1 | """data_lang/htm8.py
2 |
3 | TODO
4 |
5 | API:
6 | - Get rid of AttrValueLexer - this should be in the TagLexer
7 | - this also means that unquoted values can be more similar
8 | - We can use a single lexer mode for everything inside <>
9 | - the SPACE is the only difference
10 | - Deprecate tag_lexer.GetTagName() in favor of lx.CanonicalTagName() or
11 | _LiteralTagName()
12 | - UTF-8 check, like JSON8
13 | - re2c
14 | - port lexer, which will fix static typing issues
15 | - the abstraction needs to support submatch?
16 | - for finding the end of a tag, etc.?
17 |
18 | - LexError and ParseError need details
19 | - harmonize with data_lang/j8.py, which uses error.Decode(msg, ...,
20 | cur_line_num)
21 |
22 | - Copy all errors into doc/ref/chap-errors.md
23 | - This helps understand the language
24 |
25 | - Update doc/htm8.md
26 | - list of Algorithms:
27 | - lex just the top level
28 | - lex both levels
29 | - and match tags - this is the level for value.Htm8Frag?
30 | - convert to XML!
31 | - lazy selection by tag, or attr (id= and class=)
32 | - lazy selection by CSS selector expression
33 | - convert to DOMTree
34 | - sed-like replacement of DOM Tree or element
35 | - untrusted HTML filter, e.g. like StackOverflow / Reddit
36 | - this is Safe HTM8
37 | - should have a zero alloc way to support this, with good errors?
38 | - I think most of them silently strip data
39 | """
40 |
41 | import re
42 |
43 | from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, IO, Iterator, Any
44 |
45 | from _devbuild.gen.htm8_asdl import (h8_id, h8_id_t, h8_tag_id, h8_tag_id_t,
46 | h8_tag_id_str, attr_name, attr_name_t,
47 | attr_name_str, attr_value_e, attr_value_t,
48 | h8_val_id)
49 | from doctools.util import log
50 |
51 |
52 | class LexError(Exception):
53 | """
54 | Examples of lex errors:
55 |
56 | - h8_id.Invalid, like <> or &&
57 | - Unclosed <!-- <? <![CDATA[ <script> <style>
58 | """
59 |
60 | def __init__(self, s, start_pos):
61 | # type: (str, int) -> None
62 | self.s = s
63 | self.start_pos = start_pos
64 |
65 | def __str__(self):
66 | # type: () -> str
67 | return '(LexError %r)' % (self.s[self.start_pos:self.start_pos + 20])
68 |
69 |
70 | def _FindLineNum(s, error_pos):
71 | # type: (str, int) -> int
72 | current_pos = 0
73 | line_num = 1
74 | while True:
75 | newline_pos = s.find('\n', current_pos)
76 | #log('current = %d, N %d, line %d', current_pos, newline_pos, line_num)
77 |
78 | if newline_pos == -1: # this is the last line
79 | return line_num
80 | if newline_pos >= error_pos:
81 | return line_num
82 | line_num += 1
83 | current_pos = newline_pos + 1
84 |
85 |
86 | class ParseError(Exception):
87 | """
88 | Examples of parse errors
89 |
90 | - unbalanced tag structure
91 | - ul_table.py errors
92 | """
93 |
94 | def __init__(self, msg, s=None, start_pos=-1):
95 | # type: (str, Optional[str], int) -> None
96 | self.msg = msg
97 | self.s = s
98 | self.start_pos = start_pos
99 |
100 | def __str__(self):
101 | # type: () -> str
102 | if self.s is not None:
103 | assert self.start_pos != -1, self.start_pos
104 | snippet = (self.s[self.start_pos:self.start_pos + 20])
105 |
106 | line_num = _FindLineNum(self.s, self.start_pos)
107 | else:
108 | snippet = ''
109 | line_num = -1
110 | msg = 'line %d: %r %r' % (line_num, self.msg, snippet)
111 | return msg
112 |
113 |
114 | class Output(object):
115 | """Takes an underlying input buffer and an output file. Maintains a
116 | position in the input buffer.
117 |
118 | Print FROM the input or print new text to the output.
119 | """
120 |
121 | def __init__(self, s, f, left_pos=0, right_pos=-1):
122 | # type: (str, IO[str], int, int) -> None
123 | self.s = s
124 | self.f = f
125 | self.pos = left_pos
126 | self.right_pos = len(s) if right_pos == -1 else right_pos
127 |
128 | def SkipTo(self, pos):
129 | # type: (int) -> None
130 | """Skip to a position."""
131 | self.pos = pos
132 |
133 | def PrintUntil(self, pos):
134 | # type: (int) -> None
135 | """Print until a position."""
136 | piece = self.s[self.pos:pos]
137 | self.f.write(piece)
138 | self.pos = pos
139 |
140 | def PrintTheRest(self):
141 | # type: () -> None
142 | """Print until the end of the string."""
143 | self.PrintUntil(self.right_pos)
144 |
145 | def Print(self, s):
146 | # type: (str) -> None
147 | """Print text to the underlying buffer."""
148 | self.f.write(s)
149 |
150 |
151 | def MakeLexer(rules):
152 | return [(re.compile(pat, re.VERBOSE), i) for (pat, i) in rules]
153 |
154 |
155 | #
156 | # Eggex
157 | #
158 | # Tag = / ~['>']+ /
159 |
160 | # Is this valid? A single character?
161 | # Tag = / ~'>'* /
162 |
163 | # Maybe better: / [NOT '>']+/
164 | # capital letters not allowed there?
165 | #
166 | # But then this is confusing:
167 | # / [NOT ~digit]+/
168 | #
169 | # / [NOT digit] / is [^\d]
170 | # / ~digit / is \D
171 | #
172 | # Or maybe:
173 | #
174 | # / [~ digit]+ /
175 | # / [~ '>']+ /
176 | # / [NOT '>']+ /
177 |
178 | # End = / '</' Tag '>' /
179 | # StartEnd = / '<' Tag '/>' /
180 | # Start = / '<' Tag '>' /
181 | #
182 | # EntityRef = / '&' dot{* N} ';' /
183 |
184 | # Tag name, or attribute name
185 | # colon is used in XML
186 |
187 | # https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#NT-Name
188 | # Hm there is a lot of unicode stuff. We are simplifying parsing
189 |
190 | _NAME = r'[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*' # must start with letter
191 |
192 | CHAR_LEX = [
193 | # Characters
194 | # https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#sec-references
195 | (r'&\# [0-9]+ ;', h8_id.DecChar),
196 | (r'&\# x[0-9a-fA-F]+ ;', h8_id.HexChar),
197 | (r'& %s ;' % _NAME, h8_id.CharEntity),
198 | # Allow unquoted, and quoted
199 | (r'&', h8_id.BadAmpersand),
200 | ]
201 |
202 | HTM8_LEX = CHAR_LEX + [
203 | # TODO: CommentBegin, ProcessingBegin, CDataBegin could have an additional
204 | # action associated with them? The ending substring
205 | (r'<!--', h8_id.CommentBegin),
206 |
207 | # Processing instruction are used for the XML header:
208 | # <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
209 | # They are technically XML-only, but in HTML5, they are another kind of
210 | # comment:
211 | #
212 | # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ProcessingInstruction
213 | #
214 | (r'<\?', h8_id.ProcessingBegin),
215 | # Not necessary in HTML5, but occurs in XML
216 | (r'<!\[CDATA\[', h8_id.CDataBegin), # <![CDATA[
217 |
218 | # Markup declarations
219 | # - In HTML5, there is only <!DOCTYPE html>
220 | # - XML has 4 more declarations: <!ELEMENT ...> ATTLIST ENTITY NOTATION
221 | # - these seem to be part of DTD
222 | # - it's useful to skip these, and be able to parse the rest of the document
223 | # - Note: < is allowed?
224 | (r'<! [^>\x00]+ >', h8_id.Decl),
225 |
226 | # Tags
227 | # Notes:
228 | # - We look for a valid tag name, but we don't validate attributes.
229 | # That's done in the tag lexer.
230 | # - We don't allow leading whitespace
231 | (r'</ (%s) >' % _NAME, h8_id.EndTag),
232 | # self-closing <br/> comes before StartTag
233 | # could/should these be collapsed into one rule?
234 | (r'< (%s) [^>\x00]* />' % _NAME, h8_id.StartEndTag), # end </a>
235 | (r'< (%s) [^>\x00]* >' % _NAME, h8_id.StartTag), # start <a>
236 |
237 | # HTML5 allows unescaped > in raw data, but < is not allowed.
238 | # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10462348/right-angle-bracket-in-html
239 | #
240 | # - My early blog has THREE errors when disallowing >
241 | # - So do some .wwz files
242 | (r'[^&<>\x00]+', h8_id.RawData),
243 | (r'>', h8_id.BadGreaterThan),
244 | # NUL is the end, an accomodation for re2c. Like we do in frontend/match.
245 | (r'\x00', h8_id.EndOfStream),
246 | # This includes < - it is not BadLessThan because it's NOT recoverable
247 | (r'.', h8_id.Invalid),
248 | ]
249 |
250 | # Old notes:
251 | #
252 | # Non-greedy matches are regular and can be matched in linear time
253 | # with RE2.
254 | #
255 | # https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27099798
256 | #
257 |
258 | # This person tried to do it with a regex:
259 | #
260 | # https://skeptric.com/html-comment-regexp/index.html
261 |
262 | # . is any char except newline
263 | # https://re2c.org/manual/manual_c.html
264 |
265 | # Discarded options
266 | #(r'<!-- .*? -->', h8_id.Comment),
267 |
268 | # Hack from Claude: \s\S instead of re.DOTALL. I don't like this
269 | #(r'<!-- [\s\S]*? -->', h8_id.Comment),
270 | #(r'<!-- (?:.|[\n])*? -->', h8_id.Comment),
271 |
272 | HTM8_LEX_COMPILED = MakeLexer(HTM8_LEX)
273 |
274 |
275 | class Lexer(object):
276 |
277 | def __init__(self, s, left_pos=0, right_pos=-1, no_special_tags=False):
278 | # type: (str, int, int, bool) -> None
279 | self.s = s
280 | self.pos = left_pos
281 | self.right_pos = len(s) if right_pos == -1 else right_pos
282 | self.no_special_tags = no_special_tags
283 |
284 | # string -> compiled regex pattern object
285 | self.cache = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
286 |
287 | # either </script> or </style> - we search until we see that
288 | self.search_state = None # type: Optional[str]
289 |
290 | # Position of tag name, if applicable
291 | # - Set after you get a StartTag, EndTag, or StartEndTag
292 | # - Unset on other tags
293 | self.tag_pos_left = -1
294 | self.tag_pos_right = -1
295 |
296 | def _Read(self):
297 | # type: () -> Tuple[h8_id_t, int]
298 | if self.pos == self.right_pos:
299 | return h8_id.EndOfStream, self.pos
300 |
301 | assert self.pos < self.right_pos, self.pos
302 |
303 | if self.search_state is not None and not self.no_special_tags:
304 | # TODO: case-insensitive search for </SCRIPT> <SCRipt> ?
305 | #
306 | # Another strategy: enter a mode where we find ONLY the end tag
307 | # regex, and any data that's not <, and then check the canonical
308 | # tag name for 'script' or 'style'.
309 | pos = self.s.find(self.search_state, self.pos)
310 | if pos == -1:
311 | # unterminated <script> or <style>
312 | raise LexError(self.s, self.pos)
313 | self.search_state = None
314 | # beginning
315 | return h8_id.HtmlCData, pos
316 |
317 | # Find the first match.
318 | # Note: frontend/match.py uses _LongestMatch(), which is different!
319 | # TODO: reconcile them. This lexer should be expressible in re2c.
320 |
321 | for pat, tok_id in HTM8_LEX_COMPILED:
322 | m = pat.match(self.s, self.pos)
323 | if m:
324 | if tok_id in (h8_id.StartTag, h8_id.EndTag, h8_id.StartEndTag):
325 | self.tag_pos_left = m.start(1)
326 | self.tag_pos_right = m.end(1)
327 | else:
328 | # Reset state
329 | self.tag_pos_left = -1
330 | self.tag_pos_right = -1
331 |
332 | if tok_id == h8_id.CommentBegin:
333 | pos = self.s.find('-->', self.pos)
334 | if pos == -1:
335 | # unterminated <!--
336 | raise LexError(self.s, self.pos)
337 | return h8_id.Comment, pos + 3 # -->
338 |
339 | if tok_id == h8_id.ProcessingBegin:
340 | pos = self.s.find('?>', self.pos)
341 | if pos == -1:
342 | # unterminated <?
343 | raise LexError(self.s, self.pos)
344 | return h8_id.Processing, pos + 2 # ?>
345 |
346 | if tok_id == h8_id.CDataBegin:
347 | pos = self.s.find(']]>', self.pos)
348 | if pos == -1:
349 | # unterminated <![CDATA[
350 | raise LexError(self.s, self.pos)
351 | return h8_id.CData, pos + 3 # ]]>
352 |
353 | if tok_id == h8_id.StartTag:
354 | # TODO: reduce allocations
355 | if (self.TagNameEquals('script') or
356 | self.TagNameEquals('style')):
357 | # <SCRipt a=b> -> </SCRipt>
358 | self.search_state = '</' + self._LiteralTagName() + '>'
359 |
360 | return tok_id, m.end()
361 | else:
362 | raise AssertionError('h8_id.Invalid rule should have matched')
363 |
364 | def TagNamePos(self):
365 | """The right position of the tag pos"""
366 | assert self.tag_pos_right != -1, self.tag_pos_right
367 | return self.tag_pos_right
368 |
369 | def TagNameEquals(self, expected):
370 | # type: (str) -> bool
371 | assert self.tag_pos_left != -1, self.tag_pos_left
372 | assert self.tag_pos_right != -1, self.tag_pos_right
373 |
374 | # TODO: In C++, this does not need an allocation. Can we test
375 | # directly?
376 | return expected == self.CanonicalTagName()
377 |
378 | def _LiteralTagName(self):
379 | # type: () -> str
380 | assert self.tag_pos_left != -1, self.tag_pos_left
381 | assert self.tag_pos_right != -1, self.tag_pos_right
382 |
383 | return self.s[self.tag_pos_left:self.tag_pos_right]
384 |
385 | def CanonicalTagName(self):
386 | # type: () -> str
387 | tag_name = self._LiteralTagName()
388 | # Most tags are already lower case, so avoid allocation with this conditional
389 | # TODO: this could go in the mycpp runtime?
390 | if tag_name.islower():
391 | return tag_name
392 | else:
393 | return tag_name.lower()
394 |
395 | def Read(self):
396 | # type: () -> Tuple[h8_id_t, int]
397 | tok_id, end_pos = self._Read()
398 | self.pos = end_pos # advance
399 | return tok_id, end_pos
400 |
401 | def LookAhead(self, regex):
402 | # type: (str) -> bool
403 | """
404 | Currently used for ul_table.py. But taking a dynamic regex string is
405 | not the right interface.
406 | """
407 | # Cache the regex compilation. This could also be LookAheadFor(THEAD)
408 | # or something.
409 | pat = self.cache.get(regex)
410 | if pat is None:
411 | pat = re.compile(regex)
412 | self.cache[regex] = pat
413 |
414 | m = pat.match(self.s, self.pos)
415 | return m is not None
416 |
417 |
418 | A_NAME_LEX = [
419 | # Leading whitespace is required, to separate attributes.
420 | #
421 | # If the = is not present, then we set the lexer in a state for
422 | # attr_value_e.Missing.
423 | (r'\s+ (%s) \s* (=)? \s*' % _NAME, attr_name.Ok),
424 | # unexpected EOF
425 |
426 | # The closing > or /> is treated as end of stream, and it's not an error.
427 | (r'\s* /? >', attr_name.Done),
428 |
429 | # NUL should not be possible, because the top-level
430 |
431 | # This includes < - it is not BadLessThan because it's NOT recoverable
432 | (r'.', attr_name.Invalid),
433 | ]
434 |
436 |
437 | # Here we just loop on regular tokens
438 | #
439 | # Examples:
440 | # <a href = unquoted&foo >
441 | # <a href = unquoted&foo > # BadAmpersand is allowed I guess
442 | # <a href ="unquoted&foo" > # double quoted
443 | # <a href ='unquoted&foo' > # single quoted
444 | # <a href = what"foo" > # HTML5 allows this, but we could disallow it if
445 | # it's not common. It opens up the j"" and $"" extensions
446 | # <a href = what'foo' > # ditto
447 | #
448 | # Problem: <a href=foo/> - this is hard to recognize
449 | # Because is the unquoted value "foo/" or "foo" ?
450 |
451 | # Be very lenient - just no whitespace or special HTML chars
452 | # I don't think this is more lenient than HTML5, though we should check.
453 | #
454 | # Bug fix: Also disallow /
455 |
456 | # TODO: get rid of OLD copy
457 | _UNQUOTED_VALUE_OLD = r'''[^ \t\r\n<>&/"'\x00]*'''
458 | _UNQUOTED_VALUE = r'''[^ \t\r\n<>&/"'\x00]+'''
459 |
460 | # Restrictive definition, similar to _NAME
461 | # I was trying to capture #ble.sh and so forth
462 | # I also had unquoted //github.com, etc.
463 |
464 | # _UNQUOTED_VALUE = r'''[a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]+'''
465 | #
466 | # For now, I guess we live with <a href=?foo/>
467 |
468 | # What comes after = ?
469 | A_VALUE_LEX = [
470 | (r'"', h8_val_id.DoubleQuote),
471 | (r"'", h8_val_id.SingleQuote),
472 | (_UNQUOTED_VALUE, h8_val_id.UnquotedVal),
473 |
474 | #(r'[ \r\n\t]', h8_id.Whitespace), # terminates unquoted values
475 | #(r'[^ \r\n\t&>\x00]', h8_id.RawData),
476 | #(r'[>\x00]', h8_id.EndOfStream),
477 | # e.g. < is an error
478 | (r'.', h8_val_id.NoMatch),
479 | ]
480 |
482 |
483 | # What's inside "" or '' ?
485 | (r'"', h8_id.DoubleQuote),
486 | (r"'", h8_id.SingleQuote),
487 | (r'<', h8_id.BadLessThan), # BadAmpersand is in CharLex
488 | (r'''[^"'<>&\x00]+''', h8_id.RawData),
489 | # This includes > - it is not BadGreaterThan because it's NOT recoverable
490 | (r'.', h8_id.Invalid),
491 | ]
492 |
494 |
495 |
496 | class AttrLexer(object):
497 | """
498 | Typical usage:
499 |
500 | while True:
501 | n, start_pos, end_pos = attr_lx.ReadName()
502 | if n == attr_name.Ok:
503 | if attr_lx.AttrNameEquals('div'):
504 | print('div')
505 |
506 | # TODO: also pass Optional[List[]] out_tokens?
507 | v, start_pos, end_pos = attr_lx.ReadValue()
508 | """
509 |
510 | def __init__(self, s):
511 | # type: (str) -> None
512 | self.s = s
513 | self.tag_name_pos = -1 # Invalid
514 | self.tag_end_pos = -1
515 | self.pos = -1
516 |
517 | self.name_start = -1
518 | self.name_end = -1
519 | self.next_value_is_missing = False
520 |
521 | self.init_t = -1
522 | self.init_e = -1
523 |
524 | def Init(self, tag_name_pos, end_pos):
525 | # type: (int, int) -> None
526 | """Initialize so we can read names and values.
527 |
528 | Example:
529 | 'x <a y>' # tag_name_pos=4, end_pos=6
530 | 'x <a>' # tag_name_pos=4, end_pos=4
531 |
532 | The Reset() method is used to reuse instances of the AttrLexer object.
533 | """
534 | assert tag_name_pos >= 0, tag_name_pos
535 | assert end_pos >= 0, end_pos
536 |
537 | #log('TAG NAME POS %d', tag_name_pos)
538 |
539 | self.tag_name_pos = tag_name_pos
540 | self.end_pos = end_pos
541 |
542 | self.pos = tag_name_pos
543 |
544 | # For Reset()
545 | self.init_t = tag_name_pos
546 | self.init_e = end_pos
547 |
548 | def Reset(self):
549 | self.tag_name_pos = self.init_t
550 | self.end_pos = self.init_e
551 | self.pos = self.init_t
552 |
553 | def ReadName(self):
554 | # type: () -> Tuple[attr_name_t, int, int]
555 | """Reads the attribute name
556 |
557 | EOF case:
558 | <a>
559 | <a >
560 |
561 | Error case:
562 | <a !>
563 | <a foo=bar !>
564 | """
565 | for pat, a in A_NAME_LEX_COMPILED:
566 | m = pat.match(self.s, self.pos)
567 | #log('ReadName() matching %r at %d', self.s, self.pos)
568 | if m:
569 | #log('ReadName() tag_name_pos %d pos, %d %s', self.tag_name_pos, self.pos, m.groups())
570 | if a == attr_name.Invalid:
571 | #log('m.groups %s', m.groups())
572 | return attr_name.Invalid, -1, -1
573 |
574 | self.pos = m.end(0) # Advance if it's not invalid
575 |
576 | if a == attr_name.Ok:
577 | #log('%r', m.groups())
578 | self.name_start = m.start(1)
579 | self.name_end = m.end(1)
580 | # Is the equals sign missing? Set state.
581 | if m.group(2) is None:
582 | self.next_value_is_missing = True
583 | # HACK: REWIND, since we don't want to consume whitespace
584 | self.pos = self.name_end
585 | return attr_name.Ok, self.name_start, self.name_end
586 | else:
587 | # Reset state - e.g. you must call AttrNameEquals
588 | self.name_start = -1
589 | self.name_end = -1
590 | self.next_value_is_missing = False
591 |
592 | if a == attr_name.Done:
593 | return attr_name.Done, -1, -1
594 | else:
595 | context = self.s[self.pos:]
596 | #log('s %r %d', self.s, self.pos)
597 | raise AssertionError('h8_id.Invalid rule should have matched %r' %
598 | context)
599 |
600 | def _CanonicalAttrName(self):
601 | # type: () -> str
602 | """Return the lower case attribute name.
603 |
604 | Must call after ReadName()
605 | """
606 | assert self.name_start >= 0, self.name_start
607 | assert self.name_end >= 0, self.name_end
608 |
609 | attr_name = self.s[self.name_start:self.name_end]
610 | if attr_name.islower():
611 | return attr_name
612 | else:
613 | return attr_name.lower()
614 |
615 | def AttrNameEquals(self, expected):
616 | # type: (str) -> bool
617 | """
618 | Must call after ReadName()
619 |
620 | TODO: This can be optimized to be "in place", with zero allocs.
621 | """
622 | return expected == self._CanonicalAttrName()
623 |
624 | def _QuotedRead(self):
625 | # type: () -> Tuple[h8_id_t, int]
626 |
627 | for pat, tok_id in QUOTED_VALUE_LEX_COMPILED:
628 | m = pat.match(self.s, self.pos)
629 | if m:
630 | end_pos = m.end(0) # Advance
631 | #log('_QuotedRead %r', self.s[self.pos:end_pos])
632 | return tok_id, end_pos
633 | else:
634 | context = self.s[self.pos:self.pos + 10]
635 | raise AssertionError('h8_id.Invalid rule should have matched %r' %
636 | context)
637 |
638 | def ReadValue(self, tokens_out=None):
639 | # type: (Optional[List[Tuple[h8_id, int]]]) -> Tuple[attr_value_t, int, int]
640 | """Read the attribute value.
641 |
642 | In general, it is escaped or "raw"
643 |
644 | Can only be called after a SUCCESSFUL ReadName().
645 | Assuming ReadName() returned a value, this should NOT fail.
646 | """
647 | # ReadName() invariant
648 | assert self.name_start >= 0, self.name_start
649 | assert self.name_end >= 0, self.name_end
650 |
651 | self.name_start = -1
652 | self.name_end = -1
653 |
654 | if self.next_value_is_missing:
655 | # Do not advance self.pos
656 | #log('-> MISSING pos %d : %r', self.pos, self.s[self.pos:])
657 | return attr_value_e.Missing, -1, -1
658 |
659 | # Now read " ', unquoted or empty= is valid too.
660 | for pat, a in A_VALUE_LEX_COMPILED:
661 | m = pat.match(self.s, self.pos)
662 | if m:
663 | first_end_pos = m.end(0)
664 | #log('m %s', m.groups())
665 |
666 | # Note: Unquoted value can't contain & etc. now, so there
667 | # is no unquoting, and no respecting tokens_raw.
668 | if a == h8_val_id.UnquotedVal:
669 | self.pos = first_end_pos # Advance
670 | return attr_value_e.Unquoted, m.start(0), first_end_pos
671 |
672 | # TODO: respect tokens_out
673 | if a == h8_val_id.DoubleQuote:
674 | self.pos = first_end_pos
675 | while True:
676 | tok_id, q_end_pos = self._QuotedRead()
677 | #log('self.pos %d q_end_pos %d', self.pos, q_end_pos)
678 | if tok_id == h8_id.Invalid:
679 | raise LexError(self.s, self.pos)
680 | if tok_id == h8_id.DoubleQuote:
681 | right_pos = self.pos
682 | self.pos = q_end_pos # Advance past "
683 | return attr_value_e.DoubleQuoted, first_end_pos, right_pos
684 | self.pos = q_end_pos # Advance _QuotedRead
685 |
686 | # TODO: respect tokens_out
687 | if a == h8_val_id.SingleQuote:
688 | self.pos = first_end_pos
689 | while True:
690 | tok_id, q_end_pos = self._QuotedRead()
691 | if tok_id == h8_id.Invalid:
692 | raise LexError(self.s, self.pos)
693 | if tok_id == h8_id.SingleQuote:
694 | right_pos = self.pos
695 | self.pos = q_end_pos # Advance past "
696 | return attr_value_e.SingleQuoted, first_end_pos, right_pos
697 | self.pos = q_end_pos # Advance _QuotedRead
698 |
699 | if a == h8_val_id.NoMatch:
700 | # <a foo = >
701 | return attr_value_e.Empty, -1, -1
702 | else:
703 | raise AssertionError('h8_val_id.NoMatch rule should have matched')
704 |
705 |
706 | def GetAttrRaw(attr_lx, name):
707 | # type: (AttrLexer, str) -> Optional[str]
708 | while True:
709 | n, name_start, name_end = attr_lx.ReadName()
710 | #log('==> ReadName %s %d %d', attr_name_str(n), name_start, name_end)
711 | if n == attr_name.Ok:
712 | if attr_lx.AttrNameEquals(name):
713 | v, val_start, val_end = attr_lx.ReadValue()
714 | return attr_lx.s[val_start:val_end]
715 | else:
716 | # Problem with stateful API: You are forced to either ReadValue()
717 | # or SkipVlaue()
718 | attr_lx.ReadValue()
719 | elif n == attr_name.Done:
720 | break
721 | elif n == attr_name.Invalid:
722 | raise LexError(attr_lx.s, attr_lx.pos)
723 | else:
724 | raise AssertionError()
725 |
726 | return None
727 |
728 |
729 | def AllAttrsRaw(attr_lx):
730 | # type: (AttrLexer) -> List[Tuple[str,str]]
731 | result = []
732 | while True:
733 | n, name_start, name_end = attr_lx.ReadName()
734 | if 0:
735 | log(' AllAttrsRaw ==> ReadName %s %d %d', attr_name_str(n),
736 | name_start, name_end)
737 | if n == attr_name.Ok:
738 | name = attr_lx.s[name_start:name_end]
739 | #log(' Name %r', name)
740 |
741 | v, val_start, val_end = attr_lx.ReadValue()
742 | val = attr_lx.s[val_start:val_end]
743 | #log(' ReadValue %r', val)
744 | result.append((name, val))
745 | elif n == attr_name.Done:
746 | break
747 | elif n == attr_name.Invalid:
748 | raise LexError(attr_lx.s, attr_lx.pos)
749 | else:
750 | raise AssertionError()
751 |
752 | return result
753 |
754 |
755 | #
757 | #
758 |
759 | # Tag names:
760 | # Match <a or </a
761 | # Match <h2, but not <2h
762 | #
763 | # HTML 5 doesn't restrict tag names at all
764 | # https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#toc-syntax
765 | #
766 | # XML allows : - .
767 | # https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#NT-NameChar
768 |
769 | # Namespaces for MathML, SVG
770 | # XLink, XML, XMLNS
771 | #
772 | # https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/#namespaces
773 | #
774 | # Allow - for td-attrs
775 |
776 | # TODO: we don't need to capture the tag name here? That's done at the top
777 | # level
778 | _TAG_RE = re.compile(r'/? \s* (%s)' % _NAME, re.VERBOSE)
779 |
780 | _TAG_LAST_RE = re.compile(r'\s* /? >', re.VERBOSE)
781 |
782 | # To match href="foo"
783 | # Note: in HTML5 and XML, single quoted attributes are also valid
784 |
785 | # <button disabled> is standard usage
786 |
787 | # NOTE: This used to allow whitespace around =
788 | # <a foo = "bar"> makes sense in XML
789 | # But then you also have
790 | # <a foo= bar> - which is TWO attributes, in HTML5
791 | # So the space is problematic
792 |
793 | _ATTR_RE = re.compile(
794 | r'''
795 | \s+ # Leading whitespace is required
796 | (%s) # Attribute name
797 | (?: # Optional attribute value
798 | \s* = \s* # Spaces allowed around =
799 | (?:
800 | " ([^>"\x00]*) " # double quoted value
801 | | ' ([^>'\x00]*) ' # single quoted value
802 | | (%s) # Attribute value
803 | )
804 | )?
806 |
807 |
808 | class TagLexer(object):
809 | """
810 | Given a tag like <a href="..."> or <link type="..." />, the TagLexer
811 | provides a few operations:
812 |
813 | - What is the tag?
814 | - Iterate through the attributes, giving (name, value_start_pos, value_end_pos)
815 | """
816 |
817 | def __init__(self, s):
818 | # type: (str) -> None
819 | self.s = s
820 | self.start_pos = -1 # Invalid
821 | self.end_pos = -1
822 |
823 | def Reset(self, start_pos, end_pos):
824 | # type: (int, int) -> None
825 | """Reuse instances of this object."""
826 | assert start_pos >= 0, start_pos
827 | assert end_pos >= 0, end_pos
828 |
829 | self.start_pos = start_pos
830 | self.end_pos = end_pos
831 |
832 | def WholeTagString(self):
833 | # type: () -> str
834 | """Return the entire tag string, e.g. <a href='foo'>"""
835 | return self.s[self.start_pos:self.end_pos]
836 |
837 | def GetTagName(self):
838 | # type: () -> str
839 | # First event
840 | tok_id, start, end = next(self.Tokens())
841 | return self.s[start:end]
842 |
843 | def GetSpanForAttrValue(self, attr_name):
844 | # type: (str) -> Tuple[int, int]
845 | """
846 | Used by oils_doc.py, for href shortcuts
847 | """
848 | # Algorithm: search for QuotedValue or UnquotedValue after AttrName
849 | # TODO: Could also cache these
850 |
851 | events = self.Tokens()
852 | val = (-1, -1)
853 | try:
854 | while True:
855 | tok_id, start, end = next(events)
856 | if tok_id == h8_tag_id.AttrName:
857 | name = self.s[start:end]
858 | if name == attr_name:
859 | # The value should come next
860 | tok_id, start, end = next(events)
861 | assert tok_id in (
862 | h8_tag_id.QuotedValue, h8_tag_id.UnquotedValue,
863 | h8_tag_id.MissingValue), h8_tag_id_str(tok_id)
864 | val = start, end
865 | break
866 |
867 | except StopIteration:
868 | pass
869 | return val
870 |
871 | def GetAttrRaw(self, attr_name):
872 | # type: (str) -> Optional[str]
873 | """
874 | Return the value, which may be UNESCAPED.
875 | """
876 | start, end = self.GetSpanForAttrValue(attr_name)
877 | if start == -1:
878 | return None
879 | return self.s[start:end]
880 |
881 | def AllAttrsRawSlice(self):
882 | # type: () -> List[Tuple[str, int, int]]
883 | """
884 | Get a list of pairs [('class', 3, 5), ('href', 9, 12)]
885 | """
886 | slices = []
887 | events = self.Tokens()
888 | try:
889 | while True:
890 | tok_id, start, end = next(events)
891 | if tok_id == h8_tag_id.AttrName:
892 | name = self.s[start:end]
893 |
894 | # The value should come next
895 | tok_id, start, end = next(events)
896 | assert tok_id in (
897 | h8_tag_id.QuotedValue, h8_tag_id.UnquotedValue,
898 | h8_tag_id.MissingValue), h8_tag_id_str(tok_id)
899 | # Note: quoted values may have &
900 | # We would need ANOTHER lexer to unescape them, but we
901 | # don't need that for ul-table
902 | slices.append((name, start, end))
903 | except StopIteration:
904 | pass
905 | return slices
906 |
907 | def AllAttrsRaw(self):
908 | # type: () -> List[Tuple[str, str]]
909 | """
910 | Get a list of pairs [('class', 'foo'), ('href', '?foo=1&bar=2')]
911 |
912 | The quoted values may be escaped. We would need another lexer to
913 | unescape them.
914 | """
915 | slices = self.AllAttrsRawSlice()
916 | pairs = []
917 | for name, start, end in slices:
918 | pairs.append((name, self.s[start:end]))
919 | return pairs
920 |
921 | def Tokens(self):
922 | # type: () -> Iterator[Tuple[h8_tag_id_t, int, int]]
923 | """
924 | Yields a sequence of tokens: Tag (AttrName AttrValue?)*
925 |
926 | Where each Token is (Type, start_pos, end_pos)
927 |
928 | Note that start and end are NOT redundant! We skip over some unwanted
929 | characters.
930 | """
931 | m = _TAG_RE.match(self.s, self.start_pos + 1)
932 | if not m:
933 | raise RuntimeError("Couldn't find HTML tag in %r" %
934 | self.WholeTagString())
935 | yield h8_tag_id.TagName, m.start(1), m.end(1)
936 |
937 | pos = m.end(0)
938 | #log('POS %d', pos)
939 |
940 | while True:
941 | # don't search past the end
942 | m = _ATTR_RE.match(self.s, pos, self.end_pos)
943 | if not m:
944 | #log('BREAK pos %d', pos)
945 | break
946 | #log('AttrName %r', m.group(1))
947 |
948 | yield h8_tag_id.AttrName, m.start(1), m.end(1)
949 |
950 | #log('m.groups() %r', m.groups())
951 | if m.group(2) is not None:
952 | # double quoted
953 | yield h8_tag_id.QuotedValue, m.start(2), m.end(2)
954 | elif m.group(3) is not None:
955 | # single quoted - TODO: could have different token types
956 | yield h8_tag_id.QuotedValue, m.start(3), m.end(3)
957 | elif m.group(4) is not None:
958 | yield h8_tag_id.UnquotedValue, m.start(4), m.end(4)
959 | else:
960 | # <button disabled>
961 | end = m.end(0)
962 | yield h8_tag_id.MissingValue, end, end
963 |
964 | # Skip past the "
965 | pos = m.end(0)
966 |
967 | #log('TOK %r', self.s)
968 |
969 | m = _TAG_LAST_RE.match(self.s, pos)
970 | #log('_TAG_LAST_RE match %r', self.s[pos:])
971 | if not m:
972 | # Extra data at end of tag. TODO: add messages for all these.
973 | raise LexError(self.s, pos)
974 |
975 |
976 | # This is similar but not identical to
977 | # " ([^>"\x00]*) " # double quoted value
978 | # | ' ([^>'\x00]*) ' # single quoted value
979 | #
980 | # Note: for unquoted values, & isn't allowed, and thus & and c and
981 | # ™ are not allowed. We could relax that?
983 | (r'[^>&\x00]+', h8_id.RawData),
984 | (r'.', h8_id.Invalid),
985 | ]
986 |
988 |
989 |
990 | class AttrValueLexer(object):
991 | """
992 | <a href="foo=99&bar">
993 | <a href='foo=99&bar'>
994 | <a href=unquoted>
995 | """
996 |
997 | def __init__(self, s):
998 | # type: (str) -> None
999 | self.s = s
1000 | self.start_pos = -1 # Invalid
1001 | self.end_pos = -1
1002 |
1003 | def Reset(self, start_pos, end_pos):
1004 | # type: (int, int) -> None
1005 | """Reuse instances of this object."""
1006 | assert start_pos >= 0, start_pos
1007 | assert end_pos >= 0, end_pos
1008 |
1009 | self.start_pos = start_pos
1010 | self.end_pos = end_pos
1011 |
1012 | def NumTokens(self):
1013 | # type: () -> int
1014 | num_tokens = 0
1015 | pos = self.start_pos
1016 | for tok_id, end_pos in self.Tokens():
1017 | if tok_id == h8_id.Invalid:
1018 | raise LexError(self.s, pos)
1019 | pos = end_pos
1020 | #log('pos %d', pos)
1021 | num_tokens += 1
1022 | return num_tokens
1023 |
1024 | def Tokens(self):
1025 | # type: () -> Iterator[Tuple[h8_id_t, int]]
1026 | pos = self.start_pos
1027 | while pos < self.end_pos:
1028 | # Find the first match, like above.
1029 | # Note: frontend/match.py uses _LongestMatch(), which is different!
1030 | # TODO: reconcile them. This lexer should be expressible in re2c.
1031 | for pat, tok_id in ATTR_VALUE_LEX_COMPILED:
1032 | m = pat.match(self.s, pos)
1033 | if m:
1034 | if 0:
1035 | tok_str = m.group(0)
1036 | log('token = %r', tok_str)
1037 |
1038 | end_pos = m.end(0)
1039 | yield tok_id, end_pos
1040 | pos = end_pos
1041 | break
1042 | else:
1043 | raise AssertionError('h8_id.Invalid rule should have matched')