1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Ninja rules for translating Python to C++.
4 | #
5 | # Usage:
6 | # build/ninja-rules-py.sh <function name>
7 | #
8 | # Env variables:
9 | # EXTRA_MYCPP_ARGS - passed to mycpp_main
10 |
11 | set -o nounset
12 | set -o pipefail
13 | set -o errexit
14 |
15 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/.."; pwd)
16 |
17 | source build/dev-shell.sh # python2 in $PATH
18 | #source devtools/types.sh # typecheck-files
19 | source $REPO_ROOT/test/tsv-lib.sh # time-tsv
20 |
21 | die() {
22 | echo "$@" >& 2
23 | exit 1
24 | }
25 |
26 | example-main-wrapper() {
27 | ### Used by mycpp/examples
28 |
29 | local main_module=${1:-fib_iter}
30 |
31 | cat <<EOF
32 | int main(int argc, char **argv) {
33 | gHeap.Init();
34 |
35 | char* b = getenv("BENCHMARK");
36 | if (b && strlen(b)) { // match Python's logic
37 | fprintf(stderr, "Benchmarking...\\n");
38 | $main_module::run_benchmarks();
39 | } else {
40 | $main_module::run_tests();
41 | }
42 |
43 | gHeap.CleanProcessExit();
44 | }
45 | EOF
46 | }
47 |
48 | main-wrapper() {
49 | ### Used by oils-for-unix and yaks
50 | local main_namespace=$1
51 |
52 | cat <<EOF
53 | int main(int argc, char **argv) {
54 | mylib::InitCppOnly(); // Initializes gHeap
55 |
56 | auto* args = Alloc<List<BigStr*>>();
57 | for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
58 | args->append(StrFromC(argv[i]));
59 | }
60 |
61 | int status = $main_namespace::main(args);
62 |
63 | gHeap.ProcessExit();
64 |
65 | return status;
66 | }
67 | EOF
68 | }
69 |
70 | gen-oils-for-unix() {
71 | local main_name=$1
72 | local shwrap_path=$2
73 | local out_prefix=$3
74 | local preamble=$4
75 | shift 4 # rest are inputs
76 |
77 | # Put it in _build/tmp so it's not in the tarball
78 | local tmp=_build/tmp/$(basename $shwrap_path)
79 | mkdir -p $tmp
80 |
81 | local raw_cc=$tmp/${main_name}_raw.cc
82 | local cc_out=${out_prefix}.cc
83 |
84 | local raw_header=$tmp/${main_name}_raw.h
85 | local header_out=${out_prefix}.h
86 |
87 | local mypypath="$REPO_ROOT:$REPO_ROOT/pyext"
88 |
89 | $shwrap_path $mypypath $raw_cc \
90 | --header-out $raw_header \
91 | ${EXTRA_MYCPP_ARGS:-} \
92 | "$@"
93 |
94 | # oils_for_unix -> OILS_FOR_UNIX_MYCPP_H'
95 | local guard=${main_name^^}_MYCPP_H
96 |
97 | { echo "// $main_name.h: translated from Python by mycpp"
98 | echo
99 | echo "#ifndef $guard"
100 | echo "#define $guard"
101 |
102 | cat $raw_header
103 |
104 | echo "#endif // $guard"
105 |
106 | } > $header_out
107 |
108 | { cat <<EOF
109 | // $main_name.cc: translated from Python by mycpp
110 |
111 | // #include "$header_out"
112 |
113 | #include "$preamble"
114 | EOF
115 |
116 | cat $raw_cc
117 |
118 | main-wrapper $main_name
119 | } > $cc_out
120 | }
121 |
122 | print-wrap-cc() {
123 | local translator=$1
124 | local main_module=$2
125 | local in=$3
126 | local preamble_path=$4
127 |
128 | echo "// examples/$main_module translated by $translator"
129 | echo
130 |
131 | if test -f "$preamble_path"; then
132 | echo "#include \"$preamble_path\""
133 | fi
134 |
135 | cat $in
136 |
137 | # main() function
138 | case $translator in
139 | mycpp_main|mycpp_main_souffle)
140 | example-main-wrapper $main_module
141 | ;;
142 | yaks_main)
143 | main-wrapper $main_module
144 | ;;
145 | pea_main)
146 | main-wrapper $main_module
147 | #echo '#include <stdio.h>'
148 | #echo 'int main() { printf("stub\n"); return 1; }'
149 | ;;
150 | *)
151 | die "Invalid translator $translator"
152 | ;;
153 | esac
154 | }
155 |
156 | wrap-cc() {
157 | local out=$1
158 | shift
159 |
160 | # $translator $main_module $in $preamble_path
161 | print-wrap-cc "$@" > $out
162 | }
163 |
164 | # TODO: Move mycpp/example tasks out of Ninja since timing is not a VALUE. It
165 | # depends on the machine, can be done more than once, etc.
166 |
167 | task() {
168 | local bin=$1 # Run this
169 | local task_out=$2
170 | local log_out=$3
171 |
172 | shift 3
173 | # The rest of the args are passed as flags to time-tsv
174 |
175 | case $bin in
176 | (mycpp/examples/*.py)
177 | # we import mycpp.mylib
178 | export PYTHONPATH="$REPO_ROOT/mycpp:$REPO_ROOT/vendor:$REPO_ROOT"
179 | ;;
180 | esac
181 |
182 | case $task_out in
183 | (_test/tasks/benchmark/*)
184 | export BENCHMARK=1
185 | ;;
186 | esac
187 |
188 | time-tsv -o $task_out --rusage "$@" --field $bin --field $task_out -- \
189 | $bin >$log_out 2>&1
190 | }
191 |
192 | example-task() {
193 | ### Run a program in the examples/ dir, either in Python or C++
194 |
195 | local name=$1 # e.g. 'fib_iter'
196 | local impl=$2 # 'Python' or 'C++'
197 |
198 | local bin=$3 # Run this
199 | local task_out=$4
200 | local log_out=$5
201 |
202 | task $bin $task_out $log_out --field $name --field $impl
203 | }
204 |
205 | benchmark-table() {
206 | local out=$1
207 | shift
208 |
209 | # TODO: Use QTT header with types?
210 | { time-tsv --print-header --rusage \
211 | --field example_name --field impl \
212 | --field bin --field task_out
213 |
214 | # Concatenate task files
215 | cat "$@"
216 | } > $out
217 | }
218 |
219 | # Copied from devtools/types.sh
220 |
221 | MYPY_FLAGS='--strict --no-strict-optional'
222 | typecheck-files() {
223 | echo "MYPY $@"
224 |
225 | # TODO: Adjust path for mcypp/examples/modules.py
226 | time MYPYPATH='.:pyext' python3 -m mypy --py2 --follow-imports=silent $MYPY_FLAGS "$@"
227 | }
228 |
229 | typecheck() {
230 | ### Typecheck without translation
231 | local main_py=$1
232 | local out=$2
233 | local skip_imports=${3:-}
234 |
235 | if test -n "$skip_imports"; then
236 | local more_flags='--follow-imports=silent'
237 | else
238 | local more_flags=''
239 | fi
240 |
241 | # Similar to devtools/types.sh
242 |
243 | local status=0
244 |
245 | set +o errexit
246 | typecheck-files $main_py > $out
247 | status=$?
248 | set -o errexit
249 |
250 | if test $status != 0; then
251 | echo "FAIL $main_py"
252 | cat $out
253 | fi
254 |
255 | return $status
256 | }
257 |
258 | logs-equal() {
259 | local out=$1
260 | shift
261 |
262 | mycpp/compare_pairs.py "$@" | tee $out
263 | }
264 |
265 | #
266 | # shwrap rules
267 | #
268 |
269 | shwrap-py() {
270 | ### Part of shell template for Python executables
271 |
272 | local main=$1
273 | echo 'PYTHONPATH=$REPO_ROOT:$REPO_ROOT/vendor exec $REPO_ROOT/'$main' "$@"'
274 | }
275 |
276 | shwrap-mycpp() {
277 | ### Part of shell template for mycpp executable
278 |
279 | cat <<'EOF'
280 | MYPYPATH=$1 # e.g. $REPO_ROOT/mycpp
281 | out=$2
282 | shift 2
283 |
284 | # Modifies $PATH; do not combine
285 | . build/dev-shell.sh
286 |
287 | tmp=$out.tmp # avoid creating partial files
288 |
289 | # The command we want to run
290 | set -- python3 mycpp/mycpp_main.py --cc-out $tmp "$@"
291 |
292 | # If 'time' is on the system, add timing info. (It's not present on some
293 | # Debian CI images)
294 | if which time >/dev/null; then
295 | # 'busybox time' supports -f but not --format.
296 | set -- \
297 | time -f 'MYCPP { elapsed: %e, max_RSS: %M }' -- \
298 | "$@"
299 | fi
300 |
302 | status=$?
303 |
304 | mv $tmp $out
305 | exit $status
306 | EOF
307 | }
308 |
309 | shwrap-pea() {
310 | ### Part of shell template for pea executable
311 |
312 | cat <<'EOF'
313 | MYPYPATH=$1 # e.g. $REPO_ROOT/mycpp
314 | out=$2
315 | shift 2
316 |
317 | tmp=$out.tmp # avoid creating partial files
318 |
319 | # copied from build/dev-shell.sh
320 |
321 | USER_WEDGE_DIR=~/wedge/oils-for-unix.org
322 |
323 | MYPY_VERSION=0.780
325 |
326 | PY3_LIBS_VERSION=2023-03-04
327 | site_packages=lib/python3.10/site-packages
328 | PY3_LIBS_WEDGE=$USER_WEDGE_DIR/pkg/py3-libs/$PY3_LIBS_VERSION/$site_packages
329 |
331 | python3 pea/pea_main.py mycpp "$@" > $tmp
332 | status=$?
333 |
334 | mv $tmp $out
335 | exit $status
336 | EOF
337 | }
338 |
339 | print-shwrap() {
340 | local template=$1
341 | local unused=$2
342 | shift 2
343 |
344 | cat << 'EOF'
345 | #!/bin/sh
346 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/../.."; pwd)
347 | . $REPO_ROOT/build/py2.sh
348 | EOF
349 |
350 | case $template in
351 | py)
352 | local main=$1 # additional arg
353 | shift
354 | shwrap-py $main
355 | ;;
356 | mycpp)
357 | shwrap-mycpp
358 | ;;
359 | pea)
360 | shwrap-pea
361 | ;;
362 | *)
363 | die "Invalid template '$template'"
364 | ;;
365 | esac
366 |
367 | echo
368 | echo '# DEPENDS ON:'
369 | for dep in "$@"; do
370 | echo "# $dep"
371 | done
372 | }
373 |
374 | write-shwrap() {
375 | ### Create a shell wrapper for a Python tool
376 |
377 | # Key point: if the Python code changes, then the C++ code should be
378 | # regenerated and re-compiled
379 |
380 | local unused=$1
381 | local stub_out=$2
382 |
383 | print-shwrap "$@" > $stub_out
384 | chmod +x $stub_out
385 | }
386 |
387 | # sourced by devtools/bin.sh
388 | if test $(basename $0) = 'ninja-rules-py.sh'; then
389 | "$@"
390 | fi