1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """
3 | func_reflect.py - Functions for reflecting on Oils code - OSH or YSH.
4 | """
5 | from __future__ import print_function
6 |
7 | from _devbuild.gen.runtime_asdl import scope_e
8 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import (Token, source, debug_frame,
9 | debug_frame_e)
10 | from _devbuild.gen.value_asdl import (value, value_e, value_t, cmd_frag)
11 |
12 | from core import alloc
13 | from core import error
14 | from core import main_loop
15 | from core import state
16 | from core import vm
17 | from data_lang import j8
18 | from display import ui
19 | from frontend import location
20 | from frontend import reader
21 | from frontend import typed_args
22 | from mycpp import mops
23 | from mycpp import mylib
24 | from mycpp.mylib import log, tagswitch
25 |
26 | from typing import List, cast, TYPE_CHECKING
28 | from frontend import parse_lib
29 |
30 | _ = log
31 |
32 |
33 | class Id(vm._Callable):
34 | """Return an integer object ID, like Python's id().
35 |
36 | Long shot: pointer tagging, boxless value_t, and small string optimization
37 | could mean that value.Str is no longer heap-allocated, and thus doesn't
38 | have a GC ID?
39 |
40 | What about value.{Bool,Int,Float}?
41 |
42 | I guess only mutable objects can have IDs then
43 | """
44 |
45 | def __init__(self):
46 | # type: () -> None
47 | vm._Callable.__init__(self)
48 |
49 | def Call(self, rd):
50 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
51 | unused_vm = rd.PosValue() # vm.id()
52 | val = rd.PosValue()
53 | rd.Done()
54 |
55 | # Select mutable values for now
56 | with tagswitch(val) as case:
57 | if case(value_e.List, value_e.Dict, value_e.Obj):
58 | id_ = j8.HeapValueId(val)
59 | return value.Int(mops.IntWiden(id_))
60 | else:
61 | raise error.TypeErr(val, 'id() expected List, Dict, or Obj',
62 | rd.BlamePos())
63 | raise AssertionError()
64 |
65 |
66 | class GetFrame(vm._Callable):
67 |
68 | def __init__(self, mem):
69 | # type: (state.Mem) -> None
70 | vm._Callable.__init__(self)
71 | self.mem = mem
72 |
73 | def Call(self, rd):
74 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
75 | unused_self = rd.PosObj()
76 | index = mops.BigTruncate(rd.PosInt())
77 | rd.Done()
78 |
79 | length = len(self.mem.var_stack)
80 | if index < 0:
81 | index += length
82 | if 0 <= index and index < length:
83 | return value.Frame(self.mem.var_stack[index])
84 | else:
85 | raise error.Structured(3, "Invalid frame %d" % index,
86 | rd.LeftParenToken())
87 |
88 |
89 | class BindFrame(vm._Callable):
90 |
91 | def __init__(self):
92 | # type: () -> None
93 | vm._Callable.__init__(self)
94 |
95 | def Call(self, rd):
96 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
97 |
98 | # TODO: also take an ExprFrag -> Expr
99 |
100 | frag = rd.PosCommandFrag()
101 | frame = rd.PosFrame()
102 | rd.Done()
103 | return value.Null
104 | # TODO: I guess you have to bind 2 frames?
105 | #return Command(cmd_frag.Expr(frag), frame, None)
106 |
107 |
108 | class GetDebugStack(vm._Callable):
109 |
110 | def __init__(self, mem):
111 | # type: (state.Mem) -> None
112 | vm._Callable.__init__(self)
113 | self.mem = mem
114 |
115 | def Call(self, rd):
116 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
117 | unused_self = rd.PosObj()
118 | rd.Done()
119 |
120 | debug_frames = [
121 | value.DebugFrame(fr) for fr in self.mem.debug_stack
122 | if fr.tag() in (debug_frame_e.Call, debug_frame_e.Source,
123 | debug_frame_e.Use)
124 | ] # type: List[value_t]
125 | return value.List(debug_frames)
126 |
127 |
128 | def _FormatDebugFrame(buf, token):
129 | # type: (mylib.Writer, Token) -> None
130 | """
131 | Based on _AddCallToken in core/state.py
132 | Should probably move that into core/dev.py or something, and unify them
133 |
134 | We also want the column number so we can print ^==
135 | """
136 | # note: absolute path can be lon,g, but Python prints it too
137 | call_source = ui.GetLineSourceString(token.line)
138 | line_num = token.line.line_num
139 | call_line = token.line.content
140 |
141 | func_str = ''
142 | # This gives the wrong token? If we are calling p, it gives the definition
143 | # of p. It doesn't give the func/proc that contains the call to p.
144 |
145 | #if def_tok is not None:
146 | # #log('DEF_TOK %s', def_tok)
147 | # func_str = ' in %s' % lexer.TokenVal(def_tok)
148 |
149 | # should be exactly 1 line
150 | buf.write('%s:%d\n' % (call_source, line_num))
151 |
152 | maybe_newline = '' if call_line.endswith('\n') else '\n'
153 | buf.write(' %s%s' % (call_line, maybe_newline))
154 |
155 | buf.write(' ') # prefix
156 | ui.PrintCaretLine(call_line, token.col, token.length, buf)
157 |
158 |
159 | class DebugFrameToString(vm._Callable):
160 |
161 | def __init__(self):
162 | # type: () -> None
163 | vm._Callable.__init__(self)
164 |
165 | def Call(self, rd):
166 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
167 | frame = rd.PosDebugFrame()
168 |
169 | rd.Done()
170 |
171 | UP_frame = frame
172 | buf = mylib.BufWriter()
173 | with tagswitch(frame) as case:
174 | if case(debug_frame_e.Call):
175 | frame = cast(debug_frame.Call, UP_frame)
176 | _FormatDebugFrame(buf, frame.call_tok)
177 | elif case(debug_frame_e.Source):
178 | frame = cast(debug_frame.Source, UP_frame)
179 | _FormatDebugFrame(buf, frame.call_tok)
180 | elif case(debug_frame_e.Use):
181 | frame = cast(debug_frame.Use, UP_frame)
182 | _FormatDebugFrame(buf, frame.call_tok)
183 | else:
184 | raise AssertionError()
185 | return value.Str(buf.getvalue())
186 |
187 |
188 | class Shvar_get(vm._Callable):
189 | """Look up with dynamic scope."""
190 |
191 | def __init__(self, mem):
192 | # type: (state.Mem) -> None
193 | vm._Callable.__init__(self)
194 | self.mem = mem
195 |
196 | def Call(self, rd):
197 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
198 | name = rd.PosStr()
199 | rd.Done()
200 | return state.DynamicGetVar(self.mem, name, scope_e.Dynamic)
201 |
202 |
203 | class GetVar(vm._Callable):
204 | """Look up a variable, with normal scoping rules."""
205 |
206 | def __init__(self, mem):
207 | # type: (state.Mem) -> None
208 | vm._Callable.__init__(self)
209 | self.mem = mem
210 |
211 | def Call(self, rd):
212 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
213 | name = rd.PosStr()
214 | rd.Done()
215 | return state.DynamicGetVar(self.mem, name, scope_e.LocalOrGlobal)
216 |
217 |
218 | class SetVar(vm._Callable):
219 | """Set a variable in the local scope.
220 |
221 | We could have a separae setGlobal() too.
222 | """
223 |
224 | def __init__(self, mem):
225 | # type: (state.Mem) -> None
226 | vm._Callable.__init__(self)
227 | self.mem = mem
228 |
229 | def Call(self, rd):
230 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
231 | var_name = rd.PosStr()
232 | val = rd.PosValue()
233 | set_global = rd.NamedBool('global', False)
234 | rd.Done()
235 | scope = scope_e.GlobalOnly if set_global else scope_e.LocalOnly
236 | self.mem.SetNamed(location.LName(var_name), val, scope)
237 | return value.Null
238 |
239 |
240 | class ParseCommand(vm._Callable):
241 |
242 | def __init__(self, parse_ctx, mem, errfmt):
243 | # type: (parse_lib.ParseContext, state.Mem, ui.ErrorFormatter) -> None
244 | self.parse_ctx = parse_ctx
245 | self.mem = mem
246 | self.errfmt = errfmt
247 |
248 | def Call(self, rd):
249 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
250 | code_str = rd.PosStr()
251 | rd.Done()
252 |
253 | line_reader = reader.StringLineReader(code_str, self.parse_ctx.arena)
254 | c_parser = self.parse_ctx.MakeOshParser(line_reader)
255 |
256 | # TODO: it would be nice to point to the location of the expression
257 | # argument
258 | src = source.Dynamic('parseCommand()', rd.LeftParenToken())
259 | with alloc.ctx_SourceCode(self.parse_ctx.arena, src):
260 | try:
261 | cmd = main_loop.ParseWholeFile(c_parser)
262 | except error.Parse as e:
263 | # This prints the location
264 | self.errfmt.PrettyPrintError(e)
265 |
266 | # TODO: add inner location info to this structured error
267 | raise error.Structured(3, "Syntax error in parseCommand()",
268 | rd.LeftParenToken())
269 |
270 | # TODO: It's a little weird that this captures?
271 | # We should have scoping like 'eval $mystr'
272 | # Or we should have
273 | #
274 | # var c = parseCommand('echo hi') # raw AST
275 | # var block = Block(c) # attachs the current frame
276 | #
277 | # Yeah we might need this for value.Expr too, to control evaluation of
278 | # names
279 | #
280 | # value.Expr vs. value.BoundExpr - it's bound to the frame it's defined
281 | # in
282 | # value.Command vs. value.Block - BoundCommand?
283 |
284 | return value.Command(cmd_frag.Expr(cmd), self.mem.CurrentFrame(),
285 | self.mem.GlobalFrame())
286 |
287 |
288 | class ParseExpr(vm._Callable):
289 |
290 | def __init__(self, parse_ctx, errfmt):
291 | # type: (parse_lib.ParseContext, ui.ErrorFormatter) -> None
292 | self.parse_ctx = parse_ctx
293 | self.errfmt = errfmt
294 |
295 | def Call(self, rd):
296 | # type: (typed_args.Reader) -> value_t
297 | code_str = rd.PosStr()
298 | rd.Done()
299 |
300 | return value.Null