#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2004 Feuz Stefan. # Copyright 2007 Adam Tkac. # This file is part of mtools. # # Mtools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mtools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mtools. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # amuFormat.sh Formats various types and sizes of PC-Cards, according to the # AMU-specification # # parameters: $1: Card Type: The Card Type is written as disk/volume-label # to the boot-record # The string should have a length of max. 11 characters. # # $2: Drive character (b:, c:) # # 10-12-2003 lct created # setvar vers = '1.4' #echo "debug: $0,$1,$2,$3,$4" # # main() # if test $Argc -ne 2 { echo "Usage: amuFormat.sh <Card Type> <drive>" >&2 echo "<Card Type> has to be defined in amuFormat.sh itself" >&2 echo "<drive> has to be defined in mtools.conf" >&2 exit 1 } echo "amuFormat $vers started..." setvar drive = "$2" case (1) { 8MBCARD-FW { ## using the f: or g: drive for fat12 formatting... ## see mtools.conf file... case (2) { [bB]: { setvar drive = ""f:"" } [cC]: { setvar drive = ""g:"" } * { echo "Drive $2 not supported."; exit 1 } } setvar cylinders = '245', heads = '2', cluster_size = '8' } 32MBCARD-FW { #from amu_toolkit_0_6: #mformat -t489 -h4 -c4 -n32 -H32 -r32 -vPC-CARD -M512 -N0000 c: setvar cylinders = '489', heads = '4', cluster_size = '4' } 64MBCARD-FW { echo "***** WARNING: untested on AvHMU, exiting *****" exit 1 setvar cylinders = '245', heads = '2', cluster_size = '8' } 1GBCARD-FW { # from amu_toolkit_0_6: #mformat -t2327 -h16 -c64 -n63 -H63 -r32 -v AMU-CARD -M512 -N 0000 c: echo "***** WARNING: untested on AvHMU *****" setvar cylinders = '2327', heads = '16', cluster_size = '64' } 64MBCARDSAN { # from amu_toolkit_0_6: #mformat -t489 -h8 -c4 -n32 -H32 -r32 -v AMU-CARD -M512 -N 0000 c: setvar cylinders = '489', heads = '8', cluster_size = '4' } # # insert new cards here... # * { echo "Card not supported." exit 1 } } echo "Formatting card in slot $2 as $1" ## initialise partition table mpartition -I $drive # write a partition table mpartition -c -t$cylinders -h$heads -s32 -b32 $drive ## write boot-record, two FATs and a root-directory mformat -c$cluster_size -v $1 $drive minfo $2 mdir $2 echo "done."