1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """spelling.py.
3 |
4 | Filter the output of 'lynx -dump' into a list of words to spell check.
5 | """
6 | from __future__ import print_function
7 |
8 | from collections import Counter
9 | import optparse
10 | import re
11 | import sys
12 |
13 | from doctools.util import log
14 | from typing import Iterator
15 |
16 |
17 | def SplitWords(contents):
18 | # type: (str) -> Iterator[str]
19 | # Remove URLs so path components don't show up as words
20 | contents = re.sub(r'(http|https|file)://\S+', '', contents)
21 |
22 | # Take into account contractions with apostrophes
23 | #
24 | # - doesn't
25 | # - can't
26 |
27 | WORD_RE = re.compile(
28 | r'''
29 | [a-zA-Z]+
30 | (?:\'t\b)? # optional contraction
31 | ''', re.VERBOSE)
32 |
33 | words = WORD_RE.findall(contents)
34 |
35 | for w in words:
36 | yield w
37 |
38 |
39 | def WordList(f):
40 | for line in f:
41 | # no special characters allowed
42 | yield line.strip()
43 |
44 |
45 | def Options():
46 | """Returns an option parser instance."""
47 | p = optparse.OptionParser()
48 | p.add_option('--known-words',
49 | dest='known_words',
50 | help='List of words like /usr/share/dict/words')
51 | p.add_option(
52 | '--more-than-bash',
53 | dest='more_than_bash',
54 | type=int,
55 | default=0,
56 | help=
57 | 'Expected number of cases where OSH starts more processes than bash')
58 | return p
59 |
60 |
61 | def main(argv):
62 | o = Options()
63 | opts, argv = o.parse_args(argv[1:])
64 |
65 | action = argv[0]
66 |
67 | if action == 'word-split':
68 | contents = sys.stdin.read()
69 | for w in SplitWords(contents):
70 | print(w)
71 |
72 | elif action == 'check':
73 | word_files = argv[1:]
74 |
75 | d = Counter()
76 |
77 | for path in word_files:
78 | with open(path) as f:
79 | for word in WordList(f):
80 | d[word] += 1
81 |
82 | print('')
83 | print('Most common words')
84 | print('')
85 | for word, count in d.most_common()[:20]:
86 | print('%10d %s' % (count, word))
87 |
88 | print('')
89 | print('Least common words')
90 | print('')
91 | for word, count in d.most_common()[-20:]:
92 | print('%10d %s' % (count, word))
93 |
94 | log('%d word files', len(word_files))
95 | log('%d unique words', len(d))
96 |
97 | known_words = {}
98 | with open(opts.known_words) as f:
99 | for w in WordList(f):
100 | known_words[w] = True
101 |
102 | print('')
103 | print('Potential Misspellings')
104 | print('')
105 |
106 | for path in word_files:
107 |
108 | print()
109 | print('\t%s' % path)
110 | print()
111 |
112 | with open(path) as f:
113 | unknown = {}
114 | for w in WordList(f):
115 | #if d.get(word) == 1:
116 | # print(word)
117 | if w.lower() not in known_words:
118 | unknown[w] = True
119 |
120 | if unknown:
121 | for u in sorted(unknown):
122 | # only occurs once
123 | if d.get(u) == 1:
124 | print(u)
125 | log('\t%d unknown words in %s', len(unknown), path)
126 |
127 | # Checking algorithms:
128 | #
129 | # - Does it appear in the dictionary? Problem: most computer terms
130 | # - Does it appear only once or twice in the whole corpus?
131 | # - Is the edit distance very close to a dictinoary word?
132 | # - e.g. substitutions is a typo
133 |
134 | else:
135 | raise RuntimeError('Invalid action %r' % action)
136 |
137 |
138 | if __name__ == '__main__':
139 | try:
140 | main(sys.argv)
141 | except RuntimeError as e:
142 | print('FATAL: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr)
143 | sys.exit(1)