1 | #include <stdarg.h> // va_list, etc.
2 | #include <stdio.h>
3 |
4 | #include "_gen/asdl/examples/shared_variant.asdl.h"
5 | #include "_gen/asdl/examples/typed_arith.asdl.h"
6 | #include "_gen/asdl/examples/typed_demo.asdl.h" // has simple Sum, etc
7 | #include "mycpp/runtime.h"
8 | #include "prebuilt/asdl/runtime.mycpp.h"
9 | #include "vendor/greatest.h"
10 |
11 | using typed_arith_asdl::pipeline;
12 |
13 | using typed_arith_asdl::arith_expr; // variant type namespace
14 | using typed_arith_asdl::arith_expr_e; // variant tag type
15 | using typed_arith_asdl::arith_expr_t; // sum type
16 |
17 | using typed_arith_asdl::arith_expr__Big;
18 | using typed_arith_asdl::arith_expr__Const;
19 | using typed_arith_asdl::arith_expr__FuncCall;
20 | using typed_arith_asdl::arith_expr__Unary;
21 | using typed_arith_asdl::arith_expr__Var;
22 |
23 | using typed_demo_asdl::bool_expr__Binary;
24 | using typed_demo_asdl::bool_expr__LogicalBinary;
25 | using typed_demo_asdl::bool_expr_t;
26 | using typed_demo_asdl::op_array;
27 | using typed_demo_asdl::op_id_e;
28 |
29 | using hnode_asdl::hnode__Leaf;
30 | using hnode_asdl::hnode_e;
31 |
32 | void PrintTag(arith_expr_t* a) {
33 | switch (a->tag()) {
34 | case arith_expr_e::Const:
35 | log("Const");
36 | break;
37 | case arith_expr_e::Var:
38 | log("Var");
39 | break;
40 | default:
41 | log("OTHER");
42 | }
43 | log("");
44 | }
45 |
46 | TEST misc_test() {
47 | auto c = Alloc<arith_expr::Const>(42);
48 | log("sizeof *c = %d", sizeof *c); // 16 bytes
49 |
50 | ASSERT_EQ_FMT(42, c->i, "%d");
51 | log("c->tag = %d", c->tag());
52 | PrintTag(c);
53 |
54 | auto v = Alloc<arith_expr__Var>(StrFromC("foo"));
55 | log("sizeof *v = %d", sizeof *v); // 24 bytes
56 |
57 | ASSERT(str_equals(StrFromC("foo"), v->name));
58 | log("v->tag = %d", v->tag());
59 | PrintTag(v);
60 |
61 | auto u = Alloc<arith_expr__Unary>(StrFromC("-"), v);
62 | log("u->op = %s", u->op->data_);
63 |
64 | auto v1 = Alloc<arith_expr__Var>(StrFromC("v1"));
65 | auto v2 = Alloc<arith_expr__Var>(StrFromC("v2"));
66 | auto args = NewList<arith_expr_t*>({v1, v2});
67 |
68 | auto f = Alloc<arith_expr__FuncCall>(StrFromC("f"), args);
69 | log("f->name = %s", f->name->data_);
70 |
71 | auto p = Alloc<pipeline>(true);
72 | log("p->negated = %d", p->negated);
73 |
74 | #if 0
75 | if (t->tag() == hnode_e::Leaf) {
76 | hnode__Leaf* t2 = static_cast<hnode__Leaf*>(t);
77 | log("%s", hnode_str(t2->tag()));
78 | log("%s", color_str(t2->color));
79 | log("%s", t2->s->data_);
80 | }
81 | #endif
82 |
83 | // NOTE: This is self-initialization!!!
84 | /*
85 | if (t->tag == hnode_e::Leaf) {
86 | hnode__Leaf* t = static_cast<hnode__Leaf*>(t);
87 | log("%s", hnode_str(t->tag));
88 | log("%s", color_str(t->color));
89 | log("%s", t->s->data_);
90 | }
91 | */
92 |
93 | PASS();
94 | }
95 |
96 | using shared_variant_asdl::DoubleQuoted;
97 | using shared_variant_asdl::word_part_e;
98 | using shared_variant_asdl::word_part_t;
99 |
100 | using shared_variant_asdl::tok;
101 | using shared_variant_asdl::tok_e;
102 | using shared_variant_asdl::tok_t;
103 | using shared_variant_asdl::Token;
104 |
105 | TEST shared_variant_test() {
106 | auto* dq = Alloc<DoubleQuoted>(0, Alloc<List<BigStr*>>());
107 |
108 | word_part_t* wp = nullptr;
109 | wp = dq; // assign to base type
110 |
111 | log("wp->tag() %d", wp->tag());
112 |
113 | auto* token = Alloc<Token>(0, StrFromC("hi"));
114 | tok_t* tok = nullptr;
115 | tok = token;
116 |
117 | log("tok->tag() for Token = %d", tok->tag());
118 |
119 | auto* eof = tok::Eof;
120 | tok = eof;
121 | log("tok->tag() for Eof = %d", tok->tag());
122 |
123 | PASS();
124 | }
125 |
126 | using typed_demo_asdl::bool_expr_str;
127 |
128 | TEST pretty_print_test() {
129 | // typed_demo.asdl
130 |
131 | bool_expr_t* b = nullptr;
132 | StackRoot _r1(&b);
133 |
134 | auto w1 = Alloc<typed_demo_asdl::word>(StrFromC("left"));
135 | auto w2 = Alloc<typed_demo_asdl::word>(StrFromC("right"));
136 | b = Alloc<bool_expr__Binary>(w1, w2);
137 |
138 | hnode_t* t1 = b->PrettyTree(false);
139 | ASSERT_EQ_FMT(hnode_e::Record, t1->tag(), "%d");
140 |
141 | auto f = mylib::Stdout();
142 | format::HNodePrettyPrint(t1, f);
143 | printf("\n");
144 |
145 | BigStr* s = bool_expr_str(b->tag());
146 | log("bool_expr_str = %s", s->data_);
147 | ASSERT(str_equals0("bool_expr.Binary", s));
148 |
149 | s = bool_expr_str(b->tag(), false);
150 | ASSERT(str_equals0("Binary", s));
151 |
152 | // typed_arith.asdl
153 |
154 | arith_expr_t* c = nullptr;
155 | arith_expr_t* big = nullptr;
156 | StackRoot _r2(&c);
157 | StackRoot _r3(&big);
158 |
159 | c = Alloc<arith_expr__Const>(42);
160 | hnode_t* t2 = c->PrettyTree(false);
161 | ASSERT_EQ(hnode_e::Record, t2->tag());
162 | format::HNodePrettyPrint(t2, f);
163 | printf("\n");
164 |
165 | big = Alloc<arith_expr__Big>(mops::BigInt(INT64_MAX));
166 | hnode_t* t3 = big->PrettyTree(false);
167 | ASSERT_EQ(hnode_e::Record, t3->tag());
168 | format::HNodePrettyPrint(t3, f);
169 | printf("\n");
170 |
171 | auto* args =
172 | NewList<arith_expr_t*>(std::initializer_list<arith_expr_t*>{c, big});
173 | auto* func = Alloc<arith_expr::FuncCall>(StrFromC("myfunc"), args);
174 | hnode_t* t4 = func->PrettyTree(false);
175 | ASSERT_EQ(hnode_e::Record, t4->tag());
176 | format::HNodePrettyPrint(t4, f);
177 |
178 | PASS();
179 | }
180 |
181 | TEST dicts_test() {
182 | auto m = typed_demo_asdl::Dicts::CreateNull();
183 | log("m.ss = %p", m->ss);
184 | log("m.ib = %p", m->ib);
185 |
186 | m->ss = Alloc<Dict<BigStr*, BigStr*>>();
187 | m->ib = Alloc<Dict<int, bool>>();
188 |
189 | m->ss->set(StrFromC("foo"), StrFromC("bar"));
190 |
191 | m->ib->set(42, true);
192 | // note: Dict<int, bool>::get() doesn't compile because nullptr isn't valid
193 | // to return. But Dict<int, bool>::index() does compile.
194 | log("mm.ib[42] = %d", m->ib->at(42));
195 |
196 | hnode_t* t = m->PrettyTree(false);
197 | auto f = mylib::Stdout();
198 | // fails with repr(void *)
199 | // OK change the pretty printer!
200 | format::HNodePrettyPrint(t, f);
201 |
202 | PASS();
203 | }
204 |
205 | using typed_demo_asdl::flag_type;
206 | using typed_demo_asdl::flag_type__Bool;
207 | using typed_demo_asdl::SetToArg_;
208 |
209 | ObjHeader make_global(ObjHeader header) {
210 | header.heap_tag = HeapTag::Global;
211 | return header;
212 | }
213 |
214 | // TODO: We should always use these, rather than 'new flag_type::Bool()'
215 | GcGlobal<flag_type__Bool> g_ft = {make_global(flag_type__Bool::obj_header())};
216 |
217 | // Use __ style
218 | using typed_demo_asdl::cflow__Return;
219 | GcGlobal<cflow__Return> g_ret = {make_global(cflow__Return::obj_header()), {5}};
220 |
221 | int i0 = 7;
222 |
223 | // NOTE: This causes an failed assert() in the GC runtime
224 | #if 0
225 | List<int>* g_list = NewList<int>({i0, 8, 9});
226 | #endif
227 |
228 | // Dict<BigStr*, int> g_dict = {4, 5, 6};
229 |
230 | TEST literal_test() {
231 | // Interesting, initializer list part of the constructor "runs". Otherwise
232 | // this doesn't work.
233 | log("g_ft.tag() = %d", g_ft.obj.tag());
234 | auto ft = flag_type::Bool;
235 | ASSERT_EQ(g_ft.obj.tag(), ft->tag());
236 |
237 | log("g_ret.tag() = %d", g_ret.obj.tag());
238 | log("g_ret.status = %d", g_ret.obj.status);
239 | auto ret = Alloc<cflow__Return>(5);
240 | ASSERT_EQ(g_ret.obj.tag(), ret->tag());
241 | ASSERT_EQ(g_ret.obj.status, ret->status);
242 |
243 | #if 0
244 | // Wow this works too? Is it the the constexpr interpreter, or is this code
245 | // inserted before main()?
246 | ASSERT_EQ(3, len(g_list));
247 | ASSERT_EQ_FMT(7, g_list->at(0), "%d");
248 | ASSERT_EQ_FMT(8, g_list->at(1), "%d");
249 | ASSERT_EQ_FMT(9, g_list->at(2), "%d");
250 | #endif
251 |
252 | PASS();
253 | }
254 |
255 | TEST string_defaults_test() {
256 | auto st = Alloc<typed_demo_asdl::Strings>(kEmptyString, kEmptyString);
257 | ASSERT_EQ(kEmptyString, st->required);
258 | ASSERT_EQ(kEmptyString, st->optional);
259 |
260 | st = typed_demo_asdl::Strings::CreateNull();
261 | ASSERT_EQ(kEmptyString, st->required);
262 | ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, st->optional);
263 |
264 | st = Alloc<typed_demo_asdl::Strings>(kEmptyString, nullptr);
265 | ASSERT_EQ(kEmptyString, st->required);
266 | ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, st->optional);
267 |
268 | PASS();
269 | }
270 |
271 | TEST list_defaults_test() {
272 | auto o = op_array::CreateNull();
273 | ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, o->ops);
274 |
275 | // Empty list
276 | auto o2 = op_array::CreateNull(true);
277 | ASSERT_EQ(0, len(o2->ops));
278 |
279 | PASS();
280 | }
281 |
283 |
284 | int main(int argc, char** argv) {
285 | gHeap.Init();
286 |
288 |
289 | RUN_TEST(misc_test);
290 | RUN_TEST(shared_variant_test);
291 | RUN_TEST(pretty_print_test);
292 | RUN_TEST(dicts_test);
293 | RUN_TEST(literal_test);
294 | RUN_TEST(string_defaults_test);
295 | RUN_TEST(list_defaults_test);
296 |
297 | gHeap.CleanProcessExit();
298 |
300 |
301 | return 0;
302 | }