Results for

pass 18
0pass shell array :| a 'b c' |
1pass empty array and simple_word_eval (regression test)
2pass Empty array and assignment builtin (regression)
3pass Shell arrays support tilde detection, static globbing, brace detection
4pass Basic List, a[42] a['42'] allowed
5pass Mutate List entries, a[42] a['42'] allowed
6pass string array with command sub, varsub, etc.
7pass Can print type of List with pp
8pass splice and stringify array
9pass List->extend()
10pass List append()/extend() should return null
11pass List pop()
12pass List remove() removes elements
13pass List remove() does nothing if element does not exist
14pass List insert()
15pass List insert() overflow
16pass List insert() negative
17pass List insert() negative overflow
18 passed, 0 OK, 0 not implemented, 0 BUG, 0 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped