1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | # Copyright 2016 Andy Chu. All rights reserved.
3 | # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 | # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 | # You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 | #
7 | # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 | """
9 | cmd_eval_test.py: Tests for cmd_eval.py
10 | """
11 |
12 | import unittest
13 |
14 | from _devbuild.gen.id_kind_asdl import Id
15 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import (BracedVarSub, suffix_op, CompoundWord)
16 | from core import test_lib
17 | from frontend.lexer import DummyToken as Tok
18 |
19 |
20 | def InitEvaluator():
21 | word_ev = test_lib.InitWordEvaluator()
22 | test_lib.SetLocalString(word_ev.mem, 'x', 'xxx')
23 | test_lib.SetLocalString(word_ev.mem, 'y', 'yyy')
24 | return word_ev
25 |
26 |
27 | class ExpansionTest(unittest.TestCase):
28 |
29 | def testBraceExpand(self):
30 | arena = test_lib.MakeArena('<cmd_eval_test.py>')
31 | c_parser = test_lib.InitCommandParser('echo _{a,b}_', arena=arena)
32 | node = c_parser._ParseCommandLine()
33 | print(node)
34 |
35 | cmd_ev = test_lib.InitCommandEvaluator(arena=arena)
36 | #print(cmd_ev.Execute(node))
37 | #print(cmd_ev._ExpandWords(node.words))
38 |
39 |
40 | class VarOpTest(unittest.TestCase):
41 |
42 | def testVarOps(self):
43 | ev = InitEvaluator() # initializes x=xxx and y=yyy
44 | left = None
45 | unset_sub = BracedVarSub.CreateNull(alloc_lists=True)
46 | unset_sub.left = left
47 | unset_sub.name_tok = Tok(Id.VSub_Name, 'unset')
48 | unset_sub.var_name = 'unset'
49 |
50 | part_vals = []
51 | ev._EvalWordPart(unset_sub, part_vals, 0)
52 | print(part_vals)
53 |
54 | set_sub = BracedVarSub.CreateNull(alloc_lists=True)
55 | set_sub.left = left
56 | set_sub.name_tok = Tok(Id.VSub_Name, 'x')
57 | set_sub.var_name = 'x'
58 |
59 | part_vals = []
60 | ev._EvalWordPart(set_sub, part_vals, 0)
61 | print(part_vals)
62 |
63 | # Now add some ops
64 | part = Tok(Id.Lit_Chars, 'default')
65 | arg_word = CompoundWord([part])
66 | op_tok = Tok(Id.VTest_ColonHyphen, ':-')
67 | test_op = suffix_op.Unary(op_tok, arg_word)
68 | unset_sub.suffix_op = test_op
69 | set_sub.suffix_op = test_op
70 |
71 | part_vals = []
72 | ev._EvalWordPart(unset_sub, part_vals, 0)
73 | print(part_vals)
74 |
75 | part_vals = []
76 | ev._EvalWordPart(set_sub, part_vals, 0)
77 | print(part_vals)
78 |
79 |
80 | if __name__ == '__main__':
81 | unittest.main()