1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """front_end_test.py: Tests for front_end.py."""
3 | from __future__ import print_function
4 |
5 | import cStringIO
6 | import unittest
7 |
8 | from asdl import front_end # module under test
9 | from asdl import ast
10 | from asdl import format as fmt
11 |
12 |
13 | class FrontEndTest(unittest.TestCase):
14 |
15 | def testLoadSchema(self):
16 | with open('asdl/examples/typed_demo.asdl') as f:
17 | schema_ast = front_end.LoadSchema(f, {}, verbose=True)
18 | print(schema_ast)
19 |
20 | def testSharedVariant(self):
21 | with open('asdl/examples/shared_variant.asdl') as f:
22 | schema_ast = front_end.LoadSchema(f, {}, verbose=False)
23 | print(schema_ast)
24 |
25 | def testSharedVariantCode(self):
26 | # generated by build/dev.sh minimal
27 | from _devbuild.gen.shared_variant_asdl import (DoubleQuoted, expr,
28 | expr_e, word_part,
29 | word_part_e)
30 | print(DoubleQuoted)
31 |
32 | print(expr)
33 | print(expr_e)
34 |
35 | print(word_part)
36 | print(word_part_e)
37 |
38 | # These have the same value!
39 | self.assertEqual(65, expr_e.DoubleQuoted)
40 | self.assertEqual(expr_e.DoubleQuoted, word_part_e.DoubleQuoted)
41 |
42 | d = DoubleQuoted(5, ['foo', 'bar'])
43 | fmt.PrettyPrint(d)
44 | print()
45 |
46 | b = expr.Binary(d, d)
47 | b.spids = [42, 43]
48 | fmt.PrettyPrint(b)
49 |
50 | def _assertParse(self, code_str):
51 | f = cStringIO.StringIO(code_str)
52 | p = front_end.ASDLParser()
53 | schema_ast = p.parse(f)
54 | print(schema_ast)
55 | # For now just test its type
56 | self.assert_(isinstance(schema_ast, ast.Module))
57 |
58 | def testParse(self):
59 | self._assertParse("""
60 | module foo {
61 | extern [core vm _Builtin]
62 | extern [core vm _Callable]
63 |
64 | -- these are invalid, but checked in name resolution stage
65 | point = (int? x, int* y)
66 |
67 | action = Foo | Bar(point z)
68 |
69 | foo = (List[int] span_ids)
70 | bar = (Dict[string, int] options)
71 |
72 | -- this check happens later
73 | does_not_resolve = (typo zz)
74 |
75 | color = Red | Green
76 |
77 | color2 = Red | Green generate []
78 |
79 | color3 = Red | Green
80 | generate [integers]
81 |
82 | color4 = Blue | Purple
83 | generate [uint16]
84 |
85 | -- New optional lists
86 | spam = (Optional[List[int]] pipe_status)
87 | -- Nicer way of writing it
88 | spam2 = (List[int]? pipe_status)
89 |
90 | # New syntax for subtypes
91 | CompoundWord < List[action]
92 | }
93 | """)
94 |
95 | def _assertParseError(self, code_str):
96 | f = cStringIO.StringIO(code_str)
97 | p = front_end.ASDLParser()
98 | try:
99 | schema_ast = p.parse(f)
100 | except front_end.ASDLSyntaxError as e:
101 | print(e)
102 | else:
103 | self.fail("Expected parse failure: %r" % code_str)
104 |
105 | def testParseErrors(self):
106 | # Need field name
107 | self._assertParseError('module foo { t = (int) }')
108 |
109 | # Need []
110 | self._assertParseError('module foo { t = (List foo) }')
111 |
112 | # Shouldn't have []
113 | self._assertParseError('module foo { t = (string[string] a) }')
114 |
115 | # Not enough params
116 | self._assertParseError('module foo { t = (Dict[] a) }')
117 | self._assertParseError('module foo { t = (Dict[string] a) }')
118 | self._assertParseError('module foo { t = (Dict[string, ] a) }')
119 |
120 | self._assertParseError('module foo { ( }')
121 |
122 | # Abandoned syntax
123 | self._assertParseError('module foo { simple: integers = A | B }')
124 |
125 | self._assertParseError('module foo { integers = A | B generate }')
126 |
127 | self._assertParseError(
128 | 'module foo { integers = A | B generate [integers, ,] }')
129 |
130 | self._assertParseError(
131 | 'module foo { integers = A | B generate [invalid] }')
132 |
133 | self._assertParseError('module foo { CompoundWord < }')
134 |
135 | self._assertParseError('module foo { CompoundWord < (str s) }')
136 |
137 | self._assertParseError('module foo { extern }')
138 | self._assertParseError('module foo { extern extern }')
139 | self._assertParseError('module foo { extern [ }')
140 | self._assertParseError('module foo { extern [] }')
141 |
142 | self._assertParseError('module foo { extern [ foo ] extern [ use ] }')
143 |
144 | def _assertResolve(self, code_str):
145 | f = cStringIO.StringIO(code_str)
146 | schema_ast = front_end.LoadSchema(f, {})
147 |
148 | print(type(schema_ast))
149 | print(schema_ast)
150 |
151 | def testResolve(self):
152 | self._assertResolve("""
153 | module foo {
154 | point = (int x, int y)
155 | place = None | Two(point a, point b)
156 | options = (Dict[string, int] names)
157 | }
158 | """)
159 |
160 | def _assertResolveError(self, code_str):
161 | f = cStringIO.StringIO(code_str)
162 | try:
163 | schema_ast = front_end.LoadSchema(f, {})
164 | except front_end.ASDLSyntaxError as e:
165 | print(e)
166 | else:
167 | self.fail("Expected name resolution error: %r" % code_str)
168 |
169 | def testResolveErrors(self):
170 | self._assertResolveError("""
171 | module foo {
172 | place = None | Two(typo b)
173 | }
174 | """)
175 |
176 | # Optional integer isn't allowed, because C++ can't express it
177 | # Integers are initialized to -1
178 | self._assertResolveError('module foo { t = (int? status) }')
179 |
180 | # Optional simple sum isn't allowed
181 | self._assertResolveError('''
182 | module foo {
183 | color = Red | Green
184 | t = (color? status)
185 | }
186 | ''')
187 |
188 | # Duplicate types
189 | self._assertResolveError('''
190 | module foo {
191 | Color = (str a)
192 | Color = (str b)
193 | }
194 | ''')
195 |
196 | # Duplicate type and subtype
197 | self._assertResolveError('''
198 | module foo {
199 | CompoundWord = (str a)
200 | CompoundWord < List[int]
201 | }
202 | ''')
203 |
204 | def testAstNodes(self):
205 | # maybe[string]
206 | n1 = ast.NamedType('string')
207 | print(n1)
208 |
209 | n2 = ast.ParameterizedType('Optional', [n1])
210 | print(n2)
211 |
212 | n3 = ast.ParameterizedType('Dict', [n1, ast.NamedType('int')])
213 | print(n3)
214 |
215 |
216 | if __name__ == '__main__':
217 | unittest.main()