1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | # Copyright 2016 Andy Chu. All rights reserved.
3 | # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 | # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 | # You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 | #
7 | # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 | """
9 | word_parse_test.py: Tests for word_parse.py
10 | """
11 |
12 | import unittest
13 |
14 | from _devbuild.gen.id_kind_asdl import Id, Id_str
15 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import arith_expr_e, word_e, rhs_word_e
16 | from _devbuild.gen.types_asdl import lex_mode_e
17 |
18 | from asdl import format as fmt
19 | from core import error
20 | from core import test_lib
21 | from core.test_lib import FakeTok
22 | from frontend import lexer
23 | from frontend import location
24 | from osh import word_
25 |
26 |
27 | def _assertReadWordWithArena(test, w_parser):
28 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
29 | assert w is not None
30 | fmt.PrettyPrint(w)
31 | print('')
32 |
33 | # Next word must be Eof_Real
34 | w2 = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
35 | test.assertTrue(test_lib.TokensEqual(FakeTok(Id.Eof_Real, ''), w2), w2)
36 | return w
37 |
38 |
39 | def _assertReadWord(test, word_str, oil_at=False):
40 | print('')
41 | print('--- %s' % word_str)
42 | print('')
43 |
44 | arena = test_lib.MakeArena('word_parse_test.py')
45 | w_parser = test_lib.InitWordParser(word_str, arena=arena, oil_at=oil_at)
46 | w = _assertReadWordWithArena(test, w_parser)
47 | return w
48 |
49 |
50 | def _assertReadWordFailure(test, word_str, oil_at=False):
51 | print('\n---', word_str)
52 | w_parser = test_lib.InitWordParser(word_str, oil_at=oil_at)
53 | try:
54 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
55 | except error.Parse as e:
56 | print('Got expected ParseError: %s' % e)
57 | else:
58 | fmt.PrettyPrint(w)
59 | test.fail('Expected a parser error, got %r' % w)
60 |
61 |
62 | def _assertSpanForWord(test, word_str):
63 | arena = test_lib.MakeArena('word_parse_test.py')
64 | w_parser = test_lib.InitWordParser(word_str, arena=arena)
65 | w = _assertReadWordWithArena(test, w_parser)
66 | tok = location.LeftTokenForWord(w)
67 |
68 | print(word_str)
69 | print(tok)
70 |
71 |
72 | def _GetSuffixOp(test, w):
73 | """Get a single transform op."""
74 | test.assertEqual(1, len(w.parts))
75 | return w.parts[0].suffix_op
76 |
77 |
78 | def _GetPrefixOp(test, w):
79 | """Get a single transform op."""
80 | test.assertEqual(1, len(w.parts))
81 | return w.parts[0].prefix_op.id
82 |
83 |
84 | def _GetVarSub(test, w):
85 | test.assertEqual(1, len(w.parts))
86 | part = w.parts[0]
87 | return lexer.LazyStr(part.name_tok)
88 |
89 |
90 | class ArenaTest(unittest.TestCase):
91 | """It's more convenient to test the arena here, because we have a proper
92 | lexer and so forth."""
93 |
94 | def testSnipCodeString(self):
95 | expr = """\
96 | hi'
97 | single quoted'"double
98 | quoted
99 | "there
100 | """
101 |
102 | arena = test_lib.MakeArena('hi')
103 | w_parser = test_lib.InitWordParser(expr, arena=arena)
104 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
105 | print(w)
106 |
107 | left = w.parts[1].left # left single quote
108 | right = w.parts[2].right # right double quote
109 |
110 | s = arena.SnipCodeString(left, right)
111 |
112 | print('s = %r' % s)
113 | self.assertEqual("""\
114 | '
115 | single quoted'"double
116 | quoted
117 | "\
118 | """, s)
119 |
120 | s = arena.SnipCodeString(w.parts[1].left, w.parts[1].right)
121 |
122 | print('s = %r' % s)
123 | self.assertEqual("""\
124 | '
125 | single quoted'\
126 | """, s)
127 |
128 | # Just snip one token
129 | s = arena.SnipCodeString(w.parts[0], w.parts[0])
130 |
131 | print('s = %r' % s)
132 | self.assertEqual('hi', s)
133 |
134 | def testSaveLinesAndDiscard(self):
135 | # Also takes a left, right, token
136 | pass
137 |
138 |
139 | class LexerTest(unittest.TestCase):
140 | """It's more convenient to test the lexer here, because we have a proper
141 | lexer and so forth."""
142 |
143 | def testAssignFunctions(self):
144 | arena = test_lib.MakeArena('')
145 |
146 | expr = 'ls; foo=42'
147 | w_parser = test_lib.InitWordParser(expr, arena=arena)
148 |
149 | # Skip first two words
150 | w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
151 | w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
152 | w3 = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
153 | print(w3)
154 |
155 | self.assertEqual(False, lexer.IsPlusEquals(w3.parts[0]))
156 | self.assertEqual('foo', lexer.TokenSliceRight(w3.parts[0], -1))
157 |
158 | expr = 'ls; foo+=X'
159 | w_parser = test_lib.InitWordParser(expr, arena=arena)
160 |
161 | # Skip first two words
162 | w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
163 | w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
164 | w3 = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
165 | print(w3)
166 |
167 | self.assertEqual(True, lexer.IsPlusEquals(w3.parts[0]))
168 | self.assertEqual('foo', lexer.TokenSliceRight(w3.parts[0], -2))
169 |
170 |
171 | class WordParserTest(unittest.TestCase):
172 |
173 | def testStaticEvalWord(self):
174 | expr = r'\EOF' # Quoted here doc delimiter
175 | w_parser = test_lib.InitWordParser(expr)
176 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
177 | ok, s, quoted = word_.StaticEval(w)
178 | self.assertEqual(True, ok)
179 | self.assertEqual('EOF', s)
180 | self.assertEqual(True, quoted)
181 |
182 | def testDisambiguatePrefix(self):
183 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${#}')
184 | self.assertEqual('#', _GetVarSub(self, w))
185 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${!}')
186 | self.assertEqual('!', _GetVarSub(self, w))
187 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${?}')
188 | self.assertEqual('?', _GetVarSub(self, w))
189 |
190 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var}')
191 |
192 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${15}')
193 |
194 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${#var}')
195 | self.assertEqual(Id.VSub_Pound, _GetPrefixOp(self, w))
196 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${!ref}')
197 | self.assertEqual(Id.VSub_Bang, _GetPrefixOp(self, w))
198 |
199 | # Length of length
200 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${##}')
201 | self.assertEqual('#', _GetVarSub(self, w))
202 | self.assertEqual(Id.VSub_Pound, _GetPrefixOp(self, w))
203 |
204 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${array[0]}')
205 | self.assertEqual(1, len(w.parts))
206 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${array[@]}')
207 | self.assertEqual(1, len(w.parts))
208 |
209 | # Length of element
210 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${#array[0]}')
211 | self.assertEqual(1, len(w.parts))
212 | self.assertEqual(Id.VSub_Pound, _GetPrefixOp(self, w))
213 | # Ref for element
214 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${!array[0]}')
215 | self.assertEqual(1, len(w.parts))
216 | self.assertEqual(Id.VSub_Bang, _GetPrefixOp(self, w))
217 |
218 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var#prefix}')
219 | self.assertEqual(1, len(w.parts))
220 | self.assertEqual(Id.VOp1_Pound, _GetSuffixOp(self, w).op.id)
221 |
222 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${!var#prefix}')
223 | self.assertEqual(1, len(w.parts))
224 | self.assertEqual(Id.VSub_Bang, _GetPrefixOp(self, w))
225 | self.assertEqual(Id.VOp1_Pound, _GetSuffixOp(self, w).op.id)
226 |
227 | _assertReadWordFailure(self, '${#var#prefix}')
228 |
229 | # Allowed by bash, but we don't parse it. Use len=$#; echo ${len#2}
230 | # instead.
231 | _assertReadWordFailure(self, '${##2}')
232 |
233 | def testIncompleteWords(self):
234 | # Bugs found in completion
235 | w = _assertReadWordFailure(self, '${undef:-')
236 | w = _assertReadWordFailure(self, '${undef:-$')
237 | w = _assertReadWordFailure(self, '${undef:-$F')
238 |
239 | w = _assertReadWordFailure(self, '${x@')
240 | w = _assertReadWordFailure(self, '${x@Q')
241 |
242 | w = _assertReadWordFailure(self, '${x%')
243 |
244 | w = _assertReadWordFailure(self, '${x/')
245 | w = _assertReadWordFailure(self, '${x/a/')
246 | w = _assertReadWordFailure(self, '${x/a/b')
247 | w = _assertReadWordFailure(self, '${x:')
248 |
249 | def testVarOf(self):
250 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${name}')
251 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${name[0]}')
252 |
253 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${array[@]}')
254 |
255 | # Should be DISALLOWED!
256 | #w = _assertReadWord(self, '${11[@]}')
257 |
258 | def assertUnquoted(self, expected, w):
259 | ok, s, quoted = word_.StaticEval(w)
260 | self.assertTrue(ok)
261 | self.assertEqual(expected, s)
262 | self.assertFalse(quoted)
263 |
264 | def testPatSub(self):
265 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var/pat/replace}')
266 | op = _GetSuffixOp(self, w)
267 | self.assertUnquoted('pat', op.pat)
268 | self.assertUnquoted('replace', op.replace)
269 | self.assertEqual(Id.Undefined_Tok, op.replace_mode)
270 |
271 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var//pat/replace}') # sub all
272 | op = _GetSuffixOp(self, w)
273 | self.assertUnquoted('pat', op.pat)
274 | self.assertUnquoted('replace', op.replace)
275 | self.assertEqual(Id.Lit_Slash, op.replace_mode,
276 | Id_str(op.replace_mode))
277 |
278 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var/%pat/replace}') # prefix
279 | op = _GetSuffixOp(self, w)
280 | self.assertUnquoted('pat', op.pat)
281 | self.assertUnquoted('replace', op.replace)
282 | self.assertEqual(Id.Lit_Percent, op.replace_mode)
283 |
284 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var/#pat/replace}') # suffix
285 | op = _GetSuffixOp(self, w)
286 | self.assertUnquoted('pat', op.pat)
287 | self.assertUnquoted('replace', op.replace)
288 | self.assertEqual(Id.Lit_Pound, op.replace_mode)
289 |
290 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var/pat}') # no replacement
291 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var//pat}') # no replacement
292 | op = _GetSuffixOp(self, w)
293 | self.assertUnquoted('pat', op.pat)
294 | self.assertEqual(rhs_word_e.Empty, op.replace.tag())
295 | self.assertEqual(Id.Lit_Slash, op.replace_mode)
296 |
297 | # replace with slash
298 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var/pat//}')
299 | op = _GetSuffixOp(self, w)
300 | self.assertUnquoted('pat', op.pat)
301 | self.assertUnquoted('/', op.replace)
302 |
303 | # replace with two slashes unquoted
304 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var/pat///}')
305 | op = _GetSuffixOp(self, w)
306 | self.assertUnquoted('pat', op.pat)
307 | self.assertUnquoted('//', op.replace)
308 |
309 | # replace with two slashes quoted
310 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var/pat/"//"}')
311 | op = _GetSuffixOp(self, w)
312 | self.assertUnquoted('pat', op.pat)
313 |
314 | ok, s, quoted = word_.StaticEval(op.replace)
315 | self.assertTrue(ok)
316 | self.assertEqual('//', s)
317 | self.assertTrue(quoted)
318 |
319 | # Real example found in the wild!
320 | # http://www.oilshell.org/blog/2016/11/07.html
321 |
322 | # 2023-05: copied into spec/var-op-patsub.test.sh
323 | w = _assertReadWord(self, r'${var////\\/}')
324 | op = _GetSuffixOp(self, w)
325 | self.assertEqual(Id.Lit_Slash, op.replace_mode)
326 |
327 | self.assertUnquoted('/', op.pat)
328 |
329 | ok, s, quoted = word_.StaticEval(op.replace)
330 | self.assertTrue(ok)
331 | self.assertEqual(r'\/', s)
332 |
333 | def testSlice(self):
334 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${foo:0}')
335 | # No length
336 | self.assertEqual(None, _GetSuffixOp(self, w).length)
337 |
338 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${foo:0:1}')
339 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${foo:1+2:2+3}')
340 |
341 | # This is allowed
342 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${foo::1}')
343 | # No beginning
344 | self.assertEqual(arith_expr_e.EmptyZero,
345 | _GetSuffixOp(self, w).begin.tag())
346 |
347 | def testLength(self):
348 | # Synonym for $#, had a bug here
349 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${#@}')
350 | self.assertTrue(Id.VSub_Pound, _GetPrefixOp(self, w))
351 |
352 | # Length of arg 11
353 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${#11}')
354 | self.assertTrue(Id.VSub_Pound, _GetPrefixOp(self, w))
355 |
356 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${#str}')
357 | self.assertTrue(Id.VSub_Pound, _GetPrefixOp(self, w))
358 |
359 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${#array[0]}')
360 | # BUG!
361 | #self.assertTrue(VS_POUND, _GetSuffixOp(self, w).id)
362 |
363 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${#array["key"]}')
364 | # BUG!
365 | #self.assertTrue(Id.VSub_POUND, _GetSuffixOp(self, w).id)
366 |
367 | def testUnary(self):
368 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var#}')
369 | self.assertTrue(Id.VOp1_Pound, _GetSuffixOp(self, w).op.id)
370 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var#prefix}')
371 | self.assertTrue(Id.VOp1_Pound, _GetSuffixOp(self, w).op.id)
372 |
373 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var##}')
374 | self.assertTrue(Id.VOp1_DPound, _GetSuffixOp(self, w).op.id)
375 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var##prefix}')
376 | self.assertTrue(Id.VOp1_DPound, _GetSuffixOp(self, w).op.id)
377 |
378 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var%suffix}')
379 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var%%suffix}')
380 |
381 | def testArrayOp(self):
382 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${array[0]}')
383 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${array[5+5]}')
384 |
385 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${array[@]}')
386 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${array[*]}')
387 |
388 | def testTestOp(self):
389 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '${var:-default]}')
390 |
391 | def testTildeLike(self):
392 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '~/git/oilshell/oil')
393 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '~andy/git/oilshell/oil')
394 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '~andy_c/git/oilshell/oil')
395 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '~andy.c/git/oilshell/oil')
396 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '~andy-c/git/oilshell/oil')
397 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '~andy-c:git/oilshell/oil')
398 |
399 | def testRead(self):
400 | CASES = [
401 | 'ls "foo"',
402 | '$(( 1 + 2 ))',
403 | '$(echo $(( 1 )) )', # OLD BUG: arith sub within command sub
404 | 'echo ${#array[@]} b', # Had a bug here
405 | 'echo $(( ${#array[@]} ))', # Bug here
406 |
407 | # Had a bug: unary minus
408 | #'${mounted_disk_regex:0:-1}',
409 | 'echo ${@%suffix}', # had a bug here
410 | '${@}',
411 | 'echo ${var,,}',
412 | 'echo ${var,,?}',
413 |
414 | # Line continuation tests
415 | '${\\\nfoo}', # VSub_1
416 | '${foo\\\n}', # VSub_2
417 | '${foo#\\\nyo}', # VS_ARG_UNQ
418 | '"${foo#\\\nyo}"', # VS_ARG_DQ
419 | ]
420 | for expr in CASES:
421 | print('---')
422 | print(expr)
423 | print()
424 |
425 | w_parser = test_lib.InitWordParser(expr)
426 |
427 | while True:
428 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
429 | assert w is not None
430 |
431 | fmt.PrettyPrint(w)
432 |
433 | if word_.CommandId(w) == Id.Eof_Real:
434 | break
435 |
436 | def testOilSplice(self):
437 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '@words', oil_at=True)
438 |
439 | # These are normal words
440 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '.@words', oil_at=True)
441 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '.@words.', oil_at=True)
442 |
443 | # Errors
444 | _assertReadWordFailure(self, '@words[', oil_at=True)
445 | _assertReadWordFailure(self, '@words.', oil_at=True)
446 |
447 | def testReadComment(self):
448 | # Test that we get Id.Op_Newline
449 | code = 'foo # comment\nbar #comment\n'
450 | w_parser = test_lib.InitWordParser(code)
451 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
452 | assert w
453 | self.assertEqual('foo', lexer.LazyStr(w.parts[0]))
454 |
455 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
456 | assert w
457 | self.assertEqual(Id.Op_Newline, w.id)
458 |
459 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
460 | assert w
461 | self.assertEqual('bar', lexer.LazyStr(w.parts[0]))
462 |
463 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
464 | assert w
465 | self.assertEqual(Id.Op_Newline, w.id)
466 |
467 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
468 | assert w
469 | self.assertEqual(Id.Eof_Real, w.id)
470 |
471 | def testReadArithWord(self):
472 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '$(( (1+2) ))')
473 | child = w.parts[0].anode
474 | self.assertEqual(arith_expr_e.Binary, child.tag())
475 |
476 | w = _assertReadWord(self, '$(( (1+2) ))')
477 | child = w.parts[0].anode
478 | self.assertEqual(arith_expr_e.Binary, child.tag())
479 |
480 | def testReadArith(self):
481 | CASES = [
482 | '1 + 2',
483 | 'a + b',
484 | '$a * $b',
485 | '${a} * ${b}',
486 | '$(echo 1) * $(echo 2)',
487 | '`echo 1` + 2',
488 | '$((1 + 2)) * $((3 + 4))',
489 | "'single quoted'", # Allowed by oil but not bash
490 | '"${a}" + "${b}"', # Ditto
491 | '$# + $$',
492 | # This doesn't work but does in bash -- should be 15
493 | #'$(( $(echo 1)$(echo 2) + 3 ))',
494 | '$(( x[0] < 5 ))',
495 | '$(( ++i ))',
496 | '$(( i++ ))',
497 | '$(( x -= 1))',
498 | '$(( x |= 1))',
499 | '$(( x[0] = 1 ))',
500 | '$(( 1 | 0 ))',
501 | '$((0x$size))',
502 | ]
503 |
504 | for expr in CASES:
505 | print('---')
506 | print(expr)
507 | print()
508 |
509 | w_parser = test_lib.InitWordParser(expr)
510 | # Can we remove this initialization?
511 | w_parser._SetNext(lex_mode_e.Arith)
512 |
513 | while True:
514 | w = w_parser.ReadArithWord()
515 | assert w is not None
516 | fmt.PrettyPrint(w)
517 | if word_.CommandId(w) in (Id.Eof_Real, Id.Unknown_Tok):
518 | break
519 |
520 | def testHereDoc(self):
521 | w_parser = test_lib.InitWordParser("""\
522 | ls foo
523 |
524 | # Multiple newlines and comments should be ignored
525 |
526 | ls bar
527 | """)
528 |
529 | def assertWord(w, id_, val):
530 | self.assertEqual(1, len(w.parts))
531 | part = w.parts[0]
532 | self.assertEqual(id_, part.id)
533 | self.assertEqual(val, lexer.LazyStr(part))
534 |
535 | print('--MULTI')
536 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
537 | assertWord(w, Id.Lit_Chars, 'ls')
538 |
539 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
540 | assertWord(w, Id.Lit_Chars, 'foo')
541 |
542 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
543 | self.assertEqual(word_e.Operator, w.tag())
544 | self.assertEqual(Id.Op_Newline, w.id)
545 | self.assertEqual(None, w.tval)
546 |
547 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
548 | assertWord(w, Id.Lit_Chars, 'ls')
549 |
550 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
551 | assertWord(w, Id.Lit_Chars, 'bar')
552 |
553 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
554 | self.assertEqual(word_e.Operator, w.tag())
555 | self.assertEqual(Id.Op_Newline, w.id)
556 | self.assertEqual(None, w.tval)
557 |
558 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
559 | self.assertEqual(word_e.Operator, w.tag())
560 | self.assertEqual(Id.Eof_Real, w.id)
561 | self.assertEqual('', lexer.LazyStr(w))
562 |
563 | def testUnicode(self):
564 | words = 'z \xce\xbb \xe4\xb8\x89 \xf0\x9f\x98\x98'
565 |
566 | def _Part(w, i):
567 | return lexer.LazyStr(w.parts[i])
568 |
569 | w_parser = test_lib.InitWordParser(words)
570 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
571 | self.assertEqual('z', _Part(w, 0))
572 |
573 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
574 | self.assertEqual('\xce\xbb', _Part(w, 0))
575 |
576 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
577 | self.assertEqual('\xe4\xb8\x89', _Part(w, 0))
578 |
579 | w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
580 | self.assertEqual('\xf0\x9f\x98\x98', _Part(w, 0))
581 |
582 | def testParseErrorLocation(self):
583 | w = _assertSpanForWord(self, 'a=(1 2 3)')
584 |
585 | w = _assertSpanForWord(self, 'foo')
586 |
587 | w = _assertSpanForWord(self, '\\$')
588 |
589 | w = _assertSpanForWord(self, "''")
590 |
591 | w = _assertSpanForWord(self, "'sq'")
592 |
593 | w = _assertSpanForWord(self, '""')
594 |
595 | w = _assertSpanForWord(self, '"dq"')
596 |
597 | w = _assertSpanForWord(self, '$(echo command sub)')
598 |
599 | w = _assertSpanForWord(self, '$(( 1 + 2 ))')
600 |
601 | w = _assertSpanForWord(self, '~user')
602 |
603 | w = _assertSpanForWord(self, '${var#}')
604 |
605 |
606 | if __name__ == '__main__':
607 | unittest.main()