1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """src_tree.py: Publish a directory tree as HTML.
3 |
4 | TODO:
5 |
6 | - dir listing:
7 | - should have columns
8 | - or add line counts, and file counts?
9 | - render README.md - would be nice
10 |
11 | - Could use JSON Template {.template} like test/wild_report.py
12 | - for consistent header and all that
13 |
14 | AUTO
15 |
16 | - overview.html and for-translation.html should link to these files, not Github
17 | """
18 | from __future__ import print_function
19 |
20 | import json
21 | import os
22 | import shutil
23 | import sys
24 |
25 | from vendor.typing import IO
26 |
27 | from doctools.util import log
28 | from doctools import html_head
29 | from test import wild_report
30 | from vendor import jsontemplate
31 |
32 | T = jsontemplate.Template
33 |
34 |
35 | def DetectType(path):
36 |
37 | # Most support moved to src-tree.sh and micro-syntax
38 |
39 | if path.endswith('.test.sh'):
40 | return 'spec'
41 |
42 | else:
43 | return 'other'
44 |
45 |
46 | def Breadcrumb(rel_path, out_f, is_file=False):
47 | offset = -1 if is_file else 0
48 | data = wild_report.MakeNav(rel_path, root_name='OILS', offset=offset)
49 | out_f.write(wild_report.NAV_TEMPLATE.expand({'nav': data}))
50 |
51 |
52 | # CSS class .line has white-space: pre
53 |
54 | # To avoid copy-paste problem, you could try the <div> solutions like this:
55 | # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-examples/python-getting-started/-/blob/master/manage.py?ref_type=heads
56 |
57 | # Note: we are compressing some stuff
58 |
59 | ROW_T = T("""\
60 | <tr>
61 | <td class=num>{line_num}</td>
62 | <td id=L{line_num}>
63 | <span class="line {.section line_class}{@}{.end}">{line}</span>
64 | </td>
65 | </tr>
66 | """,
67 | default_formatter='html')
68 |
69 | LISTING_T = T("""\
70 | {.section dirs}
71 | <h1>Dirs</h1>
72 | <div id="dirs" class="listing">
73 | {.repeated section @}
74 | <a href="{name|htmltag}/index.html">{name|html}/</a> <br/>
75 | {.end}
76 | </div>
77 | {.end}
78 |
79 | {.section files}
80 | <h1>Files</h1>
81 | <div id="files" class="listing">
82 | {.repeated section @}
83 | <a href="{url|htmltag}">{anchor|html}</a> <br/>
84 | {.end}
85 | </div>
86 | {.end}
87 |
88 | </body>
89 | """)
90 |
91 | FILE_COUNTS_T = T("""\
92 | <div id="file-counts"> {num_lines} lines, {num_sig_lines} significant </div>
93 | """,
94 | default_formatter='html')
95 |
96 |
97 | def SpecFiles(pairs, attrs_f):
98 |
99 | for i, (path, html_out) in enumerate(pairs):
100 | #log(path)
101 |
102 | try:
103 | os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(html_out))
104 | except OSError:
105 | pass
106 |
107 | with open(path) as in_f, open(html_out, 'w') as out_f:
108 | title = path
109 |
110 | # How deep are we?
111 | n = path.count('/') + 2
112 | base_dir = '/'.join(['..'] * n)
113 |
114 | #css_urls = ['%s/web/base.css' % base_dir, '%s/web/src-tree.css' % base_dir]
115 | css_urls = ['%s/web/src-tree.css' % base_dir]
116 |
117 | html_head.Write(out_f, title, css_urls=css_urls)
118 |
119 | out_f.write('''
120 | <body class="">
121 | <div id="home-link">
122 | <a href="https://github.com/oilshell/oil/blob/master/%s">View on Github</a>
123 | |
124 | <a href="/">oils.pub</a>
125 | </div>
126 | <table>
127 | ''' % path)
128 |
129 | file_type = DetectType(path)
130 |
131 | line_num = 1 # 1-based
132 | for line in in_f:
133 | if line.endswith('\n'):
134 | line = line[:-1]
135 |
136 | # Write line numbers
137 | row = {'line_num': line_num, 'line': line}
138 |
139 | s = line.lstrip()
140 |
141 | if file_type == 'spec':
142 | if s.startswith('####'):
143 | row['line_class'] = 'spec-comment'
144 | elif s.startswith('#'):
145 | row['line_class'] = 'comm'
146 |
147 | out_f.write(ROW_T.expand(row))
148 |
149 | line_num += 1
150 |
151 | # could be parsed by 'dirs'
152 | print('%s lines=%d' % (path, line_num), file=attrs_f)
153 |
154 | out_f.write('''
155 | </table>
156 | </body>
157 | </html>''')
158 |
159 | return i + 1
160 |
161 |
162 | def ReadFragments(in_f):
163 | while True:
164 | path = ReadNetString(in_f)
165 | if path is None:
166 | break
167 |
168 | html_frag = ReadNetString(in_f)
169 | if html_frag is None:
170 | raise RuntimeError('Expected 2nd record (HTML fragment)')
171 |
172 | s = ReadNetString(in_f)
173 | if s is None:
174 | raise RuntimeError('Expected 3rd record (file summary)')
175 |
176 | summary = json.loads(s)
177 |
178 | yield path, html_frag, summary
179 |
180 |
181 | def WriteHtmlFragments(in_f, out_dir, attrs_f=sys.stdout):
182 |
183 | i = 0
184 | for rel_path, html_frag, summary in ReadFragments(in_f):
185 | html_size = len(html_frag)
186 | if html_size > 300000:
187 | out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, rel_path)
188 | try:
189 | os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_path))
190 | except OSError:
191 | pass
192 |
193 | shutil.copyfile(rel_path, out_path)
194 |
195 | # Attrs are parsed by MakeTree(), and then used by WriteDirsHtml().
196 | # So we can print the right link.
197 | print('%s raw=1' % rel_path, file=attrs_f)
198 |
199 | file_size = os.path.getsize(rel_path)
200 | log('Big HTML fragment of %.1f KB', float(html_size) / 1000)
201 | log('Copied %s -> %s, %.1f KB', rel_path, out_path,
202 | float(file_size) / 1000)
203 |
204 | continue
205 |
206 | html_out = os.path.join(out_dir, rel_path + '.html')
207 |
208 | try:
209 | os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(html_out))
210 | except OSError:
211 | pass
212 |
213 | with open(html_out, 'w') as out_f:
214 | title = rel_path
215 |
216 | # How deep are we?
217 | n = rel_path.count('/') + 2
218 | base_dir = '/'.join(['..'] * n)
219 |
220 | #css_urls = ['%s/web/base.css' % base_dir, '%s/web/src-tree.css' % base_dir]
221 | css_urls = ['%s/web/src-tree.css' % base_dir]
222 | html_head.Write(out_f, title, css_urls=css_urls)
223 |
224 | out_f.write('''
225 | <body class="">
226 | <p>
227 | ''')
228 | Breadcrumb(rel_path, out_f, is_file=True)
229 |
230 | out_f.write('''
231 | <span id="home-link">
232 | <a href="https://github.com/oilshell/oil/blob/master/%s">View on Github</a>
233 | |
234 | <a href="/">oils.pub</a>
235 | </span>
236 | </p>
237 | ''' % rel_path)
238 |
239 | out_f.write(FILE_COUNTS_T.expand(summary))
240 |
241 | out_f.write('<table>')
242 | out_f.write(html_frag)
243 |
244 | print('%s lines=%d' % (rel_path, summary['num_lines']),
245 | file=attrs_f)
246 |
247 | out_f.write('''
248 | </table>
249 | </body>
250 | </html>''')
251 |
252 | i += 1
253 |
254 | log('Wrote %d HTML fragments', i)
255 |
256 |
257 | class DirNode:
258 | """Entry in the file system tree.
259 |
260 | Similar to test/wild_report.py
261 | """
262 |
263 | def __init__(self):
264 | # type: () -> None
265 | self.files = {} # filename -> attrs dict
266 | self.dirs = {} # subdir name -> DirNode object
267 |
268 | # Can accumulate total lines here
269 | self.subtree_stats = {} # name -> value
270 |
271 |
272 | def DebugPrint(node, indent=0):
273 | """Pretty-print our tree data structure."""
274 | ind = indent * ' '
275 | #print('FILES', node.files.keys())
276 | for name in node.files:
277 | print('%s%s - %s' % (ind, name, node.files[name]))
278 |
279 | for name, child in node.dirs.iteritems():
280 | print('%s%s/ - %s' % (ind, name, child.subtree_stats))
281 | DebugPrint(child, indent=indent + 1)
282 |
283 |
284 | def UpdateNodes(node, path_parts, attrs):
285 | """Similar to test/wild_report.py."""
286 |
287 | first = path_parts[0]
288 | rest = path_parts[1:]
289 |
290 | if rest: # update an intermediate node
291 | if first in node.dirs:
292 | child = node.dirs[first]
293 | else:
294 | child = DirNode()
295 | node.dirs[first] = child
296 |
297 | UpdateNodes(child, rest, attrs)
298 | # TODO: Update subtree_stats
299 |
300 | else:
301 | # leaf node
302 | node.files[first] = attrs
303 |
304 |
305 | def MakeTree(stdin, root_node):
306 | """Reads a stream of lines Each line contains a path and key=value attrs.
307 |
308 | - Doesn't handle filenames with spaces
309 | - Doesn't handle empty dirs that are leaves (since only files are first
310 | class)
311 | """
312 | for line in sys.stdin:
313 | parts = line.split()
314 | path = parts[0]
315 |
316 | # Examples:
317 | # {'lines': '345'}
318 | # {'raw': '1'}
319 | attrs = {}
320 | for part in parts[1:]:
321 | k, v = part.split('=')
322 | attrs[k] = v
323 |
324 | path_parts = path.split('/')
325 | UpdateNodes(root_node, path_parts, attrs)
326 |
327 |
328 | def WriteDirsHtml(node, out_dir, rel_path='', base_url=''):
329 | #log('WriteDirectory %s %s %s', out_dir, rel_path, base_url)
330 |
331 | files = []
332 | for name in sorted(node.files):
333 | attrs = node.files[name]
334 |
335 | # Big files are raw, e.g. match.re2c.h and syntax_asdl.py
336 | url = name if attrs.get('raw') else '%s.html' % name
337 | f = {'url': url, 'anchor': name}
338 | files.append(f)
339 |
340 | dirs = []
341 | for name in sorted(node.dirs):
342 | dirs.append({'name': name})
343 |
344 | data = {'files': files, 'dirs': dirs}
345 | body = LISTING_T.expand(data)
346 |
347 | path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'index.html')
348 | with open(path, 'w') as f:
349 |
350 | title = '%s - Listing' % rel_path
351 | prefix = '%s../..' % base_url
352 | css_urls = ['%s/web/base.css' % prefix, '%s/web/src-tree.css' % prefix]
353 | html_head.Write(f, title, css_urls=css_urls)
354 |
355 | f.write('''
356 | <body>
357 | <p>
358 | ''')
359 | Breadcrumb(rel_path, f)
360 |
361 | f.write('''
362 | <span id="home-link">
363 | <a href="/">oils.pub</a>
364 | </span>
365 | </p>
366 | ''')
367 |
368 | f.write(body)
369 |
370 | f.write('</html>')
371 |
372 | # Recursive
373 | for name, child in node.dirs.iteritems():
374 | child_out = os.path.join(out_dir, name)
375 | child_rel = os.path.join(rel_path, name)
376 | child_base = base_url + '../'
377 | WriteDirsHtml(child,
378 | child_out,
379 | rel_path=child_rel,
380 | base_url=child_base)
381 |
382 |
383 | def ReadNetString(in_f):
384 | # type: (IO[str]) -> str
385 |
386 | digits = []
387 | for i in xrange(10): # up to 10 digits
388 | c = in_f.read(1)
389 | if c == '':
390 | return None # EOF
391 |
392 | if c == ':':
393 | break
394 |
395 | if not c.isdigit():
396 | raise RuntimeError('Bad byte %r' % c)
397 |
398 | digits.append(c)
399 |
400 | if c != ':':
401 | raise RuntimeError('Expected colon, got %r' % c)
402 |
403 | n = int(''.join(digits))
404 |
405 | s = in_f.read(n)
406 | if len(s) != n:
407 | raise RuntimeError('Expected %d bytes, got %d' % (n, len(s)))
408 |
409 | c = in_f.read(1)
410 | if c != ',':
411 | raise RuntimeError('Expected comma, got %r' % c)
412 |
413 | return s
414 |
415 |
416 | def main(argv):
417 | action = argv[1]
418 |
419 | if action == 'spec-files':
420 | # Policy for _tmp/spec/osh-minimal/foo.test.html
421 | # This just changes the HTML names?
422 |
423 | out_dir = argv[2]
424 | spec_names = argv[3:]
425 |
426 | pairs = []
427 | for name in spec_names:
428 | src = 'spec/%s.test.sh' % name
429 | html_out = os.path.join(out_dir, '%s.test.html' % name)
430 | pairs.append((src, html_out))
431 |
432 | attrs_f = sys.stdout
433 | n = SpecFiles(pairs, attrs_f)
434 | log('%s: Wrote %d HTML files -> %s', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), n,
435 | out_dir)
436 |
437 | elif action == 'smoosh-file':
438 | # TODO: Should fold this generated code into the source tree, and run in CI
439 |
440 | in_path = argv[2]
441 | out_path = argv[3]
442 | pairs = [(in_path, out_path)]
443 |
444 | attrs_f = sys.stdout
445 | n = SpecFiles(pairs, attrs_f)
446 | log('%s: %s -> %s', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), in_path, out_path)
447 |
448 | elif action == 'write-html-fragments':
449 |
450 | out_dir = argv[2]
451 | WriteHtmlFragments(sys.stdin, out_dir)
452 |
453 | elif action == 'dirs':
454 | # stdin: a bunch of merged ATTRs file?
455 |
456 | # We load them, and write a whole tree?
457 | out_dir = argv[2]
458 |
459 | # I think we make a big data structure here
460 |
461 | root_node = DirNode()
462 | MakeTree(sys.stdin, root_node)
463 |
464 | if 0:
465 | DebugPrint(root_node)
466 |
467 | WriteDirsHtml(root_node, out_dir)
468 |
469 | else:
470 | raise RuntimeError('Invalid action %r' % action)
471 |
472 |
473 | if __name__ == '__main__':
474 | main(sys.argv)