

setvar SRC_ROOT = $(pwd)

# Remember the sysroot
setvar SYSROOT = "$(pwd)/work/sysroot"

# Remember the BysyBox install folder.
setvar BUSYBOX_INSTALLED = "$(pwd)/work/busybox/busybox_installed"

cd work

echo "Preparing initramfs work area..."
rm -rf rootfs

# Copy all BusyBox generated stuff to the location of our 'initramfs' folder.

# Copy all rootfs resources to the location of our 'initramfs' folder.
cp -r src/minimal_rootfs/* rootfs

cd rootfs

# Remove 'linuxrc' which is used when we boot in 'RAM disk' mode. 
rm -f linuxrc

# Read the 'COPY_SOURCE_ROOTFS' property from '.config'
setvar COPY_SOURCE_ROOTFS = "$(grep -i ^COPY_SOURCE_ROOTFS $SRC_ROOT/.config | cut -f2 -d'=')"

if test $COPY_SOURCE_ROOTFS = "true"  {
  # Copy all prepared source files and folders to '/src'. Note that the scripts
  # will not work there because you also need proper toolchain.
  cp -r ../src src
  echo "Source files and folders have been copied to '/src'."
} else {
  echo "Source files and folders have been skipped."

# This is for the dynamic loader. Note that the name and the location are both
# specific for 32-bit and 64-bit machines. First we check the BusyBox executable
# and then we copy the dynamic loader to its appropriate location.
setvar BUSYBOX_ARCH = $(file bin/busybox | cut -d' '  -f3)
if test $BUSYBOX_ARCH = "64-bit"  {
  mkdir lib64
  cp $SYSROOT/lib/ld-linux* lib64
  echo "Dynamic loader is accessed via '/lib64'."
} else {
  cp $SYSROOT/lib/ld-linux* lib
  echo "Dynamic loader is accessed via '/lib'."

# Copy all necessary 'glibc' libraries to '/lib' BEGIN.

# BusyBox has direct dependencies on these libraries.
cp $SYSROOT/lib/libm.so.6 lib
cp $SYSROOT/lib/libc.so.6 lib

# Copy all necessary 'glibc' libraries to '/lib' END.

strip -g \
  $SRC_ROOT/work/rootfs/bin/* \
  $SRC_ROOT/work/rootfs/sbin/* \
  $SRC_ROOT/work/rootfs/lib/* \
echo "Reduced the size of libraries and executables."

echo "The initramfs area has been generated."


echo "*** GENERATE ROOTFS END ***"