Oils Reference — Chapter Word Language

This chapter describes the word language for OSH and YSH. Words evaluate to strings, or arrays of strings.

(in progress)

In This Chapter

Expressions to Words


Try to turn an expression into a string. Examples:

$ echo $[3 * 2]

$ var s = 'foo'
$ echo $[s[1:]]

Some types can't be stringified, like Dict and List:

$ var d = {k: 42}

$ echo $[d]
fatal: expected Null, Bool, Int, Float, Eggex

You can explicitly use toJson8 or toJson():

$ echo $[toJson8(d)]

(This is similar to json write (d))


Splicing puts the elements of a List into a string array context:

$ var foods = ['ale', 'bean', 'corn']
$ echo pizza @[foods[1:]] worm
pizza bean corn worm

This syntax is enabled by shopt --set parse_at, which is part of YSH.


$ var foods = ['ale', 'bean', 'corn']
echo @foods

This syntax is enabled by shopt --set parse_at, which is part of YSH.

Formatting Typed Data as Strings


Not done.

echo ${x %.3f}


Not done.

echo ${x|html}



TODO: elaborate


YSH strings in the word language are the same as in the expression language.

See ysh-string in chap-expr-lang.


Triple-quoted in the word language are the same as in the expression language.

See triple-quoted in chap-expr-lang.


Not done.



Executes a command and captures its stdout.

OSH has shell-compatible command sub like $(echo hi). If a trailing newline is returned, it's removed:

$ hostname

$ echo "/tmp/$(hostname)"

YSH has spliced command subs, enabled by shopt --set parse_at. The result is a List of strings, rather than a single string.

$ write -- @(echo foo; echo 'with spaces')

The command's stdout parsed as the "J8 Lines" format, where each line is either:

  1. An unquoted string, which must be valid UTF-8. Whitespace is allowed, but not other ASCII control chars.
  2. A quoted J8 string (JSON style "" or J8-style b'' u'' '')
  3. An ignored empty line

See J8 Notation for more details.


Evaluates to the value of a variable:

$ x=X
$ echo $x ${x}


Shell has C-style arithmetic:

$ echo $(( 1 + 2*3 ))


Used as a shortcut for a user's home directory:

~/src     # my home dir
~bob/src  # user bob's home dir


Open stdout as a named file in /dev/fd, which can be passed to a command:

diff <(sort L.txt) <(sort R.txt)

Open stdin as a named file in /dev/fd:

seq 3 | tee >(sleep 1; tac)

Var Ops

There are three types of braced variable expansions:

${!name*} or ${!name@}
${!name[@]} or ${!name[*]}
${ops var ops}

name needs to be a valid identifier. If the expansion matches the first form, the variable names starting with name are generated. Otherwise, if the expansion matches the second form, the keys of the indexed or associative array named name are generated. When the expansion does not much either the first or second forms, it is interpreted as the third form of the variable name surrounded by operators.


The suffix operator of the form [key] is used to reference inner strings of the operand value. For an indexed array ${array[index]} can be used to specify an array element at offset index, where index undergoes arithmetic evaluation. For an associated array, ${assoc[key]} can be used to specify a value associated with key. A scalar value is treated as if an indexed array with a single element, with itself contained at index 0.

[*] and [@] are the special cases, which override the normal meaning. Both generate a word list of all elements in the operand. When the variable substituion is unquoted by double quotations, there is no difference between [*] and [@]:

$ IFS=x
$ a=(1 2 3)
$ printf '<%s>\n' ${a[*]}
$ printf '<%s>\n' ${a[@]}

When the variable substituion is inside double quotations, the [*] form joins the elements by the first character of IFS:

$ printf '<%s>\n' "${a[*]}"

The [@] form quoted inside double quotation generates a word list by spliting the word at the boundary of every element pair in the operand:

$ printf '<%s>\n' "A${a[@]}Z"

If the operand has no element and the word is just double quotation of only the variable substitution, [@] results in an empty word list:

$ empty=()
$ set -- "${empty[@]}"
$ echo $#

These rules for [*] and [@] also apply to $* and $@, ${!name*} and ${!name@}, ${!name[*]} and ${!name[@]}, etc.

Note: OSH currently joins the values by IFS even for unquoted $* and performs word splitting afterward. This is different from the POSIX standard.


The indirection operator ! is a prefix operator, and it interprets the received string as a variable name name, an array element name[key], or an arrat list name[@] / name[*] and reads its values.

$ a=1234
$ v=a
$ echo $v
$ echo ${!v}


Shell has boolean operations within ${}. I use :- most frequently:


This idiom is also useful:

: ${LIB_OSH=stdlib/osh}

The colonless form checks whether the value exists. It evaluates to false if the variable is unset. In the case of a word list generated by e.g. $* and $@, it tests whether there is at least one element.

The form with a colon checks whether the resulting string is non-empty. In the case of a word list generated by e.g. $* and $@, the test is performed after joining the elements by a space . It should be noted that elements are joined by the first character of IFS only with double-quoted "${*:-}", while ${*:-}, ${@:-}, and "${@:-}" are joined by a space . This is because the joining of "$*" by IFS is performed earlier than the joining by for the test.

Note: OSH currently joins the values by IFS even for unquoted $*. This is different from Bash.


Remove prefixes or suffixes from strings:

echo ${y#prefix}
echo ${y##'prefix'}

echo ${y%suffix}
echo ${y%%'suffix'}

The prefix and suffix can be glob patterns, but this usage is discouraged because it may be slow.


Replace a substring or pattern.

The character after the first / can be / to replace all occurrences:

$ x=food

$ echo ${x//o/--}      # replace 1 o with 2 --

It can be # or % for an anchored replacement:

$ echo ${x/#f/--}      # left anchored f

$ echo ${x/%d/--}      # right anchored d

The pattern can also be a glob:

$ echo ${x//[a-z]/o}   # replace 1 char with o

$ echo ${x//[a-z]+/o}  # replace multiple chars


echo ${a[@]:1:2}
echo ${@:1:2}


${x@P} evaluates x as a prompt string, i.e. the string that would be printed if PS1=$x.

${x@Q} quotes the value of x, if necessary, so that it can be evaluated as a shell word.

$ x='<'
$ echo "value = $x, quoted = ${x@Q}."
value = <, quoted = '<'.

$ x=a
$ echo "value = $x, quoted = ${x@Q}."
value = a, quoted = a.

In the second case, the string a doesn't need to be quoted.

Format operations like @Q generally treat empty variables differently than unset variables.

That is, ${empty@Q} is the string '', while ${unset@Q} is an empty string:

$ x=''
$ echo "value = $x, quoted = ${x@Q}."
value = , quoted = ''.

$ unset -v x
$ echo "value = $x, quoted = ${x@Q}."
value = , quoted = .

${x@a} returns characters that represent the attributes of the ${x}, or more precisely, the h-value of ${x}.


For example, with arr=(1 2 3):

Reference Expression H-value R-value Flags returned
${arr[0]@a} or
(1 2 3)
${arr[@]@a} array
(1 2 3)
(1 2 3)
a a a
ref=arr or ref=arr[0] ${!ref@a} array
(1 2 3)
ref=arr[@] ${!ref@a} array
(1 2 3)
(1 2 3)
a a a

When ${x} would result in a word list, ${x@a} returns a word list containing the attributes of the h-value of each word.

These characters may be returned:

Character Where ${x} would be obtained
a indexed array
A associative array
r readonly container
x exported variable
n name reference (OSH extension)
Generated on Fri, 03 Jan 2025 00:51:34 +0000