1 | ---
2 | in_progress: yes
3 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
4 | body_css_class: width50
5 | ---
6 |
7 | Tables, Object, and Documents - Notation, Query, Creation, Schema
8 | =============================
9 |
10 | <style>
11 | thead {
12 | background-color: #eee;
13 | font-weight: bold;
14 | text-align: left;
15 | }
16 | table {
17 | font-family: sans-serif;
18 | border-collapse: collapse;
19 | }
20 |
21 | tr {
22 | border-bottom: solid 1px;
23 | border-color: #ddd;
24 | }
25 |
26 | td {
27 | padding: 8px; /* override default of 5px */
28 | }
29 | </style>
30 |
31 | This is part of **maximal** YSH!
32 |
33 | <div id="toc">
34 | </div>
35 |
36 | ## Tables
37 |
38 |
39 | <table>
40 |
41 | - thead
42 | - Data Type
43 | - Notation
44 | - Query
45 | - Creation
46 | - Schema
47 | - tr
48 | - Table
49 | - TSV, CSV
50 | - csvkit, xsv, awk-ish, etc. <br/>
51 | SQL, Data Frames
52 | - ?
53 | - ?
54 | - tr
55 | - Object
56 | - JSON
57 | - jq <br/>
58 | JSONPath: MySQL/Postgres/sqlite support it?
59 | - jq
60 | - JSON Schema
61 | - tr
62 | - Document
63 | - HTML5, XML
64 | - DOM API like getElementById() <br/>
65 | CSS selectors <br/>
66 | XPath?
67 | - JSX Templates
68 | - XML Schema?
69 |
70 | <!-- TODO: ul-table should allow caption at the top -->
71 | <caption>Existing</caption>
72 |
73 | </table>
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 | <table>
78 |
79 | - thead
80 | - Data Type
81 | - Notation
82 | - Query
83 | - Creation
84 | - Schema
85 | - In-Memory
86 | - tr
87 | - Table
88 | - TSV8 (is valid TSV)
89 | - dplyr-like Data Frames <br/>
90 | Maybe some SQL-pipe subset thing?
91 | - `table { }`
92 | - ?
93 | - By column: dict of "arrays" <br/>
94 | By row: list of dicts <br/>
95 | - tr
96 | - Object
97 | - JSON8 (superset)
98 | - JSONPath? <br/>
99 | jq as a reshaping language
100 | - Hay? `Package { }`
101 | - JSON Schema?
102 | - List and Dict
103 | - tr
104 | - Document
105 | - HTM8 (subset)
106 | - CSS selectors
107 | - Markaby Style `div { }` <br/>
108 | "sed" style
109 | - ?
110 | - DocFrag - a span within a doc<br/>
111 | DocTree - an Obj representation<br/>
112 | ?
113 |
114 | <caption>Oils</caption>
115 |
116 | </table>
117 |
118 | ## Note: SQL Databases Support all three models!
119 |
120 | - sqlite, MySQL, and PostGres obviously have tables
121 | - They all have JSON and JSONPath support!
122 | - JSONPath syntax might differ a bit?
123 | - XML support
124 | - Postgres: XML type, XPath, more
125 | - MySQL: XML extraction functions only
126 | - sqlite: none
127 |
128 | ## Related
129 |
130 | - [stream-table-process.html](stream-table-process.html)
131 | - [ysh-doc-processing.html](ysh-doc-processing.html)