1 | ## our_shell: ysh
2 | ## oils_failures_allowed: 4
3 |
4 | #### fastlex: NUL byte not allowed inside char literal #' '
5 |
6 | echo $'var x = #\'\x00\'; echo x=$x' > tmp.oil
7 | $[ENV.SH] tmp.oil
8 |
9 | echo $'var x = #\' ' > incomplete.oil
10 | $[ENV.SH] incomplete.oil
11 |
12 | ## status: 2
13 | ## STDOUT:
14 | ## END
15 |
16 | #### fastlex: NUL byte inside shebang line
17 |
18 | # Hm this test doesn't really tickle the bug
19 |
20 | echo $'#! /usr/bin/env \x00 sh \necho hi' > tmp.oil
21 | env OILS_HIJACK_SHEBANG=1 $[ENV.SH] tmp.oil
22 |
23 | ## STDOUT:
24 | hi
25 | ## END
26 |
27 | #### Tea keywords don't interfere with YSH expressions
28 |
29 | var d = {data: 'foo'}
30 |
31 | echo $[d.data]
32 |
33 | var e = {enum: 1, class: 2, import: 3, const: 4, var: 5, set: 6}
34 | echo $[len(e)]
35 |
36 | ## STDOUT:
37 | foo
38 | 6
39 | ## END
40 |
41 | #### Catch AttributeError
42 |
43 | var s = 'foo'
44 | echo s=$s
45 | var t = s.bad()
46 | echo 'should not get here'
47 |
48 | ## status: 3
49 | ## STDOUT:
50 | s=foo
51 | ## END
52 |
53 |
54 | #### Command sub paren parsing bug (#1387)
55 |
56 | write $(if (true) { write true })
57 |
58 | const a = $(write $[len('foo')])
59 | echo $a
60 |
61 | const b = $(write $[5 ** 3])
62 | echo $b
63 |
64 | const c = $(
65 | write $[6 + 7]
66 | )
67 | echo $c
68 |
69 | ## STDOUT:
70 | true
71 | 3
72 | 125
73 | 13
74 | ## END
75 |
76 |
77 | #### More Command sub paren parsing
78 |
79 | write $( var mylist = ['for']; for x in (mylist) { echo $x } )
80 |
81 | write $( echo while; while (false) { write hi } )
82 |
83 | write $( if (true) { write 'if' } )
84 |
85 | write $( if (false) { write 'if' } elif (true) { write 'elif' } )
86 |
87 | ## STDOUT:
88 | for
89 | while
90 | if
91 | elif
92 | ## END
93 |
94 | #### don't execute empty command
95 |
96 | shopt --set ysh:all
97 |
98 | set -x
99 |
100 | try {
101 | type -a ''
102 | }
103 | echo "type -a returned $_status"
104 |
105 | $(true)
106 | echo nope
107 |
108 | ## status: 127
109 | ## STDOUT:
110 | type -a returned 1
111 | ## END
112 |
113 |
114 | #### Do && || with YSH constructs make sense/
115 |
116 | # I guess there's nothing wrong with this?
117 | #
118 | # But I generally feel && || are only for
119 | #
120 | # test --file x && test --file y
121 |
122 | var x = []
123 | true && call x->append(42)
124 | false && call x->append(43)
125 | pp test_ (x)
126 |
127 | func amp() {
128 | true && return (42)
129 | }
130 |
131 | func pipe() {
132 | false || return (42)
133 | }
134 |
135 | pp test_ (amp())
136 | pp test_ (pipe())
137 |
138 | ## STDOUT:
139 | ## END
140 |
141 |
142 | #### shvar then replace - bug #1986 context manager crash
143 |
144 | shvar FOO=bar {
145 | for x in (1 ..< 500) {
146 | var Q = "hello"
147 | setvar Q = Q=>replace("hello","world")
148 | }
149 | }
150 | #echo $Q
151 | echo hi
152 |
153 | ## STDOUT:
154 | hi
155 | ## END
156 |
157 |
158 | #### Parsing crash - bug #2003
159 |
160 | set +o errexit
161 |
162 | $[ENV.SH] -c 'proc y (;x) { return = x }'
163 | echo status=$?
164 |
165 | $[ENV.SH] -c 'func y (;x) { return = x }'
166 | echo status=$?
167 |
168 | ## STDOUT:
169 | status=2
170 | status=2
171 | ## END
172 |
173 |
174 | #### proc with IFS= read -r line - dynamic scope - issue #2012
175 |
176 | # 2024-10 - FIXED by the new Env Obj! Because in YSH, 'line' is NOT created in
177 | # TEMP stack frame - we use the ENCLOSED frame, and it fixes it.
178 |
179 | proc p {
180 | read -r line
181 | write $line
182 | }
183 |
184 | proc p-ifs {
185 | IFS= read -r line
186 | write $line
187 | }
188 |
189 | #set -x
190 |
191 | echo zz | p
192 |
193 | echo yy | p-ifs
194 |
195 | ## STDOUT:
196 | zz
197 | yy
198 | ## END
199 |
200 | #### func call inside proc call - error message attribution
201 |
202 | try 2> foo {
203 | $[ENV.SH] -c '
204 | func ident(x) {
205 | return (x)
206 | }
207 |
208 | proc p (; x) {
209 | echo $x
210 | }
211 |
212 | # BUG: it points to ( in ident(
213 | # should point to ( in eval (
214 |
215 | eval (ident([1,2,3]))
216 | '
217 | }
218 |
219 | cat foo
220 |
221 | ## STDOUT:
222 | ## END
223 |
224 |
225 | #### Crash in parsing case on EOF condition - issue #2037
226 |
227 | var WEIGHT = ${1:-}
228 | case (WEIGHT) {
229 | "-" { echo "got nothing" }
230 | (else) { echo $WEIGHT
231 | }
232 |
233 | ## status: 2
234 | ## STDOUT:
235 | ## END
236 |
237 | #### Crash due to incorrect of context manager rooting - issue #1986
238 |
239 | proc p {
240 | var s = "hi"
241 | for q in (1..<50) {
242 | shvar Q="whatever" {
243 | setvar s = "." ++ s
244 | }
245 | }
246 | }
247 |
248 | for i in (1..<10) {
249 | p
250 | }
251 |
252 | if false {
253 | echo 'testing for longer'
254 | for i in (1 ..< 1000) {
255 | p
256 | }
257 | }
258 |
259 | ## STDOUT:
260 | ## END
261 |
262 |
263 | #### crash due to arbitrary PNode limit - issue #2078
264 |
265 | #!/usr/bin/env ysh
266 | var DelegatedCompName = {
267 | "llvm" : "x_project",
268 | "rocprofiler_register" : "x_rocprofiler_register",
269 | "roct_thunk_interface" : "x_roct",
270 | "rocr_runtime" : "x_rocr",
271 | "openmp" : "x_openmp",
272 | "offload" : "x_offload",
273 | "aomp_extras" : "x_extras",
274 | "comgr" : "x_comgr",
275 | "rocminfo" : "x_rocminfo",
276 | "rocsmilib" : "x_rocm_smi_lib",
277 | "amdsmi" : "x_amdsmi",
278 | "flang_legacy" : "x_flang_legacy",
279 | "pgmath" : "x_pgmath",
280 | "flang" : "x_flang",
281 | "flang_runtime" : "x_flang_runtime",
282 | "hipcc" : "x_hipcc",
283 | "hipamd" : "x_hipamd",
284 | "rocm_dbgapi" : "x_rocdbgapi",
285 | "rocgdb" : "x_rocgdb",
286 | "roctracer" : "x_roctracer",
287 | "rocprofiler" : "x_rocprofiler"
288 | }
289 |
290 | echo $[len(DelegatedCompName)]
291 |
292 | ## STDOUT:
293 | 21
294 | ## END
295 |
296 | #### bad assertion when pretty printing
297 |
298 | pp value (__builtins__) > /dev/null
299 | echo status=$?
300 |
301 | ## STDOUT:
302 | status=0
303 | ## END
304 |
305 | #### Another "stealing stdin" issue with spec tests
306 |
307 | proc where2(; pred) {
308 | for line in (io.stdin) {
309 | pp test_ (line)
310 | }
311 | }
312 |
313 | seq 5 | where2 [_line ~== 2 or _line ~== 4]
314 |
315 | #{ echo 1; echo 2; } | where2 [_line ~== 2 or _line ~== 4]
316 |
317 | # empty lines here get put on stdin
318 |
319 | ## STDOUT:
320 | (Str) "1"
321 | (Str) "2"
322 | (Str) "3"
323 | (Str) "4"
324 | (Str) "5"
325 | ## END
326 |
327 | #### Long boolean flags can't have attached values
328 |
329 | # This currently works, but I think --json and --j8 are enough?
330 |
331 | write --json=0 hi
332 | write --json=F hi
333 | write --json=False hi
334 | write --json=false hi
335 | echo
336 |
337 | write --json=1 hi
338 | write --json=T hi
339 | write --json=True hi
340 | write --json=true hi
341 |
342 | # typo bug
343 | write --json=Talse hi
344 |
345 | ## status: 1
346 | ## STDOUT:
347 | ## END
348 |