1 |
2 | ## oils_failures_allowed: 14
3 | ## compare_shells: bash
4 |
5 | #### Don't glob flags on file system with GLOBIGNORE
6 | # This is a bash-specific extension.
7 | expr $0 : '.*/osh$' >/dev/null && exit 99 # disabled until cd implemented
8 | touch _tmp/-n _tmp/zzzzz
9 | cd _tmp # this fail in osh
10 | GLOBIGNORE=-*:zzzzz # colon-separated pattern list
11 | echo -* hello zzzz?
12 | ## stdout-json: "-* hello zzzz?\n"
13 | ## N-I dash/mksh/ash stdout-json: "hello zzzzz"
14 | ## status: 0
15 |
16 | #### basic star case -> ignore files with txt extension
17 | touch {basic.md,basic.txt}
18 | GLOBIGNORE=*.txt
19 | echo *.*
20 | ## STDOUT:
21 | basic.md
22 | ## END
23 |
24 | #### basic question mark case -> ignore txt files with one char filename
25 | touch {1.txt,10.txt}
26 | GLOBIGNORE=?.txt
27 | echo *.*
28 | ## STDOUT:
29 | 10.txt
30 | ## END
31 |
32 | #### multiple patterns -> ignore files with o or h extensions
33 | touch {hello.c,hello.h,hello.o,hello}
34 | GLOBIGNORE=*.o:*.h
35 | echo hello*
36 | ## STDOUT:
37 | hello hello.c
38 | ## END
39 |
40 | #### ignore specific file
41 | mkdir src
42 | touch src/{__init__.py,__main__.py}
43 | GLOBIGNORE='src/__init__.py'
44 | echo src/*
45 | ## STDOUT:
46 | src/__main__.py
47 | ## END
48 |
49 | #### ignore contents of specific directories
50 | mkdir {src,compose,dist,node_modules}
51 | touch src/{a.js,b.js}
52 | touch compose/{base.compose.yaml,dev.compose.yaml}
53 | touch dist/index.js
54 | touch node_modules/package.js
55 | GLOBIGNORE=dist/*:node_modules/*
56 | echo */*
57 | ## STDOUT:
58 | compose/base.compose.yaml compose/dev.compose.yaml src/a.js src/b.js
59 | ## END
60 |
61 | #### find files in subdirectory but not the ignored pattern
62 | mkdir {dir1,dir2}
63 | touch dir1/{a.txt,ignore.txt}
64 | touch dir2/{a.txt,ignore.txt}
65 | GLOBIGNORE=*/ignore*
66 | echo */*
67 | ## STDOUT:
68 | dir1/a.txt dir2/a.txt
69 | ## END
70 |
71 | #### basic range cases
72 | rm -rf _tmp
73 | touch {a,b,c,d,A,B,C,D}
74 | GLOBIGNORE=*[ab]*
75 | echo *
77 | echo *
78 | GLOBIGNORE=*[!ab]*
79 | echo *
80 | ## STDOUT:
81 | A B C D c d
82 | D a b c d
83 | a b
84 | ## END
85 |
86 | #### range cases using character classes
87 | touch {_testing.py,pyproject.toml,20231114.log,.env}
88 | touch 'has space.docx'
89 | GLOBIGNORE=[[:alnum:]]*
90 | echo *.*
91 | GLOBIGNORE=[![:alnum:]]*
92 | echo *.*
93 | GLOBIGNORE=*[[:space:]]*
94 | echo *.*
95 | GLOBIGNORE=[[:digit:]_.]*
96 | echo *.*
97 | ## STDOUT:
98 | .env _testing.py
99 | 20231114.log has space.docx pyproject.toml
100 | .env 20231114.log _testing.py pyproject.toml
101 | has space.docx pyproject.toml
102 | ## END
103 |
104 | #### ignore everything
105 | # This pattern appears in public repositories
106 | touch {1.txt,2.log,3.md}
108 | echo *
109 | ## STDOUT:
110 | *
111 | ## END
112 |
113 | #### treat escaped patterns literally
114 | touch {escape-10.txt,escape*.txt}
115 | GLOBIGNORE="escape\*.txt"
116 | echo *.*
117 | ## STDOUT:
118 | escape-10.txt
119 | ## END
120 |
121 | #### resetting globignore reverts to default behaviour
122 | touch reset.txt
123 | GLOBIGNORE=*.txt
124 | echo *.*
126 | echo *.*
127 | ## STDOUT:
128 | *.*
129 | reset.txt
130 | ## END
131 |
132 | #### find dotfiles while ignoring . or ..
133 | # globskipdots is enabled by default in bash >=5.2
134 | # for bash <5.2 this pattern is a common way to match dotfiles but not . or ..
135 | shopt -u globskipdots
136 | touch .env
137 | GLOBIGNORE=.:..
138 | echo .*
140 | echo .* | sort
141 | ## STDOUT:
142 | .env
143 | . .. .env
144 | ## END
145 |
146 | #### different styles
147 | # each style of "ignore everything" spotted in a public repo
148 | touch image.jpeg
150 | echo *
151 | GLOBIGNORE='*'
152 | echo *
153 | GLOBIGNORE="*"
154 | echo *
156 | echo *
157 | ## STDOUT:
158 | *
159 | *
160 | *
161 | *
162 | ## END