1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Test osh usage "from the outside".
4 | #
5 | # Usage:
6 | # test/osh-usage.sh <function name>
7 |
8 | : ${LIB_OSH=stdlib/osh}
9 | source $LIB_OSH/bash-strict.sh
10 | source $LIB_OSH/no-quotes.sh
11 |
12 | source test/common.sh # run-test-funcs
13 |
14 | DISABLED-test-oheap() {
15 | # OHeap was disabled
16 | if bin/osh -n --ast-format oheap -c 'echo hi'; then
17 | die "Should have failed"
18 | fi
19 | echo OK
20 | }
21 |
22 | test-ast-formats() {
23 | bin/osh -n -c 'echo hi'
24 | bin/osh -n --ast-format text -c 'echo hi'
25 |
26 | # Removed with oheap
27 | return
28 | local ast_bin=_tmp/smoke-ast.bin
29 | bin/osh -n --ast-format oheap -c 'echo hi' > $ast_bin
30 | ls -l $ast_bin
31 | hexdump -C $ast_bin
32 | }
33 |
34 | # Read from a file.
35 | test-osh-file() {
36 | echo ===== Hello
37 | cat >_tmp/smoke-prog.sh <<EOF
38 | echo hi
39 |
40 | myfunc() {
41 | echo "inside func"
42 | }
43 | myfunc 1 2 3
44 |
45 | # TODO: Test vars don't persist.
46 | (echo "in subshell"; echo "another")
47 |
48 | echo \$(echo ComSub)
49 |
50 | EOF
51 | $OSH _tmp/smoke-prog.sh
52 |
53 | echo ===== EMPTY
54 | touch _tmp/empty.sh
55 | $OSH _tmp/empty.sh
56 |
57 | echo ===== NO TRAILING NEWLINE
58 | echo -n 'echo hi' >_tmp/no-newline.sh
59 | $OSH _tmp/no-newline.sh
60 | }
61 |
62 | # Read from stdin.
63 | test-osh-stdin() {
64 | $OSH < _tmp/smoke-prog.sh
65 |
66 | echo ===== EMPTY
67 | $OSH < _tmp/empty.sh
68 |
69 | echo ===== NO TRAILING NEWLINE
70 | $OSH < _tmp/no-newline.sh
71 |
72 | # Line continuation tests
73 | $OSH <<EOF
74 | echo "
75 | hi
76 | "
77 | echo \\
78 | line continuation; echo two
79 |
80 | cat <<EOF_INNER
81 | here doc
83 |
84 | echo \$(
85 | echo command sub
86 | )
87 |
88 | myfunc() {
89 | echo hi
90 | }
91 |
92 | EOF
93 | }
94 |
95 | test-osh-interactive() {
96 | set +o errexit
97 | echo 'echo hi' | $OSH -i
98 | nq-assert $? -eq 0
99 |
100 | echo 'exit' | $OSH -i
101 | nq-assert $? -eq 0
102 |
103 | # Parse failure
104 | echo ';' | $OSH -i
105 | nq-assert $? -eq 2
106 |
107 | # Bug fix: this shouldn't try execute 'echo OIL OIL'
108 | # The line lexer wasn't getting reset on parse failures.
109 | echo ';echo OIL OIL' | $OSH -i
110 | nq-assert $? -eq 2
111 |
112 | # Bug fix: c_parser.Peek() in main_loop.InteractiveLoop can raise exceptions
113 | echo 'v=`echo \"`' | $OSH -i
114 | nq-assert $? -eq 0
115 | }
116 |
117 | test-exit-builtin-interactive() {
118 | set +o errexit
119 | echo 'echo one; exit 42; echo two' | bin/osh -i
120 | nq-assert $? -eq 42
121 | }
122 |
123 | test-rc-file() {
124 | set +o errexit
125 |
126 | local rc=_tmp/testrc
127 | echo 'PS1="TESTRC$ "' > $rc
128 |
129 | bin/osh -i --rcfile $rc < /dev/null
130 | nq-assert $? -eq 0
131 |
132 | bin/osh -i --rcfile /dev/null < /dev/null
133 | nq-assert $? -eq 0
134 |
135 | # oshrc is optional
136 | # TODO: Could warn about nonexistent explicit --rcfile?
137 | bin/osh -i --rcfile nonexistent__ < /dev/null
138 | nq-assert $? -eq 0
139 | }
140 |
141 | test-noexec-fails-properly() {
142 | set +o errexit
143 | local tmp=_tmp/osh-usage-noexec.txt
144 | bin/osh -n -c 'echo; echo; |' > $tmp
145 | nq-assert $? -eq 2
146 | read < $tmp
147 | nq-assert $? -eq 1 # shouldn't have read any lines!
148 | echo "$tmp appears empty, as expected"
149 | }
150 |
151 | test-help() {
152 | local status
153 |
154 | # TODO: Test the oil.ovm binary as well as bin/oil.py.
155 | export PYTHONPATH='.:vendor/' # TODO: Put this in one place.
156 |
157 | # Bundle usage.
158 | nq-run status \
159 | bin/oils_for_unix.py --help
160 | nq-assert $status -eq 0
161 |
162 | # Pass applet as first name.
163 | nq-run status \
164 | bin/oils_for_unix.py osh --help
165 | nq-assert $status -eq 0
166 |
167 | nq-run status \
168 | bin/oils_for_unix.py ysh --help
169 | nq-assert $status -eq 0
170 |
171 | # Symlinks.
172 | nq-run status \
173 | bin/osh --help
174 | nq-assert $status -eq 0
175 |
176 | nq-run status \
177 | bin/oils_for_unix.py --help
178 | nq-assert $status -eq 0
179 | }
180 |
181 | test-version() {
182 | local status
183 |
184 | nq-run status \
185 | bin/osh --version
186 | nq-assert $? -eq 0
187 | }
188 |
189 | DISABLED-test-symlink() {
190 | local tmp=_tmp/osh-usage
191 | mkdir -p $tmp
192 |
193 | local repo_root=$PWD
194 |
195 | # requires 'make'
196 | local bundle=$PWD/_bin/oil.ovm
197 | #local bundle=$repo_root/bin/oil.py
198 |
199 | ln -s -f -v $bundle $tmp/osh
200 | ln -s -f -v $bundle $tmp/bash
201 |
202 | cd $tmp
203 |
204 | ./osh -c 'echo $OILS_VERSION'
205 | nq-assert $? -eq 0
206 | ./bash -c 'echo $OILS_VERSION'
207 | nq-assert $? -eq 0
208 | }
209 |
210 | # TODO: Use byo test for these two functions
211 |
212 | run-for-release() {
213 | run-other-suite-for-release osh-usage run-test-funcs
214 | }
215 |
216 | soil-run() {
217 | run-test-funcs
218 | }
219 |
220 | "$@"