1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Usage:
4 | # build/doc.sh <function name>
5 |
6 | set -o nounset
7 | set -o pipefail
8 | set -o errexit
9 |
10 | # https://oilshell.org/release/$VERSION/
11 | # doc/
12 | # index.html
13 | # INSTALL.html
14 | # INSTALL-old.html
15 |
16 | readonly OIL_VERSION=$(head -n 1 oils-version.txt)
17 | export OIL_VERSION # for quick_ref.py
18 |
19 | THIS_DIR=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
20 | readonly THIS_DIR
21 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd $THIS_DIR/.. && pwd)
22 | readonly REPO_ROOT
23 |
24 |
25 | readonly HTML_BASE_DIR=_release/VERSION
26 |
27 |
28 | log() {
29 | echo "$@" 1>&2
30 | }
31 |
32 | #
33 | # Deps (similar to doctools/cmark.sh and build/codegen.sh)
34 | #
35 |
36 | readonly MANDOC_DIR='_deps/mdocml-1.14.1'
37 |
38 | download-mandoc() {
39 | mkdir -p _deps
40 | wget --no-clobber --directory _deps \
41 | https://mandoc.bsd.lv/snapshots/mdocml-1.14.1.tar.gz
42 | }
43 |
44 | build-mandoc() {
45 | cd $MANDOC_DIR
46 | ./configure
47 | make
48 | }
49 |
50 | mandoc() {
51 | $MANDOC_DIR/mandoc "$@"
52 | }
53 |
54 | # Places version is used
55 | #
56 | # - in --version
57 | # - in URL for every page? inside the binary
58 | # - in titles for index, install, osh-quick-ref TOC, etc.
59 | # - in deployment script
60 |
61 | # Run with environment variable
62 | help-gen() {
63 | PYTHONPATH=.:vendor doctools/help_gen.py "$@"
64 | }
65 |
66 | cmark() {
67 | # h2 and h3 are shown in TOC. The blog uses "legacy" h3 and h4.
68 | PYTHONPATH=.:vendor doctools/cmark.py --toc-tag h2 --toc-tag h3 --toc-pretty-href "$@"
69 | }
70 |
71 | readonly MARKDOWN_DOCS=(
72 | published
73 |
74 | # polished
75 | getting-started
76 | portability
77 | known-differences
78 | ysh-error
79 | error-handling
80 | error-catalog
81 | json
82 | hay
83 | simple-word-eval
84 | quirks
85 | warts
86 |
87 | eggex
88 | ysh-regex-api
89 | upgrade-breakage
90 | ysh-tour
91 |
92 | style-guide
93 | novelties
94 |
95 | proc-func
96 | block-literals
97 | objects
98 | types
99 |
100 | # Data language
101 | qsn
102 | qtt
103 | j8-notation
104 | htm8
105 | # Protocol
106 | pretty-printing
107 | stream-table-process
108 | byo
109 | ysh-doc-processing
110 |
111 | table-object-doc
112 |
113 | lib-osh
114 |
115 | doc-toolchain
116 | doc-plugins
117 | ul-table
118 | ul-table-compare
119 | idioms
120 | shell-idioms
121 | ysh-faq
122 |
123 | language-influences
124 | ysh-vs-python
125 | ysh-vs-shell
126 |
127 | syntactic-concepts
128 | syntax-feelings
129 | command-vs-expression-mode
130 |
131 | # needs polish
132 | # Note: docs about the YSH are prefixed 'ysh-'.
133 | # data-model and command-vs-expression-mode span both OSH and YSH
134 |
135 | index
136 | faq-doc
137 |
138 | options
139 |
140 | old/index
141 | old/project-tour
142 | old/legacy-array
143 | old/ysh-keywords
144 | old/modules
145 | old/expression-language
146 | old/word-language
147 | old/errors
148 | old/ysh-builtins
149 |
150 | io-builtins
151 | unicode
152 | framing
153 | xtrace
154 | headless
155 | completion
156 | strings
157 | variables
158 |
159 | # Internal stuff
160 | interpreter-state
161 | process-model
162 | architecture-notes
163 | parser-architecture
164 | )
165 |
166 | # Bug fix: Plain $(date) can output unicode characters (e.g. in Japanese
167 | # locale), which is loaded by Python into say u'\u5e74'. But the default
168 | # encoding in Python 2 is still 'ascii', which means that '%s' % u_str may
169 | # fail.
170 | #
171 | # I believe --rfc-e-mail should never output a Unicode character.
172 | #
173 | # A better fix would be to implement json_utf8.load(f), which doesn't decode
174 | # into unicode instances. This would remove useless conversions.
175 |
176 | DOC_TIMESTAMP=${DOC_TIMESTAMP:-$(date --rfc-email)}
177 |
178 | split-and-render() {
179 | local src=${1:-doc/known-differences.md}
180 |
181 | local rel_path=${src%'.md'} # doc/known-differences
182 | local tmp_prefix=_tmp/$rel_path # temp dir for splitting
183 |
184 | local out=${2:-$HTML_BASE_DIR/$rel_path.html}
185 | local web_url=${3:-'../web'}
186 |
187 | mkdir -v -p $(dirname $out) $tmp_prefix
188 |
189 | # Also add could add css_files. The one in the file takes precedence always?
190 |
191 | # css_files: a space-separated list
192 | # all_docs_url: so we link from doc/foo.html -> doc/
193 |
194 | local css_files="$web_url/base.css $web_url/manual.css $web_url/toc.css $web_url/language.css $web_url/code.css"
195 |
196 | PYTHONPATH='.:vendor' doctools/split_doc.py \
197 | -v build_timestamp="$DOC_TIMESTAMP" \
198 | -v oil_version="$OIL_VERSION" \
199 | -v css_files="$css_files" \
200 | -v all_docs_url='.' \
201 | -v repo_url="$src" \
202 | $src $tmp_prefix
203 |
204 | #ls -l _tmp/doc
205 | #head _tmp/doc/*
206 | #return
207 |
208 | # for ysh-tour code blocks
209 | local code_out=_tmp/code-blocks/$rel_path.txt
210 | mkdir -v -p $(dirname $code_out)
211 |
212 | cmark \
213 | --code-block-output $code_out \
214 | ${tmp_prefix}_meta.json ${tmp_prefix}_content.md > $out
215 |
216 | log "$tmp_prefix -> (doctools/cmark) -> $out"
217 | }
218 |
219 | render-from-kate() {
220 | ### Make it easier to configure Kate editor
221 |
222 | # It want to pass an absolute path
223 | # TODO: I can't figure out how to run this from Kate?
224 |
225 | local full_path=$1
226 |
227 | case $full_path in
228 | $REPO_ROOT/*)
229 | rel_path=${full_path#"$REPO_ROOT/"}
230 | echo "relative path = $rel_path"
231 | ;;
232 | *)
233 | die "$full_path should start with repo root $REPO_ROOT"
234 | ;;
235 | esac
236 |
237 | split-and-render $rel_path
238 | }
239 |
240 | # Special case for README
241 | # Do NOT split because we don't want front matter in the markdown source.
242 | render-only() {
243 | local src=${1:-README.md}
244 |
245 | local name
246 | case $src in
247 | *.md)
248 | name=$(basename $src .md)
249 | ;;
250 | *.txt)
251 | name=$(basename $src .txt)
252 | ;;
253 | *)
254 | name=$(basename $src)
255 | ;;
256 | esac
257 |
258 | local out=${2:-$HTML_BASE_DIR/doc/$name.html}
259 | local css_files=${3:-'../web/manual.css ../web/toc.css'}
260 | local title=${4:-'Oils Source Code'}
261 |
262 | local prefix=_tmp/doc/$name
263 |
264 | local meta=${prefix}_meta.json
265 | cat >$meta <<EOF
266 | { "title": "$title",
267 | "repo_url": "$src",
268 | "css_files": "$css_files",
269 | "all_docs_url": ".",
270 |
271 | "build_timestamp": "$DOC_TIMESTAMP",
272 | "oil_version": "$OIL_VERSION"
273 | }
274 | EOF
275 |
276 | cmark $meta $src > $out
277 | log "Wrote $out"
278 | }
279 |
280 | help-mirror-md() {
281 | echo '
282 | Oils Build `--help` Mirror
283 | =====
284 |
285 | <style>
286 | /* Similar to web/install.css */
287 | h1 { font-size: 1.5em; }
288 | h2 { font-size: 1.2em; }
289 |
290 | /* Exclude Markdown <pre><code> */
291 | code:not(pre code) {
292 | color: green;
293 | }
294 | </style>
295 |
296 | This doc mirrors the `--help` for the 3 shell tools in the build sytsem:
297 |
298 | 1. `configure` - Detect system features
299 | 1. `_build/oils.sh` - Compile `oils-for-unix` source into an executable
300 | 1. `install` - Install the executable, and symlinks to it
301 |
302 | <div id="toc">
303 | </div>
304 |
305 | ## Note: Usage is Different Than Autotools
306 |
307 | To minimize build deps, all 3 of these tools are hand-written POSIX shell
308 | scripts. So this build system does **not** use GNU autotools, and it does not
309 | use `make`.
310 |
311 | Keep these differences in mind:
312 |
313 | - Settings are configured with **either** flags or env vars, as described
314 | below.
315 | - For example, use `./configure --cxx-for-configure mycc`, not `CXX=mycc
316 | configure`.
317 | - If you pass `./configure --cxx-for-configure mycc`, you should also pass
318 | `_build/oils.sh --cxx mycc`. The flag value is not remembered.
319 |
320 | ## configure
321 |
322 | ```'
323 | ./configure --help
324 |
325 | echo '```
326 |
327 | ## _build/oils.sh
328 |
329 | ```'
330 |
331 | devtools/release-native.sh gen-oils-sh
332 | _build/oils.sh --help
333 |
334 | echo '```
335 |
336 | ## install
337 |
338 | ```'
339 | ./install --help
340 | echo '```
341 |
342 | ## Links
343 |
344 | - [INSTALL.html](INSTALL.html) - Quick guide for end users.
345 | - [Oils Packaging Guidelines]($wiki) wiki
346 | - [Oils Packaging Tips]($wiki) wiki - free free to edit this page.
347 |
348 | '
349 | }
350 |
351 | help-mirror() {
352 | ### Mirror --help to HTML
353 |
354 | local md=_tmp/doc/help-mirror.md
355 |
356 | help-mirror-md > $md
357 |
358 | local web_dir='../web'
359 | #local css="$web_dir/base.css $web_dir/install.css $web_dir/toc.css"
360 | local css="$web_dir/base.css $web_dir/toc.css"
361 | render-only $md '' "$css" 'Oils Build Help Mirror'
362 | }
363 |
364 | special() {
365 | # TODO: do all READMEs
366 | split-and-render mycpp/README.md \
367 | $HTML_BASE_DIR/doc/oils-repo/mycpp/README.html \
368 | ../../../web
369 |
370 | # TODO: README can just be a pointer to other docs, like "Repo Overview"
371 | local web_dir='../../web'
372 | render-only 'README.md' $HTML_BASE_DIR/doc/oils-repo/README.html \
373 | "$web_dir/base.css $web_dir/manual.css $web_dir/toc.css" 'Oils Source Code'
374 |
375 | help-mirror
376 |
377 | local web_dir='../web'
378 | render-only INSTALL.txt '' \
379 | "$web_dir/base.css $web_dir/install.css" 'Installing Oils'
380 |
381 | render-only INSTALL-old.txt '' \
382 | "$web_dir/base.css $web_dir/install.css" 'Installing Oils - old CPython build'
383 |
384 | # These pages aren't in doc/
385 | split-and-render doc/release-index.md _tmp/release-index.html
386 | split-and-render doc/release-quality.md _tmp/release-quality.html
387 | }
388 |
389 | all-markdown() {
390 | make-dirs
391 |
392 | # TODO: We can set repo_url here! Then we don't need it for most docs.
393 | # split_doc.py can return {} if the doc doesn't start with ---
394 |
395 | #for d in doc/index.md doc/known-differences.md doc/*-manual.md \
396 | # doc/eggex.md doc/oil-options.md doc/oil-func-proc-block.md; do
397 | for d in "${MARKDOWN_DOCS[@]}"; do
398 | split-and-render doc/$d.md
399 | done
400 |
401 | special
402 | }
403 |
404 | redir-body() {
405 | local to_url=$1 # WARNING: no escaping
406 | cat <<EOF
407 | <head>
408 | <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=$to_url" />
409 | </head>
410 | EOF
411 | }
412 |
413 | redirect-pairs() {
414 | # we want want /release/latest/ URLs to still work
415 | cat <<EOF
416 | oil-language-tour ysh-tour
417 | oil-language-faq ysh-faq
418 | oil-help ysh-help
419 | oil-help-topics ysh-help-topics
420 | ysh-help ref/toc-ysh
421 | ysh-help-topics ref/toc-ysh
422 | EOF
423 | }
424 |
425 | all-redirects() {
426 | redirect-pairs | while read -r from_page to_page; do
427 | redir-body "$to_page.html" | tee "_release/VERSION/doc/$from_page.html"
428 | done
429 | }
430 |
431 | # TODO: This could use some CSS.
432 | man-page() {
433 | local root_dir=${1:-_release/VERSION}
434 | mandoc -T html doc/osh.1 > $root_dir/osh.1.html
435 | ls -l $root_dir
436 | }
437 |
438 | # I want to ship the INSTALL file literally, so just mutate things
439 | _sed-ext() {
440 | sed --regexp-extended -i "$@"
441 | }
442 |
443 | update-src-versions() {
444 | # Update tarball names, etc.
445 | _sed-ext \
446 | "s/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[a-z0-9]+/$OIL_VERSION/g" \
447 | doc/release-*.md INSTALL.txt INSTALL-old.txt
448 |
449 | # Update /release/0.8.4/ URL, etc.
450 | _sed-ext \
451 | "s;/release/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[a-z0-9]+/;/release/$OIL_VERSION/;g" \
452 | doc/osh.1
453 | }
454 |
455 | #
456 | # Test Tools
457 | #
458 |
459 | split-doc-demo() {
460 | cat > _tmp/testdoc.md <<EOF
461 | ---
462 | title: foo
463 | ---
464 |
465 | Title
466 | =====
467 |
468 | hello
469 |
470 | EOF
471 |
472 | doctools/split_doc.py _tmp/testdoc.md _tmp/testdoc
473 |
474 | head _tmp/testdoc*
475 | }
476 |
477 | #
478 | # Help is both markdown and text
479 | #
480 |
481 | readonly TMP_DIR=_tmp/doc
482 | readonly CODE_BLOCK_DIR=_tmp/code-blocks
483 | readonly TEXT_DIR=_devbuild/help
484 | readonly HTML_DIR=_release/VERSION
485 | readonly CODE_DIR=_devbuild/gen
486 |
487 | cards-from-indices() {
488 | ### Make help cards
489 |
490 | for lang in osh ysh data; do
491 | help-gen cards-from-index $lang $TEXT_DIR \
492 | < $HTML_DIR/doc/ref/toc-$lang.html
493 | done
494 | }
495 |
496 | cards-from-chapters() {
497 | ### Turn h3 topics into cards
498 |
499 | local py_out=$CODE_DIR/help_meta.py
500 |
501 | mkdir -p _gen/frontend
502 | local cc_prefix=_gen/frontend/help_meta
503 |
504 | help-gen cards-from-chapters $TEXT_DIR $py_out $cc_prefix \
505 | $HTML_DIR/doc/ref/chap-*.html
506 | }
507 |
508 | ref-check() {
509 | help-gen ref-check \
510 | doc/ref/toc-*.md \
511 | _release/VERSION/doc/ref/chap-*.html
512 | }
513 |
514 | fmt-check() {
515 | PYTHONPATH=.:vendor doctools/fmt_check.py _release/VERSION/doc/ref/*.html
516 | }
517 |
518 |
519 | write-metrics() {
520 | ### Check indexes and chapters against each other
521 |
522 | local out=_release/VERSION/doc/metrics.txt
523 |
524 | # send stderr to the log file too
525 | ref-check > $out 2>&1
526 |
527 | echo "Wrote $out"
528 | }
529 |
530 | tour() {
531 | ### Build the Tour of YSH, and execute code as validation
532 | local name=${1:-ysh-tour}
533 |
534 | split-and-render doc/$name.md
535 |
536 | local work_dir=$REPO_ROOT/_tmp/code-blocks/doc
537 |
538 | mkdir -p $work_dir/lib
539 |
540 | # Files used by module example
541 | touch $work_dir/{build,test}.sh
542 |
543 | cat >$work_dir/lines.txt <<'EOF'
544 | doc/hello.md
545 | "doc/with spaces.md"
546 | b'doc/with byte \yff.md'
547 | EOF
548 |
549 | cat >$work_dir/myargs.ysh <<EOF
550 | const __provide__ = :| proc1 p2 p3 |
551 |
552 | proc proc1 {
553 | echo proc1
554 | }
555 |
556 | proc p2 {
557 | echo p2
558 | }
559 |
560 | proc p3 {
561 | echo p3
562 | }
563 | EOF
564 |
565 | cat >$work_dir/demo.py <<EOF
566 | #!/usr/bin/env python
567 |
568 | print("hi")
569 | EOF
570 | chmod +x $work_dir/demo.py
571 |
572 | cat >$work_dir/lib/util.ysh <<EOF
573 | const __provide__ = :| log |
574 |
575 | proc log {
576 | echo @ARGV >&2
577 | }
578 | EOF
579 |
580 | pushd $work_dir
581 |
582 | # Prepend extra code
583 | cat >tour.ysh - $name.txt <<EOF
584 | func myMethod(self) {
585 | echo 'myMethod'
586 | }
587 |
588 | func mutatingMethod(self) {
589 | echo 'mutatingMethod'
590 | }
591 |
592 | func makeMyObject(x) {
593 | var methods = Object(null, {myMethod, 'M/mutatingMethod': mutatingMethod})
594 | return (Object(methods, {x}))
595 | }
596 | EOF
597 |
598 | # Fix: don't supply stdin!
599 | $REPO_ROOT/bin/ysh tour.ysh < /dev/null
600 | popd
601 |
602 | # My own dev tools
603 | # if test -d ~/vm-shared; then
604 | if false; then
605 | local path=_release/VERSION/doc/$name.html
606 | cp -v $path ~/vm-shared/$path
607 | fi
608 | }
609 |
610 | one() {
611 | ### Iterate on one doc quickly
612 |
613 | local name=${1:-options}
614 |
615 | split-and-render doc/$name.md
616 |
617 | # Make sure the doc has valid YSH code?
618 | # TODO: Maybe need an attribute for OSH or YSH
619 | pushd _tmp/code-blocks/doc
620 | $REPO_ROOT/bin/ysh $name.txt
621 | popd
622 |
623 | if test -d ~/vm-shared; then
624 | local out="${name%.md}.html"
625 | local path=_release/VERSION/$out
626 | cp -v $path ~/vm-shared/$path
627 | fi
628 | }
629 |
630 | make-dirs() {
632 | }
633 |
634 | one-ref() {
635 | local md=${1:-doc/ref/index.md}
636 | split-and-render $md '' '../../web'
637 | }
638 |
639 | all-ref() {
640 | ### Build doc/ref in text and HTML. Depends on libcmark.so
641 |
642 | log "Removing $TEXT_DIR/*"
643 | rm -f $TEXT_DIR/*
644 | make-dirs
645 |
646 | # Make the indexes and chapters
647 | for d in doc/ref/*.md; do
648 | split-and-render $d '' '../../web'
649 | done
650 |
651 | # Note: if we want a $ref-topic shortcut, we might want to use Ninja to
652 | # extract topics from all chapters first, and then make help_meta.json, like
653 | # we have _devbuild/gen/help_meta.py.
654 |
655 | # Text cards
656 | cards-from-indices
657 | # A few text cards, and HELP_TOPICS dict for URLs, for flat namespace
658 | cards-from-chapters
659 |
660 | return
661 | if command -v pysum; then
662 | # 19 KB of embedded help, seems OK. Biggest card is 'ysh-option'. Could
663 | # compress it.
664 | echo 'Size of embedded help:'
665 | ls -l $TEXT_DIR | tee /dev/stderr | awk '{print $5}' | pysum
666 | fi
667 |
668 | # Better sorting
669 | #LANG=C ls -l $TEXT_DIR
670 | }
671 |
672 | _copy-path() {
673 | local src=$1 dest=$2
674 | mkdir -p $(dirname $dest)
675 | cp -v $src $dest
676 | }
677 |
678 | copy-web() {
679 | find web \
680 | \( -name _tmp -a -prune \) -o \
681 | \( -name '*.css' -o -name '*.js' \) -a -printf '%p _release/VERSION/%p\n' |
682 | xargs -n 2 -- $0 _copy-path
683 | }
684 |
685 | pretty-size() {
686 | local path=$1
687 | stat --format '%s' "$path" | python -c '
688 | import sys
689 | num_bytes = int(sys.stdin.read())
690 | print "{:,}".format(num_bytes)
691 | '
692 | }
693 |
694 | # NOTE: It might be better to link to files like this in the /release/ tree.
695 | # Although I am not signing them.
696 |
697 | # https://nodejs.org/dist/v8.11.4/SHASUMS256.txt.asc
698 |
699 | tarball-links-row-html() {
700 | local version=$1
701 |
702 | cat <<EOF
703 | <tr class="file-table-heading">
704 | <td></td>
705 | <td>File / SHA256 checksum</td>
706 | <td class="size">Size</td>
707 | <td></td>
708 | </tr>
709 | EOF
710 |
711 | # we switched to .gz for oils-for-unix
712 | # note: legacy names for old releases
713 | for name in \
714 | oils-for-unix-$version.tar.{gz,xz} \
715 | oil-$version.tar.{gz,xz} \
716 | oil-native-$version.tar.xz; do
717 |
718 | local url="/download/$name" # The server URL
719 | local path="../oils.pub__deploy/download/$name"
720 |
721 | # Don't show tarballs that don't exist
722 | if [[ $name == oils-for-unix-* && ! -f $path ]]; then
723 | continue
724 | fi
725 | if [[ $name == oil-native-* && ! -f $path ]]; then
726 | continue
727 | fi
728 |
729 | local checksum
730 | checksum=$(sha256sum $path | awk '{print $1}')
731 | local size
732 | size=$(pretty-size $path)
733 |
734 | # TODO: Port this to oil with "commas" extension.
735 |
736 | # Three columns: date, version, and links
737 | cat <<EOF
738 | <tr>
739 | <td></td>
740 | <td class="filename"><a href="$url">$name</a></td>
741 | <td class="size">$size</td>
742 | </tr>
743 | <tr>
744 | <td></td>
745 | <td colspan=2 class="checksum">$checksum</td>
746 | </tr>
747 | EOF
748 | done
749 | }
750 |
751 | this-release-links() {
752 | echo '<div class="file-table">'
753 | echo '<table>'
754 | tarball-links-row-html "$OIL_VERSION"
755 | echo '</table>'
756 | echo '</div>'
757 | }
758 |
759 | # Turn HTML comment into a download link
760 | add-date-and-links() {
761 | local snippet
762 | snippet=$(this-release-links)
763 |
764 | awk -v date=$1 -v snippet="$snippet" '
766 | print(snippet)
767 | next
768 | }
769 |
770 | /<!-- REPLACE_WITH_DATE -->/ {
771 | print(date)
772 | next
773 | }
774 |
775 | # Everything else
776 | { print }
777 | '
778 | }
779 |
780 | patch-release-pages() {
781 | local release_date
782 | release_date=$(cat _build/release-date.txt)
783 |
784 | local root=_release/VERSION
785 |
786 | add-date-and-links $release_date < _tmp/release-index.html > $root/index.html
787 | add-date-and-links $release_date < _tmp/release-quality.html > $root/quality.html
788 | }
789 |
790 | copy-release-pages() {
791 | ### For testing without releasing
792 |
793 | cat < _tmp/release-index.html > $root/index.html
794 | cat < _tmp/release-quality.html > $root/quality.html
795 | }
796 |
797 | run-for-release() {
798 | ### Build a tree. Requires _build/release-date.txt to exist
799 |
800 | local root=_release/VERSION
801 | mkdir -p $root/{doc,test,pub}
802 |
803 | tour
804 |
805 | # Metadata
806 | cp -v _build/release-date.txt oils-version.txt $root
807 |
808 | # Docs
809 | # Writes _release/VERSION and _tmp/release-index.html
810 | all-markdown
811 | all-ref
812 | all-redirects # backward compat
813 |
814 | fmt-check # Needs to run *after* we build the HTML
815 |
816 | patch-release-pages
817 |
818 | write-metrics
819 |
820 | # Problem: You can't preview it without .wwz!
821 | # Maybe have local redirects VERSION/test/wild/ to
822 | #
823 | # Instead of linking, I should compress them all here.
824 |
825 | copy-web
826 |
827 | if command -v tree >/dev/null; then
828 | tree $root
829 | else
830 | find $root
831 | fi
832 | }
833 |
834 | soil-run() {
835 | build/stamp.sh write-release-date
836 |
837 | run-for-release
838 | }
839 |
840 | #
841 | # Golden tests
842 | #
843 | # $0 golden-tree
844 | # $0 determnistic-build # with new code
845 | # $0 compare-golden
846 |
847 | deterministic() {
848 | # build without varying timestamp
849 | DOC_TIMESTAMP='GOLD' $0 soil-run
850 | }
851 |
852 | golden-tree() {
853 | rm -r -f _release/VERSION/ _release/VERSION_gold/
854 | deterministic
855 | cp -r _release/VERSION/ _release/VERSION_gold
856 | }
857 |
858 | compare-golden() {
859 | diff -r -u _release/VERSION_gold _release/VERSION/
860 | }
861 |
862 | "$@"
863 |