1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Calculate and filter deps of Python apps.
4 | #
5 | # Usage:
6 | # build/dynamic-deps.sh <function name>
7 |
8 | set -o nounset
9 | set -o pipefail
10 | set -o errexit
11 |
12 | # Note on the cd option, "-P": Resolve symlinks in the current working
13 | # directory. This is needed to make `grep $REPO_ROOT...` in `repo-filter
14 | # (build/dynamic-deps.sh)` work. Later, `repo-filter` and related parts may be
15 | # rewritten using AWK to handle it better.
16 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd -P "$(dirname $0)/.."; pwd)
17 |
18 | readonly PY_PATH='.:vendor/'
19 |
20 | # Temporary
21 | readonly DIR=_build/NINJA
22 |
23 | # In git
24 | readonly FILTER_DIR='prebuilt/dynamic-deps'
25 |
26 | make-egrep() {
27 | # match chars until # or space, and line must be non-empty
28 | gawk '
29 | match($0, /([^# ]*)/, m) {
30 | contents = m[0]
31 | if (contents) { # skip empty lines
32 | print(contents)
33 | }
34 | }
35 | '
36 | }
37 |
38 | write-filters() {
39 | ### Write filename filters in the egrep -f format
40 |
41 | # For ./NINJA-config.sh to use.
42 | # This style lets us add comments.
43 |
44 | # For asdl.asdl_main and other tools
45 | make-egrep >$FILTER_DIR/filter-py-tool.txt <<'EOF'
46 | __init__.py
47 | typing.py # vendor/typing.py isn't imported normally
48 | EOF
49 |
50 | # Don't typecheck these files.
51 |
52 | make-egrep >$FILTER_DIR/filter-typecheck.txt <<'EOF'
53 | __init__.py
54 | typing.py
55 |
56 | # OrderedDict is polymorphic
57 | pylib/collections_.py
58 |
59 | # lots of polymorphic stuff etc.
60 | mycpp/mylib.py
61 |
62 | # TODO: move or remove these
63 | tools/deps.py
64 | tools/readlink.py
65 | EOF
66 |
67 | # On top of the typecheck filter, exclude these from translation. They are
68 | # not inputs to mycpp.
69 |
70 | make-egrep >$FILTER_DIR/filter-translate.txt <<'EOF'
71 | # generated code shouldn't be translated
72 | _devbuild/
73 | _gen/
74 |
75 | # definitions that are used by */*_gen.py
76 | .*_def\.py
77 | .*_spec\.py
78 |
79 | asdl/py.* # pybase.py ported by hand to C++
80 |
81 | core/py.* # pyos.py, pyutil.py ported by hand to C++
82 | core/optview\.py # core/optview_gen.py
83 |
84 | data_lang/py.* # pyj8.py
85 |
86 | frontend/py.*\.py # py_readline.py ported by hand to C++
87 | frontend/consts.py # frontend/consts_gen.py
88 | frontend/match.py # frontend/lexer_gen.py
89 |
90 | mycpp/iolib.py # Implemented in gc_iolib.{h,cC}
91 | mycpp/mops.py # Implemented in gc_mops.{h,cC}
92 |
93 | pgen2/grammar.py # These files are re-done in C++
94 | pgen2/pnode.py
95 | pgen2/token.py
96 |
97 | # should be py_path_stat.py, because it's ported by hand to C++
98 | pylib/path_stat.py
99 |
100 | # should be py_bool_stat.py, because it's ported by hand to C++
101 | osh/bool_stat.py
102 | EOF
103 |
104 | wc -l $FILTER_DIR/filter-*
105 | }
106 |
107 | repo-filter() {
108 | ### Select files from the dynamic_deps.py output
109 |
110 | # select what's in the repo; eliminating stdlib stuff
111 | # eliminate _cache for mycpp running under Python-3.10
112 | grep -F -v "$REPO_ROOT/_cache" | grep -F "$REPO_ROOT" | awk '{ print $2 }'
113 | }
114 |
115 | exclude-filter() {
116 | ### Exclude repo-relative paths
117 |
118 | local filter_name=$1
119 |
120 | grep -E -v -f $FILTER_DIR/filter-$filter_name.txt
121 | }
122 |
123 | mysort() {
124 | LC_ALL=C sort
125 | }
126 |
127 | #
128 | # Programs
129 | #
130 |
131 | py-tool() {
132 | local py_module=$1
133 |
134 | local dir=$DIR/$py_module
135 | mkdir -p $dir
136 |
137 | PYTHONPATH=$PY_PATH /usr/bin/env python2 \
138 | build/dynamic_deps.py py-manifest $py_module \
139 | > $dir/all-pairs.txt
140 |
141 | cat $dir/all-pairs.txt | repo-filter | exclude-filter py-tool | mysort \
142 | > $dir/deps.txt
143 |
144 | echo "DEPS $dir/deps.txt"
145 | }
146 |
147 | # Code generators
148 | list-gen() {
149 | ls */*_gen.py
150 | }
151 |
152 | # mycpp and pea deps are committed to git instead of in _build/NINJA/ because
153 | # users might not have Python 3.10
154 |
155 | write-pea() {
156 | local module='pea.pea_main'
157 | local dir=prebuilt/ninja/$module
158 | mkdir -p $dir
159 |
160 | source build/dev-shell.sh # python3
161 |
162 | # Can't use vendor/typing.py
163 | python3 \
164 | build/dynamic_deps.py py-manifest $module \
165 | > $dir/all-pairs.txt
166 |
167 | cat $dir/all-pairs.txt | repo-filter | mysort | tee $dir/deps.txt
168 |
169 | echo
170 | echo $dir/*
171 | }
172 |
173 | write-mycpp() {
174 | local module='mycpp.mycpp_main'
175 | local dir=prebuilt/ninja/$module
176 | mkdir -p $dir
177 |
178 | if false; then
179 | ( source $MYCPP_VENV/bin/activate
180 | PYTHONPATH=$REPO_ROOT:$REPO_ROOT/mycpp:$MYPY_REPO maybe-our-python3 \
181 | build/dynamic_deps.py py-manifest $module > $dir/all-pairs.txt
182 | )
183 | fi
184 |
185 | # TODO: it would be nicer to put this at the top of the file, but we get
186 | # READONLY errors.
187 | source build/dev-shell.sh
188 |
189 | python3 build/dynamic_deps.py py-manifest $module > $dir/all-pairs.txt
190 |
191 | local deps=$dir/deps.txt
192 | cat $dir/all-pairs.txt \
193 | | grep -v oilshell/oil_DEPS \
194 | | repo-filter \
195 | | exclude-filter py-tool \
196 | | mysort \
197 | | tee $deps
198 |
199 | echo
200 | echo $dir/*
201 | }
202 |
203 | mycpp-example-parse() {
204 | ### Manifests for mycpp/examples/parse are committed to git
205 |
206 | local dir=$DIR/parse
207 | mkdir -p $dir
208 |
209 | PYTHONPATH=$PY_PATH /usr/bin/env python2 \
210 | build/dynamic_deps.py py-manifest mycpp.examples.parse \
211 | > $dir/all-pairs.txt
212 |
213 | local ty=mycpp/examples/parse.typecheck.txt
214 | local tr=mycpp/examples/parse.translate.txt
215 |
216 | cat $dir/all-pairs.txt | repo-filter | exclude-filter typecheck | mysort > $ty
217 |
218 | cat $ty | exclude-filter translate > $tr
219 |
220 | wc -l $ty $tr
221 |
222 | #head $ty $tr
223 | }
224 |
225 | pea-hack() {
226 | # Leave out help_.py for Soil
227 | grep -v '_devbuild/gen/help_meta.py' $DIR/bin.oils_for_unix/typecheck.txt \
228 | > pea/oils-typecheck.txt
229 | }
230 |
231 | # Sourced by NINJA-config.sh
232 | if test $(basename $0) = 'dynamic-deps.sh'; then
233 | "$@"
234 | fi