1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | from __future__ import print_function
3 |
4 | import unittest
5 |
6 | from lazylex import html # module under test log = html.log
7 |
8 | log = html.log
9 |
10 | with open('lazylex/testdata.html') as f:
11 | TEST_HTML = f.read()
12 |
13 |
14 | def _MakeTagLexer(s):
15 | lex = html.TagLexer(s)
16 | lex.Reset(0, len(s))
17 | return lex
18 |
19 |
20 | def _PrintTokens(lex):
21 | log('')
22 | log('tag = %r', lex.TagName())
23 | for tok, start, end in lex.Tokens():
24 | log('%s %r', tok, lex.s[start:end])
25 |
26 |
27 | class RegexTest(unittest.TestCase):
28 |
29 | def testDotAll(self):
30 | import re
31 |
32 | # Note that $ matches end of line, not end of string
33 | p1 = re.compile(r'.')
34 | print(p1.match('\n'))
35 |
36 | p2 = re.compile(r'.', re.DOTALL)
37 | print(p2.match('\n'))
38 |
39 | #p3 = re.compile(r'[.\n]', re.VERBOSE)
40 | p3 = re.compile(r'[.\n]')
41 | print(p3.match('\n'))
42 |
43 | print('Negation')
44 |
45 | p4 = re.compile(r'[^>]')
46 | print(p4.match('\n'))
47 |
48 |
49 | class TagLexerTest(unittest.TestCase):
50 |
51 | def testTagLexer(self):
52 | # Invalid!
53 | #lex = _MakeTagLexer('< >')
54 | #print(lex.Tag())
55 |
56 | lex = _MakeTagLexer('<a>')
57 | _PrintTokens(lex)
58 |
59 | lex = _MakeTagLexer('<a novalue>')
60 | _PrintTokens(lex)
61 |
62 | # Note: we could have a different HasAttr() method
63 | # <a novalue> means lex.Get('novalue') == None
64 | # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/hasAttribute
65 | self.assertEqual(None, lex.GetAttrRaw('novalue'))
66 |
67 | lex = _MakeTagLexer('<a href="double quoted">')
68 | _PrintTokens(lex)
69 |
70 | self.assertEqual('double quoted', lex.GetAttrRaw('href'))
71 | self.assertEqual(None, lex.GetAttrRaw('oops'))
72 |
73 | lex = _MakeTagLexer('<a href=foo class="bar">')
74 | _PrintTokens(lex)
75 |
76 | lex = _MakeTagLexer('<a href=foo class="bar" />')
77 | _PrintTokens(lex)
78 |
79 | lex = _MakeTagLexer('<a href="?foo=1&bar=2" />')
80 | self.assertEqual('?foo=1&bar=2', lex.GetAttrRaw('href'))
81 |
82 | def testTagName(self):
83 | lex = _MakeTagLexer('<a href=foo class="bar" />')
84 | self.assertEqual('a', lex.TagName())
85 |
86 | def testAllAttrs(self):
87 | """
88 | [('key', 'value')] for all
89 | """
90 | # closed
91 | lex = _MakeTagLexer('<a href=foo class="bar" />')
92 | self.assertEqual([('href', 'foo'), ('class', 'bar')],
93 | lex.AllAttrsRaw())
94 |
95 | lex = _MakeTagLexer('<a href="?foo=1&bar=2" />')
96 | self.assertEqual([('href', '?foo=1&bar=2')], lex.AllAttrsRaw())
97 |
98 |
99 | class LexerTest(unittest.TestCase):
100 |
101 | # IndexLinker in devtools/make_help.py
102 | # <pre> sections in doc/html_help.py
103 | # TocExtractor in devtools/cmark.py
104 |
105 | def testPstrip(self):
106 | """Remove anything like this.
107 |
108 | <p><pstrip> </pstrip></p>
109 | """
110 | pass
111 |
112 | def testCommentParse(self):
113 | n = len(TEST_HTML)
114 | for tok_id, end_pos in html._Tokens(TEST_HTML, 0, n):
115 | if tok_id == html.Invalid:
116 | raise RuntimeError()
117 | print(tok_id)
118 |
119 | Tok = html.Tok
120 | h = '''
121 | hi <!-- line 1
122 | line 2 --><br/>'''
123 | print(repr(h))
124 | lex = html.ValidTokens(h)
125 |
126 | tok_id, pos = next(lex)
127 | self.assertEqual(12, pos)
128 | self.assertEqual(Tok.RawData, tok_id)
129 |
130 | tok_id, pos = next(lex)
131 | log('tok %r', html.TokenName(tok_id))
132 | self.assertEqual(50, pos)
133 | self.assertEqual(Tok.Comment, tok_id)
134 |
135 | tok_id, pos = next(lex)
136 | self.assertEqual(55, pos)
137 | self.assertEqual(Tok.StartEndTag, tok_id)
138 |
139 | tok_id, pos = next(lex)
140 | self.assertEqual(55, pos)
141 | self.assertEqual(Tok.EndOfStream, tok_id)
142 |
143 | def testValid(self):
144 | Tok = html.Tok
145 |
146 | lex = html.ValidTokens('<a>hi</a>')
147 |
148 | tok_id, pos = next(lex)
149 | self.assertEqual(3, pos)
150 | self.assertEqual(Tok.StartTag, tok_id)
151 |
152 | tok_id, pos = next(lex)
153 | self.assertEqual(5, pos)
154 | self.assertEqual(Tok.RawData, tok_id)
155 |
156 | tok_id, pos = next(lex)
157 | self.assertEqual(9, pos)
158 | self.assertEqual(Tok.EndTag, tok_id)
159 |
160 | tok_id, pos = next(lex)
161 | self.assertEqual(9, pos)
162 | self.assertEqual(Tok.EndOfStream, tok_id)
163 |
164 | lex = html.Lexer('<a>hi</a>')
165 | while True:
166 | tok_id, pos = lex.Read()
167 | print('%d %s' % (pos, html.TokenName(tok_id)))
168 | if tok_id == Tok.EndOfStream:
169 | break
170 |
171 | return
172 | tok_id, pos = next(lex)
173 | self.assertEqual(9, pos)
174 | self.assertEqual(Tok.EndOfStream, tok_id)
175 |
176 | while True:
177 | tok_id, pos = next(lex)
178 | print('%d %s' % (pos, html.TokenName(tok_id)))
179 |
180 | def testInvalid(self):
181 | Tok = html.Tok
182 |
183 | lex = html.ValidTokens('<a>&')
184 |
185 | tok_id, pos = next(lex)
186 | self.assertEqual(3, pos)
187 | self.assertEqual(Tok.StartTag, tok_id)
188 |
189 | try:
190 | tok_id, pos = next(lex)
191 | except html.LexError as e:
192 | print(e)
193 | else:
194 | self.fail('Expected LexError')
195 |
196 |
197 | if __name__ == '__main__':
198 | unittest.main()