1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Compile Python code with OPy.
4 | #
5 | # NOTE: this is roughly analogous to build/ovm-actions.sh and may be moved
6 | # there.
7 | #
8 | # Usage:
9 | # opy/build.sh <function name>
10 |
11 | set -o nounset
12 | set -o pipefail
13 | set -o errexit
14 |
15 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/.."; pwd)
16 | readonly REPO_ROOT
17 |
18 | source $REPO_ROOT/opy/common.sh # oil-python-sources
19 |
20 | md5-manifest() {
21 | local tree=$1
22 | pushd $tree
23 | # size and name
24 | find . -type f | sort | xargs stat --format '%s %n' | tee SIZES.txt
25 | find . -type f | sort | xargs md5sum | tee MD5.txt
26 | popd
27 | }
28 |
29 | _compile-tree() {
30 | local src_tree=$1
31 | local dest_tree=$2
32 | local version=$3
33 | shift 3
34 |
35 | rm -r -f $dest_tree
36 |
37 | #local ext=opyc
38 | local ext=pyc
39 |
40 | for rel_path in "$@"; do
41 | echo $rel_path
42 | local dest=${dest_tree}/${rel_path%.py}.${ext}
43 | mkdir -p $(dirname $dest)
44 |
45 | # TODO: Get rid of stdlib (compile) and compiler2. Now that OPy works, we
46 | # just want opy and ccompile.
47 |
48 | if test $version = ccompile; then
49 | misc/ccompile.py $src_tree/${rel_path} $dest
50 | elif test $version = opy; then
51 | $REPO_ROOT/bin/opyc compile $src_tree/${rel_path} $dest
52 | else
53 | die "bad"
54 | fi
55 | done
56 |
57 | #tree $dest_tree
58 | md5-manifest $dest_tree
59 | }
60 |
61 | # Like _compile-tree, but takes pairs on stdin.
62 | # Used by the Makefile.
63 | compile-manifest() {
64 | local dest_dir=$1
65 |
66 | # Python 2.7.14 on Ubuntu 17.10: ./regtest.sh verify-golden doesn't work.
67 | # Many diffs.
68 | # Our own Python 2.7.13: doesn't work.
69 | #local py=../_devbuild/cpython-full/python
70 |
71 | # Our own Python 2.7.12: Just one diff in hashlib.pyc!
72 | #local py=../_devbuild/cpython-full-2712/python
73 |
74 | local py=''
75 |
76 | while read full_src_path rel_dest_path; do
77 | local dest=$dest_dir/$rel_dest_path
78 | mkdir -p $(dirname $dest)
79 | log " $full_src_path"
80 |
81 | # Save space by omitting docstring.
82 | $py $REPO_ROOT/bin/opyc compile --emit-docstring=0 $full_src_path $dest
83 |
84 | local rel_py_path=${rel_dest_path%.pyc}.py # .pyc -> py
85 |
86 | # .pyc manifest to include in zip files
87 | echo $dest $rel_dest_path
88 | echo $full_src_path $rel_py_path
89 | done
90 | }
91 |
92 | # TODO: This should be for unit tests only. Probably don't need "mains".
93 | #
94 | # It overlaps with the normal build. This is like build/oil-manifest.txt, but
95 | # it's missing some stuff like the help. The Makefile rule for
96 | # _build/oil/bytecode.zip calls actions.sh files-manifest.
97 | #
98 | # Instead of printing .pyc, modify build/dynamic_deps.py to print _tmp/oil/*.pyc !
99 |
100 | _fill-oil-tree() {
101 | local dir=${1:-_tmp/repo-with-opy}
102 |
103 | if test -d ../_devbuild/help; then # doesn't exist in CI
104 | mkdir -p $dir/_devbuild/help
105 | # For help text.
106 | cp -v ../_devbuild/help/* $dir/_devbuild/help
107 | fi
108 |
109 | cp -v ../asdl/*.asdl $dir/asdl
110 | ln -v -s -f $PWD/../{libc,fastlex}.so $dir
111 | ln -v -s -f $PWD/../oils-version.txt $dir
112 |
113 | # OPy needs this for the grammar pickle? Maybe just copy it.
114 | ln -v -s -f --no-target-directory $PWD/../_build $dir/_build
115 |
116 | # Running core/process_test.py depends on this existing!
117 | mkdir -v -p $dir/_tmp
118 |
119 | local stub=$dir/bin/osh-byterun
120 | cat >$stub <<'EOF'
121 | #!/bin/bash
122 | readonly THIS_DIR=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd)
123 | exec python $THIS_DIR/opy_.pyc opyc run $THIS_DIR/oil.pyc osh "$@"
124 | EOF
125 | chmod +x $stub
126 |
127 | #make-mains $dir
128 | }
129 |
130 | # Compile with both compile() and OPy.
131 | # TODO:
132 | # - What about the standard library? The whole app bundle should be compiled
133 | # with OPy.
134 | oil-repo() {
135 | local files=( $(oil-python-sources $REPO_ROOT) ) # array
136 |
137 | _compile-tree $REPO_ROOT _tmp/repo-with-cpython/ ccompile "${files[@]}"
138 | _compile-tree $REPO_ROOT _tmp/repo-with-opy/ opy "${files[@]}"
139 |
140 | _fill-oil-tree _tmp/repo-with-cpython
141 | _fill-oil-tree _tmp/repo-with-opy
142 | }
143 |
144 | _oil-bin-manifest() {
145 | # NOTE: These need to be made unique. build/make_zip.py, but our shell
146 | # alias doesn't.
147 | # For some reason sys.modules has different modules with the same __file__.
148 |
149 | { build/ovm-actions.sh runpy-py-to-compile
150 | build/ovm-actions.sh py-to-compile '.' 'bin.oil'
151 | } | sort | uniq
152 | }
153 |
154 | oil-bin() {
155 | pushd $REPO_ROOT >/dev/null
156 | _oil-bin-manifest | compile-manifest _tmp/oil-with-opy
157 | popd >/dev/null
158 | }
159 |
160 | _opy-bin-manifest() {
161 | build/ovm-actions.sh py-to-compile '.' 'bin.opy_'
162 | }
163 |
164 | opy-bin() {
165 | pushd .. >/dev/null
166 | _opy-bin-manifest | compile-manifest _tmp/opy-with-opy
167 | popd >/dev/null
168 | }
169 |
170 | astgen() {
171 | tools/astgen.py tools/ast.txt > compiler2/ast.py
172 | }
173 |
174 | "$@"
175 |