1 | Published Docs
2 | ==============
3 |
4 | This page links to docs that are ready to read.
5 |
6 | See [All Docs](index.html) for links to drafts.
7 |
8 | ## Good Places to Start
9 |
10 | - [Getting Started](getting-started.html)
11 | - [A Tour of YSH](ysh-tour.html)
12 | - [YSH vs. Shell Idioms](idioms.html)
13 | - [**Oils Reference**](ref/index.html) - underlies the [help][] builtin
14 | - [FAQ on Docs](faq-doc.html). **Look here if you can't find
15 | something**.
16 |
17 | Build/packaging:
18 |
19 | - [INSTALL](INSTALL.html). How do I install Oils? This text file is also in
20 | the `oils-for-unix` tarball.
21 | - [Oils Build `--help` Mirror](help-mirror.html)
22 | - [Portability](portability.html)
23 |
24 | [help]: ref/chap-builtin-cmd.html#help
25 |
26 | ## More
27 |
28 | OSH:
29 |
30 | - [Known Differences Between OSH and Other Shells](known-differences.html) |
31 | [Quirks](quirks.html) | [Headless Mode](headless.html) | [Shell
32 | Idioms](shell-idioms.html)
33 |
34 | YSH:
35 |
36 | - [A Feel For YSH Syntax](syntax-feelings.html) | [YSH Style
37 | Guide](style-guide.html) | [What Breaks When You Upgrade to
38 | YSH](upgrade-breakage.html) | [YSH Language FAQ](ysh-faq.html)
39 |
40 | - Comparisons: [YSH vs. Shell](ysh-vs-shell.html) | [YSH Expressions vs.
41 | Python](ysh-vs-python.html)
42 |
43 | - Features: [Egg Expressions (YSH Regexes)](eggex.html)
44 | | [YSH Regex API](ysh-regex-api.html)
45 | | [Guide to YSH Error Handling](ysh-error.html)
46 | | [Guide to Procs and Funcs](proc-func.html)
47 | | [YSH Fixes Shell's Error Handling](error-handling.html)
48 | | [Simple Word Evaluation](simple-word-eval.html)
49 | | [Variable Declaration, Mutation, and Scope](variables.html)
50 | | [Hay - Custom Languages for Unix Systems](hay.html)
51 |
52 | Data Languages:
53 |
54 | - [JSON](json.html) | [J8 Notation](j8-notation.html) | [BYO
55 | Protocols](byo.html)
56 |
57 | Language Design:
58 |
59 | - [Syntactic Concepts](syntactic-concepts.html)
60 | | [Command vs. Expression Mode](command-vs-expression-mode.html)
61 | | [Language Influences](language-influences.html)
62 | - Notes: [Novelties in OSH and YSH](novelties.html) | [Warts](warts.html)
63 |
64 | The Shared Oils Runtime
65 |
66 | - [Types in the Oils Runtime](types.html) | [Tracing Execution](xtrace.html)
67 |
68 | Reference:
69 |
70 | - [Oils Error Catalog, With Hints](error-catalog.html)
71 |
72 | For contributors:
73 |
74 | - [ul-table: Markdown Tables Without New Syntax](ul-table.html)
75 |