239 |
240 | Used for word splitting. And the builtin `shSplit()` function.
241 |
242 | ### LANG
243 |
244 | TODO: bash compat
245 |
246 | ### GLOBIGNORE
247 |
248 | TODO: bash compat
249 |
250 | ## Shell Options
251 |
252 | ### SHELLOPTS
253 |
254 | bash compat: serialized options for the `set` builtin.
255 |
256 | ### BASHOPTS
257 |
258 | bash compat: serialized options for the `shopt` builtin.
259 |
260 | (Not implemented.)
261 |
262 | ## Other Env
263 |
264 | ### HOME
265 |
266 | The `$HOME` env var is read by the shell, for:
267 |
268 | 1. `~` expansion
269 | 2. `~` abbreviation in the UI (the dirs builtin, `\W` in `$PS1`).
270 |
271 | The shell does not set $HOME. According to POSIX, the program that invokes the
272 | login shell should set it, based on `/etc/passwd`.
273 |
274 | ### PATH
275 |
276 | A colon-separated string that's used to find executables to run.
277 |
278 | In YSH, it's `ENV.PATH`.
279 |
280 | ## Other Special
281 |
282 | ### BASH_REMATCH
283 |
284 | Result of regex evaluation `[[ $x =~ $pat ]]`.
285 |
286 | ### PIPESTATUS
287 |
288 | After a pipeline of processes is executed, this array contains the exit code of
289 | each process.
290 |
291 | Each exit code is a [Str](chap-type-method.html#Str). Compare with
292 | [`_pipeline_status`](#_pipeline_status).
293 |
294 | ## Platform
295 |
296 | ### HOSTNAME
297 |
298 | The name of the "host" or machine that Oils is running on, determined by
299 | `gethostname()`.
300 |
301 | ### OSTYPE
302 |
303 | The operating system that Oils is running on, determined by `uname()`.
304 |
305 | Examples: `linux darwin ...`
306 |
307 | ## Call Stack
308 |
309 | ### BASH_SOURCE
310 |
311 | ### FUNCNAME
312 |
313 | ### BASH_LINENO
314 |
315 | ## Tracing
316 |
317 | ### LINENO
318 |
319 | ## Process State
320 |
321 | ### BASHPID
322 |
323 | TODO
324 |
325 | ### PPID
326 |
327 | TODO
328 |
329 | ### UID
330 |
331 | ### EUID
332 |
333 | ## Process Stack
334 |
335 | ## Shell State
336 |
337 | ## Completion
338 |
339 | ### COMP_WORDS
340 |
341 | An array of words, split by : and = for compatibility with bash. New
342 | completion scripts should use COMP_ARGV instead.
343 |
344 | ### COMP_CWORD
345 |
346 | Discouraged; for compatibility with bash.
347 |
348 | ### COMP_LINE
349 |
350 | Discouraged; for compatibility with bash.
351 |
352 | ### COMP_POINT
353 |
354 | Discouraged; for compatibility with bash.
355 |
357 |
358 | Discouraged; for compatibility with bash.
359 |
360 | ### COMPREPLY
361 |
362 | User-defined completion functions should Fill this array with candidates. It
363 | is cleared on every completion request.
364 |
365 | ### COMP_ARGV
366 |
367 | An array of partial command arguments to complete. Preferred over COMP_WORDS.
368 | The compadjust builtin uses this variable.
369 |
370 | (An OSH extension to bash.)
371 |
372 | ## History
373 |
374 | ### HISTFILE
375 |
376 | Override the default OSH history location.
377 |
378 | ### YSH_HISTFILE
379 |
380 | Override the default YSH history location.
381 |
382 | ## Interactive
383 |
384 | ### OILS_COMP_UI
385 |
386 | Set which completion UI to use. Defaults to `minimal`.
387 |
388 | - `minimal` - a UI that approximates the default behavior of GNU readline.
389 | - `nice` - a UI with a fancy pager and a prompt with horizontal scrolling instead of wrapping.
390 |
391 | This variable is currently only checked once during shell initialization.
392 |
393 | ## cd
394 |
395 | ### PWD
396 |
397 | ### OLDPWD
398 |
399 | ### CDPATH
400 |
401 | ## getopts
402 |
403 | ### OPTIND
404 |
405 | ### OPTARG
406 |
407 | ### OPTERR
408 |
409 | ## read
410 |
411 | ### REPLY
412 |
413 | OSH read sets this:
414 |
415 | read < myfile
416 |
417 | ## Functions
418 |
419 | ### RANDOM
420 |
421 | bash compat
422 |
423 | ### SECONDS
424 |
425 | bash compat
426 |