1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Survey closures, with a bunch of comments/notes
4 | #
5 | # Usage:
6 | # demo/survey-closure.sh <function name>
7 |
8 | set -o nounset
9 | set -o pipefail
10 | set -o errexit
11 |
12 | source build/dev-shell.sh # python3 in $PATH
13 |
14 | counter() {
15 | echo 'COUNTER JS'
16 | echo
17 |
18 | nodejs -e '
19 | function createCounter() {
20 | let count = 0;
21 | return function() {
22 | // console.log("after", after);
23 | count++;
24 | return count;
25 | };
26 | let after = 42;
27 | }
28 |
29 | const counter = createCounter();
30 | console.assert(counter() === 1, "Test 1.1 failed");
31 | console.assert(counter() === 2, "Test 1.2 failed");
32 |
33 | console.log(counter());
34 | '
35 |
36 | echo 'COUNTER PYTHON'
37 | echo
38 |
39 | python3 -c '
40 | def create_counter():
41 | count = 0
42 | def counter():
43 | # Python lets you do this!
44 | #print("after", after);
45 | nonlocal count
46 | count += 1
47 | return count
48 | after = 42
49 | return counter
50 |
51 | counter = create_counter()
52 | assert counter() == 1, "Test 1.1 failed"
53 | assert counter() == 2, "Test 1.2 failed"
54 |
55 | print(counter())
56 | '
57 | }
58 |
59 | # The famous C# / Go issue, and the design note at the end:
60 | #
61 | # http://craftinginterpreters.com/closures.html
62 | #
63 | # "If a language has a higher-level iterator-based looping structure like
64 | # foreach in C#, Java’s “enhanced for”, for-of in JavaScript, for-in in Dart,
65 | # etc., then I think it’s natural to the reader to have each iteration create a
66 | # new variable. The code looks like a new variable because the loop header
67 | # looks like a variable declaration."
68 | #
69 | # I am Python-minded and I think of it as mutating the same location ...
70 | #
71 | # "If you dig around StackOverflow and other places, you find evidence that
72 | # this is what users expect, because they are very surprised when they don’t
73 | # get it."
74 | #
75 | # I think this depends on which languages they came from
76 | #
77 | # JavaScript var vs. let is a good counterpoint ...
78 | #
79 | # Another solution for us is to make it explicit:
80 | #
81 | # captured var x = 1
82 | #
83 | # "The pragmatically useful answer is probably to do what JavaScript does with
84 | # let in for loops. Make it look like mutation but actually create a new
85 | # variable each time, because that’s what users want. It is kind of weird when
86 | # you think about it, though."
87 | #
88 | # Ruby has TWO different behaviors, shown there:
89 | #
90 | # - for i in 1..2 - this is mutable
91 | # - (1..2).each do |i| ... - this creates a new variable
92 |
93 | loops() {
94 | echo 'LOOPS JS'
95 | echo
96 |
97 | nodejs -e '
98 | function createFunctions() {
99 | const funcs = [];
100 | for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
101 | funcs.push(function() { return i; });
102 | }
103 | return funcs;
104 | }
105 |
106 | const functions = createFunctions();
107 | console.assert(functions[0]() === 0, "Test 4.1 failed");
108 | console.assert(functions[1]() === 1, "Test 4.2 failed");
109 | console.assert(functions[2]() === 2, "Test 4.3 failed");
110 |
111 | console.log(functions[1]())
112 | '
113 |
114 | # similar to proc p example
115 | echo
116 | echo 'JS define function'
117 | echo
118 |
119 | nodejs -e '
120 | for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
121 | // this works, is it like let?
122 | function inner() { return i; }
123 | // let inner = function() { return i; }
124 | }
125 | console.log("INNER");
126 | console.log(inner());
127 | '
128 |
129 | echo
130 | echo 'LOOPS PYTHON'
131 | echo
132 |
133 | # We would have to test multiple blocks in a loop
134 | #
135 | # for i in (0 .. 3) {
136 | # cd /tmp { # this will work
137 | # echo $i
138 | # }
139 | # }
140 |
141 | python3 -c '
142 | def create_functions():
143 | funcs = []
144 | for i in range(3):
145 | # TODO: This is bad!!! Not idiomatic
146 | funcs.append(lambda i=i: i) # Using default argument to capture loop variable
147 | #funcs.append(lambda: i)
148 | return funcs
149 |
150 | functions = create_functions()
151 |
152 | for i in range(3):
153 | actual = functions[i]()
154 | assert i == actual, "%d != %d" % (i, actual)
155 |
156 | print(functions[1]())
157 | '
158 | }
159 |
160 | js-while-var() {
161 | echo 'WHILE JS'
162 | echo
163 |
164 | nodejs -e '
165 | function createFunctions() {
166 | const funcs = [];
167 | let i = 0; // for let is SPECIAL!
168 | while (i < 3) {
169 | funcs.push(function() { return i; });
170 | i++;
171 | }
172 | return funcs;
173 | }
174 |
175 | const functions = createFunctions();
176 |
177 | console.log(functions[0]())
178 | console.log(functions[1]())
179 | console.log(functions[2]())
180 | '
181 |
182 | echo 'FOR VAR JS'
183 | echo
184 |
185 | nodejs -e '
186 | function createFunctions() {
187 | const funcs = [];
188 | // var is not captured
189 | for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
190 | funcs.push(function() { return i; });
191 | }
192 | return funcs;
193 | }
194 |
195 | const functions = createFunctions();
196 |
197 | console.log(functions[0]())
198 | console.log(functions[1]())
199 | console.log(functions[2]())
200 | '
201 |
202 | echo 'FOR LET'
203 | echo
204 |
205 | nodejs -e '
206 | function createFunctions() {
207 | const funcs = [];
208 | for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
209 | // This is captured
210 | // let j = i + 10;
211 |
212 | // This is not captured, I guess it is "hoisted"
213 | var j = i + 10;
214 | funcs.push(function() { return j; });
215 | }
216 | return funcs;
217 | }
218 |
219 | const functions = createFunctions();
220 |
221 | console.log(functions[0]())
222 | console.log(functions[1]())
223 | console.log(functions[2]())
224 | '
225 | }
226 |
227 | nested() {
228 | echo 'NESTED JS'
229 | echo
230 |
231 | nodejs -e '
232 | function outer(x) {
233 | return function(y) {
234 | return function(z) {
235 | return x + y + z;
236 | };
237 | };
238 | }
239 | '
240 |
241 | echo 'NESTED PYTHON'
242 | echo
243 |
244 | python3 -c '
245 | def outer(x):
246 | def middle(y):
247 | def inner(z):
248 | return x + y + z
249 | return inner
250 | return middle
251 |
252 | nested = outer(1)(2)
253 | assert nested(3) == 6, "Test 2 failed"
254 | '
255 | }
256 |
257 | value-or-var() {
258 | # Good point from HN thread, this doesn't work
259 | #
260 | # https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21095662
261 | #
262 | # "I think if I were writing a language from scratch, and it included
263 | # lambdas, they'd close over values, not variables, and mutating the
264 | # closed-over variables would have no effect on the world outside the closure
265 | # (or perhaps be disallowed entirely)."
266 | #
267 | # I think having 'capture' be syntax sugar for value.Obj could do this:
268 | #
269 | # func f(y) {
270 | # var z = {}
271 | #
272 | # func g(self, x) capture {y, z} -> Int {
273 | # return (self.y + x)
274 | # }
275 | # return (g)
276 | # }
277 | #
278 | # Now you have {y: y, z: z} ==> {__call__: <Func>}
279 | #
280 | # This would be syntax sugar for:
281 | #
282 | # func f(y) {
283 | # var z = {}
284 | #
285 | # var attrs = {y, z}
286 | # func g(self, x) -> Int {
287 | # return (self.y + x)
288 | # }
289 | # var methods = Object(null, {__call__: g}
290 | #
291 | # var callable = Object(methods, attrs))
292 | # return (callable)
293 | # }
294 | #
295 | # "This mechanism that you suggest about copying values is how Lua used to
296 | # work before version 5.0, when they came up with the current upvalue
297 | # mechanism"
298 | #
299 | # I think we could use value.Place if you really want a counter ...
300 | #
301 | # call counter->setValue(counter.getValue() + 1)
302 |
303 | echo 'VALUE JS'
304 | echo
305 |
306 | nodejs -e '
307 | var x = 42;
308 | var f = function () { return x; }
309 | x = 43;
310 | var g = function () { return x; }
311 |
312 | console.log(f());
313 | console.log(g());
314 | '
315 |
316 | # Hm doesn't work
317 | echo
318 |
319 | nodejs -e '
320 | let x = 42;
321 | let f = function () { return x; }
322 | x = 43;
323 | let g = function () { return x; }
324 |
325 | console.log(f());
326 | console.log(g());
327 | '
328 |
329 | echo
330 | echo 'VALUE PYTHON'
331 | echo
332 |
333 | python3 -c '
334 | x = 42
335 | f = lambda: x
336 | x = 43
337 | g = lambda: x
338 |
339 | print(f());
340 | print(g());
341 | '
342 |
343 | echo
344 | echo 'VALUE LUA'
345 | echo
346 |
347 | lua -e '
348 | local x = 42
349 | local f = function() return x end
350 | x = 43
351 | local g = function() return x end
352 |
353 | print(f())
354 | print(g())
355 | '
356 | }
357 |
358 | # More against closures:
359 | #
360 | # https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22110772
361 | #
362 | # "I don't understand the intuition of closures and they turn me off to
363 | # languages immediately. They feel like a hack from someone who didn't want to
364 | # store a copy of a parent-scope variable within a function."
365 | #
366 | # My question, against local scopes (var vs let in ES6) and closures vs.
367 | # classes:
368 | #
369 | # https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15225193
370 | #
371 | # 1. Modifying collections. map(), filter(), etc. are so much clearer and more
372 | # declarative than imperatively transforming a collection.
373 |
374 | # 2. Callbacks for event handlers or the command pattern. (If you're using a
375 | # framework that isn't event based, this may not come up much.)
376 |
377 | # 3. Wrapping up a bundle of code so that you can defer it, conditionally,
378 | # execute it, execute it in a certain context, or do stuff before and after it.
379 | # Python's context stuff handles much of this for you, but then that's another
380 | # language feature you have to explicitly add.
381 |
382 | # Minority opinion about closures:
383 | #
384 | # - C# changed closure-in-loop
385 | # - Go changed closure-in-loop
386 | # - Lua changed as of 5.0?
387 | # - TODO: Test out closures in Lua too
388 | #
389 | # - Python didn't change it, but people mostly write blog posts about it, and
390 | # don't hit it?
391 |
392 |
393 | ruby-blocks() {
394 | ruby -e '
395 | def create_multiplier(factor)
396 | ->(x) { x * factor }
397 | end
398 |
399 | double = create_multiplier(2)
400 | triple = create_multiplier(3)
401 |
402 | puts double.call(5) # Output: 10
403 | puts triple.call(5) # Output: 15
404 | '
405 | echo
406 |
407 | ruby -e '
408 | def use_multiplier(factor)
409 | # This method yields to a block
410 | yield factor
411 | end
412 |
413 | multiplier = 3
414 |
415 | # The block captures the outer multiplier variable
416 | result = use_multiplier(5) { |x| x * multiplier }
417 | puts result # Output: 15
418 |
419 | # alternative syntax
420 | result = use_multiplier(5) do |x|
421 | x * multiplier
422 | end
423 |
424 | puts result # Output: 15
425 | '
426 | echo
427 |
428 | ruby -e '
429 | # alternative syntax
430 | def use_multiplier(factor, &block)
431 | block.call(factor)
432 | end
433 |
434 | multiplier = 3
435 |
436 | result = use_multiplier(5) { |x| x * multiplier }
437 | puts result # Output: 15
438 |
439 | # alterantive syntax
440 | result = use_multiplier(5) do |x|
441 | x * multiplier
442 | end
443 |
444 | puts result # Output: 15
445 | '
446 | }
447 |
448 | ruby-mine() {
449 | ruby -e '
450 | # Two styles
451 |
452 | # Implicit block arg
453 | def run_it
454 | yield 2
455 | end
456 |
457 | # explicit proc arg
458 | def run_it2 (&block) # interchangeable
459 | block.call(2)
460 | end
461 |
462 | # 2 Styles of Block
463 |
464 | factor = 3
465 |
466 | block1 = ->(x) { x * factor }
467 | puts block1.call(5)
468 |
469 | result = run_it(&block1)
470 | puts result
471 |
472 | puts
473 |
474 | g = 9 # visible
475 |
476 | block2 = lambda do |x|
477 | x * factor * g
478 | h = 20
479 | end
480 |
481 | # Not visible, but in YSH we may want it to be, e.g. for try { } and shopt { }
482 | # puts h
483 |
484 | puts block2.call(5)
485 |
486 | result = run_it(&block2)
487 | puts result
488 |
489 | puts
490 |
491 | # 2 styles of Proc
492 |
493 | proc1 = proc { |x| x * factor }
494 | puts proc1.call(5)
495 |
496 | result = run_it(&proc1)
497 | puts result
498 |
499 | puts
500 |
501 | proc2 = Proc.new do |x|
502 | x * factor
503 | end
504 | puts proc2.call(5)
505 |
506 | result = run_it(&proc2)
507 | puts result
508 |
509 | puts
510 |
511 | # Now do a literal style
512 |
513 | result = run_it do |x|
514 | x * factor
515 | end
516 | puts result
517 | '
518 | }
519 |
520 | ruby-binding() {
521 | ruby demo/survey-closure.rb
522 | }
523 |
524 | "$@"