1 | """
2 | conversion_pass.py - forward declarations, and virtuals
3 | """
4 | import mypy
5 |
6 | from mypy.nodes import (Expression, NameExpr, MemberExpr, TupleExpr, CallExpr,
7 | FuncDef, Argument)
8 | from mypy.types import Type, Instance, TupleType, NoneType
9 |
10 | from mycpp import util
11 | from mycpp.util import log, SplitPyName
12 | from mycpp import pass_state
13 | from mycpp import visitor
14 | from mycpp import cppgen_pass
15 |
16 | from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
17 |
19 | #from mycpp import cppgen_pass
20 | pass
21 |
22 | _ = log
23 |
24 | DotExprs = Dict[MemberExpr, pass_state.member_t]
25 |
26 |
27 | class MyTypeInfo:
28 | """Like mypy.nodes.TypeInfo"""
29 |
30 | def __init__(self, fullname: str) -> None:
31 | self.fullname = fullname
32 |
33 |
34 | class Primitive(Instance):
35 |
36 | def __init__(self, name: str, args: List[Type] = None) -> None:
37 | self.type = MyTypeInfo(name) # type: ignore
38 | self.args = args if args is not None else []
39 |
40 |
41 | MYCPP_INT = Primitive('builtins.int')
42 |
43 |
44 | class Pass(visitor.SimpleVisitor):
45 |
46 | def __init__(
47 | self,
48 | types: Dict[Expression, Type],
49 | virtual: pass_state.Virtual,
50 | forward_decls: List[str],
51 | all_member_vars: 'cppgen_pass.AllMemberVars',
52 | all_local_vars: 'cppgen_pass.AllLocalVars',
53 | module_dot_exprs: DotExprs,
54 | yield_out_params: Dict[FuncDef, Tuple[str, str]], # output
55 | ) -> None:
56 | visitor.SimpleVisitor.__init__(self)
57 |
58 | # Input
59 | self.types = types
60 |
61 | # These are all outputs we compute
62 | self.virtual = virtual
63 | self.forward_decls = forward_decls
64 | self.all_member_vars = all_member_vars
65 | self.all_local_vars = all_local_vars
66 | self.module_dot_exprs = module_dot_exprs
67 | # Used to add another param to definition, and
68 | # yield x --> YIELD->append(x)
69 | self.yield_out_params = yield_out_params
70 |
71 | # Internal state
72 | self.current_member_vars: Dict[str, 'cppgen_pass.MemberVar'] = {}
73 | self.current_local_vars: List[Tuple[str, Type]] = []
74 |
75 | # Where do we need to update current_local_vars?
76 | #
77 | # x = 42 # oils_visit_assignment_stmt
78 | # a, b = foo
79 |
80 | # x = [y for y in other] # oils_visit_assign_to_listcomp_:
81 | #
82 | # Special case for enumerate:
83 | # for i, x in enumerate(other):
84 | #
85 | # def f(p, q): # params are locals, _WriteFuncParams
86 | # # but only if update_locals
87 |
88 | self.imported_names = set() # MemberExpr -> module::Foo() or self->foo
89 | # HACK for conditional import inside mylib.PYTHON
90 | # in core/shell.py
91 | self.imported_names.add('help_meta')
92 |
93 | def visit_import(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.Import') -> None:
94 | for name, as_name in o.ids:
95 | if as_name is not None:
96 | # import time as time_
97 | self.imported_names.add(as_name)
98 | else:
99 | # import libc
100 | self.imported_names.add(name)
101 |
102 | def visit_import_from(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ImportFrom') -> None:
103 | """
104 | Write C++ namespace aliases and 'using' for imports.
105 | We need them in the 'decl' phase for default arguments like
106 | runtime_asdl::scope_e -> scope_e
107 | """
108 | # For MemberExpr . -> module::func() or this->field. Also needed in
109 | # the decl phase for default arg values.
110 | for name, alias in o.names:
111 | if alias:
112 | self.imported_names.add(alias)
113 | else:
114 | self.imported_names.add(name)
115 |
116 | def oils_visit_member_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.MemberExpr') -> None:
117 | # Why is self.types[o] missing some types? e.g. hnode.Record() call in
118 | # asdl/runtime.py, failing with KeyError NameExpr
119 | lhs_type = self.types.get(o.expr) # type: Optional[Type]
120 |
121 | is_small_str = False
122 | if util.SMALL_STR:
123 | if util.IsStr(lhs_type):
124 | is_small_str = True
125 |
126 | # This is an approximate hack that assumes that locals don't shadow
127 | # imported names. Might be a problem with names like 'word'?
128 | if is_small_str:
129 | # mystr.upper()
130 | dot = pass_state.StackObjectMember(
131 | o.expr, lhs_type, o.name) # type: pass_state.member_t
132 |
133 | elif o.name in ('CreateNull', 'Take'):
134 | # heuristic for MyType::CreateNull()
135 | # MyType::Take(other)
136 | type_name = self.types[o].ret_type.type.fullname
137 | dot = pass_state.StaticClassMember(type_name, o.name)
138 | elif (isinstance(o.expr, NameExpr) and
139 | o.expr.name in self.imported_names):
140 | # heuristic for state::Mem()
141 | module_path = SplitPyName(o.expr.fullname or o.expr.name)
142 | dot = pass_state.ModuleMember(module_path, o.name)
143 | else:
144 | # mylist->append(42)
145 | dot = pass_state.HeapObjectMember(o.expr, lhs_type, o.name)
146 |
147 | self.module_dot_exprs[o] = dot
148 |
149 | self.accept(o.expr)
150 |
151 | def oils_visit_mypy_file(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.MypyFile') -> None:
152 | mod_parts = o.fullname.split('.')
153 | comment = 'forward declare'
154 |
155 | self.write('namespace %s { // %s\n', mod_parts[-1], comment)
156 |
157 | # Do default traversal
158 | self.indent += 1
159 | super().oils_visit_mypy_file(o)
160 | self.indent -= 1
161 |
162 | self.write('}\n')
163 | self.write('\n')
164 |
165 | def oils_visit_class_def(
166 | self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ClassDef',
167 | base_class_sym: Optional[util.SymbolPath]) -> None:
168 | self.write_ind('class %s;\n', o.name)
169 | if base_class_sym:
170 | self.virtual.OnSubclass(base_class_sym, self.current_class_name)
171 |
172 | # Do default traversal of methods, associating member vars with the
173 | # ClassDef node
174 | self.current_member_vars = {}
175 | super().oils_visit_class_def(o, base_class_sym)
176 | self.all_member_vars[o] = self.current_member_vars
177 |
178 | def _ValidateDefaultArg(self, arg: Argument) -> None:
179 | t = self.types[arg.initializer]
180 |
181 | valid = False
182 | if isinstance(t, NoneType):
183 | valid = True
184 | if isinstance(t, Instance):
185 | # Allowing strings since they're immutable, e.g.
186 | # prefix='' seems OK
187 | if t.type.fullname in ('builtins.bool', 'builtins.int',
188 | 'builtins.float', 'builtins.str'):
189 | valid = True
190 |
191 | # ASDL enums lex_mode_t, scope_t, ...
192 | if t.type.fullname.endswith('_t'):
193 | valid = True
194 |
195 | # Hack for loc__Missing. Should detect the general case.
196 | if t.type.fullname.endswith('loc__Missing'):
197 | valid = True
198 |
199 | if not valid:
200 | self.report_error(
201 | arg,
202 | 'Invalid default arg %r of type %s (not None, bool, int, float, ASDL enum)'
203 | % (arg.initializer, t))
204 |
205 | def _ValidateDefaultArgs(self, func_def: FuncDef) -> None:
206 | arguments = func_def.arguments
207 |
208 | num_defaults = 0
209 | for arg in arguments:
210 | if arg.initializer:
211 | self._ValidateDefaultArg(arg)
212 | num_defaults += 1
213 |
214 | if num_defaults > 1:
215 | # Report on first arg
216 | self.report_error(
217 | arg, '%s has %d default arguments. Only 1 is allowed' %
218 | (func_def.name, num_defaults))
219 | return
220 |
221 | def oils_visit_func_def(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.FuncDef') -> None:
222 | self._ValidateDefaultArgs(o)
223 |
224 | self.virtual.OnMethod(self.current_class_name, o.name)
225 |
226 | self.current_local_vars = []
227 |
228 | # Add params as local vars, but only if we're NOT in a constructor.
229 | # This is borrowed from cppgen_pass -
230 | # _ConstructorImpl has update_locals=False, likewise for decl
231 | # Is this just a convention?
232 | # Counterexample: what if locals are used in __init__ after allocation?
233 | # Are we assuming we never do mylib.MaybeCollect() inside a
234 | # constructor? We can check that too.
235 |
236 | if self.current_method_name != '__init__':
237 | # Add function params as locals, to be rooted
238 | arg_types = o.type.arg_types
239 | arg_names = [arg.variable.name for arg in o.arguments]
240 | for name, typ in zip(arg_names, arg_types):
241 | if name == 'self':
242 | continue
243 | self.current_local_vars.append((name, typ))
244 |
245 | # Traverse to collect member variables
246 | super().oils_visit_func_def(o)
247 | self.all_local_vars[o] = self.current_local_vars
248 |
249 | # Is this function is a generator? Then associate the node with an
250 | # accumulator param (name and type).
251 | # This is info is consumed by both the Decl and Impl passes
252 | _, _, c_iter_list_type = cppgen_pass.GetCReturnType(o.type.ret_type)
253 | if c_iter_list_type is not None:
254 | self.yield_out_params[o] = ('YIELD', c_iter_list_type)
255 |
256 | def oils_visit_assign_to_listcomp(self, lval: NameExpr,
257 | left_expr: Expression,
258 | index_expr: Expression, seq: Expression,
259 | cond: Expression) -> None:
260 | # We need to consider 'result' a local var:
261 | # result = [x for x in other]
262 |
263 | # what about yield accumulator, like
264 | # it_g = g(n)
265 | self.current_local_vars.append((lval.name, self.types[lval]))
266 |
267 | super().oils_visit_assign_to_listcomp(lval, left_expr, index_expr, seq,
268 | cond)
269 |
270 | def _MaybeAddMember(self, lval: MemberExpr) -> None:
271 | assert not self.at_global_scope, "Members shouldn't be assigned at the top level"
272 |
273 | # Collect statements that look like self.foo = 1
274 | # Only do this in __init__ so that a derived class mutating a field
275 | # from the base class doesn't cause duplicate C++ fields. (C++
276 | # allows two fields of the same name!)
277 | #
278 | # HACK for WordParser: also include Reset(). We could change them
279 | # all up front but I kinda like this.
280 | if self.current_method_name not in ('__init__', 'Reset'):
281 | return
282 |
283 | if isinstance(lval.expr, NameExpr) and lval.expr.name == 'self':
284 | #log(' lval.name %s', lval.name)
285 | lval_type = self.types[lval]
286 | c_type = cppgen_pass.GetCType(lval_type)
287 | is_managed = cppgen_pass.CTypeIsManaged(c_type)
288 | self.current_member_vars[lval.name] = (lval_type, c_type,
289 | is_managed)
290 |
291 | def oils_visit_assignment_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.AssignmentStmt',
292 | lval: Expression, rval: Expression) -> None:
293 |
294 | if isinstance(lval, MemberExpr):
295 | self._MaybeAddMember(lval)
296 |
297 | # Handle:
298 | # x = y
299 | # These two are special cases in cppgen_pass, but not here
300 | # x = NewDict()
301 | # x = cast(T, y)
302 | #
303 | # Note: this has duplicates: the 'done' set in visit_block() handles
304 | # it. Could make it a Dict.
305 | if isinstance(lval, NameExpr):
306 | rval_type = self.types[rval]
307 |
308 | # Two pieces of logic adapted from cppgen_pass: is_iterator and is_cast.
309 | # Can we simplify them?
310 |
311 | is_iterator = (isinstance(rval_type, Instance) and
312 | rval_type.type.fullname == 'typing.Iterator')
313 |
314 | # Downcasted vars are BLOCK-scoped, not FUNCTION-scoped, so they
315 | # don't become local vars. They are also ALIASED, so they don't
316 | # need to be rooted.
317 | is_downcast_and_shadow = False
318 | if (isinstance(rval, CallExpr) and
319 | isinstance(rval.callee, NameExpr) and
320 | rval.callee.name == 'cast'):
321 | to_cast = rval.args[1]
322 | if (isinstance(to_cast, NameExpr) and
323 | to_cast.name.startswith('UP_')):
324 | is_downcast_and_shadow = True
325 |
326 | if (not self.at_global_scope and not is_iterator and
327 | not is_downcast_and_shadow):
328 | self.current_local_vars.append((lval.name, self.types[lval]))
329 |
330 | # Handle local vars, like _write_tuple_unpacking
331 |
332 | # This handles:
333 | # a, b = func_that_returns_tuple()
334 | if isinstance(lval, TupleExpr):
335 | rval_type = self.types[rval]
336 | assert isinstance(rval_type, TupleType), rval_type
337 |
338 | for i, (lval_item,
339 | item_type) in enumerate(zip(lval.items, rval_type.items)):
340 | #self.log('*** %s :: %s', lval_item, item_type)
341 | if isinstance(lval_item, NameExpr):
342 | if util.SkipAssignment(lval_item.name):
343 | continue
344 | self.current_local_vars.append((lval_item.name, item_type))
345 |
346 | # self.a, self.b = foo()
347 | if isinstance(lval_item, MemberExpr):
348 | self._MaybeAddMember(lval_item)
349 |
350 | super().oils_visit_assignment_stmt(o, lval, rval)
351 |
352 | def oils_visit_for_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ForStmt',
353 | func_name: Optional[str]) -> None:
354 | # TODO: this variable should be BLOCK scoped, not function scoped, like
355 | # the tuple variables for i, x
356 | index0_name: Optional[str] = None
357 | if func_name == 'enumerate':
358 | assert isinstance(o.index, TupleExpr), o.index
359 | index0 = o.index.items[0]
360 | assert isinstance(index0, NameExpr), index0
361 | index0_name = index0.name # generate int i = 0; ; ++i
362 |
363 | if index0_name:
364 | # can't initialize two things in a for loop, so do it on a separate line
365 | self.current_local_vars.append((index0_name, MYCPP_INT))
366 |
367 | super().oils_visit_for_stmt(o, func_name)