// examples/scoped_resource translated by mycpp_main // BEGIN mycpp output #include "mycpp/runtime.h" namespace scoped_resource { // forward declare class MyError; class ctx_BadName; class ctx_NoArgs; class ctx_DirStack; class DirStack; } GLOBAL_STR(S_Aoo, ""); GLOBAL_STR(S_kEC, "< NoArgs"); GLOBAL_STR(S_zrp, "> NoArgs"); GLOBAL_STR(S_mrf, "CWD"); GLOBAL_STR(S_Dsq, "exception"); GLOBAL_STR(S_zCe, "exited with exception"); GLOBAL_STR(S_lqB, "foo"); GLOBAL_STR(S_cEk, "hi"); namespace scoped_resource { // declare class MyError { public: MyError(); static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() { return ObjHeader::ClassScanned(0, sizeof(MyError)); } DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MyError) }; void Error(bool error); class ctx_BadName { public: ctx_BadName(); ~ctx_BadName(); int i{}; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ctx_BadName) }; class ctx_NoArgs { public: ctx_NoArgs(); ~ctx_NoArgs(); DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ctx_NoArgs) }; class ctx_DirStack { public: ctx_DirStack(scoped_resource::DirStack* state, BigStr* entry); ~ctx_DirStack(); scoped_resource::DirStack* state{}; List<BigStr*>* restored{}; int non_pointer_member{}; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ctx_DirStack) }; class DirStack { public: DirStack(); void Reset(); void Push(BigStr* entry); BigStr* Pop(); List<BigStr*>* Iter(); List<BigStr*>* stack{}; static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() { return ObjHeader::ClassScanned(1, sizeof(DirStack)); } DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DirStack) }; void DoWork(scoped_resource::DirStack* d, bool do_raise); void run_tests(); void run_benchmarks(); } // declare namespace scoped_resource namespace scoped_resource { // define MyError::MyError() { ; // pass } void Error(bool error) { if (error) { throw Alloc<MyError>(); } } ctx_BadName::ctx_BadName() { this->i = 42; } ctx_BadName::~ctx_BadName() { this->i = 43; } ctx_NoArgs::ctx_NoArgs() { print(S_zrp); } ctx_NoArgs::~ctx_NoArgs() { print(S_kEC); } ctx_DirStack::ctx_DirStack(scoped_resource::DirStack* state, BigStr* entry) { gHeap.PushRoot(reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&(this->restored))); gHeap.PushRoot(reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&(this->state))); this->state = state; state->Push(entry); this->restored = Alloc<List<BigStr*>>(); this->restored->append(S_lqB); this->non_pointer_member = 42; } ctx_DirStack::~ctx_DirStack() { this->restored->pop(); this->state->Pop(); gHeap.PopRoot(); gHeap.PopRoot(); } DirStack::DirStack() { this->stack = Alloc<List<BigStr*>>(); this->Reset(); } void DirStack::Reset() { this->stack->clear(); this->stack->append(S_mrf); } void DirStack::Push(BigStr* entry) { StackRoot _root0(&entry); this->stack->append(entry); } BigStr* DirStack::Pop() { if (len(this->stack) <= 1) { return nullptr; } this->stack->pop(); return this->stack->at(-1); } List<BigStr*>* DirStack::Iter() { List<BigStr*>* ret = nullptr; StackRoot _root0(&ret); ret = Alloc<List<BigStr*>>(); ret->extend(this->stack); ret->reverse(); return ret; } void DoWork(scoped_resource::DirStack* d, bool do_raise) { StackRoot _root0(&d); { // with ctx_DirStack ctx{d, S_lqB}; mylib::print_stderr(StrFormat(" in context stack %d", len(d->stack))); if (do_raise) { Error(do_raise); } } } void run_tests() { scoped_resource::DirStack* d = nullptr; StackRoot _root0(&d); d = Alloc<DirStack>(); for (ListIter<bool> it(NewList<bool>(std::initializer_list<bool>{false, true})); !it.Done(); it.Next()) { bool do_raise = it.Value(); mylib::print_stderr(S_Aoo); mylib::print_stderr(StrFormat("-> dir stack %d", len(d->stack))); try { DoWork(d, do_raise); } catch (MyError*) { mylib::print_stderr(S_zCe); } mylib::print_stderr(StrFormat("<- dir stack %d", len(d->stack))); } { // with ctx_NoArgs ctx{}; print(S_cEk); } } void run_benchmarks() { scoped_resource::DirStack* d = nullptr; StackRoot _root0(&d); d = Alloc<DirStack>(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) { try { { // with ctx_DirStack ctx{d, S_lqB}; mylib::MaybeCollect(); if ((i % 10000) == 0) { throw Alloc<MyError>(); } } } catch (MyError*) { mylib::print_stderr(S_Dsq); } } } } // define namespace scoped_resource int main(int argc, char **argv) { gHeap.Init(); char* b = getenv("BENCHMARK"); if (b && strlen(b)) { // match Python's logic fprintf(stderr, "Benchmarking...\n"); scoped_resource::run_benchmarks(); } else { scoped_resource::run_tests(); } gHeap.CleanProcessExit(); }