1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | from __future__ import print_function
3 | """
4 | Render Oils value_t -> doc_t, so it can be pretty printed
5 | """
6 |
7 | import math
8 |
9 | from _devbuild.gen.pretty_asdl import (doc, Measure, MeasuredDoc)
10 | from _devbuild.gen.runtime_asdl import error_code_e
11 | from _devbuild.gen.value_asdl import Obj, value, value_e, value_t, value_str
12 | from core import bash_impl
13 | from data_lang import j8
14 | from data_lang import j8_lite
15 | from display import ansi
16 | from display import pp_hnode
17 | from display.pretty import _Break, _Concat, AsciiText
18 | from frontend import match
19 | from mycpp import mops
20 | from mycpp.mylib import log, tagswitch, iteritems
21 | from typing import cast, List, Dict
22 |
23 | import libc
24 |
25 | _ = log
26 |
27 |
28 | def ValType(val):
29 | # type: (value_t) -> str
30 | """Returns a user-facing string like Int, Eggex, BashArray, etc."""
31 | return value_str(val.tag(), dot=False)
32 |
33 |
34 | def FloatString(fl):
35 | # type: (float) -> str
36 |
37 | # Print in YSH syntax, similar to data_lang/j8.py
38 | if math.isinf(fl):
39 | s = 'INFINITY'
40 | if fl < 0:
41 | s = '-' + s
42 | elif math.isnan(fl):
43 | s = 'NAN'
44 | else:
45 | s = str(fl)
46 | return s
47 |
48 |
49 | #
50 | # Unicode Helpers
51 | #
52 |
53 |
54 | def TryUnicodeWidth(s):
55 | # type: (str) -> int
56 | try:
57 | width = libc.wcswidth(s)
58 | except UnicodeError:
59 | # e.g. en_US.UTF-8 locale missing, just return the number of bytes
60 | width = len(s)
61 |
62 | if width == -1: # non-printable wide char
63 | return len(s)
64 |
65 | return width
66 |
67 |
68 | def UText(string):
69 | # type: (str) -> MeasuredDoc
70 | """Print `string` (which must not contain a newline)."""
71 | return MeasuredDoc(doc.Text(string), Measure(TryUnicodeWidth(string), -1))
72 |
73 |
74 | class ValueEncoder(pp_hnode.BaseEncoder):
75 | """Converts Oils values into `doc`s, which can then be pretty printed."""
76 |
77 | def __init__(self):
78 | # type: () -> None
79 | pp_hnode.BaseEncoder.__init__(self)
80 | self.ysh_style = True
81 |
82 | # These can be configurable later
83 | self.int_style = ansi.YELLOW
84 | self.float_style = ansi.BLUE
85 | self.null_style = ansi.RED
86 | self.bool_style = ansi.CYAN
87 | self.string_style = ansi.GREEN
88 | self.cycle_style = ansi.BOLD + ansi.BLUE
89 | self.type_style = ansi.MAGENTA
90 |
91 | def TypePrefix(self, type_str):
92 | # type: (str) -> List[MeasuredDoc]
93 | """Return docs for type string '(List)', which may break afterward."""
94 | type_name = self._Styled(self.type_style, AsciiText(type_str))
95 |
96 | n = len(type_str)
97 | # Our maximum string is 'Float'
98 | assert n <= 5, type_str
99 |
100 | # Start printing in column 8. Adjust to 6 because () takes 2 spaces.
101 | spaces = ' ' * (6 - n)
102 |
103 | mdocs = [AsciiText('('), type_name, AsciiText(')'), _Break(spaces)]
104 | return mdocs
105 |
106 | def Value(self, val):
107 | # type: (value_t) -> MeasuredDoc
108 | """Convert an Oils value into a `doc`, which can then be pretty printed."""
109 | self.visiting.clear()
110 | return self._Value(val)
111 |
112 | def _DictKey(self, s):
113 | # type: (str) -> MeasuredDoc
114 | if match.IsValidVarName(s):
115 | encoded = s
116 | else:
117 | if self.ysh_style:
118 | encoded = j8_lite.YshEncodeString(s)
119 | else:
120 | # TODO: remove this dead branch after fixing tests
121 | encoded = j8_lite.EncodeString(s)
122 | return UText(encoded)
123 |
124 | def _StringLiteral(self, s):
125 | # type: (str) -> MeasuredDoc
126 | if self.ysh_style:
127 | # YSH r'' or b'' style
128 | encoded = j8_lite.YshEncodeString(s)
129 | else:
130 | # TODO: remove this dead branch after fixing tests
131 | encoded = j8_lite.EncodeString(s)
132 | return self._Styled(self.string_style, UText(encoded))
133 |
134 | def _BashStringLiteral(self, s):
135 | # type: (str) -> MeasuredDoc
136 |
137 | # '' or $'' style
138 | #
139 | # We mimic bash syntax by using $'\\' instead of b'\\'
140 | #
141 | # $ declare -a array=($'\\')
142 | # $ = array
143 | # (BashArray) (BashArray $'\\')
144 | #
145 | # $ declare -A assoc=([k]=$'\\')
146 | # $ = assoc
147 | # (BashAssoc) (BashAssoc ['k']=$'\\')
148 |
149 | encoded = j8_lite.ShellEncode(s)
150 | return self._Styled(self.string_style, UText(encoded))
151 |
152 | def _YshList(self, vlist):
153 | # type: (value.List) -> MeasuredDoc
154 | """Print a string literal."""
155 | if len(vlist.items) == 0:
156 | return AsciiText('[]')
157 | mdocs = [self._Value(item) for item in vlist.items]
158 | return self._Surrounded('[', self._Tabular(mdocs, ','), ']')
159 |
160 | def _DictMdocs(self, d):
161 | # type: (Dict[str, value_t]) -> List[MeasuredDoc]
162 | mdocs = [] # type: List[MeasuredDoc]
163 | for k, v in iteritems(d):
164 | mdocs.append(
165 | _Concat([self._DictKey(k),
166 | AsciiText(': '),
167 | self._Value(v)]))
168 | return mdocs
169 |
170 | def _YshDict(self, vdict):
171 | # type: (value.Dict) -> MeasuredDoc
172 | if len(vdict.d) == 0:
173 | return AsciiText('{}')
174 | mdocs = self._DictMdocs(vdict.d)
175 | return self._Surrounded('{', self._Join(mdocs, ',', ' '), '}')
176 |
177 | def _BashArray(self, varray):
178 | # type: (value.BashArray) -> MeasuredDoc
179 | type_name = self._Styled(self.type_style, AsciiText('BashArray'))
180 | if bash_impl.BashArray_Count(varray) == 0:
181 | return _Concat([AsciiText('('), type_name, AsciiText(')')])
182 | mdocs = [] # type: List[MeasuredDoc]
183 | for s in bash_impl.BashArray_GetValues(varray):
184 | if s is None:
185 | mdocs.append(AsciiText('null'))
186 | else:
187 | mdocs.append(self._BashStringLiteral(s))
188 | return self._SurroundedAndPrefixed('(', type_name, ' ',
189 | self._Tabular(mdocs, ''), ')')
190 |
191 | def _BashAssoc(self, vassoc):
192 | # type: (value.BashAssoc) -> MeasuredDoc
193 | type_name = self._Styled(self.type_style, AsciiText('BashAssoc'))
194 | if bash_impl.BashAssoc_Count(vassoc) == 0:
195 | return _Concat([AsciiText('('), type_name, AsciiText(')')])
196 | mdocs = [] # type: List[MeasuredDoc]
197 | for k2, v2 in iteritems(bash_impl.BashAssoc_GetDict(vassoc)):
198 | mdocs.append(
199 | _Concat([
200 | AsciiText('['),
201 | self._BashStringLiteral(k2),
202 | AsciiText(']='),
203 | self._BashStringLiteral(v2)
204 | ]))
205 | return self._SurroundedAndPrefixed('(', type_name, ' ',
206 | self._Join(mdocs, '', ' '), ')')
207 |
208 | def _SparseArray(self, val):
209 | # type: (value.SparseArray) -> MeasuredDoc
210 | type_name = self._Styled(self.type_style, AsciiText('SparseArray'))
211 | if bash_impl.SparseArray_Count(val) == 0:
212 | return _Concat([AsciiText('('), type_name, AsciiText(')')])
213 | mdocs = [] # type: List[MeasuredDoc]
214 | for k2 in bash_impl.SparseArray_GetKeys(val):
215 | v2, error_code = bash_impl.SparseArray_GetElement(val, k2)
216 | assert error_code == error_code_e.OK, error_code
217 | mdocs.append(
218 | _Concat([
219 | AsciiText('['),
220 | self._Styled(self.int_style, AsciiText(mops.ToStr(k2))),
221 | AsciiText(']='),
222 | self._BashStringLiteral(v2)
223 | ]))
224 | return self._SurroundedAndPrefixed('(', type_name, ' ',
225 | self._Join(mdocs, '', ' '), ')')
226 |
227 | def _Obj(self, obj):
228 | # type: (Obj) -> MeasuredDoc
229 | chain = [] # type: List[MeasuredDoc]
230 | cur = obj
231 | while cur is not None:
232 | mdocs = self._DictMdocs(cur.d)
233 | chain.append(
234 | self._Surrounded('(', self._Join(mdocs, ',', ' '), ')'))
235 | cur = cur.prototype
236 | if cur is not None:
237 | chain.append(AsciiText(' --> '))
238 |
239 | return _Concat(chain)
240 |
241 | def _Value(self, val):
242 | # type: (value_t) -> MeasuredDoc
243 |
244 | with tagswitch(val) as case:
245 | if case(value_e.Null):
246 | return self._Styled(self.null_style, AsciiText('null'))
247 |
248 | elif case(value_e.Bool):
249 | b = cast(value.Bool, val).b
250 | return self._Styled(self.bool_style,
251 | AsciiText('true' if b else 'false'))
252 |
253 | elif case(value_e.Int):
254 | i = cast(value.Int, val).i
255 | return self._Styled(self.int_style, AsciiText(mops.ToStr(i)))
256 |
257 | elif case(value_e.Float):
258 | f = cast(value.Float, val).f
259 | return self._Styled(self.float_style,
260 | AsciiText(FloatString(f)))
261 |
262 | elif case(value_e.Str):
263 | s = cast(value.Str, val).s
264 | return self._StringLiteral(s)
265 |
266 | elif case(value_e.Range):
267 | r = cast(value.Range, val)
268 | type_name = self._Styled(self.type_style,
269 | AsciiText(ValType(r)))
270 | mdocs = [
271 | AsciiText(str(r.lower)),
272 | AsciiText('..<'),
273 | AsciiText(str(r.upper))
274 | ]
275 | return self._SurroundedAndPrefixed('(', type_name, ' ',
276 | self._Join(mdocs, '', ' '),
277 | ')')
278 |
279 | elif case(value_e.List):
280 | vlist = cast(value.List, val)
281 | heap_id = j8.HeapValueId(vlist)
282 | if self.visiting.get(heap_id, False):
283 | return _Concat([
284 | AsciiText('['),
285 | self._Styled(self.cycle_style, AsciiText('...')),
286 | AsciiText(']')
287 | ])
288 | else:
289 | self.visiting[heap_id] = True
290 | result = self._YshList(vlist)
291 | self.visiting[heap_id] = False
292 | return result
293 |
294 | elif case(value_e.Dict):
295 | vdict = cast(value.Dict, val)
296 | heap_id = j8.HeapValueId(vdict)
297 | if self.visiting.get(heap_id, False):
298 | return _Concat([
299 | AsciiText('{'),
300 | self._Styled(self.cycle_style, AsciiText('...')),
301 | AsciiText('}')
302 | ])
303 | else:
304 | self.visiting[heap_id] = True
305 | result = self._YshDict(vdict)
306 | self.visiting[heap_id] = False
307 | return result
308 |
309 | elif case(value_e.SparseArray):
310 | sparse = cast(value.SparseArray, val)
311 | return self._SparseArray(sparse)
312 |
313 | elif case(value_e.BashArray):
314 | varray = cast(value.BashArray, val)
315 | return self._BashArray(varray)
316 |
317 | elif case(value_e.BashAssoc):
318 | vassoc = cast(value.BashAssoc, val)
319 | return self._BashAssoc(vassoc)
320 |
321 | elif case(value_e.Obj):
322 | vaobj = cast(Obj, val)
323 | heap_id = j8.HeapValueId(vaobj)
324 | if self.visiting.get(heap_id, False):
325 | return _Concat([
326 | AsciiText('('),
327 | self._Styled(self.cycle_style, AsciiText('...')),
328 | AsciiText(')')
329 | ])
330 | else:
331 | self.visiting[heap_id] = True
332 | result = self._Obj(vaobj)
333 | self.visiting[heap_id] = False
334 | return result
335 |
336 | # Bug fix: these types are GLOBAL singletons in C++. This means
337 | # they have no object ID, so j8.ValueIdString() will CRASH on them.
338 |
339 | elif case(value_e.Stdin, value_e.Interrupted):
340 | type_name = self._Styled(self.type_style,
341 | AsciiText(ValType(val)))
342 | return _Concat([AsciiText('<'), type_name, AsciiText('>')])
343 |
344 | else:
345 | type_name = self._Styled(self.type_style,
346 | AsciiText(ValType(val)))
347 | id_str = j8.ValueIdString(val)
348 | return _Concat(
349 | [AsciiText('<'), type_name,
350 | AsciiText(id_str + '>')])
351 |
352 |
353 | # vim: sw=4