1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | from __future__ import print_function
3 |
4 | from _devbuild.gen import arg_types
5 | from _devbuild.gen.option_asdl import builtin_i
6 | from _devbuild.gen.runtime_asdl import (
7 | scope_e,
8 | cmd_value,
9 | AssignArg,
10 | )
11 | from _devbuild.gen.value_asdl import (value, value_e, value_t, LeftName)
12 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import loc, loc_t, word_t
13 |
14 | from core import bash_impl
15 | from core import error
16 | from core.error import e_usage
17 | from core import state
18 | from core import vm
19 | from display import ui
20 | from frontend import flag_util
21 | from frontend import args
22 | from mycpp.mylib import log, NewDict
23 | from osh import cmd_eval
24 | from osh import sh_expr_eval
25 | from data_lang import j8_lite
26 |
27 | from typing import cast, Dict, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
29 | from core.state import Mem
30 | from core import optview
31 | from frontend.args import _Attributes
32 |
33 | _ = log
34 |
35 | _OTHER = 0
36 | _READONLY = 1
37 | _EXPORT = 2
38 |
39 |
40 | def _PrintVariables(mem, cmd_val, attrs, print_flags, builtin=_OTHER):
41 | # type: (Mem, cmd_value.Assign, _Attributes, bool, int) -> int
42 | """
43 | Args:
44 | print_flags: whether to print flags
45 | builtin: is it the readonly or export builtin?
46 | """
47 | flag = attrs.attrs
48 |
49 | # Turn dynamic vars to static.
50 | tmp_g = flag.get('g')
51 | tmp_a = flag.get('a')
52 | tmp_A = flag.get('A')
53 |
54 | flag_g = (cast(value.Bool, tmp_g).b
55 | if tmp_g and tmp_g.tag() == value_e.Bool else False)
56 | flag_a = (cast(value.Bool, tmp_a).b
57 | if tmp_a and tmp_a.tag() == value_e.Bool else False)
58 | flag_A = (cast(value.Bool, tmp_A).b
59 | if tmp_A and tmp_A.tag() == value_e.Bool else False)
60 |
61 | tmp_n = flag.get('n')
62 | tmp_r = flag.get('r')
63 | tmp_x = flag.get('x')
64 |
65 | #log('FLAG %r', flag)
66 |
67 | # SUBTLE: export -n vs. declare -n. flag vs. OPTION.
68 | # flags are value.Bool, while options are Undef or Str.
69 | # '+', '-', or None
70 | flag_n = (cast(value.Str, tmp_n).s if tmp_n and tmp_n.tag() == value_e.Str
71 | else None) # type: Optional[str]
72 | flag_r = (cast(value.Str, tmp_r).s if tmp_r and tmp_r.tag() == value_e.Str
73 | else None) # type: Optional[str]
74 | flag_x = (cast(value.Str, tmp_x).s if tmp_x and tmp_x.tag() == value_e.Str
75 | else None) # type: Optional[str]
76 |
77 | if cmd_val.builtin_id == builtin_i.local:
78 | if flag_g and not mem.IsGlobalScope():
79 | return 1
80 | which_scopes = scope_e.LocalOnly
81 | elif flag_g:
82 | which_scopes = scope_e.GlobalOnly
83 | else:
84 | which_scopes = mem.ScopesForReading() # reading
85 |
86 | if len(cmd_val.pairs) == 0:
87 | print_all = True
88 | cells = mem.GetAllCells(which_scopes)
89 | names = sorted(cells) # type: List[str]
90 | else:
91 | print_all = False
92 | names = []
93 | cells = {}
94 | for pair in cmd_val.pairs:
95 | name = pair.var_name
96 | if pair.rval and pair.rval.tag() == value_e.Str:
97 | # Invalid: declare -p foo=bar
98 | # Add a sentinel so we skip it, but know to exit with status 1.
99 | s = cast(value.Str, pair.rval).s
100 | invalid = "%s=%s" % (name, s)
101 | names.append(invalid)
102 | cells[invalid] = None
103 | else:
104 | names.append(name)
105 | cells[name] = mem.GetCell(name, which_scopes)
106 |
107 | count = 0
108 | for name in names:
109 | cell = cells[name]
110 | if cell is None:
111 | continue # Invalid
112 | val = cell.val
113 | #log('name %r %s', name, val)
114 |
115 | if val.tag() == value_e.Undef:
116 | continue
117 | if builtin == _READONLY and not cell.readonly:
118 | continue
119 | if builtin == _EXPORT and not cell.exported:
120 | continue
121 |
122 | if flag_n == '-' and not cell.nameref:
123 | continue
124 | if flag_n == '+' and cell.nameref:
125 | continue
126 | if flag_r == '-' and not cell.readonly:
127 | continue
128 | if flag_r == '+' and cell.readonly:
129 | continue
130 | if flag_x == '-' and not cell.exported:
131 | continue
132 | if flag_x == '+' and cell.exported:
133 | continue
134 |
135 | if flag_a and val.tag() not in (value_e.BashArray,
136 | value_e.SparseArray):
137 | continue
138 | if flag_A and val.tag() != value_e.BashAssoc:
139 | continue
140 |
141 | decl = [] # type: List[str]
142 | if print_flags:
143 | flags = [] # type: List[str]
144 | if cell.nameref:
145 | flags.append('n')
146 | if cell.readonly:
147 | flags.append('r')
148 | if cell.exported:
149 | flags.append('x')
150 | if val.tag() in (value_e.BashArray, value_e.SparseArray):
151 | flags.append('a')
152 | elif val.tag() == value_e.BashAssoc:
153 | flags.append('A')
154 | if len(flags) == 0:
155 | flags.append('-')
156 |
157 | decl.extend(["declare -", ''.join(flags), " ", name])
158 | else:
159 | decl.append(name)
160 |
161 | if val.tag() == value_e.Str:
162 | str_val = cast(value.Str, val)
163 | decl.extend(["=", j8_lite.MaybeShellEncode(str_val.s)])
164 |
165 | elif val.tag() == value_e.BashArray:
166 | array_val = cast(value.BashArray, val)
167 | decl.extend(
168 | ["=",
169 | bash_impl.BashArray_ToStrForShellPrint(array_val, name)])
170 |
171 | elif val.tag() == value_e.BashAssoc:
172 | assoc_val = cast(value.BashAssoc, val)
173 | decl.extend(
174 | ["=", bash_impl.BashAssoc_ToStrForShellPrint(assoc_val)])
175 |
176 | elif val.tag() == value_e.SparseArray:
177 | sparse_val = cast(value.SparseArray, val)
178 | decl.extend(
179 | ["=",
180 | bash_impl.SparseArray_ToStrForShellPrint(sparse_val)])
181 |
182 | else:
183 | pass # note: other types silently ignored
184 |
185 | print(''.join(decl))
186 | count += 1
187 |
188 | if print_all or count == len(names):
189 | return 0
190 | else:
191 | return 1
192 |
193 |
194 | def _ExportReadonly(mem, pair, flags):
195 | # type: (Mem, AssignArg, int) -> None
196 | """For 'export' and 'readonly' to respect += and flags.
197 |
198 | Like 'setvar' (scope_e.LocalOnly), unless dynamic scope is on. That is, it
199 | respects shopt --unset dynamic_scope.
200 |
201 | Used for assignment builtins, (( a = b )), {fd}>out, ${x=}, etc.
202 | """
203 | which_scopes = mem.ScopesForWriting()
204 |
205 | lval = LeftName(pair.var_name, pair.blame_word)
206 | if pair.plus_eq:
207 | old_val = sh_expr_eval.OldValue(lval, mem, None) # ignore set -u
208 | # When 'export e+=', then rval is value.Str('')
209 | # When 'export foo', the pair.plus_eq flag is false.
210 | assert pair.rval is not None
211 | val = cmd_eval.PlusEquals(old_val, pair.rval)
212 | else:
213 | # NOTE: when rval is None, only flags are changed
214 | val = pair.rval
215 |
216 | mem.SetNamed(lval, val, which_scopes, flags=flags)
217 |
218 |
219 | class Export(vm._AssignBuiltin):
220 |
221 | def __init__(self, mem, errfmt):
222 | # type: (Mem, ui.ErrorFormatter) -> None
223 | self.mem = mem
224 | self.errfmt = errfmt
225 |
226 | def Run(self, cmd_val):
227 | # type: (cmd_value.Assign) -> int
228 | if self.mem.exec_opts.no_exported():
229 | self.errfmt.Print_(
230 | "YSH doesn't have 'export'. Hint: setglobal ENV.FOO = 'bar'",
231 | cmd_val.arg_locs[0])
232 | return 1
233 |
234 | arg_r = args.Reader(cmd_val.argv, locs=cmd_val.arg_locs)
235 | arg_r.Next()
236 | attrs = flag_util.Parse('export_', arg_r)
237 | arg = arg_types.export_(attrs.attrs)
238 | #arg = attrs
239 |
240 | if arg.f:
241 | e_usage(
242 | "doesn't accept -f because it's dangerous. "
243 | "(The code can usually be restructured with 'source')",
244 | loc.Missing)
245 |
246 | if arg.p or len(cmd_val.pairs) == 0:
247 | return _PrintVariables(self.mem,
248 | cmd_val,
249 | attrs,
250 | True,
251 | builtin=_EXPORT)
252 |
253 | if arg.n:
254 | for pair in cmd_val.pairs:
255 | if pair.rval is not None:
256 | e_usage("doesn't accept RHS with -n",
257 | loc.Word(pair.blame_word))
258 |
259 | # NOTE: we don't care if it wasn't found, like bash.
260 | self.mem.ClearFlag(pair.var_name, state.ClearExport)
261 | else:
262 | for pair in cmd_val.pairs:
263 | _ExportReadonly(self.mem, pair, state.SetExport)
264 |
265 | return 0
266 |
267 |
268 | def _ReconcileTypes(rval, flag_a, flag_A, blame_word):
269 | # type: (Optional[value_t], bool, bool, word_t) -> value_t
270 | """Check that -a and -A flags are consistent with RHS.
271 |
272 | Special case: () is allowed to mean empty indexed array or empty assoc array
273 | if the context is clear.
274 |
275 | Shared between NewVar and Readonly.
276 | """
277 | if flag_a and rval is not None and rval.tag() != value_e.BashArray:
278 | e_usage("Got -a but RHS isn't an array", loc.Word(blame_word))
279 |
280 | if flag_A and rval:
281 | # Special case: declare -A A=() is OK. The () is changed to mean an empty
282 | # associative array.
283 | if rval.tag() == value_e.BashArray:
284 | array_val = cast(value.BashArray, rval)
285 | if len(array_val.strs) == 0:
286 | # mycpp limitation: NewDict() needs to be typed
287 | tmp = NewDict() # type: Dict[str, str]
288 | return value.BashAssoc(tmp)
289 | #return value.BashArray([])
290 |
291 | if rval.tag() != value_e.BashAssoc:
292 | e_usage("Got -A but RHS isn't an associative array",
293 | loc.Word(blame_word))
294 |
295 | return rval
296 |
297 |
298 | class Readonly(vm._AssignBuiltin):
299 |
300 | def __init__(self, mem, errfmt):
301 | # type: (Mem, ui.ErrorFormatter) -> None
302 | self.mem = mem
303 | self.errfmt = errfmt
304 |
305 | def Run(self, cmd_val):
306 | # type: (cmd_value.Assign) -> int
307 | arg_r = args.Reader(cmd_val.argv, locs=cmd_val.arg_locs)
308 | arg_r.Next()
309 | attrs = flag_util.Parse('readonly', arg_r)
310 | arg = arg_types.readonly(attrs.attrs)
311 |
312 | if arg.p or len(cmd_val.pairs) == 0:
313 | return _PrintVariables(self.mem,
314 | cmd_val,
315 | attrs,
316 | True,
317 | builtin=_READONLY)
318 |
319 | for pair in cmd_val.pairs:
320 | if pair.rval is None:
321 | if arg.a:
322 | rval = value.BashArray([]) # type: value_t
323 | elif arg.A:
324 | # mycpp limitation: NewDict() needs to be typed
325 | tmp = NewDict() # type: Dict[str, str]
326 | rval = value.BashAssoc(tmp)
327 | else:
328 | rval = None
329 | else:
330 | rval = pair.rval
331 |
332 | rval = _ReconcileTypes(rval, arg.a, arg.A, pair.blame_word)
333 |
334 | # NOTE:
335 | # - when rval is None, only flags are changed
336 | # - dynamic scope because flags on locals can be changed, etc.
337 | _ExportReadonly(self.mem, pair, state.SetReadOnly)
338 |
339 | return 0
340 |
341 |
342 | class NewVar(vm._AssignBuiltin):
343 | """declare/typeset/local."""
344 |
345 | def __init__(self, mem, procs, exec_opts, errfmt):
346 | # type: (Mem, state.Procs, optview.Exec, ui.ErrorFormatter) -> None
347 | self.mem = mem
348 | self.procs = procs
349 | self.exec_opts = exec_opts
350 | self.errfmt = errfmt
351 |
352 | def _PrintFuncs(self, names):
353 | # type: (List[str]) -> int
354 | status = 0
355 | for name in names:
356 | proc_val = self.procs.GetShellFunc(name)
357 | if proc_val:
358 | if self.exec_opts.extdebug():
359 | tok = proc_val.name_tok
360 | assert tok is not None, tok
361 | assert tok.line is not None, tok.line
362 | filename_str = ui.GetFilenameString(tok.line)
363 | # Note: the filename could have a newline, and this won't
364 | # be a single line. But meh, this is a bash feature.
365 | line = '%s %d %s' % (name, tok.line.line_num, filename_str)
366 | print(line)
367 | else:
368 | print(name)
369 | # TODO: Could print LST for -f, or render LST. Bash does this. 'trap'
370 | # could use that too.
371 | else:
372 | status = 1
373 | return status
374 |
375 | def Run(self, cmd_val):
376 | # type: (cmd_value.Assign) -> int
377 | arg_r = args.Reader(cmd_val.argv, locs=cmd_val.arg_locs)
378 | arg_r.Next()
379 | attrs = flag_util.Parse('new_var', arg_r)
380 | arg = arg_types.new_var(attrs.attrs)
381 |
382 | status = 0
383 |
384 | if arg.f:
385 | names = arg_r.Rest()
386 | if len(names):
387 | # This is only used for a STATUS QUERY now. We only show the name,
388 | # not the body.
389 | status = self._PrintFuncs(names)
390 | else:
391 | # Disallow this since it would be incompatible.
392 | e_usage('with -f expects function names', loc.Missing)
393 | return status
394 |
395 | if arg.F:
396 | names = arg_r.Rest()
397 | if len(names):
398 | status = self._PrintFuncs(names)
399 | else:
400 | # bash quirk: with no names, they're printed in a different format!
401 | for func_name in self.procs.ShellFuncNames():
402 | print('declare -f %s' % (func_name))
403 | return status
404 |
405 | if arg.p: # Lookup and print variables.
406 | return _PrintVariables(self.mem, cmd_val, attrs, True)
407 | elif len(cmd_val.pairs) == 0:
408 | return _PrintVariables(self.mem, cmd_val, attrs, False)
409 |
410 | if not self.exec_opts.ignore_flags_not_impl():
411 | if arg.i:
412 | e_usage(
413 | "doesn't implement flag -i (shopt --set ignore_flags_not_impl)",
414 | loc.Missing)
415 |
416 | if arg.l or arg.u:
417 | # Just print a warning! The program may still run.
418 | self.errfmt.Print_(
419 | "Warning: OSH doesn't implement flags -l or -u (shopt --set ignore_flags_not_impl)",
420 | loc.Missing)
421 |
422 | #
423 | # Set variables
424 | #
425 |
426 | if cmd_val.builtin_id == builtin_i.local:
427 | which_scopes = scope_e.LocalOnly
428 | else: # declare/typeset
429 | if arg.g:
430 | which_scopes = scope_e.GlobalOnly
431 | else:
432 | which_scopes = scope_e.LocalOnly
433 |
434 | flags = 0
435 | if arg.x == '-':
436 | flags |= state.SetExport
437 | if arg.r == '-':
438 | flags |= state.SetReadOnly
439 | if arg.n == '-':
440 | flags |= state.SetNameref
441 |
442 | if arg.x == '+':
443 | flags |= state.ClearExport
444 | if arg.r == '+':
445 | flags |= state.ClearReadOnly
446 | if arg.n == '+':
447 | flags |= state.ClearNameref
448 |
449 | for pair in cmd_val.pairs:
450 | rval = pair.rval
451 | # declare -a foo=(a b); declare -a foo; should not reset to empty array
452 | if rval is None and (arg.a or arg.A):
453 | old_val = self.mem.GetValue(pair.var_name)
454 | if arg.a:
455 | if old_val.tag() not in (value_e.BashArray,
456 | value_e.SparseArray):
457 | rval = value.BashArray([])
458 | elif arg.A:
459 | if old_val.tag() != value_e.BashAssoc:
460 | # mycpp limitation: NewDict() needs to be typed
461 | tmp = NewDict() # type: Dict[str, str]
462 | rval = value.BashAssoc(tmp)
463 |
464 | lval = LeftName(pair.var_name, pair.blame_word)
465 |
466 | if pair.plus_eq:
467 | old_val = sh_expr_eval.OldValue(lval, self.mem,
468 | None) # ignore set -u
469 | # When 'typeset e+=', then rval is value.Str('')
470 | # When 'typeset foo', the pair.plus_eq flag is false.
471 | assert pair.rval is not None
472 | rval = cmd_eval.PlusEquals(old_val, pair.rval)
473 | else:
474 | rval = _ReconcileTypes(rval, arg.a, arg.A, pair.blame_word)
475 |
476 | self.mem.SetNamed(lval, rval, which_scopes, flags=flags)
477 |
478 | return status
479 |
480 |
481 | # TODO:
482 | # - It would make more sense to treat no args as an error (bash doesn't.)
483 | # - Should we have strict builtins? Or just make it stricter?
484 | # - Typed args: unset (mylist[0]) is like Python's del
485 | # - It has the same word as 'setvar', which makes sense
486 |
487 |
488 | class Unset(vm._Builtin):
489 |
490 | def __init__(
491 | self,
492 | mem, # type: state.Mem
493 | procs, # type: state.Procs
494 | unsafe_arith, # type: sh_expr_eval.UnsafeArith
495 | errfmt, # type: ui.ErrorFormatter
496 | ):
497 | # type: (...) -> None
498 | self.mem = mem
499 | self.procs = procs
500 | self.unsafe_arith = unsafe_arith
501 | self.errfmt = errfmt
502 |
503 | def _UnsetVar(self, arg, location, proc_fallback):
504 | # type: (str, loc_t, bool) -> bool
505 | """
506 | Returns:
507 | bool: whether the 'unset' builtin should succeed with code 0.
508 | """
509 | lval = self.unsafe_arith.ParseLValue(arg, location)
510 |
511 | #log('unsafe lval %s', lval)
512 | found = False
513 | try:
514 | found = self.mem.Unset(lval, scope_e.Shopt)
515 | except error.Runtime as e:
516 | # note: in bash, myreadonly=X fails, but declare myreadonly=X doesn't
517 | # fail because it's a builtin. So I guess the same is true of 'unset'.
518 | msg = e.UserErrorString()
519 | self.errfmt.Print_(msg, blame_loc=location)
520 | return False
521 |
522 | if proc_fallback and not found:
523 | self.procs.EraseShellFunc(arg)
524 |
525 | return True
526 |
527 | def Run(self, cmd_val):
528 | # type: (cmd_value.Argv) -> int
529 | attrs, arg_r = flag_util.ParseCmdVal('unset', cmd_val)
530 | arg = arg_types.unset(attrs.attrs)
531 |
532 | argv, arg_locs = arg_r.Rest2()
533 | for i, name in enumerate(argv):
534 | location = arg_locs[i]
535 |
536 | if arg.f:
537 | self.procs.EraseShellFunc(name)
538 |
539 | elif arg.v:
540 | if not self._UnsetVar(name, location, False):
541 | return 1
542 |
543 | else:
544 | # proc_fallback: Try to delete var first, then func.
545 | if not self._UnsetVar(name, location, True):
546 | return 1
547 |
548 | return 0
549 |
550 |
551 | class Shift(vm._Builtin):
552 |
553 | def __init__(self, mem):
554 | # type: (Mem) -> None
555 | self.mem = mem
556 |
557 | def Run(self, cmd_val):
558 | # type: (cmd_value.Argv) -> int
559 | num_args = len(cmd_val.argv) - 1
560 | if num_args == 0:
561 | n = 1
562 | elif num_args == 1:
563 | arg = cmd_val.argv[1]
564 | try:
565 | n = int(arg)
566 | except ValueError:
567 | e_usage("Invalid shift argument %r" % arg, loc.Missing)
568 | else:
569 | e_usage('got too many arguments', loc.Missing)
570 |
571 | return self.mem.Shift(n)