1 | ---
2 | in_progress: yes
3 | ---
4 |
5 | How We Build Oils Documentation
6 | ================================
7 |
8 | 1. Write Markdown by hand, with optional "front matter".
9 | 2. Render Markdown to HTML, and run the result through our own HTML filters.
10 | 3. Publish static HTML to <https://www.oilshell.org/>.
11 |
12 | The code is in the [doctools/]($oils-src) directory, which uses the
13 | [lazylex/]($oils-src) library.
14 |
15 | <div id="toc">
16 | </div>
17 |
18 | ## Quick Start
19 |
20 | To build and preview this doc, run:
21 |
22 | build/doc.sh split-and-render doc/doc-toolchain.md
23 |
24 | Open the path in prints in your browser
25 | (`_release/VERSION/doc/doc-toolchain.html`).
26 |
27 | ## Front Matter and Title
28 |
29 | Most docs start with something like this:
30 |
31 | ---
32 | in_progress: yes
33 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
34 | ---
35 |
36 | My Title
37 | ========
38 |
39 | Hello
40 |
41 | The "front matter" between `---` lines is metadata for rendering the doc.
42 | Github's web UI understands and renders it.
43 |
44 | ## Plugins That Transform HTML
45 |
46 | We have some HTML plugins that make writing **markdown** easier.
47 | Note that [CommonMark][] tightens up the rules for embedding HTML in Markdown,
48 | and that is very useful.
49 |
50 | [CommonMark]: https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2018/02/14.html
51 |
52 | ### Table of Contents
53 |
54 | Insert this into the doc
55 |
56 | <div id="toc">
57 | </div>
58 |
59 | and it will be expanded into a table of contents derived from `h2` and `h3`
60 | tags.
61 |
62 | ### Link Shortcuts, e.g. `$xref`
63 |
64 | Markdown:
65 |
66 | The [GNU bash shell]($xref:bash)
67 |
68 | After [CommonMark][]:
69 |
70 | The <a href="$xref:bash">GNU bash shell</a>
71 |
72 | After our `$xref:` plugin:
73 |
74 | The <a href="/cross-ref.html#bash">GNU bash shell</a>
75 |
76 | Example: The [GNU bash shell]($xref:bash)
77 |
78 | ---
79 |
80 | If the argument is omitted, then the **anchor text** is used. So you can just write:
81 |
82 | [bash][]
83 |
84 | and it will become:
85 |
86 | The <a href="/cross-ref.html#bash">bash</a>
87 |
88 | Example: [bash][]
89 |
90 | [bash]: $xref
91 |
92 | List of plugins:
93 |
94 | - `$xref:bash` expands to `/cross-ref.html#bash` (shown above)
95 | - `$blog-tag:oil-release` expands to `/blog/tags.html#oil-release`
96 | - `$oils-src`
97 |
98 | See the raw and rendered versions of this doc for more:
99 |
100 | - [doc-plugins.md][]
101 | - [doc-plugins.html](doc-plugins.html)
102 |
103 | [doc-plugins.md]: $oils-src:doc/doc-plugins.md
104 |
105 | ### Syntax Highlighting of Code Blocks
106 |
107 | Use Markdown's fenced code blocks like this:
108 |
109 | ```oil-sh
110 | ysh$ var x = 'hello world'
111 | ysh$ echo $x
112 | hello world
113 | ```
114 |
115 | Example:
116 |
117 | ```oil-sh
118 | ysh$ var x = 'hello world'
119 | ysh$ echo $x
120 | hello world
121 | ```
122 |
123 |
124 | Or you can set `default_highlighter` for blocks indented by 4 spaces.
125 |
126 | Again see [doc-plugins.md][] for examples.
127 |
128 | ## Convenient Tables with `ul-table`
129 |
130 | See this doc: [ul-table: Markdown Tables Without New Syntax](ul-table.html)
131 | ## Code Location
132 |
133 | - [build/doc.sh]($oils-src) drives the tools in [doctools/]($oils-src).
134 | - Markdown files are in [doc/]($oils-src).
135 |
136 | ## Related
137 |
138 | - [Examples of HTML Plugins](doc-plugins.html)
139 | - [ul-table: Markdown Tables Without New Syntax](ul-table.html)