1 | """
2 | format_strings.py
3 |
4 | Parse a printf format string so we can compile it to function calls.
5 | """
6 | from __future__ import print_function
7 |
8 | import re
9 |
10 | from typing import List
11 |
12 |
13 | def DecodeMyPyString(s):
14 | # type: (str) -> str
15 | """Workaround for MyPy's weird escaping.
16 |
17 | Used below and in cppgen_pass.py.
18 | """
19 | byte_string = bytes(s, 'utf-8')
20 |
21 | # In Python 3
22 | # >>> b'\\t'.decode('unicode_escape')
23 | # '\t'
24 |
25 | raw_string = byte_string.decode('unicode_escape')
26 | return raw_string
27 |
28 |
29 | class _Part:
30 | pass
31 |
32 |
33 | class LiteralPart(_Part):
34 |
35 | def __init__(self, s: str):
36 | self.s = s
37 | self.strlen = len(s)
38 |
39 | def __repr__(self) -> str:
40 | return '(Literal %r)' % (self.s)
41 |
42 |
43 | class SubstPart(_Part):
44 |
45 | def __init__(self, width: str, char_code: str, arg_num: int) -> None:
46 | self.width = width
47 | self.char_code = char_code
48 | self.arg_num = arg_num
49 |
50 | def __repr__(self) -> str:
51 | return '(Subst %r %s %d)' % (self.width, self.char_code, self.arg_num)
52 |
53 |
54 | PAT = re.compile(
55 | '''
56 | ([^%]*)
57 | (?:
58 | %([0-9]*)(.) # optional number, and then character code
59 | )?
60 | ''', re.VERBOSE)
61 |
62 |
63 | def Parse(fmt: str) -> List[_Part]:
64 |
65 | arg_num = 0
66 | parts: List[_Part] = []
67 | for m in PAT.finditer(fmt):
68 | lit = m.group(1)
69 | width = m.group(2)
70 | char_code = m.group(3)
71 |
72 | if lit:
73 | parts.append(LiteralPart(lit))
74 | if char_code:
75 | if char_code == '%':
76 | part: _Part = LiteralPart('%')
77 | else:
78 | part = SubstPart(width, char_code, arg_num)
79 | arg_num += 1
80 | parts.append(part)
81 |
82 | #print('end =', m.end(0))
83 |
84 | return parts
85 |
86 |
87 | # Note: This would be a lot easier in Oil!
88 | # TODO: Should there be a char type?
89 | """
90 | enum format_part {
91 | case Literal(s BigStr)
92 | case Subst(char_code BigStr, arg_num Int)
93 | }
94 |
95 | let PAT = ///
96 | < ~['%']* : lit > # anything except %
97 | < '%' dot : subst > # % and then any char
98 | ///
99 |
100 | func Parse(fmt BigStr) {
101 | var arg_num = 0
102 | let parts = []
103 |
104 | for (m in find(fmt, PAT)) {
105 | if (m.lit) {
106 | do parts.append(format_part.Literal(m.lit))
107 | }
108 | if (m.subst) {
109 | if (char_code == '%') {
110 | part = format_part.Literal('%')
111 | } else {
112 | part = format_part.Subst(char_code, arg_num)
113 | }
114 | do parts.append(part)
115 | set arg_num += 1
116 | }
117 | }
118 | return parts
119 | }
120 | """