1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Build the dev version of Oil on CPython.
4 | # This is in contrast to oils-for-unix and the oil.ovm build.
5 | #
6 | # Usage:
7 | # build/py.sh <function name>
8 |
9 | : ${LIB_OSH=stdlib/osh}
10 | source $LIB_OSH/bash-strict.sh
11 | source $LIB_OSH/task-five.sh
12 |
13 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/.."; pwd)
14 | source build/common.sh # log, $CLANGXX
15 |
16 | if test -z "${IN_NIX_SHELL:-}"; then
17 | source build/dev-shell.sh # to run 're2c'
18 | fi
19 |
20 | export PYTHONPATH='.:vendor/'
21 |
22 | ubuntu-deps() {
23 | ### Alias for backward compatility
24 | build/deps.sh install-ubuntu-packages
25 | }
26 |
27 | # This is what Python uses on OS X.
28 | #
29 | # https://www.thrysoee.dk/editline/
30 | install-libedit() {
31 | sudo apt install libedit-dev
32 | }
33 |
34 | libedit-flags() {
35 | pkg-config --libs --cflags libedit
36 | }
37 |
38 | install-py3() {
39 | pip3 install mypy
40 | }
41 |
42 | destroy-pip() {
43 | rm -r -f -v ~/.cache/pip ~/.local/lib/python2.7
44 | }
45 |
46 | # Needed for the release process, but not the dev process.
47 | # TODO: remove in favor of wedges in deps/
48 | release-ubuntu-deps() {
49 | # For the release to run test/report.R, you need r-base-core too.
50 | # cloc is used for line counts
51 | # valgrind/cachegrind for benchmarks
52 | sudo apt-get install r-base-core cloc valgrind
53 | }
54 |
55 | # 3/2021: For installing dplyr on Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 LTS, which has an old R version
56 | # Following these instructions
57 | # https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/README.html
58 |
59 | # 5/2021: Upgraded to Ubuntu Bionic, which has R 3.4.4. So it looks like I no
60 | # longer need this.
61 | #
62 | # 2/2023: I need this again because R 3.4.4 is too old for dplyr.
63 | #
64 | # https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/
65 |
66 | _install-new-r() {
67 | # update indices
68 | apt update -qq
69 |
70 | # install two helper packages we need
71 | apt install --no-install-recommends software-properties-common dirmngr
72 |
73 | # import the signing key (by Michael Rutter) for these repo
74 | apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys E298A3A825C0D65DFD57CBB651716619E084DAB9
75 |
76 | # add the R 4.0 repo from CRAN -- adjust 'focal' to 'groovy' or 'bionic' as needed
77 |
78 | local ubuntu_version
79 | ubuntu_version=$(lsb_release -cs)
80 | add-apt-repository "deb https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu $ubuntu_version-cran40/"
81 |
82 | # Hm I had to run this manually and I got R 4.0
83 | # 2021-04: Hm this had to be run twice
84 | apt install --no-install-recommends r-base
85 | }
86 |
87 | install-new-r() {
88 | sudo $0 _install-new-r "$@"
89 | }
90 |
91 | const-mypy-gen() {
92 | local out=_devbuild/gen/id_kind_asdl.py
93 | frontend/consts_gen.py mypy > $out
94 | log " (frontend/consts_gen) -> $out"
95 |
96 | out=_devbuild/gen/id_kind.py
97 | frontend/consts_gen.py py-consts > $out
98 | log " (frontend/consts_gen) -> $out"
99 | }
100 |
101 | option-mypy-gen() {
102 | local out=_devbuild/gen/option_asdl.py
103 | frontend/option_gen.py mypy > $out
104 | log " (frontend/option_gen) -> $out"
105 | }
106 |
107 | flag-gen-mypy() {
108 | local out=_devbuild/gen/arg_types.py
109 | frontend/flag_gen.py mypy > $out
110 | log " (frontend/flag_gen) -> $out"
111 | }
112 |
113 | # Helper
114 | gen-asdl-py() {
115 | local asdl_path=$1 # e.g. frontend/syntax.asdl
116 |
117 | local name
118 | name=$(basename $asdl_path .asdl)
119 |
120 | local tmp=_tmp/${name}_asdl.py
121 | local out=_devbuild/gen/${name}_asdl.py
122 |
123 | # abbrev module is optional
124 | asdl/asdl_main.py mypy "$@" > $tmp
125 |
126 | # BUG: MUST BE DONE ATOMICALLY; otherwise the Python interpreter can
127 | # import an empty file!
128 | mv $tmp $out
129 |
130 | log "$asdl_path -> (asdl_main) -> $out"
131 | }
132 |
133 | py-codegen() {
134 | # note: filename must come first
135 | # hnode.asdl has REQUIRED fields so it's --py-init-N
136 | gen-asdl-py 'asdl/hnode.asdl' --no-pretty-print-methods --py-init-N
137 |
138 | gen-asdl-py 'frontend/types.asdl'
139 | # depends on syntax.asdl
140 | gen-asdl-py 'core/runtime.asdl'
141 | gen-asdl-py 'core/value.asdl'
142 | gen-asdl-py 'data_lang/htm8.asdl'
143 | gen-asdl-py 'data_lang/nil8.asdl'
144 | gen-asdl-py 'display/pretty.asdl'
145 | gen-asdl-py 'mycpp/mycpp.asdl'
146 |
147 | gen-asdl-py 'tools/find/find.asdl'
148 |
149 | const-mypy-gen # depends on bool_arg_type_e, generates Id_t
150 |
151 | # This does __import__ of syntax_abbrev.py, which depends on Id. We could
152 | # use the AST module later?
153 | gen-asdl-py 'frontend/syntax.asdl' \
154 | --abbrev-module='frontend.syntax_abbrev'
155 |
156 | option-mypy-gen
157 | flag-gen-mypy
158 |
159 | # Experiment
160 | gen-asdl-py 'yaks/yaks.asdl'
161 |
162 | # For tests
163 | gen-asdl-py 'mycpp/examples/expr.asdl'
164 | }
165 |
166 | py-asdl-examples() {
167 | # dependency of typed_demo
168 | gen-asdl-py 'asdl/examples/demo_lib.asdl'
169 | gen-asdl-py 'asdl/examples/typed_demo.asdl'
170 |
171 | gen-asdl-py 'asdl/examples/shared_variant.asdl'
172 | gen-asdl-py 'asdl/examples/typed_arith.asdl' \
173 | --abbrev-module='asdl.examples.typed_arith_abbrev'
174 | }
175 |
176 | oil-cpp() {
177 | ### STUB for backward compatibility
178 |
179 | build/cpp.sh all
180 | }
181 |
182 | py-ext() {
183 | ### Build a Python extension
184 |
185 | local name=$1
186 | local setup_script=$2
187 |
188 | log " ($setup_script) -> $name.so"
189 |
190 | local arch
191 | arch=$(uname -m)
192 |
193 | # global opts come first
194 | $setup_script --quiet build_ext --inplace
195 |
196 | #file $name.so
197 | }
198 |
199 | py-ext-test() {
200 | ### Run a test and log it
201 |
202 | # TODO: Fold this into some kind of Ninja test runner?
203 | # Or just rely on test/unit.sh all?
204 |
205 | local test_path=$1 # Or a function
206 | shift
207 |
208 | local log_path=_test/unit/$test_path.log
209 | mkdir -p $(dirname $log_path)
210 |
211 | set +o errexit
212 | $test_path "$@" >$log_path 2>&1
213 | local status=$?
214 | set -o errexit
215 |
216 | if test $status -eq 0; then
217 | log "OK $log_path"
218 | else
219 | echo
220 | cat $log_path
221 | echo
222 | die "FAIL $log_path"
223 | fi
224 | }
225 |
226 | pylibc() {
227 | rm -f libc.so
228 |
229 | py-ext libc pyext/setup_libc.py
230 |
231 | # Skip unit tests on Alpine for now
232 | # musl libc doesn't have extended globs
233 | if uname -a | grep -F Alpine; then
234 | return
235 | fi
236 |
237 | py-ext-test pyext/libc_test.py "$@"
238 | }
239 |
240 | fanos() {
241 | rm -f fanos.so
242 |
243 | py-ext fanos pyext/setup_fanos.py
244 | py-ext-test pyext/fanos_test.py "$@"
245 | }
246 |
247 | fastfunc() {
248 | rm -f fastfunc.so
249 |
250 | py-ext fastfunc pyext/setup_fastfunc.py
251 | py-ext-test pyext/fastfunc_test.py "$@"
252 | }
253 |
254 | #
255 | # For frontend/match.py
256 | #
257 |
258 | lexer-gen() { frontend/lexer_gen.py "$@"; }
259 |
260 | print-regex() { lexer-gen print-regex; }
261 | print-all() { lexer-gen print-all; }
262 |
263 | # Structure:
264 | #
265 | # _gen
266 | # frontend/
267 | # id.asdl_c.h
268 | # types.asdl_c.h
269 | # match.re2c.h
270 | # _build/
271 | # tmp/
272 | # frontend/
273 | # match.re2c.in
274 | # bin/
275 | # oils_for_unix_raw.mycpp.cc
276 |
277 | # re2c native.
278 | osh-lex-gen-native() {
279 | local in=$1
280 | local out=$2
281 | # Turn on all warnings and make them native.
282 | # The COMMENT state can match an empty string at the end of a line, e.g.
283 | # '#\n'. So we have to turn that warning off.
284 | re2c -W -Wno-match-empty-string -Werror -o $out $in
285 | }
286 |
287 | fastmatch() {
288 | local gen_dir=_gen/frontend
289 | mkdir -p _gen/_tmp $gen_dir
290 |
291 | # C version of frontend/types.asdl
292 | local out=$gen_dir/types.asdl_c.h
293 | asdl/asdl_main.py c frontend/types.asdl "$@" > $out
294 | log " (asdl_main c) -> $out"
295 |
296 | # C version of id_kind
297 | local out=$gen_dir/id_kind.asdl_c.h
298 | frontend/consts_gen.py c > $out
299 | log " (frontend/consts_gen c) -> $out"
300 |
301 | # Fast matcher
302 | local tmp=_gen/_tmp/match.re2c-input.h
303 | local out=_gen/frontend/match.re2c.h
304 | lexer-gen c > $tmp
305 | log " (lexer_gen) -> $tmp"
306 |
307 | osh-lex-gen-native $tmp $out
308 | log "$tmp -> (re2c) -> $out"
309 | }
310 |
311 | fastlex() {
312 | fastmatch
313 |
314 | # Why do we need this? It gets stale otherwise.
315 | rm -f fastlex.so
316 |
317 | py-ext fastlex pyext/setup_fastlex.py
318 | py-ext-test pyext/fastlex_test.py
319 | }
320 |
321 | line-input() {
322 | # Why do we need this? It gets stale otherwise.
323 | rm -f line_input.so
324 |
325 | py-ext line_input pyext/setup_line_input.py
326 | py-ext-test pyext/line_input_test.py
327 | }
328 |
329 | posix_() {
330 | rm -f posix_.so
331 |
332 | py-ext posix_ pyext/setup_posix.py
333 | py-ext-test pyext/posix_test.py
334 | }
335 |
336 | py-source() {
337 | ### Generate Python source code
338 |
339 | mkdir -p _tmp _devbuild/gen
340 |
341 | # need -r because Python 3 puts a __pycache__ here
342 | log 'Removing _devbuild/gen/*'
343 | rm -r -f _devbuild/gen/*
344 |
345 | # So modules are importable.
346 | touch _devbuild/__init__.py _devbuild/gen/__init__.py
347 |
348 | py-codegen # depends on Id
349 |
350 | # Only for testing.
351 | py-asdl-examples
352 |
353 | # Needed on Travis.
354 | ysh-grammar
355 | find-grammar
356 | demo-grammar # for mycpp/examples/pgen2_demo
357 | }
358 |
359 | # No fastlex, because we don't want to require re2c installation.
360 | py-extensions() {
361 | pylibc
362 | line-input
363 | posix_
364 | fanos
365 | fastfunc
366 | }
367 |
368 | configure-for-dev() {
369 | # _OIL_DEV does two things:
370 | # -D GC_TIMING
371 | # Skip expensive "OVM" tarball stuff
372 | _OIL_DEV=1 ./configure
373 | }
374 |
375 | minimal() {
376 | configure-for-dev
377 |
378 | build/stamp.sh write-git-commit
379 |
380 | py-source
381 | py-extensions
382 |
383 | cat <<EOF
384 |
385 | *****
386 | '$0 minimal' succeeded
387 |
388 | It allows you to run and modify Oil quickly, but the lexer will be slow and
389 | the help builtin won't work.
390 |
391 | '$0 all' requires re2c and libcmark.so. (Issue #513 is related, ask
392 | on #oil-dev)
393 | *****
394 | EOF
395 | }
396 |
397 | ysh-grammar() {
398 | mkdir -p _gen/ysh
399 | touch _gen/__init__.py _gen/ysh/__init__.py
400 |
401 | ysh/grammar_gen.py py ysh/grammar.pgen2 _devbuild/gen
402 | }
403 |
404 | find-grammar() {
405 | ysh/grammar_gen.py py tools/find/find.pgen2 _devbuild/gen
406 | }
407 |
408 | demo-grammar() {
409 | ysh/grammar_gen.py py mycpp/examples/arith.pgen2 _devbuild/gen
410 | }
411 |
412 | time-helper() {
413 | local out=${1:-_devbuild/bin/time-helper}
414 | local in=benchmarks/time-helper.c
415 |
416 | mkdir -p $(dirname $out)
417 |
418 | cc -std=c99 -Wall -o $out $in
419 | log " CC $in"
420 | }
421 |
422 | all() {
423 | configure-for-dev
424 |
425 | rm -f *.so # 12/2019: to clear old symlinks, maybe get rid of
426 |
427 | build/stamp.sh write-git-commit
428 |
429 | py-source
430 | py-extensions # no re2c
431 |
432 | # requires re2c: deps/from-tar.sh layer-re2c
433 | fastlex
434 | time-helper
435 |
436 | # help topics and chapter links are extracted from doc/ref
437 | build/doc.sh all-ref
438 | }
439 |
440 | gitpod-minimal() {
441 | ubuntu-deps '-y' # skip prompt
442 | minimal
443 | test/spec.sh smoke
444 |
445 | set -x
446 | bin/osh -c 'echo hi'
447 | }
448 |
449 | show-cpython-patches() {
450 | # 2025-01: The patches for the "OVM" build
451 | #
452 | # After getting rid of build/oil-defs, this is significant, but maintainable.
453 | git diff 1d2b97384e14d65b1241f67fd995277f5508db28..HEAD Python-2.7.13/
454 | }
455 |
456 | name=$(basename $0)
457 | if test "$name" = 'py.sh'; then
458 | task-five "$@"
459 | fi