1 | ---
2 | title: YSH and OSH Topics by Feature
3 | all_docs_url: ..
4 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
5 | preserve_anchor_case: yes
6 | ---
7 |
8 | YSH and OSH Topics by Feature
9 | ====
10 |
11 | <span class="in-progress">(in progress)</span>
12 |
13 | This page links to topics in the [Oils Reference](index.html). It's organized
14 | differently than the [YSH Table of Contents](toc-ysh.html) or [OSH Table of
15 | Contents](toc-osh.html).
16 |
17 | <div id="toc">
18 | </div>
19 |
20 | ## Where YSH Improves on OSH
21 |
22 | ### Errors
23 |
24 | YSH:
25 |
26 | - [`try`](chap-builtin-cmd.html#try)
27 | - [`_error`](chap-special-var.html#_error)
28 | - multiple processes
29 | - [`_pipeline_status`](chap-special-var.html#_pipeline_status)
30 | - [`_process_sub_status`](chap-special-var.html#_process_sub_status)
31 | - [Options](chap-option.html):
32 | - `strict_errexit`, `command_sub_errexit`, ...
33 |
34 | OSH:
35 |
36 | - [`$?`](chap-special-var.html#POSIX-special) - not idiomatic in YSH
37 | - [Options](chap-option.html):
38 | - `errexit`, `pipefail`, `inherit_errexit`
39 |
40 | ### Environment Variables
41 |
42 | YSH:
43 |
44 | - [`ENV`][ENV]
45 | - [`ysh-prefix-binding`][ysh-prefix-binding] - for `NAME=val` env bindings
46 | - [`simple-command`][simple-command] - external commands are started with an
47 | `environ`
48 | - [Options](chap-option.html):
49 | - `shopt --unset no_exported`
50 | - `shopt --set env_obj`
51 |
52 | [ENV]: chap-special-var.html#ENV
53 |
54 | <!--
55 | TODO: should we have a `envFromDict()` function that goes with `env -i`?
56 | -->
57 |
58 | OSH:
59 |
60 | - [`export`](chap-osh-assign.html#export)
61 | - [`prefix-binding`][prefix-binding] - for `NAME=val` env bindings
62 |
63 | [prefix-binding]: chap-cmd-lang.html#prefix-binding
64 | [ysh-prefix-binding]: chap-cmd-lang.html#ysh-prefix-binding
65 |
66 | [simple-command]: chap-cmd-lang.html#simple-command
67 |
68 |
69 | ### I/O
70 |
71 | YSH:
72 |
73 | - [`write`](chap-builtin-cmd.html#write)
74 | - [`ysh-echo`](chap-builtin-cmd.html#ysh-echo) is a shortcut for `write`
75 | - [`ysh-read`](chap-builtin-cmd.html#ysh-read) - `read --all`, etc.
76 | - [`redir`](chap-builtin-cmd.html#redir)
77 | - The [`io`](chap-type-method.html#io) object
78 |
79 | OSH:
80 |
81 | - [`printf`](chap-builtin-cmd.html#printf)
82 |
83 | ### Procs
84 |
85 | YSH:
86 |
87 | - [`proc`](chap-ysh-cmd.html#proc)
88 | - Invokable objects: [`__invoke__`][__invoke__], [`Obj`][Obj]
89 | - [`simple-command`][simple-command] is how you invoke procs
90 |
91 | OSH:
92 |
93 | - [`sh-func`](chap-cmd-lang.html#sh-func)
94 |
95 | ### Modules
96 |
97 | - [`use`](chap-builtin-cmd.html#use)
98 | - [`is-main`](chap-builtin-cmd.html#is-main)
99 | - provide (TODO)
100 | - [`_this_dir`](chap-special-var.html#_this_dir)
101 | - [`__provide__`](chap-special-var.html#__provide__)
102 | - An imported module is an [`Obj`][Obj] with an [`__invoke__`][__invoke__]
103 | method
104 |
105 | [Obj]: chap-type-method.html#Obj
106 | [__invoke__]: chap-type-method.html#__invoke__
107 |
108 | OSH:
109 |
110 | - [`source`](chap-builtin-cmd.html#source)
111 | - [`source-guard`](chap-builtin-cmd.html#source-guard)
112 |
113 | ### Interactive Shell
114 |
115 | - [`renderPrompt()`](chap-plugin.html#renderPrompt)
116 |
117 | OSH:
118 |
119 | - [`complete`][complete]
120 | - Oils enhancements: [`compexport`][compexport], [`compadjust`][compadjust]
121 |
122 | [complete]: chap-builtin-cmd.html#complete
123 | [compadjust]: chap-builtin-cmd.html#compadjust
124 | [compexport]: chap-builtin-cmd.html#compexport
125 |
126 | ### Tracing Execution
127 |
128 | - `set -x` aka `set -o xtrace`
129 | - [PS4][]
130 | - `SHX_*`
131 |
132 | [PS4]: chap-plugin.html#PS4
133 |
134 | ### Introspecting the Call Stack
135 |
136 | OSH Debug Stack:
137 |
138 | - [BASH_SOURCE](chap-special-var.html#BASH_SOURCE)
139 | - [FUNCNAME](chap-special-var.html#FUNCNAME)
140 | - [BASH_LINENO](chap-special-var.html#BASH_LINENO)
141 |
142 | YSH Debug Stack:
143 |
144 | - [DebugFrame](chap-type-method.html#DebugFrame)
145 | - [toString()](chap-type-method.html#toString) method
146 | - [vm.getDebugStack()](chap-type-method.html#getDebugStack)
147 |
148 | These may be combined with
149 |
150 | - [trap][] `ERR`
151 | - [set][] `-o errtrace` aka `set -E`
152 |
153 | [trap]: chap-builtin-cmd.html#trap
154 | [set]: chap-builtin-cmd.html#set
155 |
156 | ### Reflection
157 |
158 | Other YSH reflection:
159 |
160 | - The [`io`][io] object has `eval()` methods, etc.
161 | - The [`vm`][vm] object for inspecting interpreter structures
162 |
163 | [io]: chap-type-method.html#io
164 | [vm]: chap-type-method.html#vm
165 |
166 |
167 | ### Unicode
168 |
169 | - TODO: which functions respect Unicode?
170 |
171 | Also see [the Unicode doc](../unicode.html).
172 |
173 |
174 | ## YSH Only
175 |
176 | ### Objects
177 |
178 | - [`Obj`][Obj]
179 | - [`__invoke__`][__invoke__]
180 | - TODO: `__call__`
181 | - [`first()`][first] and [`rest()`][first]
182 | - [`ENV`][ENV] is an `Obj`
183 | - operator `.` [ysh-attr](chap-expr-lang.html#ysh-attr)
184 | - operator `->` [thin-arrow](chap-expr-lang.html#thin-arrow)
185 |
186 |
187 | [first]: chap-builtin-func.html#first
188 | [rest]: chap-builtin-func.html#rest
189 |
190 | ### Closures
191 |
192 | - [block-arg](chap-cmd-lang.html#block-arg)
193 | - Maybe: proc, func
194 |
195 | ### Funcs
196 |
197 | - [`func`](chap-ysh-cmd.html#func)
198 | - Callable objects: [`__call__`][__call__] and [`Obj`][Obj] (TODO)
199 | - [`ysh-func-call`](chap-expr-lang.html#ysh-func-call)
200 |
201 | [__call__]: chap-type-method.html#__call__
202 |
203 | ### Namespaces
204 |
205 | - [`ENV`](chap-special-var.html#ENV)
206 | - [`__builtins__`](chap-special-var.html#__builtins__)
207 |
208 | <!--
209 |
210 | TODO:
211 |
212 | - __modules__
213 | - does vm.getFrame() belong?
214 |
215 | -->
216 |
217 |