1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """
3 | lazylex/html.py - Wrapper around HTM8
4 |
5 | See doc/lazylex.md for details.
6 |
7 | """
8 | from __future__ import print_function
9 |
10 | import re
11 |
12 | from _devbuild.gen.htm8_asdl import (h8_id, h8_id_t, h8_tag_id, h8_tag_id_t,
13 | h8_tag_id_str)
14 | from data_lang.htm8 import (Lexer, LexError, ParseError, Output, _NAME_RE)
15 | from doctools.util import log
16 |
17 | _ = log
18 |
19 | try:
20 | from cStringIO import StringIO
21 | except ImportError:
22 | # for python3
23 | from io import StringIO # type: ignore
24 | import sys
25 |
26 | if sys.version_info.major == 2:
27 | from typing import List, Tuple, Iterator, Optional
28 |
29 |
30 | def _Tokens(s, left_pos, right_pos):
31 | # type: (str, int, int) -> Iterator[Tuple[h8_id_t, int]]
32 | """
33 | Args:
34 | s: string to parse
35 | left_pos, right_pos: Optional span boundaries.
36 | """
37 | lx = Lexer(s, left_pos, right_pos)
38 | while True:
39 | tok_id, pos = lx.Read()
40 | yield tok_id, pos
41 | if tok_id == h8_id.EndOfStream:
42 | break
43 |
44 |
45 | def ValidTokens(s, left_pos=0, right_pos=-1):
46 | # type: (str, int, int) -> Iterator[Tuple[h8_id_t, int]]
47 | """Wrapper around _Tokens to prevent callers from having to handle Invalid.
48 |
49 | I'm not combining the two functions because I might want to do a
50 | 'yield' transformation on Tokens()? Exceptions might complicate the
51 | issue?
52 | """
53 | pos = left_pos
54 | for tok_id, end_pos in _Tokens(s, left_pos, right_pos):
55 | if tok_id == h8_id.Invalid:
56 | raise LexError('ValidTokens() got invalid token', s, pos)
57 | yield tok_id, end_pos
58 | pos = end_pos
59 |
60 |
61 | def ReadUntilStartTag(it, tag_lexer, tag_name):
62 | # type: (Iterator[Tuple[h8_id_t, int]], TagLexer, str) -> Tuple[int, int]
63 | """Find the next <foo>, returning its (start, end) positions
64 |
65 | Raise ParseError if it's not found.
66 |
67 | tag_lexer is RESET.
68 | """
69 | pos = 0
70 | while True:
71 | try:
72 | tok_id, end_pos = next(it)
73 | except StopIteration:
74 | break
75 | tag_lexer.Reset(pos, end_pos)
76 | if tok_id == h8_id.StartTag and tag_lexer.GetTagName() == tag_name:
77 | return pos, end_pos
78 |
79 | pos = end_pos
80 |
81 | raise ParseError('No start tag %r' % tag_name)
82 |
83 |
84 | def ReadUntilEndTag(it, tag_lexer, tag_name):
85 | # type: (Iterator[Tuple[h8_id_t, int]], TagLexer, str) -> Tuple[int, int]
86 | """Find the next </foo>, returning its (start, end) position
87 |
88 | Raise ParseError if it's not found.
89 |
90 | tag_lexer is RESET.
91 | """
92 | pos = 0
93 | while True:
94 | try:
95 | tok_id, end_pos = next(it)
96 | except StopIteration:
97 | break
98 | tag_lexer.Reset(pos, end_pos)
99 | if tok_id == h8_id.EndTag and tag_lexer.GetTagName() == tag_name:
100 | return pos, end_pos
101 |
102 | pos = end_pos
103 |
104 | raise ParseError('No end tag %r' % tag_name)
105 |
106 |
107 | CHAR_ENTITY = {
108 | 'amp': '&',
109 | 'lt': '<',
110 | 'gt': '>',
111 | 'quot': '"',
112 | 'apos': "'",
113 | }
114 |
115 |
116 | def ToText(s, left_pos=0, right_pos=-1):
117 | # type: (str, int, int) -> str
118 | """Given HTML, return text by unquoting > and < etc.
119 |
120 | Used by:
121 | doctools/oils_doc.py: PygmentsPlugin
122 | doctools/help_gen.py: HelpIndexCards
123 |
124 | In the latter case, we cold process some tags, like:
125 |
126 | - Blue Link (not clickable, but still useful)
127 | - Red X
128 |
129 | That should be html.ToAnsi.
130 | """
131 | f = StringIO()
132 | out = Output(s, f, left_pos, right_pos)
133 |
134 | pos = left_pos
135 | for tok_id, end_pos in ValidTokens(s, left_pos, right_pos):
136 | if tok_id in (h8_id.RawData, h8_id.BadAmpersand, h8_id.BadGreaterThan,
137 | h8_id.BadLessThan):
138 | out.SkipTo(pos)
139 | out.PrintUntil(end_pos)
140 |
141 | elif tok_id == h8_id.CharEntity: # &
142 |
143 | entity = s[pos + 1:end_pos - 1]
144 |
145 | out.SkipTo(pos)
146 | out.Print(CHAR_ENTITY[entity])
147 | out.SkipTo(end_pos)
148 |
149 | # Not handling these yet
150 | elif tok_id == h8_id.HexChar:
151 | raise AssertionError('Hex Char %r' % s[pos:pos + 20])
152 |
153 | elif tok_id == h8_id.DecChar:
154 | raise AssertionError('Dec Char %r' % s[pos:pos + 20])
155 |
156 | else:
157 | # Skip everything else
158 | out.SkipTo(end_pos)
159 |
160 | pos = end_pos
161 |
162 | out.PrintTheRest()
163 | return f.getvalue()
164 |
165 |
166 | #
167 | # OLD TagLexer API - REMOVE THIS
168 | #
169 | # HTML 5 doesn't restrict tag names at all
170 | # https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#toc-syntax
171 | #
172 | # XML allows : - .
173 | # https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#NT-NameChar
174 |
175 | # Namespaces for MathML, SVG
176 | # XLink, XML, XMLNS
177 | #
178 | # https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/#namespaces
179 | #
180 | # Allow - for td-attrs
181 |
182 | # Similar to _UNQUOTED_VALUE in data_lang/htm8.py
183 | _UNQUOTED_VALUE_OLD = r'''[^ \t\r\n<>&"'\x00]*'''
184 |
185 | _TAG_RE = re.compile(r'/? \s* (%s)' % _NAME_RE, re.VERBOSE)
186 |
187 | _TAG_LAST_RE = re.compile(r'\s* /? >', re.VERBOSE)
188 |
189 | # To match href="foo"
190 |
191 | # <button disabled> is standard usage
192 |
193 | # NOTE: This used to allow whitespace around =
194 | # <a foo = "bar"> makes sense in XML
195 | # But then you also have
196 | # <a foo= bar> - which is TWO attributes, in HTML5
197 | # So the space is problematic
198 |
199 | _ATTR_RE = re.compile(
200 | r'''
201 | \s+ # Leading whitespace is required
202 | (%s) # Attribute name
203 | (?: # Optional attribute value
204 | \s* = \s* # Spaces allowed around =
205 | (?:
206 | " ([^>"\x00]*) " # double quoted value
207 | | ' ([^>'\x00]*) ' # single quoted value
208 | | (%s) # Attribute value
209 | )
210 | )?
212 |
213 |
214 | class TagLexer(object):
215 | """
216 | Given a tag like <a href="..."> or <link type="..." />, the TagLexer
217 | provides a few operations:
218 |
219 | - What is the tag?
220 | - Iterate through the attributes, giving (name, value_start_pos, value_end_pos)
221 | """
222 |
223 | def __init__(self, s):
224 | # type: (str) -> None
225 | self.s = s
226 | self.start_pos = -1 # Invalid
227 | self.end_pos = -1
228 |
229 | def Reset(self, start_pos, end_pos):
230 | # type: (int, int) -> None
231 | """Reuse instances of this object."""
232 | assert start_pos >= 0, start_pos
233 | assert end_pos >= 0, end_pos
234 |
235 | self.start_pos = start_pos
236 | self.end_pos = end_pos
237 |
238 | def WholeTagString(self):
239 | # type: () -> str
240 | """Return the entire tag string, e.g. <a href='foo'>"""
241 | return self.s[self.start_pos:self.end_pos]
242 |
243 | def GetTagName(self):
244 | # type: () -> str
245 | # First event
246 | tok_id, start, end = next(self.Tokens())
247 | return self.s[start:end]
248 |
249 | def GetSpanForAttrValue(self, attr_name):
250 | # type: (str) -> Tuple[int, int]
251 | """
252 | Used by oils_doc.py, for href shortcuts
253 | """
254 | # Algorithm: search for QuotedValue or UnquotedValue after AttrName
255 | # TODO: Could also cache these
256 |
257 | events = self.Tokens()
258 | val = (-1, -1)
259 | try:
260 | while True:
261 | tok_id, start, end = next(events)
262 | if tok_id == h8_tag_id.AttrName:
263 | name = self.s[start:end]
264 | if name == attr_name:
265 | # The value should come next
266 | tok_id, start, end = next(events)
267 | assert tok_id in (
268 | h8_tag_id.QuotedValue, h8_tag_id.UnquotedValue,
269 | h8_tag_id.MissingValue), h8_tag_id_str(tok_id)
270 | val = start, end
271 | break
272 |
273 | except StopIteration:
274 | pass
275 | return val
276 |
277 | def GetAttrRaw(self, attr_name):
278 | # type: (str) -> Optional[str]
279 | """
280 | Return the value, which may be UNESCAPED.
281 | """
282 | start, end = self.GetSpanForAttrValue(attr_name)
283 | if start == -1:
284 | return None
285 | return self.s[start:end]
286 |
287 | def AllAttrsRawSlice(self):
288 | # type: () -> List[Tuple[str, int, int]]
289 | """
290 | Get a list of pairs [('class', 3, 5), ('href', 9, 12)]
291 | """
292 | slices = []
293 | events = self.Tokens()
294 | try:
295 | while True:
296 | tok_id, start, end = next(events)
297 | if tok_id == h8_tag_id.AttrName:
298 | name = self.s[start:end]
299 |
300 | # The value should come next
301 | tok_id, start, end = next(events)
302 | assert tok_id in (
303 | h8_tag_id.QuotedValue, h8_tag_id.UnquotedValue,
304 | h8_tag_id.MissingValue), h8_tag_id_str(tok_id)
305 | # Note: quoted values may have &
306 | # We would need ANOTHER lexer to unescape them, but we
307 | # don't need that for ul-table
308 | slices.append((name, start, end))
309 | except StopIteration:
310 | pass
311 | return slices
312 |
313 | def AllAttrsRaw(self):
314 | # type: () -> List[Tuple[str, str]]
315 | """
316 | Get a list of pairs [('class', 'foo'), ('href', '?foo=1&bar=2')]
317 |
318 | The quoted values may be escaped. We would need another lexer to
319 | unescape them.
320 | """
321 | slices = self.AllAttrsRawSlice()
322 | pairs = []
323 | for name, start, end in slices:
324 | pairs.append((name, self.s[start:end]))
325 | return pairs
326 |
327 | def Tokens(self):
328 | # type: () -> Iterator[Tuple[h8_tag_id_t, int, int]]
329 | """
330 | Yields a sequence of tokens: Tag (AttrName AttrValue?)*
331 |
332 | Where each Token is (Type, start_pos, end_pos)
333 |
334 | Note that start and end are NOT redundant! We skip over some unwanted
335 | characters.
336 | """
337 | m = _TAG_RE.match(self.s, self.start_pos + 1)
338 | if not m:
339 | raise RuntimeError("Couldn't find HTML tag in %r" %
340 | self.WholeTagString())
341 | yield h8_tag_id.TagName, m.start(1), m.end(1)
342 |
343 | pos = m.end(0)
344 | #log('POS %d', pos)
345 |
346 | while True:
347 | # don't search past the end
348 | m = _ATTR_RE.match(self.s, pos, self.end_pos)
349 | if not m:
350 | #log('BREAK pos %d', pos)
351 | break
352 | #log('AttrName %r', m.group(1))
353 |
354 | yield h8_tag_id.AttrName, m.start(1), m.end(1)
355 |
356 | #log('m.groups() %r', m.groups())
357 | if m.group(2) is not None:
358 | # double quoted
359 | yield h8_tag_id.QuotedValue, m.start(2), m.end(2)
360 | elif m.group(3) is not None:
361 | # single quoted - TODO: could have different token types
362 | yield h8_tag_id.QuotedValue, m.start(3), m.end(3)
363 | elif m.group(4) is not None:
364 | yield h8_tag_id.UnquotedValue, m.start(4), m.end(4)
365 | else:
366 | # <button disabled>
367 | end = m.end(0)
368 | yield h8_tag_id.MissingValue, end, end
369 |
370 | # Skip past the "
371 | pos = m.end(0)
372 |
373 | #log('TOK %r', self.s)
374 |
375 | m = _TAG_LAST_RE.match(self.s, pos)
376 | #log('_TAG_LAST_RE match %r', self.s[pos:])
377 | if not m:
378 | raise LexError('Extra data at end of tag', self.s, pos)