1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | # coding=utf8
3 | # Copyright 2016 Andy Chu. All rights reserved.
4 | # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 | # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 | # You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 | #
8 | # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 | from __future__ import print_function
10 | """
11 | libc_test.py: Tests for libc.py
12 | """
13 | import unittest
14 | import sys
15 |
16 | import libc # module under test
17 |
18 | # guard some tests that fail on Darwin
19 | IS_DARWIN = sys.platform == 'darwin'
20 |
21 | class LibcTest(unittest.TestCase):
22 |
23 | def testConstants(self):
24 | print('GLOB_PERIOD %d' % libc.GLOB_PERIOD)
25 | print('HAVE_GLOB_PERIOD %d' % libc.HAVE_GLOB_PERIOD)
27 |
28 | def testFnmatch(self):
29 |
30 | cases = [
31 | # (pattern, string, result)
32 |
33 | ('', '', 1), # no pattern is valid
34 | ('a', 'a', 1),
35 | ('?', 'a', 1),
36 |
37 | # Test escaping of glob operator chars
38 | ('\\?', '-', 0),
39 | ('\\?', '?', 1),
40 |
41 | ('\\*', '-', 0),
42 | ('\\*', '*', 1),
43 |
44 | ('\\[', '-', 0),
45 | ('\\[', '[', 1),
46 |
47 | ('\\!', '-', 0),
48 | ('\\!', '!', 1),
49 |
50 | # What if we also escape extended glob chars?
51 | # Extra escaping is OK, so we should ALWAYS escape them.
52 | ('\\(', '(', 1),
53 | ('\\(', 'x', 0),
54 | ('\\(', '\\', 0),
55 | ('\\(', '\\(', 0),
56 |
57 | ('\\|', '|', 1),
58 | ('\\|', 'x', 0),
59 |
60 | ('\\\\', '\\', 1),
61 | ('\\\\', 'x', 0),
62 | ('\\\\', '\\extra', 0),
63 |
64 | ('\\f', '\\', 0), # no match
65 |
66 | # Hm this is weird, c is not a special character
67 | ('\\c', 'c', 1),
68 | ('\\c', '\\c', 0),
69 | ('\\\\c', '\\c', 1), # the proper way to match
70 |
71 | ('c:\\foo', 'c:\\foo', 0),
72 | ('c:\\foo', 'c:foo', 1),
73 |
74 | ('strange]one', 'strange]one', 1),
75 |
76 | # What is another error? Invalid escape is OK?
77 | None if IS_DARWIN else ('\\', '\\', 0), # no pattern is valid
78 |
79 | ('[[:alpha:]]', 'a', 1),
80 | ('[^[:alpha:]]', 'a', 0), # negate
81 | ('[[:alpha:]]', 'aa', 0), # exact match fails
82 |
83 | # Combining char class and a literal character
84 | ('[[:alpha:]7]', '7', 1),
85 | ('[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]]', 'az', 1),
86 |
87 | ('[a]', 'a', 1),
88 | # Hm [] is treated as a constant string, not an empty char class.
89 | # Should we change LooksLikeGlob?
90 | ('[]', '', 0),
91 |
92 | ('[a-z]', 'a', 1),
93 | ('[a-z]', '-', 0),
94 |
96 | # Somehow in regexes (at least ERE) GNU libc treats [a\-z] as [a-z].
97 | # See below.
98 | ('[a\-z]', '-', 1),
99 | ('[a\-z]', 'b', 0),
100 |
101 | # Need double backslash in character class
102 | ('[\\\\]', '\\', 1),
103 |
104 | # Can you escape ] with \? Yes in fnmatch
105 | ('[\\]]', '\\', 0),
106 | ('[\\]]', ']', 1),
107 |
108 |
109 | None if IS_DARWIN else ('[]', 'a', 0),
110 | None if IS_DARWIN else ('[]', '[]', 1),
111 |
112 | ('?.c', 'a.c', 1),
113 | ('?.c', 'aa.c', 0),
114 | # mu character
115 | ('?.c', '\xce\xbc.c', 1),
116 | ]
117 |
118 | for pat, s, expected in filter(None, cases):
119 | actual = libc.fnmatch(pat, s)
120 | self.assertEqual(
121 | expected, actual, '%r %r -> got %d' % (pat, s, actual))
122 |
123 | def testFnmatchExtglob(self):
124 | # NOTE: We always use FNM_EXTMATCH when available
125 |
126 | # With GNU extension.
127 | cases = [
128 | # One of these
129 | ('--@(help|verbose)', '--verbose', 1),
130 | ('--@(help|verbose)', '--foo', 0),
131 |
132 | ('--*(help|verbose)', '--verbose', 1),
133 | ('--*(help|verbose)', '--', 1),
134 | ('--*(help|verbose)', '--helpverbose', 1), # Not what we want
135 |
136 | ('--+(help|verbose)', '--verbose', 1),
137 | ('--+(help|verbose)', '--', 0),
138 | ('--+(help|verbose)', '--helpverbose', 1), # Not what we want
139 |
140 | ('--?(help|verbose)', '--verbose', 1),
141 | ('--?(help|verbose)', '--helpverbose', 0),
142 |
143 | # Neither of these
144 | ('--!(help|verbose)', '--verbose', 0),
145 |
146 | # escaping *
147 | ('@(ab\*)', 'ab*', 1),
148 | ('@(ab\*)', 'abc', 0),
149 | # escaping ?
150 | ('@(ab\?)', 'ab?', 1),
151 | ('@(ab\?)', 'abc', 0),
152 |
153 | # escaping []
154 | ('@(ab\[\])', 'ab[]', 1),
155 | ('@(ab\[\])', 'abcd', 0),
156 |
157 | # escaping :
158 | ('@(ab\:)', 'ab:', 1),
159 | ('@(ab\:)', 'abc', 0),
160 |
161 | # escaping a is no-op
162 | (r'@(\ab)', 'ab', 1),
163 | (r'@(\ab)', r'\ab', 0),
164 |
165 | #('@(ab\|)', 'ab|', 1), # GNU libc bug? THIS SHOULD WORK
166 |
167 | # There's no way to escape | in extended glob??? wtf.
168 | #('@(ab\|)', 'ab', 1),
169 | #('@(ab\|)', 'ab\\', 1),
170 | #('@(ab\|)', 'ab\\|', 1),
171 | ]
172 | for pat, s, expected in cases:
173 | actual = libc.fnmatch(pat, s)
174 | self.assertEqual(expected, actual,
175 | "Matching %s against %s: got %s but expected %s" %
176 | (pat, s, actual, expected))
177 |
178 | def testGlob(self):
179 | print(libc.glob('*.py', 0))
180 |
181 | # This will not match anything!
182 | print(libc.glob('\\', 0))
183 | # This one will match a file named \
184 | print(libc.glob('\\\\', 0))
185 | print(libc.glob('[[:punct:]]', 0))
186 |
187 | def testRegexMatchError(self):
188 | # See core/util_test.py for more tests
189 | try:
190 | libc.regex_search(r'*', 0, 'abcd', 0)
191 | except ValueError as e:
192 | print(e)
193 | else:
194 | self.fail('Expected ValueError')
195 |
196 | def testRegexFirstGroupMatch(self):
197 | s='oXooXoooXoX'
198 | self.assertEqual(
199 | (1, 3),
200 | libc.regex_first_group_match('(X.)', s, 0))
201 |
202 | # Match from position 3
203 | self.assertEqual(
204 | (4, 6),
205 | libc.regex_first_group_match('(X.)', s, 3))
206 |
207 | # Match from position 3
208 | self.assertEqual(
209 | (8, 10),
210 | libc.regex_first_group_match('(X.)', s, 6))
211 |
212 | # Syntax Error
213 | self.assertRaises(
214 | RuntimeError, libc.regex_first_group_match, r'*', 'abcd', 0)
215 |
216 | def testRegexFirstGroupMatchError(self):
217 | # Helping to debug issue #291
218 | s = ''
219 | if 0:
220 | # Invalid regex syntax
221 | libc.regex_first_group_match("(['+-'])", s, 6)
222 |
223 | def testSpecialCharsInCharClass(self):
224 | CASES = [
225 | ("([a-z]+)", '123abc123', (3, 6)),
226 |
227 | # Uh what the heck, \- means the same thing as -? It's just ignored. At
228 | # least in GNU libc.
229 |
230 | # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28495913/how-do-you-escape-a-hyphen-as-character-range-in-a-posix-regex
231 | # The <hyphen> character shall be treated as itself if it occurs first (after an initial '^', if any) or last in the list, or as an ending range point in a range expression
232 |
233 | ("([a\-z]+)", '123abc123', (3, 6)),
234 |
235 | # This is an inverted range. TODO: Need to fix the error message.
236 | #("([a\-.]+)", '123abc123', None),
237 |
238 | ("([\\\\]+)", 'a\\b', (1, 2)),
239 |
240 | # Can you escape ] with \? Yes in fnmatch, but NO here!!!
241 | ('([\\]])', '\\', None),
242 | ('([\\]])', ']', None),
243 |
244 | # Weird parsing!!!
245 | ('([\\]])', '\\]', (0, 2)),
246 |
247 | ]
248 |
249 | for pat, s, expected in CASES:
250 | result = libc.regex_first_group_match(pat, s, 0)
251 | self.assertEqual(expected, result,
252 | "FAILED: pat %r s %r result %s" % (pat, s, result))
253 |
254 | def testRealpathFailOnNonexistentDirectory(self):
255 | # This behaviour is actually inconsistent with GNU readlink,
256 | # but matches behaviour of busybox readlink
257 | # (https://github.com/jgunthorpe/busybox)
258 | self.assertEqual(None, libc.realpath('_tmp/nonexistent'))
259 |
260 | # Consistent with GNU
261 | self.assertEqual(None, libc.realpath('_tmp/nonexistent/supernonexistent'))
262 |
263 | def testPrintTime(self):
264 | print('', file=sys.stderr)
265 | libc.print_time(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
266 | print('', file=sys.stderr)
267 |
268 | def testGethostname(self):
269 | print(libc.gethostname())
270 |
271 | def testGetTerminalWidth(self):
272 | try:
273 | width = libc.get_terminal_width()
274 | except IOError as e:
275 | print('error getting terminal width: %s' % e)
276 | else:
277 | print('width % d' % width)
278 |
279 | def testWcsWidth(self):
280 | if not IS_DARWIN:
281 | self.assertEqual(1, libc.wcswidth("▶️"))
282 | self.assertEqual(28, libc.wcswidth("(osh) ~/.../unchanged/oil ▶️ "))
283 |
284 | mu = u"\u03bc".encode('utf-8')
285 | print(repr(mu))
286 | print(mu)
287 | print(len(mu))
288 | self.assertEqual(1, libc.wcswidth(mu))
289 |
290 | self.assertEqual(2, libc.wcswidth("→ "))
291 |
292 | # mbstowcs fails on invalid utf-8
293 | try:
294 | # first byte of mu
295 | libc.wcswidth("\xce")
296 | except UnicodeError as e:
297 | self.assertEqual('mbstowcs() 1', e.message)
298 | else:
299 | self.fail('Expected failure')
300 |
301 | # wcswidth fails on unprintable character
302 | try:
303 | libc.wcswidth("\x01")
304 | except UnicodeError as e:
305 | self.assertEqual('wcswidth()', e.message)
306 | else:
307 | self.fail('Expected failure')
308 |
309 | self.assertRaises(UnicodeError, libc.wcswidth, "\xfe")
310 |
311 |
312 | if __name__ == '__main__':
313 | # To simulate the OVM_MAIN patch in pythonrun.c
314 | libc.cpython_reset_locale()
315 | unittest.main()