1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Junk drawer for refactoring. Also see test/lint.sh
4 | #
5 | # Usage:
6 | # devtools/refactor.sh <function name>
7 |
8 | : ${LIB_OSH=stdlib/osh}
9 | source $LIB_OSH/bash-strict.sh
10 | source $LIB_OSH/task-five.sh
11 |
12 | change-kind() {
13 | local kind=$1
14 | local kind2=${2:-$kind}
15 |
16 | # First make it all lower case
17 | sed -r -i "s/${kind}_([A-Z]+)/Id.${kind2}_\\L\\1/g" */*.py
18 |
19 | # Now make the first one upper case
20 | sed -r -i "s/${kind}_([a-zA-Z]+)/${kind2}_\\u\\1/g" */*.py
21 | }
22 |
23 | k2() {
24 | local kind=$1
25 | local lower=${kind,,}
26 |
27 | local title=${lower^}
28 | local replace=${2:-$title}
29 |
30 | sed -r -i "s/Id.${kind}_/Id.${replace}_/g" */*.py
31 | sed -r -i "s/TokenKind.${kind}/TokenKind.${replace}/g" */*.py
32 | }
33 |
34 | # Execute a bunch of find/replace pairs in a text file.
35 | replace() {
36 | local file=$1
37 | local include_asdl=${2:-}
38 |
39 | # NOTE: Escaping here is messed up. sed doesn't have --name like awk?
40 | # To match literal parentheses I had to double-escape like this
41 | # (shell-escape, then sed-escape).
42 | # MakeMatcher\\(\\) MATCHER
43 |
44 | local -a files=( */*.py )
45 | if test -n "$include_asdl"; then
46 | files+=( */*.asdl )
47 | fi
48 |
49 | while read pat replace; do
50 | sed -r -i "s/${pat}/${replace}/g" "${files[@]}"
51 |
52 | # word-anchored version
53 | #sed -r -i "s/\b${pat}\b/${replace}/g" "${files[@]}"
54 | done < $file
55 | }
56 |
57 | replace2() {
58 | #sed -r -i "s/^from osh import parse_lib/from frontend import parse_lib/g" */*.py
59 | #sed -r -i "s/^from core import libstr/from osh import string_ops/g" */*.py
60 | #sed -r -i "s/^from osh import word$/from osh import word_/g" */*.py
61 | #sed -r -i 's/from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import word as osh_word/from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import word/g' */*.py
62 | #sed -r -i 's/osh_word/word/g' */*.py
63 |
64 | if test -n ''; then
65 | sed -r -i 's/bool_expr.BoolUnary/bool_expr.Unary/g' */*.py
66 | sed -r -i 's/bool_expr.BoolBinary/bool_expr.Binary/g' */*.py
67 | sed -r -i 's/bool_expr_e.BoolUnary/bool_expr_e.Unary/g' */*.py
68 | sed -r -i 's/bool_expr_e.BoolBinary/bool_expr_e.Binary/g' */*.py
69 | sed -r -i 's/bool_expr__BoolUnary/bool_expr__Unary/g' */*.py
70 | sed -r -i 's/bool_expr__BoolBinary/bool_expr__Binary/g' */*.py
71 | fi
72 |
73 | sed -r -i 's/command.SimpleCommand/command.Simple/g' */*.py
74 | sed -r -i 's/command_e.SimpleCommand/command_e.Simple/g' */*.py
75 | sed -r -i 's/command__SimpleCommand/command__Simple/g' */*.py
76 | }
77 |
78 | trailing-ws() {
79 | sed -r -i 's/[ ]+$//g' "$@"
80 | }
81 |
82 | #
83 | # OLD STUFF
84 | #
85 |
86 | # Hm all of the solutions involve grep --perl or perl itself?
87 | # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3001177/how-do-i-grep-for-all-non-ascii-characters-in-unix
88 |
89 | # Found a latin-1 character in Python-2.7.13/Lib/heapq.py. Had to add LC_ALL=C.
90 | grep-unicode() {
91 | LC_ALL=C grep --color='auto' --perl -n '[^\x00-\x7F]' "$@"
92 | }
93 |
94 | find-old-asdl() {
95 | egrep 'import.*\bruntime\b' */*.py || true
96 | echo ---
97 |
98 | # Only tests left
99 | egrep 'import.*\bast\b' */*.py || true
100 | }
101 |
102 | # This should be cleaned up
103 | grep-span-funcs() {
104 | grep MostSpan {osh,core,frontend}/*.py
105 | }
106 |
107 | cmd-val() {
108 | local file=$1
109 | sed -i 's/arg_vec.strs/cmd_val.argv/g' $file
110 | sed -i 's/arg_vec.spids/cmd_val.arg_spids/g' $file
111 | sed -i 's/arg_vector/cmd_value__Argv/g' $file
112 | sed -i 's/arg_vec/cmd_val/g' $file
113 | }
114 |
115 | id-kind() {
116 | sed --regexp-extended -i 's/import id_kind$/import id_kind_def/' */*.py
117 | sed --regexp-extended -i 's/id_kind[.]/id_kind_def./g' */*.py
118 | }
119 |
120 | options() {
121 | #sed -i 's/simple_echo/simple_echo/g' */*.{py,md,sh}
122 |
123 | #sed -i 's/simple_eval_builtin/simple_eval_builtin/g' */*.{py,md,sh}
124 | #sed -i 's/simple_trap/simple_trap/g' */*.{py,md,sh}
125 |
126 | sed -i 's/parse_backslash/parse_backslash/g' */*.{py,md,sh}
127 | sed -i 's/parse_backticks/parse_backticks/g' */*.{py,md,sh}
128 | sed -i 's/parse_dollar/parse_dollar/g' */*.{py,md,sh}
129 | }
130 |
131 | rename() {
132 | cat cpp/cc.txt | while read name; do
133 | local base=$(basename $name .cc)
134 | local new=leaky_${base%_leaky}.cc
135 | echo $name $new
136 |
137 | #sed -i "s/$name/$new/g" */*.{py,sh} || true
138 | git mv cpp/$name cpp/$new
139 | done
140 | return
141 |
142 | cat cpp/h.txt | while read name; do
143 | local base=$(basename $name .h)
144 | local new=leaky_${base%_leaky}.h
145 | echo $name $new
146 |
147 | #sed -i "s/$name/$new/g" */*.{sh,py,cc,h}
148 | git mv cpp/$name cpp/$new
149 | done
150 | return
151 | }
152 |
153 | revert() {
154 | cat cpp/cc.txt | while read name; do
155 | local new=$(basename $name .cc)_leaky.cc
156 | echo $name $new
157 |
158 | mv cpp/$new cpp/$name
159 | done
160 | }
161 |
162 | #
163 | # Things we want to get rid of
164 | #
165 |
166 | show-usages() {
167 | local out=$1
168 | shift
169 | "$@" | grep -v _test.py | tee $out
170 | echo
171 | wc -l $out
172 | }
173 |
174 | # 2024-02: 36 usages. Maybe use mylib.ToMachineInt() or mylib.ToInt32(). exit
175 | # status is a machine int?
176 | # Sometimes the lexer will validate, as with converting 2>&1
177 |
178 | int-convert() {
179 | show-usages _tmp/int-convert \
180 | egrep -n '\bint\(\b' $(metrics/source-code.sh osh-files)
181 | }
182 |
183 | # TokenVal() is generally bad in evaluators. However most of these are in
184 | # error paths, which is OK.
185 | #
186 | # 2024-02: 11 instances
187 | TokenVal-eval() {
188 | show-usages _tmp/TokenVal-eval \
189 | grep -n -w TokenVal */*_eval.py
190 | }
191 |
192 | TokenVal-all() {
193 | show-usages _tmp/TokenVal-all \
194 | grep -n -w TokenVal */*.py
195 | }
196 |
197 | # 2024-02: 71 left, mostly in ysh_ify which is the only thing that uses it
198 | spid-all() {
199 | show-usages _tmp/spid-all \
200 | egrep -n 'span_id|spid' */*.py
201 | }
202 |
203 | # 2024-04: 4 left in ysh_ify
204 | spid-sig() {
205 | show-usages _tmp/spid-sig \
206 | egrep -n 'def.*(span_id|spid)' */*.py
207 | }
208 |
209 | # 2024-04: 12 usages, mostly ysh_ify
210 | no-spid() {
211 | show-usages _tmp/no-spid \
212 | egrep -n 'runtime.NO_SPID' */*.py
213 | }
214 |
215 | # 69 instances
216 | loc-word() {
217 | # should NOT wrap CompoundWord
218 | show-usages _tmp/loc-word \
219 | fgrep -n 'loc.Word(' */*.py
220 | }
221 |
222 | # 2023-08: 155
223 | loc-missing() {
224 | show-usages _tmp/loc-m \
225 | egrep -n 'loc.Missing' */*.py
226 | }
227 |
228 | mylib-python() {
229 | show-usages _tmp/py \
230 | egrep -n 'mylib.PYTHON' */*.py
231 | }
232 |
233 | asdl-create() {
234 | fgrep -n 'CreateNull(alloc' */*.py */*/*.py \
235 | | egrep -v '_devbuild|_test.py' | tee _tmp/asdl
236 | }
237 |
238 | readline() {
239 | metrics/source-code.sh oils-files | xargs fgrep -n 'readline('
240 | }
241 |
242 | #
243 | # To improve code formatting
244 | #
245 |
246 | long-sigs() {
247 | # 32 of these
248 | egrep --no-filename '^[ ]*# type' */*.py \
249 | | awk 'length($0) >= 80 { print length($0) $0 }' \
250 | | sort -n
251 | }
252 |
253 | long-sigs-where() {
254 | # jump to the file
255 | egrep -n '^[ ]*# type' */*.py \
256 | | awk 'length($0) >= 110 { print }' | tee _tmp/long
257 | }
258 |
259 | #
260 | # Refactor tests
261 | #
262 |
263 | print-names() {
264 | egrep -o '[a-zA-Z_-]+'
265 | }
266 |
267 | make-sed() {
268 | awk '{ print "s/" $0 "/unquoted-" $0 "/g;" }'
269 | }
270 |
271 | test-files() {
272 | cat _tmp/r | print-names | make-sed | tee _tmp/sedr
273 |
274 | sed -i -f _tmp/sedr test/runtime-errors.sh
275 | }
276 |
277 | #
278 | # Boxless optimization
279 | #
280 |
281 | singleton-list() {
282 | egrep -n '\(List\[[^]]+\] [a-z_]+\)' */*.asdl
283 | echo
284 | egrep -n '\(Dict\[[^]]+\] [a-z_]+\)' */*.asdl
285 | }
286 |
287 | singleton-primitive() {
288 | egrep -n '\(str [a-z_]+\)' */*.asdl
289 | echo
290 |
291 | egrep -n '\(int [a-z_]+\)' */*.asdl
292 | echo
293 | }
294 |
295 | htm8() {
296 | for prefix in Tok html; do
297 | for name in \
298 | Decl Comment CommentBegin Processing ProcessingBegin \
299 | CData CDataBegin \
300 | StartTag StartEndTag EndTag \
301 | DecChar HexChar CharEntity \
302 | RawData HtmlCData \
303 | BadAmpersand BadGreaterThan BadLessThan \
304 | Invalid EndOfStream; do
305 | sed -i "s/$prefix.$name/h8_id.$name/g" */*.py
306 | done
307 | done
308 | }
309 |
310 | task-five "$@"