1 | # spec/append.test.sh: Test +=
2 |
3 | ## compare_shells: bash mksh zsh
4 |
5 | #### Append string to string
6 | s='abc'
7 | s+=d
8 | echo $s
9 | ## stdout: abcd
10 |
11 | #### Append array to array
12 | a=(x y )
13 | a+=(t 'u v')
14 | argv.py "${a[@]}"
15 | ## stdout: ['x', 'y', 't', 'u v']
16 |
17 | #### Append string to undefined variable
18 |
19 | s+=foo
20 | echo s=$s
21 |
22 | # bash and mksh agree that this does NOT respect set -u.
23 | # I think that's a mistake, but += is a legacy construct, so let's copy it.
24 |
25 | set -u
26 |
27 | t+=foo
28 | echo t=$t
29 | t+=foo
30 | echo t=$t
31 | ## STDOUT:
32 | s=foo
33 | t=foo
34 | t=foofoo
35 | ## END
36 |
37 | #### Append to array to undefined variable
38 |
39 | # I wonder if Oil should have accumulators:
40 | # auto y += %(c d) or something
41 |
42 | y+=(c d)
43 | argv.py "${y[@]}"
44 | ## STDOUT:
45 | ['c', 'd']
46 | ## END
47 |
48 | #### error: s+=(my array)
49 | s='abc'
50 | s+=(d e f)
51 | echo $s
52 | ## status: 1
53 | ## stdout-json: ""
54 | ## BUG bash/mksh status: 0
55 | ## BUG bash/mksh stdout: abc
56 | ## OK zsh status: 0
57 | ## OK zsh stdout: abc d e f
58 |
59 | #### error: myarray+=s
60 |
61 | # They treat this as implicit index 0. We disallow this on the LHS, so we will
62 | # also disallow it on the RHS.
63 | a=(x y )
64 | a+=z
65 | argv.py "${a[@]}"
66 | ## status: 1
67 | ## stdout-json: ""
68 | ## OK bash/mksh status: 0
69 | ## OK bash/mksh stdout: ['xz', 'y']
70 | ## OK zsh status: 0
71 | ## OK zsh stdout: ['x', 'y', 'z']
72 |
73 | #### typeset s+=(my array)
74 | typeset s='abc'
75 | echo $s
76 |
77 | typeset s+=(d e f)
78 | echo status=$?
79 | argv.py "${s[@]}"
80 |
81 | ## status: 1
82 | ## STDOUT:
83 | abc
84 | ## END
85 | ## OK bash status: 0
86 | ## OK bash STDOUT:
87 | abc
88 | status=0
89 | ['abc', 'd', 'e', 'f']
90 | ## END
91 |
92 | #### error: typeset myarray+=s
93 | typeset a=(x y)
94 | argv.py "${a[@]}"
95 | typeset a+=s
96 | argv.py "${a[@]}"
97 |
98 | ## status: 1
99 | ## STDOUT:
100 | ['x', 'y']
101 | ## END
102 | ## BUG bash status: 0
103 | ## BUG bash STDOUT:
104 | ['x', 'y']
105 | ['xs', 'y']
106 | ## END
107 | ## N-I mksh STDOUT:
108 | ## END
109 |
110 | #### error: append used like env prefix
111 | # This should be an error in other shells but it's not.
112 | A=a
113 | A+=a printenv.py A
114 | ## status: 2
115 | ## BUG bash/zsh status: 0
116 | ## BUG bash/zsh stdout: aa
117 | ## BUG mksh status: 0
118 | ## BUG mksh stdout: a
119 |
120 | #### myarray[1]+=s - Append to element
121 | # They treat this as implicit index 0. We disallow this on the LHS, so we will
122 | # also disallow it on the RHS.
123 | a=(x y )
124 | a[1]+=z
125 | argv.py "${a[@]}"
126 | ## status: 0
127 | ## stdout: ['x', 'yz']
128 | ## BUG zsh stdout: ['xz', 'y']
129 |
130 | #### myarray[-1]+=s - Append to last element
131 | # Works in bash, but not mksh. It seems like bash is doing the right thing.
132 | # a[-1] is allowed on the LHS. mksh doesn't have negative indexing?
133 | a=(1 '2 3')
134 | a[-1]+=' 4'
135 | argv.py "${a[@]}"
136 | ## stdout: ['1', '2 3 4']
137 | ## BUG mksh stdout: ['1', '2 3', ' 4']
138 |
139 | #### Try to append list to element
140 | # bash - runtime error: cannot assign list to array number
141 | # mksh - a[-1]+: is not an identifier
142 | # osh - parse error -- could be better!
143 | a=(1 '2 3')
144 | a[-1]+=(4 5)
145 | argv.py "${a[@]}"
146 |
147 | ## stdout-json: ""
148 | ## status: 2
149 |
150 | ## OK bash status: 0
151 | ## OK bash STDOUT:
152 | ['1', '2 3']
153 | ## END
154 |
155 | ## OK zsh status: 0
156 | ## OK zsh STDOUT:
157 | ['1', '2 3', '4', '5']
158 | ## END
159 |
160 | ## N-I mksh status: 1
161 |
162 | #### Strings have value semantics, not reference semantics
163 | s1='abc'
164 | s2=$s1
165 | s1+='d'
166 | echo $s1 $s2
167 | ## stdout: abcd abc
168 |
169 | #### typeset s+=
170 |
171 | typeset s+=foo
172 | echo s=$s
173 |
174 | # bash and mksh agree that this does NOT respect set -u.
175 | # I think that's a mistake, but += is a legacy construct, so let's copy it.
176 |
177 | set -u
178 |
179 | typeset t+=foo
180 | echo t=$t
181 | typeset t+=foo
182 | echo t=$t
183 | ## STDOUT:
184 | s=foo
185 | t=foo
186 | t=foofoo
187 | ## END
188 | ## N-I zsh status: 1
189 | ## N-I zsh stdout-json: ""
190 |
191 | #### typeset s${dyn}+=
192 |
193 | dyn=x
194 |
195 | typeset s${dyn}+=foo
196 | echo sx=$sx
197 |
198 | # bash and mksh agree that this does NOT respect set -u.
199 | # I think that's a mistake, but += is a legacy construct, so let's copy it.
200 |
201 | set -u
202 |
203 | typeset t${dyn}+=foo
204 | echo tx=$tx
205 | typeset t${dyn}+=foo
206 | echo tx=$tx
207 | ## STDOUT:
208 | sx=foo
209 | tx=foo
210 | tx=foofoo
211 | ## END
212 | ## N-I zsh status: 1
213 | ## N-I zsh stdout-json: ""
214 |
215 | #### export readonly +=
216 |
217 | export e+=foo
218 | echo e=$e
219 |
220 | readonly r+=bar
221 | echo r=$r
222 |
223 | set -u
224 |
225 | export e+=foo
226 | echo e=$e
227 |
228 | #readonly r+=foo
229 | #echo r=$e
230 |
231 | ## STDOUT:
232 | e=foo
233 | r=bar
234 | e=foofoo
235 | ## END
236 | ## N-I zsh status: 1
237 | ## N-I zsh stdout-json: ""
238 |
239 | #### local +=
240 |
241 | f() {
242 | local s+=foo
243 | echo s=$s
244 |
245 | set -u
246 | local s+=foo
247 | echo s=$s
248 | }
249 |
250 | f
251 | ## STDOUT:
252 | s=foo
253 | s=foofoo
254 | ## END
255 | ## N-I zsh status: 1
256 | ## N-I zsh stdout-json: ""
257 |
258 | #### assign builtin appending array: declare d+=(d e)
259 |
260 | declare d+=(d e)
261 | echo "${d[@]}"
262 | declare d+=(c l)
263 | echo "${d[@]}"
264 |
265 | readonly r+=(r e)
266 | echo "${r[@]}"
267 | # can't do this again
268 |
269 | f() {
270 | local l+=(l o)
271 | echo "${l[@]}"
272 |
273 | local l+=(c a)
274 | echo "${l[@]}"
275 | }
276 |
277 | f
278 |
279 | ## STDOUT:
280 | d e
281 | d e c l
282 | r e
283 | l o
284 | l o c a
285 | ## END
286 | ## N-I mksh status: 1
287 | ## N-I mksh stdout-json: ""
288 | ## N-I zsh status: 1
289 | ## N-I zsh stdout-json: ""
290 |
291 | #### export+=array disallowed (strict_array)
292 | shopt -s strict_array
293 |
294 | export e+=(e x)
295 | echo "${e[@]}"
296 |
297 | ## status: 1
298 | ## STDOUT:
299 | ## END
300 | ## N-I bash status: 0
301 | ## N-I bash STDOUT:
302 | e x
303 | ## END
304 |
305 |
306 | #### Type mismatching of lhs+=rhs should not cause a crash
307 | case $SH in mksh|zsh) exit ;; esac
308 | s=
309 | a=()
310 | declare -A d=([lemon]=yellow)
311 |
312 | s+=(1)
313 | s+=([melon]=green)
314 |
315 | a+=lime
316 | a+=([1]=banana)
317 |
318 | d+=orange
319 | d+=(0)
320 |
321 | true
322 |
323 | ## STDOUT:
324 | ## END
325 |
326 | ## OK osh status: 1
327 |
328 | ## N-I mksh/zsh STDOUT:
329 | ## END