1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Wrapper for test cases in spec/stateful
4 | #
5 | # Usage:
6 | # test/stateful.sh <function name>
7 | #
8 | # Examples:
9 | # test/stateful.sh signals -r 0-1 # run a range of tests
10 | # test/stateful.sh signals --list # list tests
11 | # test/stateful.sh job-control --num-retries 0
12 | #
13 | # test/stateful.sh signals-quick # not all shells
14 | #
15 | # test/stateful.sh soil-run
16 | #
17 | # TODO: Should have QUICKLY=1 variants
18 |
19 | set -o nounset
20 | set -o pipefail
21 | set -o errexit
22 |
23 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd $(dirname $0)/.. && pwd) # tsv-lib.sh uses this
24 | readonly REPO_ROOT
25 |
26 | source test/common.sh # log, $OSH
27 | source test/tsv-lib.sh
28 |
29 | source build/dev-shell.sh
30 |
31 | readonly BASE_DIR=_tmp/spec/stateful
32 |
33 | # Hack for testing the harness
34 | #readonly FIRST='-r 0'
35 | readonly FIRST=''
36 | readonly OSH_CPP=_bin/cxx-asan/osh
37 |
38 | readonly -a QUICK_SHELLS=( $OSH bash )
39 | readonly -a ALL_SHELLS=( $OSH $OSH_CPP bash )
40 |
41 | #
42 | # Suites in spec/stateful
43 | #
44 |
45 | signals() {
46 | spec/stateful/signals.py $FIRST "$@"
47 | }
48 |
49 | interactive() {
50 | spec/stateful/interactive.py $FIRST "$@"
51 | }
52 |
53 | job-control() {
54 | spec/stateful/job_control.py $FIRST --oils-failures-allowed 0 "$@"
55 | }
56 |
57 | bind() {
58 | spec/stateful/bind.py $FIRST --oils-failures-allowed 2 "$@"
59 | }
60 |
61 | # Run on just 2 shells
62 |
63 | signals-quick() { signals "${QUICK_SHELLS[@]}" "$@"; }
64 | interactive-quick() { interactive "${QUICK_SHELLS[@]}" "$@"; }
65 | job-control-quick() { job-control "${QUICK_SHELLS[@]}" "$@"; }
66 | bind-quick() { bind "${QUICK_SHELLS[@]}" "$@"; }
67 |
68 | # Run on all shells we can
69 |
70 | # They now pass for dash and mksh, with wait -n and PIPESTATUS skipped. zsh
71 | # doesn't work now, but could if the prompt was changed to $ ?
72 | signals-all() { signals "${ALL_SHELLS[@]}" dash mksh "$@"; }
73 |
74 | interactive-all() { interactive "${ALL_SHELLS[@]}" dash mksh "$@"; }
75 |
76 | job-control-all() { job-control "${ALL_SHELLS[@]}" dash "$@"; }
77 |
78 | # On non-bash shells, bind is either unsupported or the syntax is too different
79 | bind-all() { bind "${ALL_SHELLS[@]}" "$@"; }
80 |
81 |
82 | #
83 | # More automation
84 | #
85 |
86 | print-tasks() {
87 | ### List all tests
88 |
89 | # TODO:
90 | # - Print a table with --osh-allowed-failures and shells. It can be filtered
91 |
92 | if test -n "${QUICKLY:-}"; then
93 | echo 'interactive'
94 | else
95 | echo 'bind'
96 | echo 'interactive'
97 | echo 'job-control'
98 | echo 'signals'
99 | fi
100 | }
101 |
102 | run-file() {
103 | ### Run a spec/stateful file, logging output
104 |
105 | local spec_name=$1
106 |
107 | log "__ $spec_name"
108 |
109 | local base_dir=$BASE_DIR
110 |
111 | local log_filename=$spec_name.log.txt
112 | local results_filename=$spec_name.results.txt
113 |
114 | time-tsv -o $base_dir/${spec_name}.task.txt \
115 | --field $spec_name --field $log_filename --field $results_filename -- \
116 | $0 "$spec_name-all" --results-file $base_dir/$results_filename \
117 | >$base_dir/$log_filename 2>&1 || true
118 | }
119 |
120 | html-summary() {
121 | ### Summarize all files
122 |
123 | # Note: In retrospect, it would be better if every process writes a "long"
124 | # TSV file of results.
125 | # And then we concatenate them and write the "wide" summary here.
126 |
127 | html-head --title 'Stateful Tests' \
128 | ../../../web/base.css ../../../web/spec-tests.css
129 |
130 | # Similar to test/spec-runner.sh and soil format-wwz-index
131 |
132 | cat <<EOF
133 | <body class="width50">
134 |
135 | <p id="home-link">
136 | <!-- up to .wwz index -->
137 | <a href="../..">Up</a> |
138 | <a href="/">Home</a>
139 | </p>
140 |
141 | <h1>Stateful Tests with <a href="//www.oilshell.org/cross-ref.html#pexpect">pexpect</a> </h1>
142 |
143 | <table>
144 | <thead>
145 | <tr>
146 | <td>Test File</td>
147 | <td>Elapsed seconds</td>
148 | <td>Status</td>
149 | </tr>
150 | </thead>
151 | EOF
152 |
153 | local all_passed=0
154 |
155 | shopt -s lastpipe # to mutate all_passed in while
156 |
157 | local results_tmp=$BASE_DIR/results.html
158 | echo '' > $results_tmp # Accumulate more here
159 |
160 | print-tasks | while read spec_name; do
161 |
162 | # Note: in test/spec-runner.sh, an awk script creates this table. It reads
163 | # *.task.txt and *.stats.txt. I could add --stats-file to harness.py
164 | # with pass/fail stats
165 | read status elapsed _ log_filename results_filename < $BASE_DIR/${spec_name}.task.txt
166 |
167 | echo '<tr>'
168 | echo "<td> <a href="$log_filename">$spec_name</a> </td>"
169 |
170 | printf -v elapsed_str '%.1f' $elapsed
171 | echo "<td>$elapsed_str</td>"
172 |
173 | case $status in
174 | (0) # exit code 0 is success
175 | echo " <td>$status</td>"
176 | ;;
177 | (*) # everything else is a failure
178 | # Add extra text to make red stand out.
179 | echo " <td class=\"fail\">status: $status</td>"
180 |
181 | # Mark failure
182 | all_passed=1
183 | ;;
184 | esac
185 | echo '</tr>'
186 |
187 | # Append to temp file
188 | {
189 | echo "<h2>$spec_name</h2>"
190 | echo '<pre>'
191 | escape-html $BASE_DIR/$results_filename
192 | echo '</pre>'
193 | } >> $results_tmp
194 |
195 | done
196 | echo '</table>'
197 |
198 | cat $results_tmp
199 |
200 | cat <<EOF
201 | </body>
202 | </html>
203 | EOF
204 |
205 | log "all_passed = $all_passed"
206 |
207 | return $all_passed
208 | }
209 |
210 | soil-run() {
211 | ninja $OSH_CPP
212 |
213 | mkdir -p $BASE_DIR
214 |
215 | print-tasks | xargs -n 1 -- $0 run-file
216 |
217 | # Returns whether all passed
218 | html-summary > $BASE_DIR/index.html
219 | }
220 |
221 | #
222 | # Debugging
223 | #
224 |
225 | test-stop() {
226 | python3 spec/stateful/harness.py test-stop demo/cpython/fork_signal_state.py
227 | }
228 |
229 | strace-py-fork() {
230 | rm -f -v _tmp/py-fork.*
231 | strace -ff -o _tmp/py-fork demo/cpython/fork_signal_state.py
232 | ls -l _tmp/py-fork.*
233 |
234 | # I see rt_sigaction(SIGSTP, ...) which is good
235 | # so yeah this seems perfectly fine -- why is it ignoring SIGTSTP? :-(
236 | }
237 |
238 | "$@"