121 passed, 3 OK, 3 not implemented, 1 BUG, 0 failed, 0 timeouts, 2 cases skipped
dash | 0 Here string stdout: stderr: dash: 1: Syntax error: redirection unexpected |
dash | 1 Here string with $ stdout: stderr: dash: 1: Syntax error: redirection unexpected |
osh | 5 Here doc with bad var delimiter stdout: stderr: cat <<${a} ^~ [ stdin ]:1: Invalid here doc delimiter |
bash | 6 Here doc with bad comsub delimiter stdout: herestderr: |
mksh | 6 Here doc with bad comsub delimiter stdout: stderr: mksh: <stdin>[1]: syntax error: '(' unexpected |
mksh | 15 Here doc with line continuation, then pipe. Syntax error. stdout: stderr: mksh: <stdin>[5]: cat: 1: No such file or directory mksh: <stdin>[6]: syntax error: '|' unexpected |
dash | 29 Here doc within subshell with boolean stdout: 127stderr: dash: 1: [[: not found |