1 | from __future__ import print_function
2 | """Generate ast module from specification
3 |
4 | This script generates the ast module from a simple specification,
5 | which makes it easy to accommodate changes in the grammar. This
6 | approach would be quite reasonable if the grammar changed often.
7 | Instead, it is rather complex to generate the appropriate code. And
8 | the Node interface has changed more often than the grammar.
9 | """
10 |
11 | import fileinput
12 | import re
13 | import sys
14 | from io import StringIO
15 |
16 | SPEC = "ast.txt"
17 | COMMA = ", "
18 |
19 | def load_boilerplate(file):
20 | f = open(file)
21 | buf = f.read()
22 | f.close()
23 | i = buf.find('### ''PROLOGUE')
24 | j = buf.find('### ''EPILOGUE')
25 | pro = buf[i+12:j].strip()
26 | epi = buf[j+12:].strip()
27 | return pro, epi
28 |
29 | def strip_default(arg):
30 | """Return the argname from an 'arg = default' string"""
31 | i = arg.find('=')
32 | if i == -1:
33 | return arg
34 | t = arg[:i].strip()
35 | return t
36 |
37 | P_NODE = 1
38 | P_OTHER = 2
39 | P_NESTED = 3
40 | P_NONE = 4
41 |
42 | class NodeInfo:
43 | """Each instance describes a specific AST node"""
44 | def __init__(self, name, args):
45 | self.name = name
46 | self.args = args.strip()
47 | self.argnames = self.get_argnames()
48 | self.argprops = self.get_argprops()
49 | self.nargs = len(self.argnames)
50 | self.init = []
51 |
52 | def get_argnames(self):
53 | if '(' in self.args:
54 | i = self.args.find('(')
55 | j = self.args.rfind(')')
56 | args = self.args[i+1:j]
57 | else:
58 | args = self.args
59 | return [strip_default(arg.strip())
60 | for arg in args.split(',') if arg]
61 |
62 | def get_argprops(self):
63 | """Each argument can have a property like '*' or '!'
64 |
65 | XXX This method modifies the argnames in place!
66 | """
67 | d = {}
68 | hardest_arg = P_NODE
69 | for i in range(len(self.argnames)):
70 | arg = self.argnames[i]
71 | if arg.endswith('*'):
72 | arg = self.argnames[i] = arg[:-1]
73 | d[arg] = P_OTHER
74 | hardest_arg = max(hardest_arg, P_OTHER)
75 | elif arg.endswith('!'):
76 | arg = self.argnames[i] = arg[:-1]
77 | d[arg] = P_NESTED
78 | hardest_arg = max(hardest_arg, P_NESTED)
79 | elif arg.endswith('&'):
80 | arg = self.argnames[i] = arg[:-1]
81 | d[arg] = P_NONE
82 | hardest_arg = max(hardest_arg, P_NONE)
83 | else:
84 | d[arg] = P_NODE
85 | self.hardest_arg = hardest_arg
86 |
87 | if hardest_arg > P_NODE:
88 | self.args = self.args.replace('*', '')
89 | self.args = self.args.replace('!', '')
90 | self.args = self.args.replace('&', '')
91 |
92 | return d
93 |
94 | def gen_source(self):
95 | buf = StringIO()
96 | print("class %s(Node):" % self.name, file=buf)
97 | self._gen_init(buf)
98 | print(file=buf)
99 | self._gen_getChildren(buf)
100 | print(file=buf)
101 | self._gen_getChildNodes(buf)
102 | print(file=buf)
103 | self._gen_repr(buf)
104 | buf.seek(0, 0)
105 | return buf.read()
106 |
107 | def _gen_init(self, buf):
108 | if self.args:
109 | argtuple = '(' in self.args
110 | args = self.args if not argtuple else ''.join(self.argnames)
111 | print(" def __init__(self, %s, lineno=None):" % args, file=buf)
112 | else:
113 | print(" def __init__(self, lineno=None):", file=buf)
114 | if self.argnames:
115 | if argtuple:
116 | for idx, name in enumerate(self.argnames):
117 | print(" self.%s = %s[%s]" % (name, args, idx), file=buf)
118 | else:
119 | for name in self.argnames:
120 | print(" self.%s = %s" % (name, name), file=buf)
121 | print(" self.lineno = lineno", file=buf)
122 | # Copy the lines in self.init, indented four spaces. The rstrip()
123 | # business is to get rid of the four spaces if line happens to be
124 | # empty, so that reindent.py is happy with the output.
125 | for line in self.init:
126 | print((" " + line).rstrip(), file=buf)
127 |
128 | def _gen_getChildren(self, buf):
129 | print(" def getChildren(self):", file=buf)
130 | if len(self.argnames) == 0:
131 | print(" return ()", file=buf)
132 | else:
133 | if self.hardest_arg < P_NESTED:
134 | clist = COMMA.join(["self.%s" % c
135 | for c in self.argnames])
136 | if self.nargs == 1:
137 | print(" return %s," % clist, file=buf)
138 | else:
139 | print(" return %s" % clist, file=buf)
140 | else:
141 | if len(self.argnames) == 1:
142 | print(" return tuple(flatten(self.%s))" % self.argnames[0], file=buf)
143 | else:
144 | print(" children = []", file=buf)
145 | template = " children.%s(%sself.%s%s)"
146 | for name in self.argnames:
147 | if self.argprops[name] == P_NESTED:
148 | print(template % ("extend", "flatten(",
149 | name, ")"), file=buf)
150 | else:
151 | print(template % ("append", "", name, ""), file=buf)
152 | print(" return tuple(children)", file=buf)
153 |
154 | def _gen_getChildNodes(self, buf):
155 | print(" def getChildNodes(self):", file=buf)
156 | if len(self.argnames) == 0:
157 | print(" return ()", file=buf)
158 | else:
159 | if self.hardest_arg < P_NESTED:
160 | clist = ["self.%s" % c
161 | for c in self.argnames
162 | if self.argprops[c] == P_NODE]
163 | if len(clist) == 0:
164 | print(" return ()", file=buf)
165 | elif len(clist) == 1:
166 | print(" return %s," % clist[0], file=buf)
167 | else:
168 | print(" return %s" % COMMA.join(clist), file=buf)
169 | else:
170 | print(" nodelist = []", file=buf)
171 | template = " nodelist.%s(%sself.%s%s)"
172 | for name in self.argnames:
173 | if self.argprops[name] == P_NONE:
174 | tmp = (" if self.%s is not None:\n"
175 | " nodelist.append(self.%s)")
176 | print(tmp % (name, name), file=buf)
177 | elif self.argprops[name] == P_NESTED:
178 | print(template % ("extend", "flatten_nodes(",
179 | name, ")"), file=buf)
180 | elif self.argprops[name] == P_NODE:
181 | print(template % ("append", "", name, ""), file=buf)
182 | print(" return tuple(nodelist)", file=buf)
183 |
184 | def _gen_repr(self, buf):
185 | print(" def __repr__(self):", file=buf)
186 | if self.argnames:
187 | fmt = COMMA.join(["%s"] * self.nargs)
188 | if '(' in self.args:
189 | fmt = '(%s)' % fmt
190 | vals = ["repr(self.%s)" % name for name in self.argnames]
191 | vals = COMMA.join(vals)
192 | if self.nargs == 1:
193 | vals = vals + ","
194 | print(' return "%s(%s)" %% (%s)' % \
195 | (self.name, fmt, vals), file=buf)
196 | else:
197 | print(' return "%s()"' % self.name, file=buf)
198 |
199 | rx_init = re.compile('init\((.*)\):')
200 |
201 | def parse_spec(file):
202 | classes = {}
203 | cur = None
204 | for line in fileinput.input(file):
205 | if line.strip().startswith('#'):
206 | continue
207 | mo = rx_init.search(line)
208 | if mo is None:
209 | if cur is None:
210 | # a normal entry
211 | try:
212 | name, args = line.split(':')
213 | except ValueError:
214 | continue
215 | classes[name] = NodeInfo(name, args)
216 | cur = None
217 | else:
218 | # some code for the __init__ method
219 | cur.init.append(line)
220 | else:
221 | # some extra code for a Node's __init__ method
222 | name = mo.group(1)
223 | cur = classes[name]
224 | return sorted(list(classes.values()), key=lambda n: n.name)
225 |
226 | def main():
227 | prologue, epilogue = load_boilerplate(sys.argv[-1])
228 | print(prologue)
229 | print()
230 | classes = parse_spec(SPEC)
231 | for info in classes:
232 | print(info.gen_source())
233 | print(epilogue)
234 |
235 | if __name__ == "__main__":
236 | main()
237 | sys.exit(0)
238 |
239 | ### PROLOGUE
240 | """Python abstract syntax node definitions
241 |
242 | This file is automatically generated by Tools/compiler/astgen.py
243 | """
244 | from consts import CO_VARARGS, CO_VARKEYWORDS
245 |
246 | def flatten(seq):
247 | l = []
248 | for elt in seq:
249 | t = type(elt)
250 | if t is tuple or t is list:
251 | for elt2 in flatten(elt):
252 | l.append(elt2)
253 | else:
254 | l.append(elt)
255 | return l
256 |
257 | def flatten_nodes(seq):
258 | return [n for n in flatten(seq) if isinstance(n, Node)]
259 |
260 | nodes = {}
261 |
262 | class Node:
263 | """Abstract base class for ast nodes."""
264 | def getChildren(self):
265 | pass # implemented by subclasses
266 | def __iter__(self):
267 | for n in self.getChildren():
268 | yield n
269 | def asList(self): # for backwards compatibility
270 | return self.getChildren()
271 | def getChildNodes(self):
272 | pass # implemented by subclasses
273 |
274 | class EmptyNode(Node):
275 | pass
276 |
277 | class Expression(Node):
278 | # Expression is an artificial node class to support "eval"
279 | nodes["expression"] = "Expression"
280 | def __init__(self, node):
281 | self.node = node
282 |
283 | def getChildren(self):
284 | return self.node,
285 |
286 | def getChildNodes(self):
287 | return self.node,
288 |
289 | def __repr__(self):
290 | return "Expression(%s)" % (repr(self.node))
291 |
292 | ### EPILOGUE
293 | for name, obj in list(globals().items()):
294 | if isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, Node):
295 | nodes[name.lower()] = obj