1 | #ifndef MARKSWEEP_HEAP_H
2 | #define MARKSWEEP_HEAP_H
3 |
4 | #include <stdlib.h>
5 |
6 | #include <vector>
7 |
8 | #include "mycpp/common.h"
9 | #include "mycpp/gc_obj.h"
10 |
11 | class MarkSet {
12 | public:
13 | MarkSet() : bits_() {
14 | }
15 |
16 | // ReInit() must be called at the start of MarkObjects(). Allocate() should
17 | // keep track of the maximum object ID.
18 | void ReInit(int max_obj_id) {
19 | // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8848575/fastest-way-to-reset-every-value-of-stdvectorint-to-0
20 | std::fill(bits_.begin(), bits_.end(), 0);
21 | int max_byte_index = (max_obj_id >> 3) + 1; // round up
22 | // log("ReInit max_byte_index %d", max_byte_index);
23 | bits_.resize(max_byte_index);
24 | }
25 |
26 | // Called by MarkObjects()
27 | void Mark(int obj_id) {
28 | DCHECK(obj_id >= 0);
29 | // log("obj id %d", obj_id);
30 | DCHECK(!IsMarked(obj_id));
31 | int byte_index = obj_id >> 3; // 8 bits per byte
32 | int bit_index = obj_id & 0b111;
33 | // log("byte_index %d %d", byte_index, bit_index);
34 | bits_[byte_index] |= (1 << bit_index);
35 | }
36 |
37 | // Called by Sweep()
38 | bool IsMarked(int obj_id) {
39 | DCHECK(obj_id >= 0);
40 | int byte_index = obj_id >> 3;
41 | int bit_index = obj_id & 0b111;
42 | return bits_[byte_index] & (1 << bit_index);
43 | }
44 |
45 | void Debug() {
46 | int n = bits_.size();
47 | dprintf(2, "[ ");
48 | for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
49 | dprintf(2, "%02x ", bits_[i]);
50 | }
51 | dprintf(2, "] (%d bytes) \n", n);
52 | dprintf(2, "[ ");
53 | int num_bits = 0;
54 | for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
55 | for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
56 | int bit = (bits_[i] & (1 << j)) != 0;
57 | dprintf(2, "%d", bit);
58 | num_bits += bit;
59 | }
60 | }
61 | dprintf(2, " ] (%d bits set)\n", num_bits);
62 | }
63 |
64 | std::vector<uint8_t> bits_; // bit vector indexed by obj_id
65 | };
66 |
67 | // A simple Pool allocator for allocating small objects. It maintains an ever
68 | // growing number of Blocks each consisting of a number of fixed size Cells.
69 | // Memory is handed out one Cell at a time.
70 | // Note: within the context of the Pool allocator we refer to object IDs as cell
71 | // IDs because in addition to identifying an object they're also used to index
72 | // into the Cell storage.
73 | template <int CellsPerBlock, size_t CellSize>
74 | class Pool {
75 | public:
76 | static constexpr size_t kMaxObjSize = CellSize;
77 | static constexpr int kBlockSize = CellSize * CellsPerBlock;
78 |
79 | Pool() = default;
80 |
81 | void* Allocate(int* obj_id) {
82 | num_allocated_++;
83 |
84 | if (!free_list_) {
85 | // Allocate a new Block and add every new Cell to the free list.
86 | Block* block = static_cast<Block*>(malloc(sizeof(Block)));
87 | blocks_.push_back(block);
88 | bytes_allocated_ += kBlockSize;
89 | num_free_ += CellsPerBlock;
90 |
91 | // The starting cell_id for Cells in this block.
92 | int cell_id = (blocks_.size() - 1) * CellsPerBlock;
93 | for (Cell& cell : block->cells) {
94 | FreeCell* free_cell = reinterpret_cast<FreeCell*>(cell);
95 | free_cell->id = cell_id++;
96 | free_cell->next = free_list_;
97 | free_list_ = free_cell;
98 | }
99 | }
100 |
101 | FreeCell* cell = free_list_;
102 | free_list_ = free_list_->next;
103 | num_free_--;
104 | *obj_id = cell->id;
105 | return cell;
106 | }
107 |
108 | void PrepareForGc() {
109 | DCHECK(!gc_underway_);
110 | gc_underway_ = true;
111 | mark_set_.ReInit(blocks_.size() * CellsPerBlock);
112 | }
113 |
114 | bool IsMarked(int cell_id) {
115 | DCHECK(gc_underway_);
116 | return mark_set_.IsMarked(cell_id);
117 | }
118 |
119 | void Mark(int cell_id) {
120 | DCHECK(gc_underway_);
121 | mark_set_.Mark(cell_id);
122 | }
123 |
124 | void Sweep() {
125 | DCHECK(gc_underway_);
126 | // Iterate over every Cell linking the free ones into a new free list.
127 | num_free_ = 0;
128 | free_list_ = nullptr;
129 | int cell_id = 0;
130 | for (Block* block : blocks_) {
131 | for (Cell& cell : block->cells) {
132 | if (!mark_set_.IsMarked(cell_id)) {
133 | num_free_++;
134 | FreeCell* free_cell = reinterpret_cast<FreeCell*>(cell);
135 | free_cell->id = cell_id;
136 | free_cell->next = free_list_;
137 | free_list_ = free_cell;
138 | }
139 | cell_id++;
140 | }
141 | }
142 | gc_underway_ = false;
143 | }
144 |
145 | void Free() {
146 | for (Block* block : blocks_) {
147 | free(block);
148 | }
149 | blocks_.clear();
150 | num_free_ = 0;
151 | }
152 |
153 | int num_allocated() {
154 | return num_allocated_;
155 | }
156 |
157 | int64_t bytes_allocated() {
158 | return bytes_allocated_;
159 | }
160 |
161 | int num_live() {
162 | #ifndef OPTIMIZED
163 | int capacity = blocks_.size() * CellsPerBlock;
164 | // log("Pool capacity = %d", capacity);
165 | // log("Pool num_free_ = %d", num_free_);
166 | DCHECK(num_free_ <= capacity);
167 | #endif
168 | return blocks_.size() * CellsPerBlock - num_free_;
169 | }
170 |
171 | private:
172 | using Cell = uint8_t[CellSize];
173 |
174 | struct Block {
175 | Cell cells[CellsPerBlock];
176 | };
177 |
178 | // Unused/free cells are tracked via a linked list of FreeCells. The FreeCells
179 | // are stored in the unused Cells, so it takes no extra memory to track them.
180 | struct FreeCell {
181 | int id;
182 | FreeCell* next;
183 | };
184 | static_assert(CellSize >= sizeof(FreeCell), "CellSize is too small");
185 |
186 | // Whether a GC is underway, for asserting that calls are in order.
187 | bool gc_underway_ = false;
188 |
189 | FreeCell* free_list_ = nullptr;
190 | int num_free_ = 0;
191 | int num_allocated_ = 0;
192 | int64_t bytes_allocated_ = 0;
193 | std::vector<Block*> blocks_;
194 | MarkSet mark_set_;
195 |
197 | };
198 |
199 | class MarkSweepHeap {
200 | public:
201 | // reserve 32 frames to start
202 | MarkSweepHeap() {
203 | }
204 |
205 | void Init(); // use default threshold
206 | void Init(int gc_threshold);
207 |
208 | void PushRoot(RawObject** p) {
209 | roots_.push_back(p);
210 | }
211 |
212 | void PopRoot() {
213 | roots_.pop_back();
214 | }
215 |
216 | void RootGlobalVar(void* root) {
217 | global_roots_.push_back(reinterpret_cast<RawObject*>(root));
218 | }
219 |
220 | void* Allocate(size_t num_bytes, int* obj_id, int* pool_id);
221 |
222 | #if 0
223 | void* Reallocate(void* p, size_t num_bytes);
224 | #endif
225 | int MaybeCollect();
226 | int Collect();
227 |
228 | void MaybeMarkAndPush(RawObject* obj);
229 | void TraceChildren();
230 |
231 | void Sweep();
232 |
233 | void PrintStats(int fd); // public for testing
234 | void PrintShortStats();
235 |
236 | void CleanProcessExit(); // do one last GC, used in unit tests
237 | void ProcessExit(); // main() lets OS clean up, except ASAN variant
238 |
239 | int num_live() {
240 | return num_live_
241 | #ifndef NO_POOL_ALLOC
242 | + pool1_.num_live() + pool2_.num_live()
243 | #endif
244 | ;
245 | }
246 |
247 | bool is_initialized_ = true; // mark/sweep doesn't need to be initialized
248 |
249 | // Runtime params
250 |
251 | // Threshold is a number of live objects, since we aren't keeping track of
252 | // total bytes
253 | int gc_threshold_;
254 |
255 | // Show debug logging
256 | bool gc_verbose_ = false;
257 |
258 | // Current stats
259 | int num_live_ = 0;
260 | // Should we keep track of sizes?
261 | // int64_t bytes_live_ = 0;
262 |
263 | // Cumulative stats
264 | int max_survived_ = 0; // max # live after a collection
265 | int num_allocated_ = 0;
266 | int64_t bytes_allocated_ = 0; // avoid overflow
267 | int num_gc_points_ = 0; // manual collection points
268 | int num_collections_ = 0;
269 | int num_growths_;
270 | double max_gc_millis_ = 0.0;
271 | double total_gc_millis_ = 0.0;
272 |
273 | #ifndef NO_POOL_ALLOC
274 | // 16,384 / 24 bytes = 682 cells (rounded), 16,368 bytes
275 | // 16,384 / 48 bytes = 341 cells (rounded), 16,368 bytes
276 | // Conveniently, the glibc malloc header is 16 bytes, giving exactly 16 Ki
277 | // differences
278 | Pool<682, 24> pool1_;
279 | Pool<341, 48> pool2_;
280 | #endif
281 |
282 | std::vector<RawObject**> roots_;
283 | std::vector<RawObject*> global_roots_;
284 |
285 | // Allocate() appends live objects, and Sweep() compacts it
286 | std::vector<ObjHeader*> live_objs_;
287 | // Allocate lazily frees these, and Sweep() replenishes it
288 | std::vector<ObjHeader*> to_free_;
289 |
290 | std::vector<ObjHeader*> gray_stack_;
291 | MarkSet mark_set_;
292 |
293 | int greatest_obj_id_ = 0;
294 |
295 | private:
296 | void FreeEverything();
297 | void MaybePrintStats();
298 |
300 | };
301 |
302 | #endif // MARKSWEEP_HEAP_H