1 | ---
2 | title: Word Language (Oils Reference)
3 | all_docs_url: ..
4 | body_css_class: width40
5 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
6 | preserve_anchor_case: yes
7 | ---
8 |
9 | <div class="doc-ref-header">
10 |
11 | [Oils Reference](index.html) —
12 | Chapter **Word Language**
13 |
14 | </div>
15 |
16 | This chapter describes the word language for OSH and YSH. Words evaluate to
17 | strings, or arrays of strings.
18 |
19 | <span class="in-progress">(in progress)</span>
20 |
21 | <div id="dense-toc">
22 | </div>
23 |
24 | <h2 id="expression">Expressions to Words</h2>
25 |
26 | ### expr-sub
27 |
28 | Try to turn an expression into a string. Examples:
29 |
30 | $ echo $[3 * 2]
31 | 6
32 |
33 | $ var s = 'foo'
34 | $ echo $[s[1:]]
35 | oo
36 |
37 | Some types can't be stringified, like Dict and List:
38 |
39 | $ var d = {k: 42}
40 |
41 | $ echo $[d]
42 | fatal: expected Null, Bool, Int, Float, Eggex
43 |
44 | You can explicitly use `toJson8` or `toJson()`:
45 |
46 | $ echo $[toJson8(d)]
47 | {"k":42}
48 |
49 | (This is similar to `json write (d)`)
50 |
51 | ### expr-splice
52 |
53 | Splicing puts the elements of a `List` into a string array context:
54 |
55 | $ var foods = ['ale', 'bean', 'corn']
56 | $ echo pizza @[foods[1:]] worm
57 | pizza bean corn worm
58 |
59 | This syntax is enabled by `shopt --set` [parse_at][], which is part of YSH.
60 |
61 | [parse_at]: chap-option.html#ysh:upgrade
62 |
63 | ### var-splice
64 |
65 | $ var foods = ['ale', 'bean', 'corn']
66 | echo @foods
67 |
68 | This syntax is enabled by `shopt --set` [parse_at][], which is part of YSH.
69 |
70 |
71 | <h2 id="formatting">Formatting Typed Data as Strings</h2>
72 |
73 | ### ysh-printf
74 |
75 | Not done.
76 |
77 | echo ${x %.3f}
78 |
79 | ### ysh-format
80 |
81 | Not done.
82 |
83 | echo ${x|html}
84 |
85 | ## Quotes
86 |
87 | ### osh-string
88 |
89 | - Single quotes
90 | - Double Quotes
91 | - C-style strings: `$'\n'`
92 |
93 | TODO: elaborate
94 |
95 | ### ysh-string
96 |
97 | YSH strings in the word language are the same as in the expression language.
98 |
99 | See [ysh-string in chap-expr-lang](chap-expr-lang.html#ysh-string).
100 |
101 | ### triple-quoted
102 |
103 | Triple-quoted in the word language are the same as in the expression language.
104 |
105 | See [triple-quoted in chap-expr-lang](chap-expr-lang.html#triple-quoted).
106 |
107 | ### tagged-str
108 |
109 | Not done.
110 |
111 | ## Substitutions
112 |
113 | ### command-sub
114 |
115 | Executes a command and captures its stdout.
116 |
117 | OSH has shell-compatible command sub like `$(echo hi)`. If a trailing newline
118 | is returned, it's removed:
119 |
120 | $ hostname
121 | example.com
122 |
123 | $ echo "/tmp/$(hostname)"
124 | /tmp/example.com
125 |
126 | YSH has spliced command subs, enabled by `shopt --set parse_at`. The result is
127 | a **List** of strings, rather than a single string.
128 |
129 | $ write -- @(echo foo; echo 'with spaces')
130 | foo
131 | with-spaces
132 |
133 | The command's stdout parsed as the "J8 Lines" format, where each line is
134 | either:
135 |
136 | 1. An unquoted string, which must be valid UTF-8. Whitespace is allowed, but
137 | not other ASCII control chars.
138 | 2. A quoted J8 string (JSON style `""` or J8-style `b'' u'' ''`)
139 | 3. An **ignored** empty line
140 |
141 | See [J8 Notation](../j8-notation.html) for more details.
142 |
143 | ### var-sub
144 |
145 | Evaluates to the value of a variable:
146 |
147 | $ x=X
148 | $ echo $x ${x}
149 | X X
150 |
151 | ### arith-sub
152 |
153 | Shell has C-style arithmetic:
154 |
155 | $ echo $(( 1 + 2*3 ))
156 | 7
157 |
158 | ### tilde-sub
159 |
160 | Used as a shortcut for a user's home directory:
161 |
162 | ~/src # my home dir
163 | ~bob/src # user bob's home dir
164 |
165 | ### proc-sub
166 |
167 | Open stdout as a named file in `/dev/fd`, which can be passed to a command:
168 |
169 | diff <(sort L.txt) <(sort R.txt)
170 |
171 | Open stdin as a named file in `/dev/fd`:
172 |
173 | seq 3 | tee >(sleep 1; tac)
174 |
175 |
176 | ## Var Ops
177 |
178 | There are three types of braced variable expansions:
179 |
180 | ${!name*} or ${!name@}
181 | ${!name[@]} or ${!name[*]}
182 | ${ops var ops}
183 |
184 | `name` needs to be a valid identifier. If the expansion matches the first
185 | form, the variable names starting with `name` are generated. Otherwise, if the
186 | expansion matches the second form, the keys of the indexed or associative array
187 | named `name` are generated. When the expansion does not much either the first
188 | or second forms, it is interpreted as the third form of the variable name
189 | surrounded by operators.
190 |
191 |
192 | ### op-bracket
193 |
194 | The value within brackets is called an "index", and retrieves a value from an
195 | array:
196 |
197 | ${A[i+1]}
198 | ${A['key']}
199 |
200 | If `A` is an indexed array, the index is interpreted as an arithmetic
201 | expression. Arithmetic evaluation is performed, and the value at that numeric
202 | offset is retrieved.
203 |
204 | If `A` is an associative array, the index is interpreted as a string. The
205 | value associated with that string is retrieved.
206 |
207 | If `A` is a string, it's treated as an indexed array with a single element,
208 | i.e. so that `${A[0]}` is `${A}`.
209 |
210 | ---
211 |
212 | ${A[*]}
213 | ${A[@]}
214 |
215 | The index expressions `[*]` and `[@]` are special cases. Both generate a word
216 | list of all elements in `a`.
217 |
218 | When the variable substitution is **unquoted**, there's no difference between
219 | `[*]` and `[@]`:
220 |
221 | $ A=(1 2 3)
222 | $ printf '<%s>\n' ${A[*]}
223 | <1>
224 | <2>
225 | <3>
226 |
227 | $ printf '<%s>\n' ${A[@]}
228 | <1>
229 | <2>
230 | <3>
231 |
232 | When double-quoted, the `[*]` form joins the elements by the first character of
233 | `IFS`:
234 |
235 | $ IFS=x
236 | $ printf '<%s>\n' "${A[*]}"
237 | <1x2x3>
238 |
239 | When double-quoted, the `[@]` form generates a word list by splitting the word
240 | at the boundary of every element in `A`:
241 |
242 | $ printf '<%s>\n' "-${A[@]}-"
243 | <-1>
244 | <2>
245 | <3->
246 |
247 | If the container `A` has no elements, and the variable substitution has no
248 | other parts, `[@]` evaluates to an empty word list:
249 |
250 | $ empty=()
251 | $ set -- "${empty[@]}"
252 | $ echo $#
253 | 0
254 |
255 | ---
256 |
257 | These rules for `[*]` and `[@]` also apply to:
258 |
259 | - `$*` and `$@`
260 | - `${!name*}` and `${!name@}`
261 | - `${!name[*]}` and `${!name[@]}`, etc.
262 |
263 | <!--
264 | Note: OSH currently joins the values by `IFS` even for unquoted `$*` and
265 | performs word splitting afterward. This is different from the POSIX standard.
266 | -->
267 |
268 | ### op-indirect
269 |
270 | The indirection operator `!` is a prefix operator, and it interprets the
271 | received string as a variable name `name`, an array element `name[key]`, or an
272 | arrat list `name[@]` / `name[*]` and reads its values.
273 |
274 | $ a=1234
275 | $ v=a
276 | $ echo $v
277 | a
278 | $ echo ${!v}
279 | 1234
280 |
281 | ### op-test
282 |
283 | Shell has boolean operations within `${}`. I use `:-` most frequently:
284 |
285 | x=${1:-default}
286 | osh=${OSH:-default}
287 |
288 | This idiom is also useful:
289 |
290 | : ${LIB_OSH=stdlib/osh}
291 |
292 | ---
293 |
294 | There are test operators with colons, and without:
295 |
296 | ${x-default}
297 | ${x:-default}
298 |
299 | ${x=default}
300 | ${x:=default}
301 |
302 | ${x+other}
303 | ${x:+other}
304 |
305 | ${x?error}
306 | ${x:?error}
307 |
308 | **Without** the colon, the shell checks whether a value is **defined**. In the
309 | case of a word list, e.g. generated by `$*` or `$@`, it tests whether there is
310 | at least one element.
311 |
312 | **With** the colon, the shell checks whether the value is **non-empty** (is not
313 | the empty string). In the case of a word list, the test is performed after
314 | joining the elements by a space.
315 |
316 | Elements are joined by the first character of `IFS` only with double-quoted
317 | `"${*:-}"`.
318 |
319 | In contrast, `${*:-}`, `${@:-}`, and `"${@:-}"` are joined by a space. This is
320 | because the joining of `"$*"` by `IFS` is performed earlier than the joining by
321 | space for the test.
322 |
323 | <!--
324 | Note: OSH currently joins the values by `IFS` even for unquoted `$*`. This is
325 | different from Bash.
326 | -->
327 |
328 | ### op-strip
329 |
330 | Remove prefixes or suffixes from strings:
331 |
332 | echo ${y#prefix}
333 | echo ${y##'prefix'}
334 |
335 | echo ${y%suffix}
336 | echo ${y%%'suffix'}
337 |
338 | The prefix and suffix can be glob patterns, but this usage is discouraged
339 | because it may be slow.
340 |
341 | ### op-patsub
342 |
343 | Replace a substring or pattern.
344 |
345 | The character after the first `/` can be `/` to replace all occurrences:
346 |
347 | $ x=food
348 |
349 | $ echo ${x//o/--} # replace 1 o with 2 --
350 | f----d
351 |
352 | It can be `#` or `%` for an anchored replacement:
353 |
354 | $ echo ${x/#f/--} # left anchored f
355 | --ood
356 |
357 | $ echo ${x/%d/--} # right anchored d
358 | foo--
359 |
360 | The pattern can also be a glob:
361 |
362 | $ echo ${x//[a-z]/o} # replace 1 char with o
363 | oooo
364 |
365 | $ echo ${x//[a-z]+/o} # replace multiple chars
366 | o
367 |
368 | ### op-slice
369 |
370 | echo ${a[@]:1:2}
371 | echo ${@:1:2}
372 |
373 | ### op-format
374 |
375 | ${x@P} evaluates x as a prompt string, i.e. the string that would be printed if
376 | PS1=$x.
377 |
378 | ---
379 |
380 | `${x@Q}` quotes the value of `x`, if necessary, so that it can be evaluated as
381 | a shell word.
382 |
383 | $ x='<'
384 | $ echo "value = $x, quoted = ${x@Q}."
385 | value = <, quoted = '<'.
386 |
387 | $ x=a
388 | $ echo "value = $x, quoted = ${x@Q}."
389 | value = a, quoted = a.
390 |
391 | In the second case, the string `a` doesn't need to be quoted.
392 |
393 | ---
394 |
395 | Format operations like `@Q` generally treat **empty** variables differently
396 | than **unset** variables.
397 |
398 | That is, `${empty@Q}` is the string `''`, while `${unset@Q}` is an empty
399 | string:
400 |
401 | $ x=''
402 | $ echo "value = $x, quoted = ${x@Q}."
403 | value = , quoted = ''.
404 |
405 | $ unset -v x
406 | $ echo "value = $x, quoted = ${x@Q}."
407 | value = , quoted = .
408 |
409 | ---
410 |
411 | `${x@a}` returns characters that represent the attributes of the `${x}`, or
412 | more precisely, the *h-value* of `${x}`.
413 |
414 | Definitions:
415 |
416 | - *h-value* is the variable (or the object that the variable directly points)
417 | from which the result of `${x}` would originally come.
418 | - *r-value* is the value of the expansion of `${x}`
419 |
420 | For example, with `arr=(1 2 3)`:
421 |
422 | <style>
423 | table {
424 | width: 100%;
425 | margin-left: 2em; /* matches p text in manual.css */
426 | }
427 | thead {
428 | text-align: left;
429 | }
430 | </style>
431 |
432 | <table>
433 |
434 | - thead
435 | - Reference
436 | - Expression
437 | - H-value
438 | - R-value
439 | - Flags returned
440 | - tr
441 | - <!-- empty -->
442 | - `${arr[0]@a}` or <br/> `${arr@a}`
443 | - array<br/> `(1 2 3)`
444 | - string<br/> `1`
445 | - `a`
446 | - tr
447 | - <!-- empty -->
448 | - `${arr[@]@a}`
449 | - array<br/> `(1 2 3)`
450 | - array<br/> `(1 2 3)`
451 | - `a a a`
452 | - tr
453 | - `ref=arr` or `ref=arr[0]`
454 | - `${!ref@a}`
455 | - array<br/> `(1 2 3)`
456 | - string<br/> `1`
457 | - `a`
458 | - <!-- empty -->
459 | - tr
460 | - `ref=arr[@]`
461 | - `${!ref@a}`
462 | - array<br/> `(1 2 3)`
463 | - array<br/> `(1 2 3)`
464 | - `a a a`
465 |
466 | </table>
467 |
468 | When `${x}` would result in a word list, `${x@a}` returns a word list
469 | containing the attributes of the *h-value* of each word.
470 |
471 | ---
472 |
473 | These characters may be returned:
474 |
475 | <table>
476 |
477 | - thead
478 | - Character
479 | - Where `${x}` would be obtained
480 | - tr
481 | - `a`
482 | - indexed array
483 | - tr
484 | - `A`
485 | - associative array
486 | - tr
487 | - `r`
488 | - readonly container
489 | - tr
490 | - `x`
491 | - exported variable
492 | - tr
493 | - `n`
494 | - name reference (OSH extension)
495 |
496 | </table>