1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | from __future__ import print_function
3 | """wild_report.py."""
4 |
5 | import json
6 | import optparse
7 | import os
8 | import sys
9 |
10 | from vendor import jsontemplate
11 |
12 | # JSON Template Evaluation:
13 | #
14 | # - {.if}{.or} is confusing
15 | # I think there is even a bug with {.if}{.else}{.end} -- it accepts it but
16 | # doesn't do the right thing!
17 | # - {.if test} does work though, but it took me awhile to remember that or
18 | # - I forgot about {.link?} too
19 | # even find it in the source code. I don't like this separate predicate
20 | # language. Could just be PHP-ish I guess.
21 | # - Predicates are a little annoying.
22 | # - Lack of location information on undefined variables is annoying. It spews
23 | # a big stack trace.
24 | # - The styles thing seems awkward. Copied from srcbook.
25 | # - I don't have {total_secs|%.3f} , but the
26 | # LookupChain/DictRegistry/CallableRegistry thing is quite onerous.
27 | #
28 | # Good parts:
29 | # Just making one big dict is pretty nice.
30 |
31 | T = jsontemplate.Template
32 |
33 |
34 | def F(format_str):
35 | # {x|commas}
36 | if format_str == 'commas':
37 | return lambda n: '{:,}'.format(n)
38 |
39 | # {x|printf %.1f}
40 | if format_str.startswith('printf '):
41 | fmt = format_str[len('printf '):]
42 | return lambda value: fmt % value
43 |
44 | #'urlesc': urllib.quote_plus,
45 | return None
46 |
47 |
48 | def MakeHtmlGroup(title_str, body_str):
49 | """Make a group of templates that we can expand with a common style."""
50 | return {
51 | 'TITLE': T(title_str, default_formatter='html', more_formatters=F),
52 | 'BODY': T(body_str, default_formatter='html', more_formatters=F),
54 | }
55 |
56 |
57 | BODY_STYLE = jsontemplate.Template("""\
58 | <!DOCTYPE html>
59 | <html>
60 | <head>
61 | <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
62 | <title>{.template TITLE}</title>
63 |
64 | <script type="text/javascript" src="{base_url}../../web/ajax.js"></script>
65 | <script type="text/javascript" src="{base_url}../../web/table/table-sort.js"></script>
66 | <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{base_url}../../web/base.css" />
67 | <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{base_url}../../web/table/table-sort.css" />
68 | <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{base_url}../../web/wild.css" />
69 | </head>
70 |
71 | <body onload="initPage(gUrlHash, gTables, gTableStates, kStatusElem);"
72 | onhashchange="onHashChange(gUrlHash, gTableStates, kStatusElem);"
73 | class="width60">
74 | <p id="status"></p>
75 |
76 | <p style="text-align: right"><a href="/">oils.pub</a></p>
77 | <p>
78 | {.template NAV}
79 | </p>
80 |
81 | {.template BODY}
82 | </body>
83 |
84 | </html>
85 | """,
86 | default_formatter='html')
87 |
88 | # NOTE: {.link} {.or id?} {.or} {.end} doesn't work? That is annoying.
89 | NAV_TEMPLATE = jsontemplate.Template("""\
90 | {.section nav}
91 | <span id="nav">
92 | {.repeated section @}
93 | {.link?}
94 | <a href="{link|htmltag}">{anchor}</a>
95 | {.or}
96 | {anchor}
97 | {.end}
98 | {.alternates with}
99 | /
100 | {.end}
101 | </span>
102 | {.end}
103 | """,
104 | default_formatter='html')
105 |
107 |
108 | # <a href="{base_url}osh-to-oil.html#{rel_path|htmltag}/{name|htmltag}">view</a>
109 | PAGE_TEMPLATES['FAILED'] = MakeHtmlGroup(
110 | '{task}_failed', """\
111 | <h1>{failures|size} {task} failures</h1>
112 |
113 | {.repeated section failures}
114 | <a href="{base_url}osh-to-oil.html#{rel_path|htmltag}">{rel_path|html}</a>
115 | <pre>
116 | {stderr}
117 | </pre>
118 | {.end}
119 | """)
120 |
121 | # One is used for sort order. One is used for alignment.
122 | # type="string"
123 | # should we use the column css class as the sort order? Why not?
124 |
125 | # NOTES on columns:
126 | # - The col is used to COLOR the column when it's being sorted by
127 | # - But it can't be use to align text right. See
128 | # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1238115/using-text-align-center-in-colgroup
129 | # - type="number" is used in table-sort.js for the sort order.
130 | # - We use CSS classes on individual cells like <td class="name"> to align
131 | # columns. That seems to be the only way to do it?
132 |
133 | PAGE_TEMPLATES['LISTING'] = MakeHtmlGroup(
134 | 'WILD/{rel_path} - Parsing and Translating Shell Scripts with Oil', """\
135 |
136 | {.section subtree_stats}
137 | <div id="summary">
138 | <ul>
139 | {.parse_failed?}
140 | <li>
141 | Attempted to parse <b>{num_files|commas}</b> shell scripts totalling
142 | <b>{num_lines|commas}</b> lines.
143 | </li>
144 | {.not_shell?}
145 | <li>
146 | <b>{not_shell|commas}</b> files are known not to be shell.
147 | {.if test top_level_links}
148 | (<a href="not-shell.html">full list</a>)
149 | {.end}
150 | </li>
151 | {.end}
152 | {.not_osh?}
153 | <li>
154 | <b>{not_osh|commas}</b> files are known not to be OSH.
155 | {.if test top_level_links}
156 | (<a href="not-osh.html">full list</a>)
157 | {.end}
158 | </li>
159 | {.end}
160 | <li>
161 | Failed to parse <b>{parse_failed|commas}</b> scripts, leaving
162 | <b>{lines_parsed|commas}</b> lines parsed in <b>{parse_proc_secs|printf %.1f}</b>
163 | seconds (<b>{lines_per_sec|printf %.1f}</b> lines/sec).
164 | {.if test top_level_links}
165 | (<a href="parse-failed.html">all failures</a>,
166 | <a href="parse-failed.txt">text</a>)
167 | {.end}
168 | </li>
169 | {.or}
170 | <li>
171 | Successfully parsed <b>{num_files|commas}</b> shell scripts totalling
172 | <b>{num_lines|commas}</b> lines
173 | in <b>{parse_proc_secs|printf %.1f}</b> seconds
174 | (<b>{lines_per_sec|printf %.1f}</b> lines/sec).
175 | </li>
176 | {.end}
177 |
178 | <li>
179 | <b>{osh2oil_failed|commas}</b> OSH-to-Oil translations failed.
180 | {.if test top_level_links}
181 | (<a href="osh2oil-failed.html">all failures</a>,
182 | <a href="osh2oil-failed.txt">text</a>)
183 | {.end}
184 | </li>
185 | </ul>
186 | </div>
187 |
188 | <p></p>
189 | {.end}
190 |
191 |
192 | {.section dirs}
193 | <table id="dirs">
194 | <colgroup> <!-- for table-sort.js -->
195 | <col type="number">
196 | <col type="number">
197 | <col type="number">
198 | <col type="number">
199 | <col type="number">
200 | <col type="number">
201 | <col type="number">
202 | <col type="case-insensitive">
203 | </colgroup>
204 | <thead>
205 | <tr>
206 | <td>Files</td>
207 | <td>Max Lines</td>
208 | <td>Total Lines</td>
209 | <!-- <td>Lines Parsed</td> -->
210 | <td>Parse Failures</td>
211 | <td>Max Parse Time (secs)</td>
212 | <td>Total Parse Time (secs)</td>
213 | <td>Translation Failures</td>
214 | <td class="name">Directory</td>
215 | </tr>
216 | </thead>
217 | <tbody>
218 | {.repeated section @}
219 | <tr>
220 | <td>{num_files|commas}</td>
221 | <td>{max_lines|commas}</td>
222 | <td>{num_lines|commas}</td>
223 | <!-- <td>{lines_parsed|commas}</td> -->
224 | {.parse_failed?}
225 | <td class="fail">{parse_failed|commas}</td>
226 | {.or}
227 | <td class="ok">{parse_failed|commas}</td>
228 | {.end}
229 | <td>{max_parse_secs|printf %.2f}</td>
230 | <td>{parse_proc_secs|printf %.2f}</td>
231 |
232 | {.osh2oil_failed?}
233 | <!-- <td class="fail">{osh2oil_failed|commas}</td> -->
234 | <td>{osh2oil_failed|commas}</td>
235 | {.or}
236 | <!-- <td class="ok">{osh2oil_failed|commas}</td> -->
237 | <td>{osh2oil_failed|commas}</td>
238 | {.end}
239 |
240 | <td class="name">
241 | <a href="{name|htmltag}/index.html">{name|html}/</a>
242 | </td>
243 | </tr>
244 | {.end}
245 | </tbody>
246 | </table>
247 | {.end}
248 |
249 | <p>
250 | </p>
251 |
252 | {.section files}
253 | <table id="files">
254 | <colgroup> <!-- for table-sort.js -->
255 | <col type="case-insensitive">
256 | <col type="number">
257 | <col type="case-insensitive">
258 | <col type="number">
259 | <col type="case-insensitive">
260 | <col type="case-insensitive">
261 | </colgroup>
262 | <thead>
263 | <tr>
264 | <td>Side By Side</td>
265 | <td>Lines</td>
266 | <td>Parsed?</td>
267 | <td>Parse Process Time (secs)</td>
268 | <td>Translated?</td>
269 | <td class="name">Filename</td>
270 | </tr>
271 | </thead>
272 | <tbody>
273 | {.repeated section @}
274 | <tr>
275 | <td>
276 | <a href="{base_url}osh-to-oil.html#{rel_path|htmltag}/{name|htmltag}">view</a>
277 | </td>
278 | <td>{num_lines|commas}</td>
279 | <td>
280 | {.parse_failed?}
281 | <a class="fail" href="#stderr_parse_{name}">FAIL</a>
282 | <td>{parse_proc_secs}</td>
283 | {.or}
284 | <span class="ok">OK</span>
285 | <td>{parse_proc_secs}</td>
286 | {.end}
287 | </td>
288 |
289 | <td>
290 | {.osh2oil_failed?}
291 | <a class="fail" href="#stderr_osh2oil_{name}">FAIL</a>
292 | {.or}
293 | <a class="ok" href="{name}__ysh.txt">OK</a>
294 | {.end}
295 | </td>
296 | <td class="name">
297 | <a href="{name|htmltag}.txt">{name|html}</a>
298 | </td>
299 | </tr>
300 | {.end}
301 | </tbody>
302 | </table>
303 | {.end}
304 |
305 | {.if test empty}
306 | <i>(empty dir)</i>
307 | {.end}
308 |
309 | {.section stderr}
310 | <h2>stderr</h2>
311 |
312 | <table id="stderr">
313 |
314 | {.repeated section @}
315 | <tr>
316 | <td>
317 | <a name="stderr_{action}_{name|htmltag}"></a>
318 | {.if test parsing}
319 | Parsing {name|html}
320 | {.or}
321 | Translating {name|html}
322 | {.end}
323 | </td>
324 | <td>
325 | <pre>
326 | {contents|html}
327 | </pre>
328 | </td>
329 | </tr>
330 | {.end}
331 |
332 | </table>
333 | {.end}
334 |
335 | {.if test top_level_links}
336 | <a href="version-info.txt">Date and OSH version<a>
337 | {.end}
338 |
339 | <!-- page globals -->
340 | <script type="text/javascript">
341 | var gUrlHash = new UrlHash(location.hash);
342 | var gTableStates = {};
343 | var kStatusElem = document.getElementById('status');
344 |
345 | var gTables = [];
346 | var e1 = document.getElementById('dirs');
347 | var e2 = document.getElementById('files');
348 |
349 | // If no hash, "redirect" to a state where we sort ascending by dir name and
350 | // filename. TODO: These column numbers are a bit fragile.
351 | var params = [];
352 | if (e1) {
353 | gTables.push(e1);
354 | params.push('t:dirs=8a');
355 | }
356 | if (e2) {
357 | gTables.push(e2);
358 | params.push('t:files=7a');
359 | }
360 |
361 | function initPage(urlHash, gTables, tableStates, statusElem) {
362 | makeTablesSortable(urlHash, gTables, tableStates);
363 | /* Disable for now, this seems odd? Think about mutability of gUrlHash.
364 | if (location.hash === '') {
365 | document.location = '#' + params.join('&');
366 | gUrlHash = new UrlHash(location.hash);
367 | }
368 | */
369 | updateTables(urlHash, tableStates, statusElem);
370 | }
371 |
372 | function onHashChange(urlHash, tableStates, statusElem) {
373 | updateTables(urlHash, tableStates, statusElem);
374 | }
375 | </script>
376 | """)
377 |
378 |
379 | def log(msg, *args):
380 | if msg:
381 | msg = msg % args
382 | print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
383 |
384 |
385 | class DirNode:
386 | """Entry in the file system tree."""
387 |
388 | def __init__(self):
389 | self.files = {} # filename -> stats for success/failure, time, etc.
390 | self.dirs = {} # subdir name -> DirNode object
391 |
392 | self.subtree_stats = {} # name -> value
393 |
394 | # show all the non-empty stderr here?
395 | # __osh2oil.stderr.txt
396 | # __parse.stderr.txt
397 | self.stderr = []
398 |
399 |
400 | def UpdateNodes(node, path_parts, file_stats):
401 | """Create a file node and update the stats of all its descendants in the FS
402 | tree."""
403 | first = path_parts[0]
404 | rest = path_parts[1:]
405 |
406 | for name, value in file_stats.iteritems():
407 | # Sum numerical properties, but not strings
408 | if isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float):
409 | if name in node.subtree_stats:
410 | node.subtree_stats[name] += value
411 | else:
412 | # NOTE: Could be int or float!!!
413 | node.subtree_stats[name] = value
414 |
415 | # Calculate maximums
416 | m = node.subtree_stats.get('max_parse_secs', 0.0)
417 | node.subtree_stats['max_parse_secs'] = max(m,
418 | file_stats['parse_proc_secs'])
419 |
420 | m = node.subtree_stats.get('max_lines', 0) # integer
421 | node.subtree_stats['max_lines'] = max(m, file_stats['num_lines'])
422 |
423 | if rest: # update an intermediate node
424 | if first in node.dirs:
425 | child = node.dirs[first]
426 | else:
427 | child = DirNode()
428 | node.dirs[first] = child
429 |
430 | UpdateNodes(child, rest, file_stats)
431 | else:
432 | # TODO: Put these in different sections? Or least one below the other?
433 |
434 | # Include stderr if non-empty, or if FAILED
435 | parse_stderr = file_stats.pop('parse_stderr')
436 | if parse_stderr or file_stats['parse_failed']:
437 | node.stderr.append({
438 | 'parsing': True,
439 | 'action': 'parse',
440 | 'name': first,
441 | 'contents': parse_stderr,
442 | })
443 | osh2oil_stderr = file_stats.pop('osh2oil_stderr')
444 |
445 | # TODO: Could disable this with a flag to concentrate on parse errors.
446 | # Or just show parse errors all in one file.
447 | if 1:
448 | if osh2oil_stderr or file_stats['osh2oil_failed']:
449 | node.stderr.append({
450 | 'parsing': False,
451 | 'action': 'osh2oil',
452 | 'name': first,
453 | 'contents': osh2oil_stderr,
454 | })
455 |
456 | # Attach to this dir
457 | node.files[first] = file_stats
458 |
459 |
460 | def DebugPrint(node, indent=0):
461 | """Debug print."""
462 | ind = indent * ' '
463 | #print('FILES', node.files.keys())
464 | for name in node.files:
465 | print('%s%s - %s' % (ind, name, node.files[name]))
466 | for name, child in node.dirs.iteritems():
467 | print('%s%s/ - %s' % (ind, name, child.subtree_stats))
468 | DebugPrint(child, indent=indent + 1)
469 |
470 |
471 | def WriteJsonFiles(node, out_dir):
472 | """Write a index.json file for every directory."""
473 | path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'index.json')
474 | with open(path, 'w') as f:
475 | raise AssertionError # fix dir_totals
476 | d = {'files': node.files, 'dirs': node.dir_totals}
477 | json.dump(d, f)
478 |
479 | log('Wrote %s', path)
480 |
481 | for name, child in node.dirs.iteritems():
482 | WriteJsonFiles(child, os.path.join(out_dir, name))
483 |
484 |
485 | def MakeNav(rel_path, root_name='WILD', offset=0):
486 | """
487 | Args:
488 | offset: for doctools/src_tree.py to render files
489 | """
490 | assert not rel_path.startswith('/'), rel_path
491 | assert not rel_path.endswith('/'), rel_path
492 | # Get rid of ['']
493 | parts = [root_name] + [p for p in rel_path.split('/') if p]
494 | data = []
495 | n = len(parts)
496 | for i, p in enumerate(parts):
497 | if i == n - 1:
498 | link = None # Current page shouldn't have link
499 | else:
500 | # files need to link to .
501 | link = '../' * (n - 1 - i + offset) + 'index.html'
502 | data.append({'anchor': p, 'link': link})
503 | return data
504 |
505 |
506 | def _Lower(s):
507 | return s.lower()
508 |
509 |
510 | def WriteHtmlFiles(node, out_dir, rel_path='', base_url=''):
511 | """Write a index.html file for every directory.
512 |
513 | NOTE:
514 | - osh-to-oil.html lives at $base_url
515 | - table-sort.js lives at $base_url/../table-sort.js
516 |
517 | wild/
518 | table-sort.js
519 | table-sort.css
520 | www/
521 | index.html
522 | osh-to-oil.html
523 |
524 | wild/
525 | table-sort.js
526 | table-sort.css
527 | wild.wwz/ # Zip file
528 | index.html
529 | osh-to-oil.html
530 |
531 | wwz latency is subject to caching headers.
532 | """
533 | files = []
534 | for name in sorted(node.files, key=_Lower):
535 | stats = node.files[name]
536 | entry = dict(stats)
537 | entry['name'] = name
538 | # TODO: This should be internal time
539 | entry[
540 | 'lines_per_sec'] = entry['lines_parsed'] / entry['parse_proc_secs']
541 | files.append(entry)
542 |
543 | dirs = []
544 | for name in sorted(node.dirs, key=_Lower):
545 | entry = dict(node.dirs[name].subtree_stats)
546 | entry['name'] = name
547 | # TODO: This should be internal time
548 | entry[
549 | 'lines_per_sec'] = entry['lines_parsed'] / entry['parse_proc_secs']
550 | dirs.append(entry)
551 |
552 | # TODO: Is there a way to make this less redundant?
553 | st = node.subtree_stats
554 | try:
555 | st['lines_per_sec'] = st['lines_parsed'] / st['parse_proc_secs']
556 | except KeyError:
557 | # This usually there were ZERO files.
558 | print(node, st, repr(rel_path), file=sys.stderr)
559 | raise
560 |
561 | data = {
562 | 'rel_path': rel_path,
563 | 'subtree_stats': node.subtree_stats, # redundant totals
564 | 'files': files,
565 | 'dirs': dirs,
566 | 'base_url': base_url,
567 | 'stderr': node.stderr,
568 | 'nav': MakeNav(rel_path),
569 | }
570 | # Hack to add links for top level page:
571 | if rel_path == '':
572 | data['top_level_links'] = True
573 |
575 | body = BODY_STYLE.expand(data, group=group)
576 |
577 | path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'index.html')
578 | with open(path, 'w') as f:
579 | f.write(body)
580 |
581 | log('Wrote %s', path)
582 |
583 | # Recursive
584 | for name, child in node.dirs.iteritems():
585 | child_out = os.path.join(out_dir, name)
586 | child_rel = os.path.join(rel_path, name)
587 | child_base = base_url + '../'
588 | WriteHtmlFiles(child,
589 | child_out,
590 | rel_path=child_rel,
591 | base_url=child_base)
592 |
593 |
594 | def _ReadTaskFile(path):
595 | """Parses the a file that looks like '0 0.11', for the status code and
596 | timing.
597 |
598 | This is output by test/common.sh run-task-with-status.
599 | """
600 | try:
601 | with open(path) as f:
602 | parts = f.read().split()
603 | status, secs = parts
604 | except ValueError as e:
605 | log('ERROR reading %s: %s', path, e)
606 | raise
607 | # Turn it into pass/fail
608 | num_failed = 1 if int(status) >= 1 else 0
609 | return num_failed, float(secs)
610 |
611 |
612 | def _ReadLinesToSet(path):
613 | """Read blacklist files like not-shell.txt and not-osh.txt.
614 |
615 | TODO: Consider adding globs here? There are a lot of FreeBSD and illumos
616 | files we want to get rid of.
617 |
618 | Or we could probably do that in the original 'find' expression.
619 | """
620 | result = set()
621 | if not path:
622 | return result
623 |
624 | with open(path) as f:
625 | for line in f:
626 | # Allow comments. We assume filenames don't have #
627 | i = line.find('#')
628 | if i != -1:
629 | line = line[:i]
630 |
631 | line = line.strip()
632 | if not line: # Lines that are blank or only comments.
633 | continue
634 |
635 | result.add(line)
636 |
637 | return result
638 |
639 |
640 | def SumStats(stdin, in_dir, not_shell, not_osh, root_node, failures):
641 | """Reads pairs of paths from stdin, and updates root_node."""
642 | # Collect work into dirs
643 | for line in stdin:
644 | rel_path, abs_path = line.split()
645 | #print proj, '-', abs_path, '-', rel_path
646 |
647 | raw_base = os.path.join(in_dir, rel_path)
648 | st = {}
649 |
650 | st['not_shell'] = 1 if rel_path in not_shell else 0
651 | st['not_osh'] = 1 if rel_path in not_osh else 0
652 | if st['not_shell'] and st['not_osh']:
653 | raise RuntimeError(
654 | "%r can't be in both not-shell.txt and not-osh.txt" % rel_path)
655 |
656 | expected_failure = bool(st['not_shell'] or st['not_osh'])
657 |
658 | parse_task_path = raw_base + '__parse.task.txt'
659 | parse_failed, st['parse_proc_secs'] = _ReadTaskFile(parse_task_path)
660 | st['parse_failed'] = 0 if expected_failure else parse_failed
661 |
662 | with open(raw_base + '__parse.stderr.txt') as f:
663 | st['parse_stderr'] = f.read()
664 |
665 | if st['not_shell']:
666 | failures.not_shell.append({
667 | 'rel_path': rel_path,
668 | 'stderr': st['parse_stderr']
669 | })
670 | if st['not_osh']:
671 | failures.not_osh.append({
672 | 'rel_path': rel_path,
673 | 'stderr': st['parse_stderr']
674 | })
675 | if st['parse_failed']:
676 | failures.parse_failed.append({
677 | 'rel_path': rel_path,
678 | 'stderr': st['parse_stderr']
679 | })
680 |
681 | osh2oil_task_path = raw_base + '__ysh-ify.task.txt'
682 | osh2oil_failed, st['osh2oil_proc_secs'] = _ReadTaskFile(
683 | osh2oil_task_path)
684 |
685 | # Only count translation failures if the parse succeeded!
686 | st['osh2oil_failed'] = osh2oil_failed if not parse_failed else 0
687 |
688 | with open(raw_base + '__ysh-ify.stderr.txt') as f:
689 | st['osh2oil_stderr'] = f.read()
690 |
691 | if st['osh2oil_failed']:
692 | failures.osh2oil_failed.append({
693 | 'rel_path': rel_path,
694 | 'stderr': st['osh2oil_stderr']
695 | })
696 |
697 | wc_path = raw_base + '__wc.txt'
698 | with open(wc_path) as f:
699 | st['num_lines'] = int(f.read().split()[0])
700 | # For lines per second calculation
701 | st['lines_parsed'] = 0 if st['parse_failed'] else st['num_lines']
702 |
703 | st['num_files'] = 1
704 |
705 | path_parts = rel_path.split('/')
706 | #print path_parts
707 | UpdateNodes(root_node, path_parts, st)
708 |
709 |
710 | class Failures(object):
711 | """Simple object that gets transformed to HTML and text."""
712 |
713 | def __init__(self):
714 | self.parse_failed = []
715 | self.osh2oil_failed = []
716 | self.not_shell = []
717 | self.not_osh = []
718 |
719 | def Write(self, out_dir):
720 | with open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'parse-failed.txt'), 'w') as f:
721 | for failure in self.parse_failed:
722 | print(failure['rel_path'], file=f)
723 |
724 | with open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'osh2oil-failed.txt'), 'w') as f:
725 | for failure in self.osh2oil_failed:
726 | print(failure['rel_path'], file=f)
727 |
728 | base_url = ''
729 |
730 | with open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'not-shell.html'), 'w') as f:
731 | data = {
732 | 'task': 'not-shell',
733 | 'failures': self.not_shell,
734 | 'base_url': base_url
735 | }
736 | body = BODY_STYLE.expand(data, group=PAGE_TEMPLATES['FAILED'])
737 | f.write(body)
738 |
739 | with open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'not-osh.html'), 'w') as f:
740 | data = {
741 | 'task': 'not-osh',
742 | 'failures': self.not_osh,
743 | 'base_url': base_url
744 | }
745 | body = BODY_STYLE.expand(data, group=PAGE_TEMPLATES['FAILED'])
746 | f.write(body)
747 |
748 | with open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'parse-failed.html'), 'w') as f:
749 | data = {
750 | 'task': 'parse',
751 | 'failures': self.parse_failed,
752 | 'base_url': base_url
753 | }
754 | body = BODY_STYLE.expand(data, group=PAGE_TEMPLATES['FAILED'])
755 | f.write(body)
756 |
757 | with open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'osh2oil-failed.html'), 'w') as f:
758 | data = {
759 | 'task': 'osh2oil',
760 | 'failures': self.osh2oil_failed,
761 | 'base_url': base_url
762 | }
763 | body = BODY_STYLE.expand(data, group=PAGE_TEMPLATES['FAILED'])
764 | f.write(body)
765 |
766 |
767 | def Options():
768 | """Returns an option parser instance."""
769 | p = optparse.OptionParser('wild_report.py [options] ACTION...')
770 | p.add_option('-v',
771 | '--verbose',
772 | dest='verbose',
773 | action='store_true',
774 | default=False,
775 | help='Show details about test execution')
776 | p.add_option(
777 | '--not-shell',
778 | default=None,
779 | help="A file that contains a list of files that are known to be invalid "
780 | "shell")
781 | p.add_option(
782 | '--not-osh',
783 | default=None,
784 | help="A file that contains a list of files that are known to be invalid "
785 | "under the OSH language.")
786 | return p
787 |
788 |
789 | def main(argv):
790 | o = Options()
791 | (opts, argv) = o.parse_args(argv)
792 |
793 | action = argv[1]
794 |
795 | if action == 'summarize-dirs':
796 | in_dir = argv[2]
797 | out_dir = argv[3]
798 |
799 | not_shell = _ReadLinesToSet(opts.not_shell)
800 | not_osh = _ReadLinesToSet(opts.not_osh)
801 |
802 | # lines and size, oops
803 |
804 | # TODO: Need read the manifest instead, and then go by dirname() I guess
805 | # I guess it is a BFS so you can just assume?
806 | # os.path.dirname() on the full path?
807 | # Or maybe you need the output files?
808 |
809 | root_node = DirNode()
810 | failures = Failures()
811 | SumStats(sys.stdin, in_dir, not_shell, not_osh, root_node, failures)
812 |
813 | failures.Write(out_dir)
814 |
815 | # Debug print
816 | #DebugPrint(root_node)
817 | #WriteJsonFiles(root_node, out_dir)
818 |
819 | WriteHtmlFiles(root_node, out_dir)
820 |
821 | else:
822 | raise RuntimeError('Invalid action %r' % action)
823 |
824 |
825 | if __name__ == '__main__':
826 | try:
827 | main(sys.argv)
828 | except RuntimeError as e:
829 | print('FATAL: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr)
830 | sys.exit(1)
831 |
832 | # vim: sw=2