1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """
3 | strings.py
4 | """
5 | from __future__ import print_function
6 |
7 | import os
8 | from mycpp import mylib
9 | from mycpp.mylib import log
10 |
11 | from typing import List
12 |
13 | __all__ = ['should', 'not', 'appear', 'in C++']
14 | MYLIST = ['zzyyxx']
15 |
16 |
17 | def banner(s):
18 | # type: (str) -> None
19 | print('')
20 | print('=== %s ===' % s)
21 | print('')
22 |
23 |
24 | class Foo(object):
25 |
26 | def __init__(self):
27 | # type: () -> None
28 | self.s = 'mystr'
29 |
30 |
31 | def TestMethods():
32 | # type: () -> None
33 |
34 | s = 'a1bc'
35 |
36 | if s.startswith(''):
37 | print('empty yes')
38 |
39 | if s.startswith('a1'):
40 | print('a1 yes')
41 |
42 | if not s.startswith('zz'):
43 | print('zz no')
44 |
45 | if s.endswith(''):
46 | print('empty yes')
47 |
48 | if s.endswith('bc'):
49 | print('bc yes')
50 |
51 | if s.endswith('c'):
52 | print('bc yes')
53 |
54 | if not s.endswith('zzzzzz'):
55 | print('zzzzzz no')
56 |
57 | # This file is out of date! It thinks it happens in Python 3, but we have
58 | # it in Python 2.7
59 |
60 | # /home/andy/wedge/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/mypy/0.780/mypy/typeshed/stdlib/2/__builtin__.pyi:509: note: "startswith" of "str" defined here
61 |
62 | # Fixed here - https://github.com/python/typeshed/blob/main/stdlib/builtins.pyi
63 | #
64 | # It can be fixed by patching, gah
65 |
66 | # start pos
67 | #if s.startswith('bc', start=2):
68 | # print('bc YES')
69 |
70 | # find(s, start, end) can be used to implement TokenStartsWith() and
71 | # TokenEndsWith(), TokenEquals(), IsPlusEquals(), TokenContains(), etc.
72 |
73 | s = 'aaa-bb-cc'
74 | substrs = [
75 | 'aa',
76 | 'b',
77 | 'z',
78 | 'aaaa', # too long
79 | '',
80 | ]
81 | for substr in substrs:
82 | for start in xrange(0, len(s)):
83 | pos = s.find(substr, start)
84 | print('%s find %s start:%d => %d' % (s, substr, start, pos))
85 |
86 | print('---')
87 |
88 | for substr in substrs:
89 | for end in xrange(0, len(s)):
90 | pos = s.find(substr, 0, end)
91 | print('%s find %s end:%d => %d' % (s, substr, end, pos))
92 |
93 | print('---')
94 |
95 | # empty string test
96 | for start in xrange(0, 3):
97 | for end in xrange(0, 3):
98 | pos = s.find('', start, end)
99 | print('%s find empty [%d, %d) => %d' % (s, start, end, pos))
100 |
101 |
102 | def TestFormat():
103 | # type: () -> None
104 |
105 | banner('TestFormat')
106 |
107 | print('foo' + 'bar')
108 | print('foo' * 3)
109 | obj = Foo()
110 | print('foo' + obj.s)
111 |
112 | s = 'mystr'
113 | print('[%s]' % s)
114 |
115 | s = 'mystr'
116 | print('[%s, %s]' % (s, 'abc'))
117 |
118 | print('%s: 5%%-100%%' % 'abc')
119 |
120 | print('<a href="foo.html">%s</a>' % 'anchor')
121 |
122 | print("foo? %d" % ('f' in s))
123 | print("str? %d" % ('s' in s))
124 |
125 | print("int 5d %5d" % 35)
126 |
127 | print("'single'")
128 | print('"double"')
129 |
130 | # test escape codes
131 | print("a\tb\nc\td\n")
132 |
133 | x = 'x'
134 | print("%s\tb\n%s\td\n" % (x, x))
135 |
136 | fmt = "%dfoo"
137 | print(fmt % 10)
138 |
139 | fmts = ["foo%d"]
140 | print(fmts[0] % 10)
141 |
142 | print(("foo " + "%s") % "bar")
143 |
144 | # NUL bytes
145 | s = "spam\0%s" % "eggs"
146 |
147 | # TODO: There's a bug here -- we get len == 4 in C++, but it should be 9.
148 | # It's either StrFormat() or the bad JSON literals \u0000
149 | if 0:
150 | print("len(s) = %d" % len(s))
151 | print(s)
152 |
153 | s = "foo%s" % "\0bar"
154 | print("len(s) = %d" % len(s))
155 |
156 | print("%o" % 12345)
157 | print("%17o" % 12345)
158 | print("%017o" % 12345)
159 |
160 | print("%%%d%%%%" % 12345)
161 |
162 | print("%r" % "tab\tline\nline\r\n")
163 |
164 | s = 'a1b2c3d4e5'
165 | # Disable step support
166 | # print(s[0:10:2])
167 | # print(s[1:10:2])
168 | print(s.upper())
169 |
170 |
171 | def TestByteOperations():
172 | # type: () -> None
173 | banner('TestByteOperations')
174 |
175 | s = 'foo' * 10
176 |
177 | i = 0
178 | n = len(s)
179 | total = 0
180 | total2 = 0
181 | while i < n:
182 | byte = ord(s[i])
183 | byte2 = mylib.ByteAt(s, i)
184 |
185 | total += byte
186 | total2 += byte2
187 |
188 | i += 1
189 |
190 | if total != total2:
191 | raise AssertionError()
192 |
193 | print('total = %d' % total)
194 | print('total2 = %d' % total2)
195 |
196 |
197 | def TestBytes2():
198 | # type: () -> None
199 |
200 | banner('TestBytes2')
201 |
202 | b = [] # type: List[int]
203 | ch = [] # type: List[str]
204 | for i in xrange(256):
205 | # Shuffle it a bit, make it a better test
206 | j = 255 - i
207 | if j == 2:
208 | j = 0
209 |
210 | b.append(j)
211 | ch.append(chr(j))
212 |
213 | print('len(b) = %d' % len(b))
214 | print('len(ch) = %d' % len(ch))
215 |
216 | all_bytes = ''.join(ch)
217 |
218 | b2 = mylib.JoinBytes(b)
219 | if all_bytes == b2:
220 | print('EQUAL ==')
221 | else:
222 | raise AssertionError('should be equal')
223 |
224 | n = len(all_bytes)
225 | print('len(all_bytes) = %d' % n)
226 | print('')
227 | #print('[%s]' % all_bytes)
228 |
229 | i = 0
230 | while i < n:
231 | byte = mylib.ByteAt(all_bytes, i)
232 | #log('byte = %d', byte)
233 |
234 | if mylib.ByteEquals(byte, '['):
235 | print('LEFT')
236 | if mylib.ByteEquals(byte, ']'):
237 | print('RIGHT')
238 | if mylib.ByteEquals(byte, '\\'):
239 | print('BACKSLASH')
240 |
241 | # TODO: get rid of JSON crap
242 | #if mylib.ByteEqualsStr(byte, '\xff'):
243 | # print('0xff')
244 |
245 | if mylib.ByteEquals(byte, chr(255)):
246 | print('0xff')
247 |
248 | if mylib.ByteInSet(byte, 'abcXYZ'):
249 | print('abcXYZ')
250 |
251 | i += 1
252 |
253 | print('')
254 |
255 |
256 | def run_tests():
257 | # type: () -> None
258 |
259 | TestFormat()
260 | TestMethods()
261 | TestByteOperations()
262 | TestBytes2()
263 |
264 | print('len(MYLIST) = %d' % len(MYLIST))
265 |
266 |
267 | def run_benchmarks():
268 | # type: () -> None
269 | pass
270 |
271 |
272 | if __name__ == '__main__':
273 | if os.getenv('BENCHMARK'):
274 | log('Benchmarking...')
275 | run_benchmarks()
276 | else:
277 | run_tests()